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2016-03-17 20:51:35 +00:00
Producer System
Unit tests for the producers system. Invokes tests by calling the
global function Test*_OnStart(int plr) and iterate through all
tests. The test is completed once Test*_Completed() returns
true. Then Test*_OnFinished() is called, to be able to reset
the scenario for the next test.
With LaunchTest(int nr) a specific test can be launched when
called during runtime. A test can be skipped by calling the
function SkipTest().
@author Maikel (unit test logic), Marky (tests)
static const EXPECTED_TESTS = 15;
2016-03-17 20:51:35 +00:00
protected func Initialize()
// Energy is not our concern in this test
protected func InitializePlayer(int plr)
// Set zoom to full map size.
SetPlayerZoomByViewRange(plr, LandscapeWidth(), nil, PLRZOOM_Direct);
// No FoW to see everything happening.
SetFoW(false, plr);
// All players belong to the first team.
// The second team only exists for testing.
SetPlayerTeam(plr, 1);
// Move player to the start of the scenario.
GetCrew(plr)->SetPosition(120, 150);
// Some knowledge to construct a flagpole.
SetPlrKnowledge(plr, Flagpole);
// Add test control effect.
var effect = AddEffect("IntTestControl", nil, 100, 2);
effect.testnr = 1;
effect.launched = false;
effect.plr = plr;
/*-- Test Control --*/
// Aborts the current test and launches the specified test instead.
global func LaunchTest(int nr)
// Get the control effect.
var effect = GetEffect("IntTestControl", nil);
if (!effect)
// Create a new control effect and launch the test.
effect = AddEffect("IntTestControl", nil, 100, 2);
effect.testnr = nr;
effect.launched = false;
effect.plr = GetPlayerByIndex(0, C4PT_User);
// Finish the currently running test.
Call(Format("~Test%d_OnFinished", effect.testnr));
// Start the requested test by just setting the test number and setting
// effect.launched to false, effect will handle the rest.
effect.testnr = nr;
effect.launched = false;
// Calling this function skips the current test, does not work if last test has been ran already.
global func SkipTest()
// Get the control effect.
var effect = GetEffect("IntTestControl", nil);
if (!effect)
// Finish the previous test.
Call(Format("~Test%d_OnFinished", effect.testnr));
// Start the next test by just increasing the test number and setting
// effect.launched to false, effect will handle the rest.
effect.launched = false;
/*-- Test Effect --*/
global func FxIntTestControlStart(object target, proplist effect, int temporary)
if (temporary)
return FX_OK;
// Set default interval.
effect.Interval = 2;
return FX_OK;
global func FxIntTestControlTimer(object target, proplist effect)
// Launch new test if needed.
if (!effect.launched)
// Log test start.
Log("Test %d started:", effect.testnr);
// Start the test if available, otherwise finish test sequence.
if (!Call(Format("~Test%d_OnStart", effect.testnr), effect.plr))
Log("Test %d not available, the previous test was the last test.", effect.testnr);
if (effect.testnr == EXPECTED_TESTS)
Log("All tests have been successfully completed!");
Log("Executed %d of %d tests.", effect.testnr, EXPECTED_TESTS);
2016-03-17 20:51:35 +00:00
return -1;
effect.launched = true;
// Check whether the current test has been finished.
if (Call(Format("Test%d_Completed", effect.testnr)))
effect.launched = false;
// Call the test on finished function.
Call(Format("~Test%d_OnFinished", effect.testnr));
// Log result and increase test number.
