' ' Copyright 2013 Piotr Caban for CodeWeavers ' ' This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ' modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ' License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ' version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ' ' This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ' MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ' Lesser General Public License for more details. ' ' You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ' License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ' Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA ' Option Explicit Dim x, matches, match, submatch Set x = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp") Call ok(getVT(x.Pattern) = "VT_BSTR", "getVT(RegExp.Pattern) = " & getVT(x.Pattern)) Call ok(x.Pattern = "", "RegExp.Pattern = " & x.Pattern) Call ok(getVT(x.IgnoreCase) = "VT_BOOL", "getVT(RegExp.IgnoreCase) = " & getVT(x.IgnoreCase)) Call ok(x.IgnoreCase = false, "RegExp.IgnoreCase = " & x.IgnoreCase) Call ok(getVT(x.Global) = "VT_BOOL", "getVT(RegExp.Global) = " & getVT(x.Global)) Call ok(x.Global = false, "RegExp.Global = " & x.Global) Call ok(getVT(x.Multiline) = "VT_BOOL", "getVT(RegExp.Multiline) = " & getVT(x.Multiline)) Call ok(x.Multiline = false, "RegExp.Multiline = " & x.Multiline) x.Pattern = "a+" matches = x.Test(" aabaaa") Call ok(matches = true, "RegExp.Test returned: " & matches) Set matches = x.Execute(" aabaaa") Call ok(getVT(matches.Count) = "VT_I4", "getVT(matches.Count) = " & getVT(matches.Count)) Call ok(matches.Count = 1, "matches.Count = " & matches.Count) Set match = matches.Item(0) Call ok(match.Value = "aa", "match.Value = " & match.Value) Call ok(match.FirstIndex = 1, "match.FirstIndex = " & match.FirstIndex) Call ok(match.Length = 2, "match.Length = " & match.Length) Set submatch = match.SubMatches Call ok(submatch.Count = 0, "submatch.Count = " & submatch.Count) x.Global = true Set matches = x.Execute(" aabaaa") Call ok(matches.Count = 2, "matches.Count = " & matches.Count) Set match = matches.Item(0) Call ok(match.Value = "aa", "match.Value = " & match.Value) Call ok(match.FirstIndex = 1, "match.FirstIndex = " & match.FirstIndex) Call ok(match.Length = 2, "match.Length = " & match.Length) Set submatch = match.SubMatches Call ok(submatch.Count = 0, "submatch.Count = " & submatch.Count) Set match = matches.Item(1) Call ok(match.Value = "aaa", "match.Value = " & match.Value) Call ok(match.FirstIndex = 4, "match.FirstIndex = " & match.FirstIndex) Call ok(match.Length = 3, "match.Length = " & match.Length) Set submatch = match.SubMatches Call ok(submatch.Count = 0, "submatch.Count = " & submatch.Count) Set matches = x.Execute(" aabaaa") Call ok(matches.Count = 2, "matches.Count = " & matches.Count) Set match = matches.Item(0) Call ok(match.Value = "aa", "match.Value = " & match.Value) Call ok(match.FirstIndex = 1, "match.FirstIndex = " & match.FirstIndex) Call ok(match.Length = 2, "match.Length = " & match.Length) Set submatch = match.SubMatches Call ok(submatch.Count = 0, "submatch.Count = " & submatch.Count) x.Pattern = "^[^<]*(<(.|\s)+>)[^>]*$|^#(\w+)$" x.Global = false Set matches = x.Execute("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") Call ok(matches.Count = 0, "matches.Count = " & matches.Count) Set submatch = match.SubMatches Call ok(submatch.Count = 0, "submatch.Count = " & submatch.Count) x.Pattern = "(a|b)+|(c)" Set matches = x.Execute("aa") Call ok(matches.Count = 1, "matches.Count = " & matches.Count) Set match = matches.Item(0) Call ok(match.Value = "aa", "match.Value = " & match.Value) Call ok(match.FirstIndex = 0, "match.FirstIndex = " & match.FirstIndex) Call ok(match.Length = 2, "match.Length = " & match.Length) Set submatch = match.SubMatches Call ok(submatch.Count = 2, "submatch.Count = " & submatch.Count) Call