
1196 lines
29 KiB

msgid ""
msgstr ""
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: POEditor.com\n"
"Project-Id-Version: UberWriter\n"
"Language: it\n"
#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:487
msgid "(no suggestions)"
msgstr "(nessun suggerimento)"
#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:509
#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:512
msgid "Add \"{}\" to Dictionary"
msgstr "Aggiungi \"{}\" al Dizionario"
#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:516
#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:518
msgid "Ignore All"
msgstr "Ignora Tutto"
#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:533
#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:535
msgid "Languages"
msgstr "Linguaggi"
#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:551
#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:554
msgid "Suggestions"
msgstr "Suggerimenti"
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:5
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:3
msgid "UberWriter"
msgstr "UberWriter"
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:4
msgid "UberWriter, a simple and distraction free Markdown Editor"
msgstr "Uberwriter, un Editor per Markdown semplice e privo di fonti di distrazione"
#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:184
msgid "Website is not available"
msgstr "Sito web non disponibile"
#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:186
msgid "Website is available"
msgstr "Il sito web è disponibile"
#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:436
msgid "Open Link in Webbrowser"
msgstr "Apri il Link in un browser web"
#: uberwriter/inline_preview.py:500
msgid "No matching footnote found"
msgstr "Nessun piè di pagina trovato"
#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:66
msgid "_File"
msgstr "_File"
#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:96
msgid "Open Recent File"
msgstr "Apri File Recenti"
#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:175
msgid "Export as ODT"
msgstr "Esporta come ODT"
#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:186
msgid "Advanced Export..."
msgstr "Esportazione Avanzata..."
#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:5
msgid "Copy raw HTML to clipboard"
msgstr "Copia versione HTML"
#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:6
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Modifica"
#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:229
msgid "_View"
msgstr "_Visualizza"
#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:261
msgid "Light text on a dark background"
msgstr "Testo chiaro su sfondo scuro"
#: data/ui/WindowMenu.ui:14
msgid "Dark Mode"
msgstr "Modulità scura"
#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:261
msgid "Switch to preview mode"
msgstr "Modalità anteprima"
#: data/ui/Menu.ui:14 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:51
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Anteprima"
#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:298 data/ui/WindowMenu.ui:28
msgid "Auto _Spellcheck"
msgstr "Controllo ortografico automatico"
#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:13
msgid "F_ormat"
msgstr "Formato"
#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:14
msgid "Unordered List Item"
msgstr "Elemento della Lista non Ordinata"
#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:15
msgid "Horizontal Rule"
msgstr "Linea Orizzontale"
#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:177
msgid "Heading"
msgstr "Intestazione"
#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:312
msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Aiuto"
#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:322
msgid "Contents"
msgstr "Contenuti"
#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:335
msgid "Short Markdown Tutorial"
msgstr "Breve Tutorial su Markdown"
#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:343
msgid "Open Pandoc Online Markdown Help ..."
msgstr "Apri Documentazione Online su Pandoc..."
#: ../data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui.h:21
msgid "Get Help Online..."
msgstr "Aiuto Online..."
#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:359
msgid "Translate This Application..."
msgstr "Traduci Questa Applicazione..."