Log("Test %d successfully completed.", effect.testnr);
return FX_OK;
/*-- Producer Tests --*/
global func Test1_OnStart(int plr)
var passed = true;
var producer = CreateObject(Foundry);
Log("Test behaviour of AddToQueue(), ClearQueue() and GetQueue()");
passed &= doTest("The queue should be empty on initialization. Got %v, expected %v.", GetLength(producer->GetQueue()), 0);
Log("****** Adding items to the queue");
producer->AddToQueue(GoldBar, 2);
passed &= doTest("The queue gets filled when adding things to the queue. Got %d, expected %d.", GetLength(producer->GetQueue()), 1);
if (GetLength(producer->GetQueue()) > 0)
passed &= doTestQueueEntry(producer->GetQueue()[0], GoldBar, 2, false);
Log("****** Queueing the same product again increases the existing queue");
producer->AddToQueue(GoldBar, 2);
passed &= doTest("Entries stay the same. Got %d, expected %d.", GetLength(producer->GetQueue()), 1);
if (GetLength(producer->GetQueue()) > 0)
passed &= doTestQueueEntry(producer->GetQueue()[0], GoldBar, 4, false);
Log("****** Queueing the same product again with an infinite count increases the existing queue.");
producer->AddToQueue(GoldBar, 2, true);
passed &= doTest("Entries stay the same. Got %d, expected %d.", GetLength(producer->GetQueue()), 1);
if (GetLength(producer->GetQueue()) > 0)
passed &= doTestQueueEntry(producer->GetQueue()[0], GoldBar, 6, true);
Log("****** Queueing the same product without onto an existing infinite product in the queue");
producer->AddToQueue(GoldBar, 2, false);
passed &= doTest("Entries stay the same. Got %d, expected %d.", GetLength(producer->GetQueue()), 1);
if (GetLength(producer->GetQueue()) > 0)
passed &= doTestQueueEntry(producer->GetQueue()[0], GoldBar, 8, false);
Log("****** Adding more items to the queue, next item should be added to the end.");
producer->AddToQueue(Loam, 4, false);
passed &= doTest("Entries increase. Got %d, expected %d.", GetLength(producer->GetQueue()), 2);
if (GetLength(producer->GetQueue()) > 1)
passed &= doTestQueueEntry(producer->GetQueue()[0], GoldBar, 8, false);
passed &= doTestQueueEntry(producer->GetQueue()[1], Loam, 4, false);
Log("****** Adding more infinite items to the queue, next item should be added to the end.");
producer->AddToQueue(Metal, 0, true);
passed &= doTest("Entries increase. Got %d, expected %d.", GetLength(producer->GetQueue()), 3);
if (GetLength(producer->GetQueue()) > 2)
passed &= doTestQueueEntry(producer->GetQueue()[0], GoldBar, 8, false);
passed &= doTestQueueEntry(producer->GetQueue()[1], Loam, 4, false);
passed &= doTestQueueEntry(producer->GetQueue()[2], Metal, 0, true);
Log("****** Clearing the queue");
passed &= doTest("Queue is empty. Got %d entries, expected %d.", GetLength(producer->GetQueue()), 0);
Log("****** Adding a product with amount 0 to the queue");
producer->AddToQueue(GoldBar, 0);
passed &= doTest("The queue gets filled. Got %d, expected %d.", GetLength(producer->GetQueue()), 1);
if (GetLength(producer->GetQueue()) > 0)
passed &= doTestQueueEntry(producer->GetQueue()[0], GoldBar, 0, false);
return passed;
global func Test1_Completed(){ return true; }
global func Test1_OnFinished(){ return; }
2016-03-24 18:17:21 +00:00
global func Test2_OnStart(int plr)
var passed = true;
2016-03-24 18:17:21 +00:00
var producer = CreateObject(Foundry);
var amount_gold = 123, amount_loam = 456, amount_metal = 789;
producer->AddToQueue(GoldBar, amount_gold);
producer->AddToQueue(Loam, amount_loam);
producer->AddToQueue(Metal, amount_metal);
Log("Testing the behaviour of CycleQueue(), GetQueueIndex(), ModifyQueueIndex()");
passed &= doTestQueueEntry(producer->GetQueue()[0], GoldBar, amount_gold, false);
passed &= doTestQueueEntry(producer->GetQueue()[1], Loam, amount_loam, false);
passed &= doTestQueueEntry(producer->GetQueue()[2], Metal, amount_metal, false);
Log("****** GetQueueIndex()");
passed &= doTest("The product 'GoldBar' has the correct index. Got %d, expected %d.", producer->GetQueueIndex(GoldBar), 0);
