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2011-10-11 22:32:46 +00:00
Author: Maikel, ST-DDT
Pumps liquids using drain and source pipes.
#include Library_Ownable
#include Library_PowerConsumer
// This object is a liquid pump, thus pipes can be connected.
public func IsLiquidPump() { return true; }
public func Construction(object creator)
if (!creator) return;
var dir = creator->~GetConstructionDirection();
if (dir)
return _inherited(creator, ...);
protected func Initialize()
turned_on = true;
/*-- Interaction --*/
local turned_on;
public func IsInteractable() { return GetCon() >= 100; }
public func GetInteractionMetaInfo(object clonk)
if (turned_on)
return { Description = "$MsgTurnOff$", IconName = nil, IconID = nil };
return { Description = "$MsgTurnOn$", IconName = nil, IconID = nil };
// On interaction the pump can be turned on or off.
public func Interact(object clonk)
if (turned_on)
turned_on = false;
turned_on = true;
return true;
/*-- Pipe connection --*/
local source_pipe;
local drain_pipe;
// Set-Getters for source and drain pipe.
public func SetSource(object pipe) { source_pipe = pipe; }
public func GetSource() { return source_pipe; }
public func SetDrain(object pipe) { drain_pipe = pipe; }
public func GetDrain() { return drain_pipe; }
func QueryWaivePowerRequest()
// don't need power if not pumping anyway
if(GetAction() == "Wait")
return 50;
return 0;
func OnNotEnoughPower()
if(GetAction() == "Pump")
return _inherited(...);
func OnEnoughPower()
return _inherited(...);
protected func OnPumpStart()
if (!ReadyToPump())
protected func OnWaitStart()
if (GetCon() < 100) return;
if (ReadyToPump())
2011-10-11 22:32:46 +00:00
local aMaterials=["", 0]; //contained liquids
local pumpable_materials; // materials that can be pumped
2011-10-11 22:32:46 +00:00
protected func Pumping()
// Only if turned on.
if (!turned_on)
return SetAction("Wait");
// Pump liquids.
if (!source_pipe)
return SetAction("Wait");
2011-10-11 22:32:46 +00:00
if ((aMaterials[1] == 0) || (aMaterials[0] == ""))
//Get new Materials
aMaterials = source_pipe->GetLiquid(pumpable_materials, 5, this, true);
2011-10-11 22:32:46 +00:00
//No Material to pump?
if ((aMaterials[0] == "") || (aMaterials[1] == 0))
if (drain_pipe)
aMaterials[1] -= BoundBy(drain_pipe->PutLiquid(aMaterials[0], aMaterials[1], this), 0, aMaterials[1]);
var i = Max(0, aMaterials[1]), itMaterial = Material(aMaterials[0]);
while (i--)
aMaterials = ["", 0];
//maybe add the possebility to empty pump (invaild mats?)
// Returns whether the pump can pump some liquid.
private func ReadyToPump()
// no power?
return false;
// If there is no source pipe, return false.
if (!source_pipe)
return false;
// If there is nothing to pump at the source return false.
var source = source_pipe->GetConnectedObject(this);
if (!source)
return false;
if (!source->GBackLiquid())
return false;
// TODO: Account for pumping into buildings.
// Pumping is okay.
return true;
Set name or wildcard string of materials this pump can pump
@param to_val: Material that can be pumped. 0 or "*" for any material.
public func SetPumpableMaterials(string to_val)
pumpable_materials = to_val;
return true;
local Name = "$Name$";
2012-04-15 11:13:14 +00:00
local Description = "$Description$";
local BlastIncinerate = 50;
local ActMap = {
Pump = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Pump",
Procedure = DFA_NONE,
Length = 20,
Delay = 3,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 1,
X = 0,
Y = 0,
Wdt = 28,
Hgt = 32,
NextAction = "Pump",
StartCall = "OnPumpStart",
2011-10-11 22:32:46 +00:00
PhaseCall = "Pumping"
Wait = {
Prototype = Action,
Name = "Wait",
Procedure = DFA_NONE,
Length = 1,
Delay = 50,
Directions = 2,
FlipDir = 1,
X = 0,
Y = 0,
Wdt = 28,
Hgt = 32,
NextAction = "Wait",
2011-10-11 22:32:46 +00:00
StartCall = "OnWaitStart"