ok(getVT(submatch.Item(0)) = "VT_BSTR", "getVT(submatch.Item(0)) = " & getVT(submatch.Item(0))) Call ok(submatch.Item(0) = "a", "submatch.Item(0) = " & submatch.Item(0)) Call ok(getVT(submatch.Item(1)) = "VT_EMPTY", "getVT(submatch.Item(1)) = " & getVT(submatch.Item(1))) Call ok(submatch.Item(1) = "", "submatch.Item(0) = " & submatch.Item(1)) matches = x.Test(" a ") Call ok(matches = true, "RegExp.Test returned: " & matches) matches = x.Test(" a ") Call ok(matches = true, "RegExp.Test returned: " & matches) x.Pattern = "\[([^\[]+)\]" x.Global = true Set matches = x.Execute(" [test] ") Call ok(matches.Count = 1, "matches.Count = " & matches.Count) Set match = matches.Item(0) Call ok(match.Value = "[test]", "match.Value = " & match.Value) Call ok(match.FirstIndex = 1, "match.FirstIndex = " & match.FirstIndex) Call ok(match.Length = 6, "match.Length = " & match.Length) Set submatch = match.SubMatches Call ok(submatch.Count = 1, "submatch.Count = " & submatch.Count) Call ok(submatch.Item(0) = "test", "submatch.Item(0) = " & submatch.Item(0)) x.Pattern = "Ab" x.IgnoreCase = true Set matches = x.Execute("abcaBc") Call ok(matches.Count = 2, "matches.Count = " & matches.Count) Set match = matches.Item(0) Call ok(match.Value = "ab", "match.Value = " & match.Value) Call ok(match.FirstIndex = 0, "match.FirstIndex = " & match.FirstIndex) Call ok(match.Length = 2, "match.Length = " & match.Length) Set submatch = match.SubMatches Call ok(submatch.Count = 0, "submatch.Count = " & submatch.Count) Set match = matches.Item(1) Call ok(match.Value = "aB", "match.Value = " & match.Value) Call ok(match.FirstIndex = 3, "match.FirstIndex = " & match.FirstIndex) Call ok(match.Length = 2, "match.Length = " & match.Length) Set submatch = match.SubMatches Call ok(submatch.Count = 0, "submatch.Count = " & submatch.Count) x.Pattern = "a+b" x.IgnoreCase = false Set matches = x.Execute("aaabcabc") Call ok(matches.Count = 2, "matches.Count = " & matches.Count) Set match = matches.Item(0) Call ok(match.Value = "aaab", "match.Value = " & match.Value) Call ok(match.FirstIndex = 0, "match.FirstIndex = " & match.FirstIndex) Call ok(match.Length = 4, "match.Length = " & match.Length) Set submatch = match.SubMatches Call ok(submatch.Count = 0, "submatch.Count = " & submatch.Count) Set match = matches.Item(1) Call ok(match.Value = "ab", "match.Value = " & match.Value) Call ok(match.FirstIndex = 5, "match.FirstIndex = " & match.FirstIndex) Call ok(match.Length = 2, "match.Length = " & match.Length) Set submatch = match.SubMatches Call ok(submatch.Count = 0, "submatch.Count = " & submatch.Count) x.Pattern = "\\" Set matches = x.Execute("aaa\\cabc") Call ok(matches.Count = 2, "matches.Count = " & matches.Count) Set match = matches.Item(0) Call ok(match.Value = "\", "match.Value = " & match.Value) Call ok(match.FirstIndex = 3, "match.FirstIndex = " & match.FirstIndex) Call ok(match.Length = 1, "match.Length = " & match.Length) Set submatch = match.SubMatches Call ok(submatch.Count = 0, "submatch.Count = " & submatch.Count) Set match = matches.Item(1) Call ok(match.Value = "\", "match.Value = " & match.Value) Call ok(match.FirstIndex = 4, "match.FirstIndex = " & match.FirstIndex) Call ok(match.Length = 1, "match.Length = " & match.Length) Set submatch = match.SubMatches Call ok(submatch.Count = 0, "submatch.Count = " & submatch.Count) x.Pattern = "(a)(b)cabc" Set matches = x.Execute("abcabc") Call ok(matches.Count = 1, "matches.Count = " & matches.Count) Set match = matches.Item(0) Call ok(match.Value = "abcabc", "match.Value = " & match.Value) Call ok(match.FirstIndex = 0, "match.FirstIndex = " & match.FirstIndex) Call ok(match.Length = 6, "match.Length = " & match.Length) Set submatch = match.SubMatches Call ok(submatch.Count = 2, "submatch.Count = " & submatch.Count) Call ok(submatch.Item(0) = "a", "submatch.Item(0) = " & submatch.Item(0)) Call ok(submatch.Item(1) = "b", "submatch.Item(0) = " & submatch.Item(1)) Call reportSuccess()