passed &= doTest("The product 'Loam' has the correct index. Got %d, expected %d.", producer->GetQueueIndex(Loam), 1);
passed &= doTest("The product 'Metal' has the correct index. Got %d, expected %d.", producer->GetQueueIndex(Metal), 2);
passed &= doTest("The product 'Barrel' is not in the queue. Got %d, expected %d.", producer->GetQueueIndex(Barrel), nil);
Log("****** CycleQueue(), should move the first item to the end");
passed &= doTest("The product 'GoldBar' has the correct index. Got %d, expected %d.", producer->GetQueueIndex(GoldBar), 2);
passed &= doTest("The product 'Loam' has the correct index. Got %d, expected %d.", producer->GetQueueIndex(Loam), 0);
passed &= doTest("The product 'Metal' has the correct index. Got %d, expected %d.", producer->GetQueueIndex(Metal), 1);
Log("****** CycleQueue()");
passed &= doTest("The product 'GoldBar' has the correct index. Got %d, expected %d.", producer->GetQueueIndex(GoldBar), 1);
passed &= doTest("The product 'Loam' has the correct index. Got %d, expected %d.", producer->GetQueueIndex(Loam), 2);
passed &= doTest("The product 'Metal' has the correct index. Got %d, expected %d.", producer->GetQueueIndex(Metal), 0);
Log("****** CycleQueue(), queue should be in the original order again");
passed &= doTest("The product 'GoldBar' has the correct index. Got %d, expected %d.", producer->GetQueueIndex(GoldBar), 0);
passed &= doTest("The product 'Loam' has the correct index. Got %d, expected %d.", producer->GetQueueIndex(Loam), 1);
passed &= doTest("The product 'Metal' has the correct index. Got %d, expected %d.", producer->GetQueueIndex(Metal), 2);
Log("Testing ModifyQueueIndex()");
Log("****** Modify amount +1");
producer->ModifyQueueIndex(0, +1, nil);
passed &= doTestQueueEntry(producer->GetQueue()[0], GoldBar, amount_gold + 1, false);
Log("****** Modify amount -2");
producer->ModifyQueueIndex(0, -2, nil);
passed &= doTestQueueEntry(producer->GetQueue()[0], GoldBar, amount_gold - 1, false);
Log("****** Set infinity to true");
producer->ModifyQueueIndex(0, nil, true);
passed &= doTestQueueEntry(producer->GetQueue()[0], GoldBar, amount_gold - 1, true);
Log("****** Modify amount so that it is -1, while infinite");
producer->ModifyQueueIndex(0, -amount_gold, nil);
passed &= doTestQueueEntry(producer->GetQueue()[0], GoldBar, -1, true);
Log("****** Modify infinity to false, product should be removed from the queue");
producer->ModifyQueueIndex(0, nil, false);
passed &= doTestQueueEntry(producer->GetQueue()[0], Loam, amount_loam, false);
passed &= doTestQueueEntry(producer->GetQueue()[1], Metal, amount_metal, false);
Log("****** Modify amount of item so that it is 0, while finite");
producer->ModifyQueueIndex(0, - amount_loam, nil);
passed &= doTestQueueEntry(producer->GetQueue()[0], Metal, amount_metal, false);
return passed;
global func Test2_Completed(){ return true; }
global func Test2_OnFinished(){ return; }
2016-03-24 18:40:34 +00:00
global func Test3_OnStart(int plr)
var passed = true;
2016-03-24 18:40:34 +00:00
var producer = CreateObject(Foundry);
Log("Testing the behaviour of CheckComponent() and GetAvailableComponentAmount()");
Log("****** Asking amount of material that is not contained.");
passed &= doTest("Got %d, expected %d.", producer->GetAvailableComponentAmount(Metal), 0);
Log("****** Asking amount of ordinary material.");
producer->CreateContents(Ore, 3);
passed &= doTest("Got %d ore, expected %d.", producer->GetAvailableComponentAmount(Ore), 3);
producer->CreateContents(Cloth, 5);
passed &= doTest("Got %d cloth, expected %d.", producer->GetAvailableComponentAmount(Ore), 3);
Log("****** Asking amount of stackable material.");
passed &= doTest("Got %d arrows, expected %d.", producer->GetAvailableComponentAmount(Arrow), 15);
Log("****** Checking components");
passed &= doTest("Checking non-available component with amount -1. Got %v, expected %v.", producer->CheckComponent(Metal, -1), true);
