
461 lines
13 KiB
Raw Normal View History

Cutscene to be watched by all players.
Start calling global func StartSequence, stop using StopSequence
Can also be used as a trigger object for UserActions.
@author Sven
local seq_name;
local seq_progress;
local started;
/* Start and stop */
public func Start(string name, int progress, ...)
if (started)
// Force global coordinates for the script execution.
SetPosition(0, 0);
// Store sequence name and progress.
this.seq_name = name;
this.seq_progress = progress;
// Call init function of this scene - difference to start function is that it is called before any player joins.
var fn_init = Format("~%s_Init", seq_name);
if (!Call(fn_init, ...))
GameCall(fn_init, this, ...);
// Join all players: disable player controls and call join player of this scene.
for (var i = 0; i < GetPlayerCount(C4PT_User); ++i)
var plr = GetPlayerByIndex(i, C4PT_User);
started = true;
// Sound effect.
Sound("UI::Ding", true);
// Call start function of this scene.
var fn_start = Format("%s_Start", seq_name);
if (!Call(fn_start, ...))
GameCall(fn_start, this, ...);
return true;
protected func InitializePlayer(int plr)
return true;
public func RemovePlayer(int plr)
// Called by sequence if it ends and by engine if player leaves.
var fn_remove = Format("~%s_RemovePlayer", seq_name);
if (!Call(fn_remove, plr))
GameCall(fn_remove, this, plr);
return true;
public func JoinPlayer(int plr)
var j = 0, crew;
while (crew = GetCrew(plr, j++))
//if (crew == GetCursor(plr)) crew.Sequence_was_cursor = true; else crew.Sequence_was_cursor = nil;
if (crew->GetMenu())
if (!crew->GetMenu()->~Uncloseable())
crew.Sequence_stored_breath = crew->GetBreath();
// Per-player sequence callback.
var fn_join = Format("~%s_JoinPlayer", seq_name);
if (!Call(fn_join, plr))
GameCall(fn_join, this, plr);
return true;
public func Stop(bool no_remove)
if (started)
2014-08-23 16:44:28 +00:00
// Reenable crew and reset cursor.
for (var i = 0; i<GetPlayerCount(C4PT_User); ++i)
var plr = GetPlayerByIndex(i, C4PT_User);
var j = 0, crew;
while (crew = GetCrew(plr, j++))
// just in case clonk was underwater
var breath_diff = crew.Sequence_stored_breath - crew->GetBreath();
crew.Sequence_stored_breath = nil;
if (breath_diff) crew->DoBreath(breath_diff + 100); // give some bonus breath for the distraction
//if (crew.Sequence_was_cursor) SetCursor(plr, crew);
// Ensure proper cursor.
if (!GetCursor(plr))
SetCursor(plr, GetCrew(plr));
if (crew = GetCursor(plr))
SetPlrView(plr, crew);
// Per-player sequence callback.
Sound("UI::Ding", true);
started = false;
// Call stop function of this scene.
var fn_init = Format("~%s_Stop", seq_name);
if (!Call(fn_init))
GameCall(fn_init, this);
if (!no_remove)
return true;
protected func Destruction()
/*-- Sequence callbacks --*/
public func ScheduleNext(int delay, next_idx)
return ScheduleCall(this, this.CallNext, delay, 1, next_idx);
public func ScheduleSame(int delay) { return ScheduleNext(delay, seq_progress); }
public func CallNext(next_idx)
// Start conversation context.
// Update dialogue progress first.
if (GetType(next_idx))
seq_progress = next_idx;
// Then call relevant functions.
var fn_progress = Format("%s_%d", seq_name, seq_progress);
if (!Call(fn_progress))
GameCall(fn_progress, this);
return true;
/*-- Force view on target --*/
// Force all player views on given target
public func SetViewTarget(object view_target)
ClearScheduleCall(this, this.UpdateViewTarget);
if (view_target)
ScheduleCall(this, this.UpdateViewTarget, 30, 999999999, view_target);
for (var i = 0; i < GetPlayerCount(C4PT_User); ++i)
var plr = GetPlayerByIndex(i, C4PT_User);
SetPlrView(plr, GetCursor(plr));
return true;
private func UpdateViewTarget(object view_target)
// Force view of all players on target.
