# gas comment with ``gnu'' style quotes /* some directive tests */ .byte 0xff .byte 1, 2, 3 .short 1, 2, 3 .word 1, 2, 3 .long 1, 2, 3 .int 1, 2, 3 .align 8 .byte 1 /* .align 16, 0x90 gas is too clever for us with 0x90 fill */ .align 16, 0x91 /* 0x91 tests the non-clever behaviour */ .skip 3 .skip 15, 0x90 .string "hello\0world" /* some label tests */ movl %eax, %ebx L1: movl %eax, %ebx mov 0x10000, %eax L2: movl $L2 - L1, %ecx var1: nop ; nop ; nop ; nop mov var1, %eax /* instruction tests */ movl %eax, %ebx mov 0x10000, %eax mov 0x10000, %ax mov 0x10000, %al mov %al, 0x10000 mov $1, %edx mov $1, %dx mov $1, %dl movb $2, 0x100(%ebx,%edx,2) movw $2, 0x100(%ebx,%edx,2) movl $2, 0x100(%ebx,%edx,2) movl %eax, 0x100(%ebx,%edx,2) movl 0x100(%ebx,%edx,2), %edx movw %ax, 0x100(%ebx,%edx,2) mov %eax, 0x12(,%edx,2) mov %cr3, %edx mov %ecx, %cr3 movl %cr3, %eax movl %tr3, %eax movl %db3, %ebx movl %dr6, %eax movl %fs, %ecx movl %ebx, %fs movsbl 0x1000, %eax movsbw 0x1000, %ax movswl 0x1000, %eax movzbl 0x1000, %eax movzbw 0x1000, %ax movzwl 0x1000, %eax movzb 0x1000, %eax movzb 0x1000, %ax pushl %eax pushw %ax push %eax push %cs push %gs push $1 push $100 popl %eax popw %ax pop %eax pop %ds pop %fs xchg %eax, %ecx xchg %edx, %eax xchg %bx, 0x10000 xchg 0x10000, %ebx xchg 0x10000, %dl in $100, %al in $100, %ax in $100, %eax in %dx, %al in %dx, %ax in %dx, %eax inb %dx inw %dx inl %dx out %al, $100 out %ax, $100 out %eax, $100 /* NOTE: gas is bugged here, so size must be added */ outb %al, %dx outw %ax, %dx outl %eax, %dx leal 0x1000(%ebx), %ecx lea 0x1000(%ebx), %ecx les 0x2000, %eax lds 0x2000, %ebx lfs 0x2000, %ecx lgs 0x2000, %edx lss 0x2000, %edx addl $0x123, %eax add $0x123, %ebx addl $0x123, 0x100 addl $0x123, 0x100(%ebx) addl $0x123, 0x100(%ebx,%edx,2) addl $0x123, 0x100(%esp) addl $0x123, (3*8)(%esp) addl $0x123, (%ebp) addl $0x123, (%esp) cmpl $0x123, (%esp) add %eax, (%ebx) add (%ebx), %eax or %dx, (%ebx) or (%ebx), %si add %cl, (%ebx) add (%ebx), %dl inc %edx incl 0x10000 incb 0x10000 dec %dx test $1, %al test $1, %cl testl $1, 0x1000 testb $1, 0x1000 testw $1, 0x1000 test %eax, %ebx test %eax, 0x1000 test 0x1000, %edx not %edx notw 0x10000 notl 0x10000 notb 0x10000 neg %edx negw 0x10000 negl 0x10000 negb 0x10000 imul %ecx mul %edx mulb %cl imul %eax, %ecx imul 0x1000, %cx imul $10, %eax, %ecx imul $10, %ax, %cx imul $10, %eax imul $0x1100000, %eax imul $1, %eax idivw 0x1000 div %ecx div %bl div %ecx, %eax shl %edx shl $10, %edx shl %cl, %edx shld $1, %eax, %edx shld %cl, %eax, %edx shld %eax, %edx shrd $1, %eax, %edx shrd %cl, %eax, %edx shrd %eax, %edx L4: call 0x1000 call L4 call *%eax call *0x1000 call func1 .global L5,L6 L5: L6: lcall $0x100, $0x1000 jmp 0x1000 jmp *%eax jmp *0x1000 ljmp $0x100, $0x1000 ret retl ret $10 retl $10 lret lret $10 enter $1234, $10 L3: jo 0x1000 jnp 0x1001 jne 0x1002 jg 0x1003 jo L3 jnp L3 jne L3 jg L3 loopne L3 loopnz L3 loope L3 loopz L3 loop L3 jecxz L3 seto %al setc %al setcb %al setnp 0x1000 setl 0xaaaa setg %dl fadd fadd %st(1), %st fadd %st(0), %st(1) fadd %st(3) fmul %st(0),%st(0) fmul %st(0),%st(1) faddp %st(5) faddp faddp %st(1), %st fadds 0x1000 fiadds 0x1002 faddl 0x1004 fiaddl 0x1006 fmul fmul %st(1), %st fmul %st(3) fmulp %st(5) fmulp fmulp %st(1), %st