passed &= doTest("Checking non-available component with amount 0. Got %v, expected %v.", producer->CheckComponent(Metal, 0), true);
passed &= doTest("Checking non-available component with amount 1. Got %v, expected %v.", producer->CheckComponent(Metal, 1), false);
passed &= doTest("Checking available component with amount -1. Got %v, expected %v.", producer->CheckComponent(Cloth, -1), true);
passed &= doTest("Checking available component with amount 0. Got %v, expected %v.", producer->CheckComponent(Cloth, 0), true);
passed &= doTest("Checking available component with actual amount. Got %v, expected %v.", producer->CheckComponent(Cloth, 5), true);
passed &= doTest("Checking available component with actual amount +1. Got %v, expected %v.", producer->CheckComponent(Cloth, 6), false);
passed &= doTest("Checking stackable component with amount -1. Got %v, expected %v.", producer->CheckComponent(Arrow, -1), true);
passed &= doTest("Checking stackable component with amount 0. Got %v, expected %v.", producer->CheckComponent(Arrow, 0), true);
passed &= doTest("Checking stackable component with actual amount. Got %v, expected %v.", producer->CheckComponent(Arrow, 15), true);
passed &= doTest("Checking stackable component with actual amount +1. Got %v, expected %v.", producer->CheckComponent(Arrow, 16), false);
return passed;
global func Test3_Completed(){ return true; }
global func Test3_OnFinished(){ return; }
global func Test4_OnStart(int plr)
var passed = true;
2016-03-24 19:45:48 +00:00
Log("Testing the behaviour of CheckFuel()");
var producer = CreateObject(Foundry);
Log("****** Without fuel");
passed &= doTest("Has 50 fuel? Got %v, expected %v.", producer->CheckFuel(Bread, false), false);
passed &= doTest("Has 100 fuel? Got %v, expected %v.", producer->CheckFuel(GoldBar, false), false);
Log("****** With single object fuel");
passed &= doTest("Has 50 fuel? Got %v, expected %v.", producer->CheckFuel(Bread, false), true);
passed &= doTest("Has 100 fuel? Got %v, expected %v.", producer->CheckFuel(GoldBar, false), false);
passed &= doTest("Has 50 fuel? Got %v, expected %v.", producer->CheckFuel(Bread, false), true);
passed &= doTest("Has 100 fuel? Got %v, expected %v.", producer->CheckFuel(GoldBar, false), true);
Log("****** Removing the fuel");
passed &= doTest("Has 50 fuel? Got %v, expected %v.", producer->CheckFuel(Bread, true), true);
passed &= doTest("Has 100 fuel? Got %v, expected %v.", producer->CheckFuel(GoldBar, true), false);
passed &= doTest("Only the necessary fuel was removed. Got %d, expected %d.", producer->ContentsCount(Wood), 1);
Log("****** With stackable object fuel");
2016-03-24 19:45:48 +00:00
passed &= doTest("Has 50 fuel? Got %v, expected %v.", producer->CheckFuel(Bread, false), false);
passed &= doTest("Has 100 fuel? Got %v, expected %v.", producer->CheckFuel(GoldBar, false), false);
2016-03-24 19:45:48 +00:00
passed &= doTest("Has 50 fuel? Got %v, expected %v.", producer->CheckFuel(Bread, false), true);
passed &= doTest("Has 100 fuel? Got %v, expected %v.", producer->CheckFuel(GoldBar, false), false);
2016-03-24 19:45:48 +00:00
passed &= doTest("Has 50 fuel? Got %v, expected %v.", producer->CheckFuel(Bread, false), true);
passed &= doTest("Has 100 fuel? Got %v, expected %v.", producer->CheckFuel(GoldBar, false), false);
2016-03-24 19:45:48 +00:00
passed &= doTest("Has 50 fuel? Got %v, expected %v.", producer->CheckFuel(Bread, false), true);
passed &= doTest("Has 100 fuel? Got %v, expected %v.", producer->CheckFuel(GoldBar, false), true);
Log("****** Removing the fuel");
2016-03-24 19:45:48 +00:00
passed &= doTest("Has 50 fuel? Got %v, expected %v.", producer->CheckFuel(Bread, true), true);
passed &= doTest("Has 100 fuel? Got %v, expected %v.", producer->CheckFuel(GoldBar, true), false);
passed &= doTest("Only the necessary fuel was removed. Got %d, expected %d.", producer->FindContents(Oil)->GetLiquidAmount(), 99);