#: data/ui/Menu.ui:6
msgid "Focus Mode"
msgstr "Modalità Concentrazione"
#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:424 data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:425
msgid "Go into focus mode"
msgstr "Passa a Modalità Concentrazione"
#: data/ui/Menu.ui:18
msgid "Fullscreen"
msgstr "Schermo Intero"
#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:442 data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:443
msgid "Go into fullscreen mode"
msgstr "Passa a Schermo Intero"
#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:460 data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:461
msgid "Show HTML preview"
msgstr "Breve Anteprima HTML"
#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:112
msgid "Words:"
msgstr "Parole:"
#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:155
msgid "Characters:"
msgstr "Caratteri:"
#: uberwriter_lib/AppWindow.py:246
msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter_lib also)"
msgstr "Mostra messaggi di debug (-vv debugga anche uberwriter_lib)"
#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:95
msgid "emphasized text"
msgstr "testo sottolineato"
#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:97
msgid "strong text"
msgstr "testo grassettato"
#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:117
msgid "List item"
msgstr "Elemento di una Lista"
#: data/ui/Export.ui:557
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Esporta"
#: data/ui/Export.ui:45
msgid "Smart"
msgstr "Smart"
#: data/ui/Export.ui:50
msgid "Pandoc can automatically make \"--\" to a long dash and more"
msgstr "Pandoc trasforma automaticamente \"--\" in una linea lunga"
#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:117
msgid "Normalize"
msgstr "Normalizza"
#: data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:122
msgid "Removes things like double spaces or spaces at the beginning of a paragraph"
msgstr "Rimuovi cose come doppi spazi all'inizio di un paragrafo"
#: data/ui/Export.ui:62
msgid "Table of Contents"
msgstr "Sommario"
#: data/ui/Export.ui:78
msgid "Standalone"
msgstr "Standalone"
#: data/ui/Export.ui:83
msgid "Use a header and footer to include things like stylesheets and meta information"
msgstr "Usa un header o un footer per includere fogli di stile o meta information"
#: data/ui/Export.ui:96
msgid "Number Sections"
msgstr "Sezione Numero"
#: data/ui/Export.ui:112
msgid "Strict Markdown"
msgstr "Markdown Preciso"
#: data/ui/Export.ui:117
msgid "Use \"strict\" markdown instead of \"pandoc\" markdown"
msgstr "Utilizza Markdown preciso invece di quello di Pandoc"
#: data/ui/Export.ui:123 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:206
msgid "Slideshow incremental bullets"
msgstr "Presentazione con numeri incrementali"
#: data/ui/Export.ui:134
msgid "Show one bullet point after another in a slideshow"
msgstr "Mostra un punto di una lista dopo l'altro in una presentazione"
#: data/ui/Export.ui:152
msgid "<b>General Options</b>"
msgstr "Opzioni Generali"
#: data/ui/Export.ui:182 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:263
msgid "Highlight syntax"
msgstr "Evidenzia la sintassi"
#: data/ui/Export.ui:211 data/ui/Export.ui:225
msgid "Choose a color theme for syntax highlighting"
msgstr "Scegli un tema dei colori per l'evidenziazione della sintassi"
#: data/ui/Export.ui:213
msgid "Highlight style "
msgstr "Stile di evidenziazione "
#: data/ui/Export.ui:253 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:337
msgid "<b>Syntax highlighting</b> (HTML, LaTeX)"
msgstr "<b>Evidenziazione Sintassi</b> (HTML, LaTeX)"
#: data/ui/Export.ui:329 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:371
msgid "Self Contained"
msgstr "Autonomo"
#: data/ui/Export.ui:370
msgid "Produces a HTML that has no external dependencies (all images and stylesheets are included)"
msgstr "Produce una pagina HTML senza dipendenze esterne ( le immagini e i fogli di stile sono inclusi)"
#: data/ui/Export.ui:346 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:389
msgid "HTML 5"
msgstr "HTML 5"
#: data/ui/Export.ui:351 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:394
msgid "Use HTML 5 syntax"
msgstr "Usa sintassi HTML 5"
#: data/ui/Export.ui:406 data/ui/Export.ui:420
msgid "Choose a CSS File that you want to use"
msgstr "Scegli un file CSS da utilizzare"
#: data/ui/Export.ui:408
msgid "CSS File"
msgstr "File CSS"
#: data/ui/Export.ui:445
msgid "<b>HTML Options</b>"
msgstr "<b>Opzioni HTML</b>"
#: data/ui/Export.ui:289 data/ui/UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog.ui:491
msgid "<b>Bibliography File</b>"
msgstr "<b>Bibliografia File</b>"
#: data/ui/Export.ui:463
msgid "Commandline Reference"
msgstr "Documentazione sui comandi da terminale"
#. Leaving as it is since it is a license.
#. La lascio così com'è dal momento che è una licenza
#: ../data/ui/AboutUberwriterDialog.ui.h:1
msgid "# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht <w.vollprecht@gmail.com>\n"
"# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it \n"
"# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published \n"
"# by the Free Software Foundation.\n"
"# \n"
"# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but \n"
"# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of \n"
"# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n"
"# \n"
"# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along \n"
"# with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.\n"
msgstr "# Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht <w.vollprecht@gmail.com>\n"
"# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it \n"
"# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published \n"
"# by the Free Software Foundation.\n"
"# \n"
"# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but \n"
"# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of \n"
"# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n"
"# \n"
"# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along \n"
"# with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>."
