arm64-gen.c: In gen_va_arg, handle the remaining HFA cases.

Edmund Grimley Evans 2015-02-25 22:38:56 +00:00
parent 36bb8994dd
commit a4d43618fb
1 changed files with 27 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -1093,7 +1093,7 @@ ST_FUNC void gen_va_arg(CType *t)
int align, size = type_size(t, &align);
int fsize, hfa = arm64_hfa(t, &fsize);
int r0, r1;
uint32_t r0, r1;
if (is_float(t->t)) {
hfa = 1;
@ -1108,9 +1108,12 @@ ST_FUNC void gen_va_arg(CType *t)
if (!hfa) {
uint32_t n = size > 16 ? 8 : (size + 7) & -8;
if (size == 16 && align == 16)
tcc_error("va_arg(ap, __uint128_t) unimplemented");
o(0xb940181e | r0 << 5); // ldr w30,[x(r0),#24] // __gr_offs
if (align == 16) {
assert(0); // this path untested but needed for __uint128_t
o(0x11003fde); // add w30,w30,#15
o(0x121c6fde); // and w30,w30,#-16
o(0x310003c0 | r1 | n << 10); // adds w(r1),w30,#(n)
o(0x540000ad); // b.le .+20
o(0xf9400000 | r1 | r0 << 5); // ldr x(r1),[x(r0)] // __stack
@ -1126,10 +1129,7 @@ ST_FUNC void gen_va_arg(CType *t)
else {
uint32_t rsz = hfa << 4;
uint32_t ssz = (size + 7) & -(uint32_t)8;
uint32_t b1;
if (hfa > 1 && fsize < 16)
// We may need to change the layout of this HFA
tcc_error("va_arg(ap, HFA) unimplemented");
uint32_t b1, b2;
o(0xb9401c1e | r0 << 5); // ldr w30,[x(r0),#28] // __vr_offs
o(0x310003c0 | r1 | rsz << 10); // adds w(r1),w30,#(rsz)
b1 = ind; o(0x5400000d); // b.le lab1
@ -1140,13 +1140,31 @@ ST_FUNC void gen_va_arg(CType *t)
o(0x9100001e | r1 << 5 | ssz << 10); // add x30,x(r1),#(ssz)
o(0xf900001e | r0 << 5); // str x30,[x(r0)] // __stack
o(0x14000004); // b .+16
b2 = ind; o(0x14000000); // b lab2
// lab1:
*(uint32_t *)(cur_text_section->data + b1) =
(0x5400000d | (ind - b1) << 3);
o(0xb9001c00 | r1 | r0 << 5); // str w(r1),[x(r0),#28] // __vr_offs
o(0xf9400800 | r1 | r0 << 5); // ldr x(r1),[x(r0),#16] // __vr_top
o(0x8b3ec000 | r1 | r1 << 5); // add x(r1),x(r1),w30,sxtw
if (hfa == 1 || fsize == 16)
o(0x8b3ec000 | r1 | r1 << 5); // add x(r1),x(r1),w30,sxtw
else {
// We need to change the layout of this HFA.
// Get some space on the stack using global variable "loc":
loc = (loc - size) & -(uint32_t)align;
o(0x8b3ec000 | 30 | r1 << 5); // add x30,x(r1),w30,sxtw
arm64_movimm(r1, loc);
o(0x8b0003a0 | r1 | r1 << 16); // add x(r1),x29,x(r1)
o(0x4c402bdc | (uint32_t)fsize << 7 |
(uint32_t)(hfa == 2) << 15 |
(uint32_t)(hfa == 3) << 14); // ld1 {v28.(4s|2d),...},[x30]
o(0x0d00801c | r1 << 5 | (fsize == 8) << 10 |
(uint32_t)(hfa != 2) << 13 |
(uint32_t)(hfa != 3) << 21); // st(hfa) {v28.(s|d),...}[0],[x(r1)]
// lab2:
*(uint32_t *)(cur_text_section->data + b2) =
(0x14000000 | (ind - b2) >> 2);