2016-03-24 19:45:48 +00:00
2016-03-24 19:45:48 +00:00
return passed;
global func Test4_Completed(){ return true; }
global func Test4_OnFinished(){ return; }
// ProductionCosts
global func Test5_OnStart(int plr)
var passed = true;
2016-03-24 20:19:23 +00:00
var producer = CreateObject(Foundry);
Log("Testing the behaviour of ProductionCosts()");
passed &= doTest("Costs for single component object (Metal). Got %v, expected %v.", producer->ProductionCosts(Metal), [[Ore, 1]]);
passed &= doTest("Costs for multi component object (Pickaxe). Got %v, expected %v.", producer->ProductionCosts(Pickaxe), [[Metal, 1], [Wood, 1]]);
passed &= doTest("Costs for object with liquid and fuel need (Bread). Got %v, expected %v.", producer->ProductionCosts(Bread), [[Flour, 1], [Water, 50]]);
2016-03-24 20:19:23 +00:00
return passed;
global func Test5_Completed(){ return true; }
global func Test5_OnFinished(){ return; }
global func Test6_OnStart(int plr)
var passed = true;
2016-03-24 21:00:11 +00:00
Log("Testing the behavior of collection");
var producer = CreateObject(Foundry);
Log("****** Collect an object that is not a component for one of the products");
// Loam: Earth, Water; Metal: Ore; GoldBar: Nugget
2016-03-24 21:00:11 +00:00
var item = CreateObject(Seeds);
producer->Collect(item, true);
passed &= doTest("Item can not be collected. Container is %v, expected %v.", item->Contained(), nil);
if (item) item->RemoveObject();
Log("****** Collect raw items for the products");
for (var product in producer->GetProducts())
var i = 0, component;
while (component = GetComponent(nil, i, nil, product))
item = CreateObject(component);
producer->Collect(item, true);
passed &= doTest("Item can be collected. Container is %v, expected %v.", item->Contained(), producer);
if (item) item->RemoveObject();
Log("****** Collect items from a bucket");
var container = CreateObject(Bucket);
item = container->CreateContents(Earth);
producer->Collect(item, true);
passed &= doTest("Container can not be collected. Container is %v, expected %v.", container->Contained(), nil);
passed &= doTest("Item can be collected. Container is %v, expected %v.", item->Contained(), producer);
if (item) item->RemoveObject();
if (container) container->RemoveObject();
Log("****** Collect items from a barrel");
container = CreateObject(Barrel);
item = container->CreateContents(Water);
2016-03-24 21:00:11 +00:00
producer->Collect(item, true);
passed &= doTest("Container can not be collected. Container is %v, expected %v.", container->Contained(), nil);
passed &= doTest("Item can be collected. Container is %v, expected %v.", item->Contained(), producer);
if (item) item->RemoveObject();
if (container) container->RemoveObject();
Log("****** Collect items from a container with mixed items. The container contains items that are not used as components for the product.");
container = CreateObject(Crate);
item = container->CreateContents(Ore);
var not_allowed = container->CreateContents(Cloth);
producer->Collect(item, true);
passed &= doTest("Container can not be collected. Container is %v, expected %v.", container->Contained(), nil);
passed &= doTest("Other contents can not be collected. Container is %v, expected %v.", not_allowed->Contained(), container);
passed &= doTest("Item can be collected. Container is %v, expected %v.", item->Contained(), producer);
if (item) item->RemoveObject();
if (not_allowed) not_allowed->RemoveObject();
if (container) container->RemoveObject();
return passed;
global func Test6_Completed(){ return true; }
global func Test6_OnFinished(){ return; }
// Producer with liquid need and pseudo liquid object.
global func Test7_OnStart(int plr)
2016-03-17 20:51:35 +00:00
// Producer: Foundry
var passed = true;
2016-03-17 20:51:35 +00:00
var producer = CreateObjectAbove(Foundry, 75, 160, plr);
producer->CreateContents(Earth, 10);
// Log what the test is about.