#: ../data/ui/AboutUberwriterDialog.ui.h:14
msgid "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht <w.vollprecht@gmail.com>"
msgstr "Copyright (C) 2012, Wolf Vollprecht <w.vollprecht@gmail.com>"
#: uberwriter/main_window.py:234
msgid "Save your File"
msgstr "Salva il tuo File"
#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:490
msgid "You can not export to PDF."
msgstr "Non puoi esportare in PDF"
#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:492
msgid "Please install <a href=\"apt:texlive\">texlive</a> from the software center."
msgstr "Installa <a href=\"apt:texlive\">texlive</a> dal centro software."
#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:448
msgid "MarkDown or Plain Text"
msgstr "Markdown o Testo Normale"
#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:451
msgid "Open a .md-File"
msgstr "Apri un File .md"
#: uberwriter/main_window.py:367
msgid "You have not saved your changes."
msgstr "Non hai salvato le tue preferenze"
#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:475
msgid "Close without Saving"
msgstr "Chiudi senza Salvare"
#: uberwriter/main_window.py:370
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annulla"
#: uberwriter/main_window.py:371
msgid "Save now"
msgstr "Salva ora"
#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:478
msgid "Unsaved changes"
msgstr "Modifiche non salvate"
#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:537
msgid "You can not enable the Spell Checker."
msgstr "Non puoi attivare il Controllo dell'Ortografia"
#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:540
msgid "Please install 'hunspell' or 'aspell' dictionarys for your language from the software center."
msgstr "installa i dizionari 'hunspell' o 'aspell' per il tuo linguaggio dal centro software."
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:9
msgid "Dark mode"
msgstr "Modalità scura"
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:10
msgid "If enabled, the window will be dark themed If disabled, the window will be light themed asked to install them manually."
msgstr "Se abilitata, la finestra sarà scura, altrimenti sarà chiara"
#. <attribute name="action">win.change_label</attribute>
#. <attribute name="target">String 1</attribute>
#: data/ui/App_menu.ui:10
msgid "New window"
msgstr "Nuova finestra"
#: data/ui/Menu.ui:53
msgid "_Shortcuts"
msgstr "_Scorciatoie da Tastiera"
#: data/ui/Menu.ui:49
msgid "Pandoc _Help"
msgstr "_Aiuto Pandoc"
#: data/ui/Menu.ui:59
msgid "_About"
msgstr "_Informazioni"
#: data/ui/Menu.ui:62
msgid "_Quit"
msgstr "_Esci"
#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:13
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "General"
msgstr "Generale"
#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:17
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "New"
msgstr "Nuovo"
#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:24
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Open"
msgstr "Apri"
#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:31
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Salva"
#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:38
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Save as"
msgstr "Salva Come"
#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Esci"
#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:65
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Focus mode"
msgstr "Modalità concentrazione"
#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:86
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Fullscreen"
msgstr "Schermo Intero"
#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:79
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Anteprima"
#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:95 data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:99
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Cerca"
#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:82
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "Editor"
#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:112
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Separator"
msgstr "Separatore"
#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:119
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "List item"
msgstr "Elemento di una Lista"
#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:126
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Italic"
msgstr "Corsivo"
#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:133
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Bold"
msgstr "Grassetto"
#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:147
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Header"
msgstr "Intestazione"
#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:121
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Cut"
msgstr "Taglia"
#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:128
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Copia"
#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:135
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Paste"
msgstr "Incolla"
#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:154
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Select all"
msgstr "Seleziona tutto"
#: data/ui/Window.ui:212
msgid "Next Match"
msgstr "Risultato Successivo"
#: data/ui/Window.ui:271
msgid "Open Replace"
msgstr "Apri Sostituisci"
#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:52
msgid "Activate Regex"
msgstr "Attiva Regex"
#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:74
msgid "_New"
msgstr "_Nuovo"
#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:84
msgid "_Open"
msgstr "_Apri"
#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:102
msgid "Open examples"
msgstr "Apri esempi"
#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:114
msgid "_Quick markdown tutorial"
msgstr "_Breve Tutorial Markdown"
#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:131
msgid "_Save"
msgstr "_Salva"
#: data/ui/Menu.ui:24
msgid "Save _As"
msgstr "Salva _Come"
#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:157
msgid "Export as HTML"
msgstr "Esporta come html"
#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:166
msgid "Export as PDF"
msgstr "Esporta come PDF"
#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:201
msgid "Copy Raw HTML to Clipboard"
msgstr "Copia codice HTML"
#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:254
msgid "Sidebar"
msgstr "Barra a lato"
#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:270
msgid "Open Search and Replace"
msgstr "Mostra Cerca e Sostituisci"
#: data/ui/UberwriterWindow.ui:271
msgid "Search and Replace ..."
msgstr "Cerca e Sostituisci..."