if (!view_target)
for (var i=0; i < GetPlayerCount(C4PT_User); ++i)
var plr = GetPlayerByIndex(i, C4PT_User);
SetPlrView(plr, view_target);
/*-- Message function forwards --*/
public func MessageBoxAll(string message, object talker, bool as_message, ...)
return Dialogue->MessageBoxAll(message, talker, as_message, ...);
private func MessageBox(string message, object clonk, object talker, int for_player, bool as_message, ...)
return Dialogue->MessageBox(message, clonk, talker, for_player, as_message, ...);
/*-- Helper Functions --*/
// Helper function to get a speaker in sequences.
public func GetHero(object nearest_obj)
// Prefer object stored as hero - if not assigned, find someone close to specified object.
if (!this.hero)
if (nearest_obj)
this.hero = nearest_obj->FindObject(Find_ID(Clonk), Find_Not(Find_Owner(NO_OWNER)), nearest_obj->Sort_Distance());
this.hero = FindObject(Find_ID(Clonk), Find_Not(Find_Owner(NO_OWNER)));
// If there is still no hero, take any clonk. Let the NPCs do the sequence among themselves.
// (to prevent null pointer exceptions if all players left during the sequence)
if (!this.hero)
this.hero = FindObject(Find_ID(Clonk));
// Might return nil if all players are gone and there are no NPCs. Well, there was noone to listen anyway.
return this.hero;
// Scenario section overload: automatically transfers all player clonks.
public func LoadScenarioSection(name, ...)
// Store objects: All clonks and sequence object
this.save_objs = [];
var iplr, plr;
for (iplr = 0; iplr < GetPlayerCount(C4PT_User); ++iplr)
plr = GetPlayerByIndex(iplr, C4PT_User);
for (var icrew = 0, crew; icrew < GetCrewCount(iplr); ++icrew)
if (crew = GetCrew(plr, icrew))
var save_objs = this.save_objs;
// Load new section
var result = inherited(name, ...);
// Restore objects
for (var obj in save_objs)
if (obj)
if (this)
this.save_objs = nil;
// Recover HUD
for (iplr = 0; iplr < GetPlayerCount(C4PT_User); ++iplr)
plr = GetPlayerByIndex(iplr, C4PT_User);
var HUDcontroller = FindObject(Find_ID(GUI_Controller), Find_Owner(plr));
if (!HUDcontroller) HUDcontroller = CreateObjectAbove(GUI_Controller, 10, 10, plr);
return result;
// Flag obj and any contained stuff for scenario saving.
public func AddSectSaveObj(object obj)
if (!obj)
return false;
this.save_objs[GetLength(this.save_objs)] = obj;
var cont, i = 0;
while (cont = obj->Contents(i++))
return obj->SetObjectStatus(C4OS_INACTIVE);
/*-- Global helper functions --*/
// Starts the specified sequence at indicated progress.
global func StartSequence(string name, int progress, ...)
var seq = CreateObject(Sequence, 0, 0, NO_OWNER);
seq->Start(name, progress, ...);
return seq;
// Stops the currently active sequence.
global func StopSequence()
var seq = FindObject(Find_ID(Sequence));
if (!seq)
return false;
return seq->Stop();
// Returns the currently active sequence.
global func GetActiveSequence()
var seq = FindObject(Find_ID(Sequence));
return seq;
/* User-made sequences from the editor */
local trigger, condition, action, action_progress_mode, action_allow_parallel;
local active=true;
local check_interval=12;
local deactivate_after_action; // If true, finished is set to true after the first execution and the trigger deactivated
// finished: Disables the trigger. true if trigger has run and deactivate_after_action is set to true.