Log("Objects with liquid need (loam), can be produced with pseudo liquid objects (ice)");
var ice1, ice2;
ice1 = CreateObject(Ice);
ice2 = CreateObject(Ice);
producer->Collect(ice1, true);
producer->Collect(ice2, true);
passed &= doTest("Producer contains no ice chunks. Got %d, expected %d.", producer->ContentsCount(Ice), 0);
passed &= doTest("Producer contains no water. Got %d, expected %d.", producer->ContentsCount(Water), 0);
passed &= doTest("Producer contains ice chunks when forced. Got %d, expected %d.", producer->ContentsCount(Ice), 2);
producer->AddToQueue(Loam, 5); // needs 300 water
passed &= doTest("Producer contains ice chunks. Got %d, expected %d.", producer->ContentsCount(Ice), 2);
passed &= doTest("Producer contains no water. Got %d, expected %d.", producer->ContentsCount(Water), 0);
ice1 = CreateObject(Ice);
ice2 = CreateObject(Ice);
producer->Collect(ice1, true);
producer->Collect(ice2, true);
passed &= doTest("Producer contains ice chunks. Got %d, expected %d.", producer->ContentsCount(Ice), 2);
passed &= doTest("Producer contains water. Got %d, expected %d.", producer->FindContents(Water)->GetLiquidAmount(), 400);
return passed;
2016-03-17 20:51:35 +00:00
global func Test7_Completed()
2016-03-17 20:51:35 +00:00
if (ObjectCount(Find_ID(Loam)) >= 5 // the loam was created
&& ObjectCount(Find_ID(Ice)) == 2 // and exactly the two ice objects that were in the producer before stayed there
&& (FindObject(Find_ID(Water))->GetLiquidAmount() == 100)) // not all water was used up
2016-03-17 20:51:35 +00:00
return true;
return false;
global func Test7_OnFinished()
2016-03-17 20:51:35 +00:00
// Remove the created objects
RemoveAll(Find_Or(Find_ID(Foundry), Find_ID(Loam)));
// Producer with liquid need and liquid container.
global func Test8_OnStart(int plr)
2016-03-17 20:51:35 +00:00
// Producer: Foundry
var producer = CreateObjectAbove(Foundry, 75, 160, plr);
producer->CreateContents(Earth, 10);
2016-03-17 21:43:31 +00:00
var barrel = CreateObject(Barrel);
2016-03-17 20:51:35 +00:00
barrel->PutLiquid("Water", 300); // contains 300 water
producer->AddToQueue(Loam, 5); // needs 300 water
2016-03-18 16:18:33 +00:00
producer->Collect(barrel, true);
2016-03-17 20:51:35 +00:00
// Log what the test is about.
Log("Objects with liquid need (loam), can be produced with liquid containers (barrel). The liquid container must not be removed.");
return true;
global func Test8_Completed()
2016-03-17 20:51:35 +00:00
// The barrel must not be removed.
if (ObjectCount(Find_ID(Loam)) >= 5 && ObjectCount(Find_ID(Barrel)) >= 1)
return true;
return false;
global func Test8_OnFinished()
2016-03-17 20:51:35 +00:00
// Remove wind generator, compensator and workshop.
RemoveAll(Find_Or(Find_ID(Foundry), Find_ID(Loam), Find_ID(Barrel)));
// Producer with liquid need and liquid object.
global func Test9_OnStart(int plr)
2016-03-17 20:51:35 +00:00
// Producer: Foundry
var producer = CreateObjectAbove(Foundry, 75, 160, plr);
producer->CreateContents(Earth, 10);
var water = CreateObject(Water);
2016-03-17 20:51:35 +00:00
producer->AddToQueue(Loam, 5); // needs 300 water
2016-03-17 21:43:31 +00:00
2016-03-17 20:51:35 +00:00
// Log what the test is about.