#: data/ui/Window.ui:198
msgid "Previous Match"
msgstr "Risultato Precedente"
#: data/ui/Window.ui:244
msgid "Case Sensitive"
msgstr "Case Sensitive"
#: data/ui/Window.ui:349
msgid "Replace"
msgstr "Sostituisci"
#: data/ui/Window.ui:363
msgid "Replace all"
msgstr "Sostituisci tutti"
#: uberwriter/format_shortcuts.py:99
msgid "striked out text"
msgstr "Testo barrato"
#: data/ui/Export.ui:618 uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:18
#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:32
#: uberwriter/plugins/bibtex/bibtex_item.glade:45
msgid "label"
msgstr "label"
#: uberwriter/application.py:173
msgid "Use experimental features"
msgstr "Usa funzioni sperimentali"
#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:259
msgid "extension \"{}\" is not a valid ZIP file"
msgstr "L'estensione \"{}\" non è valida per un file ZIP"
#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:265
msgid "extension \"{}\" has no valid XML dictionary registry"
msgstr "L'estensione \"{}\" non ha alcun dizonario XML"
#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:285
msgid "unable to move extension, file with same name exists within move_path"
msgstr "impossibile spostare estensione, esista già un file con lo stesso nome in move_path"
#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/oxt_extract.py:293
msgid "unable to move extension, move_path is not a directory"
msgstr "impossibile spostare estensione, move_path non è una directory"
#: uberwriter_lib/gtkspellcheck/spellcheck.py:105
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Sconosciuto"
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:74
msgid "Open file base path"
msgstr "Apri file con percorso base"
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:75
msgid "Open file paths of the current session"
msgstr "Apri percorsi file della sessione corrente"
#: data/ui/App_menu.ui:36
msgid "Help to _translate"
msgstr "Aiuta a _tradurre"
#: data/ui/App_menu.ui:40
msgid "Donate to the project"
msgstr "Donazioni al progetto"
#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:169
msgid "Search and Replace"
msgstr "Cerca e Sostituisci"
#: data/ui/About.ui:12
msgid "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht"
msgstr "Copyright (C) 2018, Wolf Vollprecht"
#: data/ui/About.ui:14
msgid "Uberwriter website"
msgstr "Sito Web Uberwriter"
#: data/ui/About.ui:71
msgid "Donations:"
msgstr "Donazioni:"
#: data/ui/About.ui:80
msgid "Liberapay"
msgstr "Liberapay"
#: data/ui/About.ui:111
msgid "Help to translate:"
msgstr "Aiuta a tradurre:"
#: data/ui/About.ui:120
msgid "Poeditor"
msgstr "Poeditor"
#: data/ui/Export.ui:612 data/ui/Export.ui:622
msgid "PDF"
msgstr "PDF"
#: data/ui/Export.ui:599
msgid "HTML"
msgstr "HTML"
#: data/ui/Export.ui:595
msgid "ODT"
msgstr "ODT"
#: data/ui/Export.ui:634
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Avanzate"
#: data/ui/Menu.ui:28
msgid "_Export"
msgstr "_Esporta"
#: data/ui/Menu.ui:32
msgid "Copy HTML"
msgstr "Copia HTML"
#: data/ui/Menu.ui:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:19
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Preferenze"
#: data/ui/Menu.ui:46
msgid "Open Tutorial"
msgstr "Apri Tutorial"
#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:45
msgid "Use dark mode"
msgstr "Usa Modalità scura"
#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:56
msgid "Autospellcheck"
msgstr "Controllo Ortografico automatico"
#: data/ui/Preferences.ui:95
msgid "page 1"
msgstr "Pagina 1"
#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:159
msgid "Untitled document.md"
msgstr "Documento senza titolo.md"
#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:340
msgid "Please, install the TexLive extension from Gnome Software or running\n"
msgstr "Installa l'estenasione TexLive da Gnome Software o eseguendo"
#: uberwriter/export_dialog.py:343
msgid "Please, install TexLive from your distribuiton repositories"
msgstr "Installa TexLive dalla repository della tua distribuzione"
#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:137
msgid "New"
msgstr "Nuovo"
#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:147
msgid "Open"
msgstr "Apri"
#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:162
msgid "Open Recent"
msgstr "Apri Recenti"
#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:139
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Salva"
#: uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:904 uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py:954
msgid "Search and replace"
msgstr "Cerca e Sostituisci"
#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:170
msgid "Menu"
msgstr "Menu"
#: uberwriter/headerbars.py:101
msgid "Exit Fullscreen"
msgstr "Esci da Schermo Intero"
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:6
msgid "An elegant, free distraction GTK+ markdown editor"
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:8
msgid "Uberwriter is a GTK+ based distraction free Markdown editor, mainly developed by Wolf Vollprecht and Manuel Genovés. It uses pandoc as backend for markdown parsing and offers a very clean and sleek user interface."
