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This file contains functions that are used for layouting custom menus.
global func GuiAction_Call(proplist target, string function, value)
return [GUI_Call, target, function, value];
global func GuiAction_SetTag(string tag, int subwindow, object target)
return [GUI_SetTag, tag, subwindow, target];
global func GuiAddCloseButton(proplist menu, proplist target, string callback, parameter)
var close_button =
Tooltip = "$TooltipGUIClose$",
Priority = 0x0fffff,
Left = "100%-2em", Top = "0%+0em",
Right = "100%", Bottom = "0%+2em",
Symbol = GetDefaultCancelSymbol(),
BackgroundColor = {Std = 0, Hover = 0x50ffff00},
OnMouseIn = GuiAction_SetTag("Hover"),
OnMouseOut = GuiAction_SetTag("Std"),
OnClick = GuiAction_Call(target, callback, parameter)
GuiAddSubwindow(close_button, menu);
return close_button;
global func GuiUpdateText(string text, int menu, int submenu, object target)
var update = {Text = text};
GuiUpdate(update, menu, submenu, target);
return true;
// adds proplist /submenu/ as a new property to /menu/
global func GuiAddSubwindow(proplist submenu, proplist menu)
// use an anonymous name starting with an underscore
var uniqueID = Format("_child%d", RandomX(10000, 0xffffff));
if (menu[uniqueID] != nil) continue;
menu[uniqueID] = submenu;
return true;
} while (true);
// Converts an integer into a floating "em"-value, as the given value is divided by the given factor (10 by default).
global func ToEmString(int value, int factor)
// Make sure factor is a power of ten.
factor = factor ?? 10;
var power_of_ten = 0;
while (10**power_of_ten != factor)
if (10**power_of_ten > factor)
Log("WARNING: factor in ToEmString(%d, %d) is not a multiple of ten, falling back to default", value, factor);
factor = 10;
power_of_ten = 1;
// Construct the string using sign, value and decimal notation.
var em_sign = "+";
if (value < 0)
em_sign = "-";
var em_value = Format("%d", Abs(value / factor));
var em_decimal = Format("%011dem", Abs(value % factor));
em_decimal = TakeString(em_decimal, GetLength(em_decimal) - power_of_ten - 2);
if (power_of_ten == 0)
em_decimal = "0";
return Format("%s%s.%s", em_sign, em_value, em_decimal);
// Converts an integer into a floating percent value, as the given value is divided by the given factor (10 by default).
global func ToPercentString(int value, int factor)
// Make sure factor is a power of ten.
factor = factor ?? 10;
var power_of_ten = 0;
while (10**power_of_ten != factor)
if (10**power_of_ten > factor)
Log("WARNING: factor in ToPercentString(%d, %d) is not a multiple of ten, falling back to default", value, factor);
factor = 10;
power_of_ten = 1;
// Construct the string using sign, value and decimal notation.
var percent_sign = "+";
if (value < 0)
percent_sign = "-";
var percent_value = Format("%d", Abs(value / factor));
var percent_decimal = Format("%011d%%", Abs(value % factor));
percent_decimal = TakeString(percent_decimal, GetLength(percent_decimal) - power_of_ten - 1);
if (power_of_ten == 0)
percent_decimal = "0";
return Format("%s%s.%s", percent_sign, percent_value, percent_decimal);
Returns true if /this/ object is allowed to be displayed on the same stack as the /other/ object in a GUI.
global func CanBeStackedWith(object other)
return this->GetID() == other->GetID();
// Returns the default symbol used for the "cancel" icon displayed e.g. in the top-right corner of menus.
global func GetDefaultCancelSymbol()
return _inherited(...);