Log("Objects with liquid need (loam), can be produced with liquid containers (barrel). The liquid container must not be removed.");
return true;
global func Test9_Completed()
2016-03-17 20:51:35 +00:00
// The liquid must not be removed.
if (ObjectCount(Find_ID(Loam)) >= 5 && ObjectCount(Find_ID(Water)) >= 1)
2016-03-17 20:51:35 +00:00
return true;
return false;
global func Test9_OnFinished()
2016-03-17 20:51:35 +00:00
RemoveAll(Find_Or(Find_ID(Foundry), Find_ID(Loam), Find_ID(Water)));
2016-03-17 20:51:35 +00:00
2016-03-18 16:18:33 +00:00
// Producer with fuel need, fuel object
global func Test10_OnStart(int plr)
2016-03-18 16:18:33 +00:00
// Producer: Foundry
var producer = CreateObjectAbove(Foundry, 75, 160, plr);
producer->CreateContents(Wood, 10);
producer->CreateContents(Ore, 5);
producer->AddToQueue(Metal, 5);
// Log what the test is about.
Log("Objects with fuel need (metal), can be produced with fuel objects (wood). The fuel is used up.");
return true;
global func Test10_Completed()
2016-03-18 16:18:33 +00:00
if (ObjectCount(Find_ID(Metal)) >= 5 && ObjectCount(Find_ID(Wood)) <= 0)
return true;
return false;
global func Test10_OnFinished()
2016-03-18 16:18:33 +00:00
RemoveAll(Find_Or(Find_ID(Foundry), Find_ID(Metal)));
// Producer with fuel need, liquid container
global func Test11_OnStart(int plr)
2016-03-18 16:18:33 +00:00
// Producer: Foundry
var producer = CreateObjectAbove(Foundry, 75, 160, plr);
producer->CreateContents(Ore, 5);
producer->AddToQueue(Metal, 5);
var barrelA = CreateObject(Barrel);
var barrelB = CreateObject(Barrel);
barrelA->PutLiquid("Oil", 300);
barrelB->PutLiquid("Oil", 300);
producer->Collect(barrelA, true);
producer->Collect(barrelB, true);
// Log what the test is about.
Log("Objects with fuel need (metal), can be produced with fuel from a liquid container (barrel with oil). The fuel is used up.");
return true;
global func Test11_Completed()
2016-03-18 16:18:33 +00:00
if (ObjectCount(Find_ID(Metal)) >= 5 // metal is produced
&& ObjectCount(Find_ID(Barrel)) == 2 // barrels stay
&& FindObject(Find_ID(Oil)) // oil remains
&& FindObject(Find_ID(Oil))->GetLiquidAmount() == 100) // the correct amount was used
2016-03-18 16:18:33 +00:00
return true;
return false;
global func Test11_OnFinished()
2016-03-18 16:18:33 +00:00
RemoveAll(Find_Or(Find_ID(Foundry), Find_ID(Metal), Find_ID(Barrel), Find_ID(Oil)));
2016-03-18 16:18:33 +00:00
// Fuel functions behave correclty
global func Test12_OnStart(int plr)
// Log what the test is about.
Log("Objects that are fuel should return a value > 0 if no parameter is passed to GetFuelAmount().");
// Get the control effect.
var effect = GetEffect("IntTestControl", nil);
if (!effect) return false;
var passed = true;
var def;
for (var i = 0; def = GetDefinition(i); ++i)
if (def->~IsFuel())
var instance = CreateObject(def);
var amount = instance->~GetFuelAmount();
Log("Default fuel amount in %i: %d > 0?", def, amount);
passed &= (amount > 0);
if (instance) instance->RemoveObject();
effect.passed_test_6 = passed;
return true;
global func Test12_Completed()
return GetEffect("IntTestControl", nil).passed_test_6;
global func Test12_OnFinished()
// Producer stops production on insufficient material
global func Test13_OnStart(int plr)
var producer = CreateObjectAbove(ToolsWorkshop, 75, 160, plr);
producer->CreateContents(Wood, 10);
producer->CreateContents(Metal, 1);
producer->AddToQueue(Barrel, 5);
// Log what the test is about.