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:9
msgid "You can install the recommended TexLive extension with the command:"
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:10
msgid "flatpak install flathub de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.Plugin.TexLive"
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:11
msgid "or from Gnome-Software"
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:34
msgid "..."
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:41
msgid "Added italian language"
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:42
msgid "Initial themes support: now uberwriter adapts his colors to the current GTK theme"
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:43
msgid "Disabled scroll gradient, can be enabled in the preferences dialog"
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:44
msgid "Allow to disable headerbar autohidding in Dconf"
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:45
msgid "Now a single click is enough to open files in the recent files popover"
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:46
msgid "Spellchecking status is now saved between sessions"
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:47
msgid "Minor UI fixes"
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:48
msgid "Added -d flag to enable webdev tools"
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:54
msgid "Updated css styles."
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:59
msgid "This release features a new logo, polishes the Appmenu, fixes usability bugs and flatpak related bugs."
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:64
msgid "This release provides a fix to a bug that caused Uberwriter to not mark properly **bold**, *cursive*, and ***bold and cursive*** words."
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:69
msgid "This release solves two minor bugs:"
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:71
msgid "One on focus mode which caused the lines to be highlighted on edit rather than on click"
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:72
msgid "Non symbolic icons on the searchbar"
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:78
msgid "This release features a ton of UX/UI improvements, like:"
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:80
msgid "Drop AppMenu support"
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:81
msgid "HeaderBar and menus redesign, with a new unified menu and quick access buttons on the headerbar"
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:82
msgid "Now the fullscreen view shows a headerbar when the cursor approaches the top of the screen"
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:83
msgid "A new unified export dialog, with updated options, and quick access to pdf, odt and html export"
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:84
msgid "Bugfixes."
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:90
msgid "Now the menu is a Popover instead a regular menu."
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:91
msgid "The headerbar matches the theme selected for the application."
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:92
msgid "Updated translations."
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:97
msgid "Small bug fixes, updated links."
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:102
msgid "Fix a bug with the preview mode."
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:107
msgid "Don't use env variable to check if in flatpak."
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:112
msgid "First re-release"
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.appdata.xml:120
msgid "Wolf V., Manuel G."
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.desktop:7
msgid "de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter"
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:24 data/ui/Preferences.ui:49
msgid "Set dark mode automatically"
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:25
msgid "Whether dark mode depends on the system theme, or is set to what the user specifies."
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:31 data/ui/Preferences.ui:73
msgid "Force dark mode"
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:32
msgid "Enable or disable the dark mode."
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:38 data/ui/Preferences.ui:97
msgid "Check spelling while typing"
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:39
msgid "Enable or disable spellchecking."
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:45 data/ui/Preferences.ui:121
msgid "Draw scroll gradient"
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:46
msgid "Show a gradient overlay over the text at the top anf bottom of the window. It can cause performance problems to some users."
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:53 data/ui/Preferences.ui:145
msgid "Synchronize editor/preview scrolling"
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:54
msgid "Keep the editor and preview scroll positions in sync."
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:60 data/ui/Preferences.ui:169
msgid "Input format"
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:61
msgid "Input format to use when previewing and exporting using Pandoc."
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:67
msgid "Allow Uberwriter to poll cursor motion"
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:68
msgid "Hide the header and status bars if the cursor is not moving."
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:81
msgid "Default statistic"
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:82
msgid "Which statistic is shown on the main window."