// Note that this flag is not saved in scenarios, so saving as scenario and reloading will re-enable all triggers (for editor mode)
local finished;
public func Definition(def)
if (!def.EditorActions) def.EditorActions = {};
def.EditorActions.Test = { Name="$Test$", Command="OnTrigger(nil, nil, true)" };
if (!def.EditorProps) def.EditorProps = {}; = { Name="$Active$", Type="bool", Set="SetActive" };
def.EditorProps.finished = { Name="$Finished$", Type="bool", Set="SetFinished" };
def.EditorProps.trigger = { Name="$Trigger$", Type="enum", OptionKey="Trigger", Options = [
{ Name="$None$" },
{ Name="$EnterRegionRect$", Value={ Trigger="enter_region_rect", Rect=[-20, -20, 40, 40] }, ValueKey="Rect", Delegate={ Type="rect", Relative=true, Set="SetTriggerRect", SetRoot=true } } // TODO: Allow runtime update of search fn
] };
def.EditorProps.condition = UserAction.Evaluator.Condition;
def.EditorProps.action = UserAction.Prop;
def.EditorProps.action_progress_mode = UserAction.PropProgressMode;
def.EditorProps.action_allow_parallel = UserAction.PropParallel;
def.EditorProps.deactivate_after_action = { Name="$DeactivateAfterAction$", Type="bool" };
public func SetTrigger(new_trigger)
trigger = new_trigger;
// Set trigger: Restart any specific trigger timers
if (active && !finished)
return true;
public func SetTriggerRect(new_trigger_rect)
if (trigger && trigger.Rect)
trigger.Rect = new_trigger_rect;
SetTrigger(trigger); // restart trigger
public func SetAction(new_action, new_action_progress_mode, new_action_allow_parallel)
action = new_action;
action_progress_mode = new_action_progress_mode;
action_allow_parallel = new_action_allow_parallel;
return true;
public func SetActive(bool new_active, bool force_triggers)
if (active == new_active && !force_triggers) return true;
active = new_active;
if (active && !finished)
// Activated: Start trigger
// Inactive or inactive by editor run: Stop trigger
return true;
public func SetFinished(bool new_finished)
finished = new_finished;
return SetActive(active, true);
public func SetDeactivateAfterAction(bool new_val)
deactivate_after_action = new_val;
return true;
public func StartTrigger()
if (!trigger) return false;
var fn = trigger.Trigger;
if (fn == "enter_region_rect")
this.search_mask = Find_And(Find_InRect(trigger.Rect[0], trigger.Rect[1], trigger.Rect[2], trigger.Rect[3]), Find_OCF(OCF_Alive), Find_Func("IsClonk"), Find_Not(Find_Owner(NO_OWNER)));
AddTimer(this.EnterRegionTimer, check_interval);
else return false;
return true;
public func StopTrigger()
// Remove any timers that may have been added
return true;
private func EnterRegionTimer()
for (var clonk in FindObjects(this.search_mask))
if (!clonk) continue; // deleted by previous execution
OnTrigger(clonk, clonk->GetOwner());
if (active != true) break; // deactivated by trigger
public func OnTrigger(object triggering_clonk, int triggering_player, bool is_editor_test)
// Editor test: Triggered by first player
if (is_editor_test)
if (GetPlayerCount(C4PT_User)) triggering_player = GetPlayerByIndex();
// Check condition
if (!UserAction->EvaluateCondition(action, this, triggering_clonk, triggering_player)) return false;
// Only one action at the time
if (!action_allow_parallel) StopTrigger();
// Execute action
return UserAction->EvaluateAction(action, this, triggering_clonk, triggering_player, action_progress_mode, action_allow_parallel, this.OnActionFinished);
private func OnActionFinished(context)
// Callback from EvaluateAction: Action finished. Deactivate action if desired.
if (deactivate_after_action)
else if (active && !finished && !action_allow_parallel)
return true;
/*-- Saving --*/
// No scenario saving.
public func SaveScenarioObject(props, ...)
if (!_inherited(props, ...)) return false;
// Do not save script-created sequences
if (this.seq_name) return false;
// Save editor-made sequences
if (save_scenario_dup_objects && finished) // finished flag only copied for object duplication; not saved in savegames
props->AddCall("Active", this, "SetFinished", finished);
if (!active) props->AddCall("Active", this, "SetActive", active);
if (trigger) props->AddCall("Trigger", this, "SetTrigger", trigger);
if (condition) props->AddCall("Condition", this, "SetCondition", condition);
if (action || action_progress_mode || action_allow_parallel) props->AddCall("Action", this, "SetAction", action, action_progress_mode, action_allow_parallel);
if (deactivate_after_action) props->AddCall("DeactivateAfterAction", this, "SetDeactivateAfterAction", deactivate_after_action);
return false;