Log("Producer halts production if materials are insufficient, continues when new material comes in.");
GetEffect("IntTestControl", nil).timer = 0;
return true;
global func Test13_Completed()
var fx = GetEffect("IntTestControl", nil);
if (fx.timer < 50) return false; // it would take this long to produce 5 barrels
if (ObjectCount(Find_ID(Barrel)) == 1
&& ObjectCount(Find_ID(Wood)) == 8) return true;
return false;
global func Test13_OnFinished()
RemoveAll(Find_Or(Find_ID(ToolsWorkshop), Find_ID(Barrel)));
// Producer stops production on insufficient material
global func Test14_OnStart(int plr)
var producer = CreateObjectAbove(ToolsWorkshop, 75, 160, plr);
producer->CreateContents(Wood, 10);
producer->CreateContents(Metal, 1);
producer->AddToQueue(Barrel, 5);
// Log what the test is about.
Log("Producer halts production if materials are insufficient, continues when new material comes in.");
GetEffect("IntTestControl", nil).timer = 0;
return true;
global func Test14_Completed()
if (ObjectCount(Find_ID(Barrel)) >= 5) return true;
var fx = GetEffect("IntTestControl", nil);
if (fx.timer >= 120)
fx.timer = 100;
return false;
global func Test14_OnFinished()
RemoveAll(Find_Or(Find_ID(ToolsWorkshop), Find_ID(Barrel), Find_ID(Wood)));
// Foundry fueled by pump
global func Test15_OnStart(int plr)
// Oil field
DrawMaterialQuad("Oil", 144, 168, 208 + 1, 168, 208 + 1, 304, 144, 304, true);
// Power source: one steam engine.
var producer = CreateObjectAbove(Foundry, 70, 160, plr);
producer->CreateContents(Ore, 5);
producer->AddToQueue(Metal, 5);
// Power consumer: one pump.
var pump = CreateObjectAbove(Pump, 124, 160, plr);
var source = CreateObjectAbove(Pipe, 176, 292, plr);
source->ConnectPipeTo(pump, PIPE_STATE_Source);
var drain = CreateObjectAbove(Pipe, 100, 160, plr);
drain->ConnectPipeTo(pump, PIPE_STATE_Drain);
// Log what the test is about.
Log("A foundry fueled by an oil field via pump.");
GetEffect("IntTestControl", nil).timer = 0;
return true;
global func Test15_Completed()
if (ObjectCount(Find_ID(Metal)) >= 5) return true;
return false;
global func Test15_OnFinished()
// Restore water
// Remove steam engine, pump.
RemoveAll(Find_Or(Find_ID(Foundry), Find_ID(Metal), Find_ID(Pipe), Find_ID(Pump)));
2016-03-17 20:51:35 +00:00
/*-- Helper Functions --*/
global func doTest(description, returned, expected)
2016-03-17 20:51:35 +00:00
2016-03-24 20:19:23 +00:00
if (GetType(returned) == C4V_Array
|| GetType(expected) == C4V_Array)
var passed = doTest(Format("Array length should be equal. %s", description), GetLength(returned), GetLength(expected));
for (var i = 0; i < GetLength(expected); ++i)
passed &= doTest(Format("*%s", description), returned[i], expected[i]);
return passed;
var test = (returned == expected);
2016-03-17 20:51:35 +00:00
var predicate = "[Fail]";
if (test) predicate = "[Pass]";
Log(Format("%s %s", predicate, description), returned, expected);
return test;
global func doTestQueueEntry(proplist entry, id product, int amount, bool infinite)
var passed = true;
passed &= doTest("The queued product is as expected. Got %i, expected %i.", entry.Product, product);
passed &= doTest("The queued amount is as expected. Got %d, expected %d.", entry.Amount, amount);
passed &= doTest("The queued infinity setting is as expected. Got %v, expected %v.", entry.Infinite ?? false, infinite);
return passed;
global func RemoveOil()
for (var x = 144; x <= 208 + 1; x++)
for (var y = 168; y <= 304; y++)
if (GetMaterial(x, y) == Material("Oil"))
ClearFreeRect(x, y, 1, 1);