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:88
msgid "Characters per line"
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:89
msgid "Maximum number of characters per line within the editor."
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:95
msgid "Preview mode"
msgstr ""
#: data/de.wolfvollprecht.UberWriter.gschema.xml:96
msgid "How to display the preview."
msgstr ""
#: data/ui/Export.ui:129
msgid "Slideshow Incremental Bullets"
msgstr ""
#: data/ui/Export.ui:189
msgid "Highlight Syntax"
msgstr ""
#: data/ui/Export.ui:262
msgid "<b>Syntax Highlighting</b> (HTML, LaTeX)"
msgstr ""
#: data/ui/Export.ui:294 data/ui/Export.ui:307
msgid "Choose a bibliography file"
msgstr ""
#: data/ui/Export.ui:295
msgid "File"
msgstr ""
#: data/ui/Export.ui:325
msgid "<b>Bibliography </b>"
msgstr ""
#: data/ui/Export.ui:365
msgid "Self-contained"
msgstr ""
#: data/ui/Export.ui:382
msgid "HTML5"
msgstr ""
#: data/ui/Export.ui:387
msgid "Use HTML5 syntax"
msgstr ""
#: data/ui/Menu.ui:10
msgid "Hemingway Mode"
msgstr ""
#: data/ui/Menu.ui:43
msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts"
msgstr ""
#: data/ui/Menu.ui:51
msgid "_About UberWriter"
msgstr ""
#: data/ui/Preview.ui:28 uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:166
msgid "Full-Width"
msgstr ""
#: data/ui/Preview.ui:32
msgid "Switch Preview Mode"
msgstr ""
#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:45
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Close document"
msgstr ""
#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:52
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Quit application"
msgstr ""
#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:61
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Modes"
msgstr ""
#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:72
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Hemingway mode"
msgstr ""
#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:108
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Markdown"
msgstr ""
#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:140
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Strikeout"
msgstr ""
#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:163
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Copy and paste"
msgstr ""
#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:167
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Copy selected text to clipboard"
msgstr ""
#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:174
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Cut selected text to clipboard"
msgstr ""
#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:181
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Paste selected text from clipboard"
msgstr ""
#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:190
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Undo and redo"
msgstr ""
#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:194
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Undo previous command"
msgstr ""
#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:201
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Redo previous command"
msgstr ""
#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:210
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Selection"
msgstr ""
#: data/ui/Shortcuts.ui:214
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Select all text"
msgstr ""
#: data/ui/Window.ui:103
msgid "0 Words"
msgstr ""
#: data/ui/Window.ui:107
msgid "Show Statistics"
msgstr ""
#: data/ui/Window.ui:240
msgid "aA"
msgstr ""
#: data/ui/Window.ui:254
msgid "(.*)"
msgstr ""
#: data/ui/Window.ui:258
msgid "Regular Expression"
msgstr ""
#: uberwriter/application.py:171
msgid "Show debug messages (-vv debugs uberwriter also)"
msgstr ""
#: uberwriter/main_window.py:334
msgid "Markdown Files"
msgstr ""
#: uberwriter/main_window.py:338
msgid "Plain Text Files"
msgstr ""
#: uberwriter/main_window.py:341
msgid "Open a .md file"
msgstr ""
#: uberwriter/main_window.py:369
msgid "Close without saving"
msgstr ""
#: uberwriter/main_window.py:400
msgid "New File"
msgstr ""
#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:168
msgid "Half-Width"
msgstr ""
#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:170
msgid "Half-Height"
msgstr ""
#: uberwriter/preview_renderer.py:172
msgid "Windowed"
msgstr ""
#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:69
msgid "{:n} Characters"
msgstr ""
#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:71
msgid "{:n} Words"
msgstr ""
#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:73
msgid "{:n} Sentences"
msgstr ""
#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:75
msgid "{:n} Paragraphs"
msgstr ""
#: uberwriter/stats_handler.py:77
msgid "{:d}:{:02d}:{:02d} Read Time"
msgstr ""
#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:12
msgid "italic text"
msgstr ""
#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:17
msgid "bold text"
msgstr ""
#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:22
msgid "strikethrough text"
msgstr ""
#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:45
msgid "Item"
msgstr ""
#: uberwriter/text_view_format_inserter.py:91
msgid "Header"
msgstr ""