fmuls 0x1000 fimuls 0x1002 fmull 0x1004 fimull 0x1006 fsub fsub %st(1), %st fsub %st(3) fsubp %st(5) fsubp fsubp %st(1), %st fsubs 0x1000 fisubs 0x1002 fsubl 0x1004 fisubl 0x1006 fsubr fsubr %st(1), %st fsubr %st(3) fsubrp %st(5) fsubrp fsubrp %st(1), %st fsubrs 0x1000 fisubrs 0x1002 fsubrl 0x1004 fisubrl 0x1006 fdiv fdiv %st(1), %st fdiv %st(3) fdivp %st(5) fdivp fdivp %st(1), %st fdivs 0x1000 fidivs 0x1002 fdivl 0x1004 fidivl 0x1006 fcom %st(3) fcoms 0x1000 ficoms 0x1002 fcoml 0x1004 ficoml 0x1006 fcomp %st(5) fcomp fcompp fcomps 0x1000 ficomps 0x1002 fcompl 0x1004 ficompl 0x1006 fld %st(5) fldl 0x1000 flds 0x1002 fildl 0x1004 fst %st(4) fstp %st(6) fstpt 0x1006 fbstp 0x1008 fxch fxch %st(4) fucom %st(6) fucomp %st(3) fucompp finit fninit fldcw 0x1000 fnstcw 0x1002 fstcw 0x1002 fnstsw 0x1004 fnstsw (%eax) fstsw 0x1004 fstsw (%eax) fnclex fclex fnstenv 0x1000 fstenv 0x1000 fldenv 0x1000 fnsave 0x1002 fsave 0x1000 frstor 0x1000 ffree %st(7) ffreep %st(6) ftst fxam fld1 fldl2t fldl2e fldpi fldlg2 fldln2 fldz f2xm1 fyl2x fptan fpatan fxtract fprem1 fdecstp fincstp fprem fyl2xp1 fsqrt fsincos frndint fscale fsin fcos fchs fabs fnop fwait bswap %edx xadd %ecx, %edx xaddb %dl, 0x1000 xaddw %ax, 0x1000 xaddl %eax, 0x1000 cmpxchg %ecx, %edx cmpxchgb %dl, 0x1000 cmpxchgw %ax, 0x1000 cmpxchgl %eax, 0x1000 invlpg 0x1000 cmpxchg8b 0x1002 fcmovb %st(5), %st fcmove %st(5), %st fcmovbe %st(5), %st fcmovu %st(5), %st fcmovnb %st(5), %st fcmovne %st(5), %st fcmovnbe %st(5), %st fcmovnu %st(5), %st fcomi %st(5), %st fucomi %st(5), %st fcomip %st(5), %st fucomip %st(5), %st cmovo 0x1000, %eax cmovs 0x1000, %eax cmovns %edx, %edi int $3 int $0x10 pusha popa clc cld cli clts cmc lahf sahf pushfl popfl pushf popf stc std sti aaa aas daa das aad aam cbw cwd cwde cdq cbtw cwtd cwtl cltd leave int3 into iret rsm hlt wait nop /* XXX: handle prefixes */ #if 0 aword addr16 #endif lock rep repe repz repne repnz nop lock ;negl (%eax) wait ;pushf rep ;stosb repe ;lodsb repz ;cmpsb repne;movsb repnz;outsb /* handle one-line prefix + ops */ lock negl (%eax) wait pushf rep stosb repe lodsb repz cmpsb repne movsb repnz outsb invd wbinvd cpuid wrmsr rdtsc rdmsr rdpmc ud2 emms movd %edx, %mm3 movd 0x1000, %mm2 movd %mm4, %ecx movd %mm5, 0x1000 movq 0x1000, %mm2 movq %mm4, 0x1000 pand 0x1000, %mm3 pand %mm4, %mm5 psllw $1, %mm6 psllw 0x1000, %mm7 psllw %mm2, %mm7 xlat cmpsb scmpw insl outsw lodsb slodl movsb movsl smovb scasb sscaw stosw sstol bsf 0x1000, %ebx bsr 0x1000, %ebx bt %edx, 0x1000 btl $2, 0x1000 btc %edx, 0x1000 btcl $2, 0x1000 btr %edx, 0x1000 btrl $2, 0x1000 bts %edx, 0x1000 btsl $2, 0x1000 boundl %edx, 0x10000 boundw %bx, 0x1000 arpl %bx, 0x1000 lar 0x1000, %eax lgdt 0x1000 lidt 0x1000 lldt 0x1000 lmsw 0x1000 lsl 0x1000, %ecx ltr 0x1000 sgdt 0x1000 sidt 0x1000 sldt 0x1000 smsw 0x1000 str 0x1000 verr 0x1000 verw 0x1000 push %ds pushw %ds pushl %ds pop %ds popw %ds popl %ds fxsave 1(%ebx) fxrstor 1(%ecx) pushl $1 pushw $1 push $1 #ifdef __ASSEMBLER__ // should be defined, for S files inc %eax #endif ft1: ft2: ft3: ft4: ft5: ft6: ft7: ft8: ft9: xor %eax, %eax ret .type ft1,STT_FUNC .type ft2,@STT_FUNC .type ft3,%STT_FUNC .type ft4,"STT_FUNC" .type ft5,function .type ft6,@function .type ft7,%function .type ft8,"function" pause