/* * Copyright 2004 (C) Mike McCormack * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef __WINE_ICM_H #define __WINE_ICM_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif typedef HANDLE HPROFILE; typedef HPROFILE *PHPROFILE; typedef HANDLE HTRANSFORM; typedef DWORD TAGTYPE, *PTAGTYPE, *LPTAGTYPE; typedef char COLOR_NAME[32]; typedef COLOR_NAME *PCOLOR_NAME, *LPCOLOR_NAME; typedef struct tagNAMED_PROFILE_INFO { DWORD dwFlags; DWORD dwCount; DWORD dwCountDevCoordinates; COLOR_NAME szPrefix; COLOR_NAME szSuffix; } NAMED_PROFILE_INFO, *PNAMED_PROFILE_INFO, *LPNAMED_PROFILE_INFO; #define MAX_COLOR_CHANNELS 8 struct GRAYCOLOR { WORD gray; }; struct RGBCOLOR { WORD red; WORD green; WORD blue; }; struct CMYKCOLOR { WORD cyan; WORD magenta; WORD yellow; WORD black; }; struct XYZCOLOR { WORD X; WORD Y; WORD Z; }; struct YxyCOLOR { WORD Y; WORD x; WORD y; }; struct LabCOLOR { WORD L; WORD a; WORD b; }; struct GENERIC3CHANNEL { WORD ch1; WORD ch2; WORD ch3; }; struct NAMEDCOLOR { DWORD dwIndex; }; struct HiFiCOLOR { BYTE channel[MAX_COLOR_CHANNELS]; }; typedef union tagCOLOR { struct GRAYCOLOR gray; struct RGBCOLOR rgb; struct CMYKCOLOR cmyk; struct XYZCOLOR XYZ; struct YxyCOLOR Yxy; struct LabCOLOR Lab; struct GENERIC3CHANNEL gen3ch; struct NAMEDCOLOR named; struct HiFiCOLOR hifi; struct { DWORD reserved1; VOID *reserved2; } DUMMYSTRUCTNAME; } COLOR, *PCOLOR, *LPCOLOR; typedef enum { COLOR_GRAY = 1, COLOR_RGB, COLOR_XYZ, COLOR_Yxy, COLOR_Lab, COLOR_3_CHANNEL, COLOR_CMYK, COLOR_5_CHANNEL, COLOR_6_CHANNEL, COLOR_7_CHANNEL, COLOR_8_CHANNEL, COLOR_NAMED, } COLORTYPE, *PCOLORTYPE, *LPCOLORTYPE; typedef enum { BM_x555RGB = 0x00, BM_565RGB = 0x01, BM_RGBTRIPLETS = 0x02, BM_BGRTRIPLETS = 0x04, BM_xRGBQUADS = 0x08, BM_10b_RGB = 0x09, BM_16b_RGB = 0x0a, BM_xBGRQUADS = 0x10, BM_CMYKQUADS = 0x20, BM_x555XYZ = 0x101, BM_x555Yxz, BM_x555Lab, BM_x555G3CH, BM_XYZTRIPLETS = 0x201, BM_YxyTRIPLETS, BM_LabTRIPLETS, BM_G3CHTRIPLETS, BM_5CHANNEL, BM_6CHANNEL, BM_7CHANNEL, BM_8CHANNEL, BM_GRAY, BM_xXYZQUADS = 0x301, BM_xYxyQUADS, BM_xLabQUADS, BM_xG3CHQUADS, BM_KYMCQUADS, BM_10b_XYZ = 0x401, BM_10b_Yxy, BM_10b_Lab, BM_10b_G3CH, BM_NAMED_INDEX, BM_16b_XYZ = 0x501, BM_16b_Yxy, BM_16b_Lab, BM_16b_G3CH, BM_16b_GRAY, } BMFORMAT, *PBMFORMAT, *LPBMFORMAT; typedef BOOL (CALLBACK *PBMCALLBACKFN)(ULONG,ULONG,LPARAM); typedef PBMCALLBACKFN LPPBMCALLBACKFN; typedef struct tagPROFILEHEADER { DWORD phSize; DWORD phCMMType; DWORD phVersion; DWORD phClass; DWORD phDataColorSpace; DWORD phConnectionSpace; DWORD phDateTime[3]; DWORD phSignature; DWORD phPlatform; DWORD phProfileFlags; DWORD phManufacturer; DWORD phModel; DWORD phAttributes[2]; DWORD phRenderingIntent; CIEXYZ phIlluminant; DWORD phCreator; BYTE phReserved[44]; } PROFILEHEADER, *PPROFILEHEADER, *LPPROFILEHEADER; typedef struct tagPROFILE { DWORD dwType; PVOID pProfileData; DWORD cbDataSize; } PROFILE, *PPROFILE, *LPPROFILE; typedef struct tagENUMTYPEA { DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwVersion; DWORD dwFields; PCSTR pDeviceName; DWORD dwMediaType; DWORD dwDitheringMode; DWORD dwResolution[2]; DWORD dwCMMType; DWORD dwClass; DWORD dwDataColorSpace; DWORD dwConnectionSpace; DWORD dwSignature; DWORD dwPlatform; DWORD dwProfileFlags; DWORD dwManufacturer; DWORD dwModel; DWORD dwAttributes[2]; DWORD dwRenderingIntent; DWORD dwCreator; DWORD dwDeviceClass; } ENUMTYPEA, *PENUMTYPEA, *LPENUMTYPEA; typedef struct tagENUMTYPEW { DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwVersion; DWORD dwFields; PCWSTR pDeviceName; DWORD dwMediaType; DWORD dwDitheringMode; DWORD dwResolution[2]; DWORD dwCMMType; DWORD dwClass; DWORD dwDataColorSpace; DWORD dwConnectionSpace; DWORD dwSignature; DWORD dwPlatform; DWORD dwProfileFlags; DWORD dwManufacturer; DWORD dwModel; DWORD dwAttributes[2]; DWORD dwRenderingIntent; DWORD dwCreator; DWORD dwDeviceClass; } ENUMTYPEW, *PENUMTYPEW, *LPENUMTYPEW; struct _tagCOLORMATCHSETUPA; struct _tagCOLORMATCHSETUPW; typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PCMSCALLBACKA)(struct _tagCOLORMATCHSETUPA*,LPARAM); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PCMSCALLBACKW)(struct _tagCOLORMATCHSETUPW*,LPARAM); typedef struct _tagCOLORMATCHSETUPA { DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwVersion; DWORD dwFlags; HWND hwndOwner; PCSTR pSourceName; PCSTR pDisplayName; PCSTR pPrinterName; DWORD dwRenderIntent; DWORD dwProofingIntent; PSTR pMonitorProfile; DWORD ccMonitorProfile; PSTR pPrinterProfile; DWORD ccPrinterProfile; PSTR pTargetProfile; DWORD ccTargetProfile; DLGPROC lpfnHook; LPARAM lParam; PCMSCALLBACKA lpfnApplyCallback; LPARAM lParamApplyCallback; } COLORMATCHSETUPA, *PCOLORMATCHSETUPA, *LPCOLORMATCHSETUPA; typedef struct _tagCOLORMATCHSETUPW { DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwVersion; DWORD dwFlags; HWND hwndOwner; PCWSTR pSourceName; PCWSTR pDisplayName; PCWSTR pPrinterName; DWORD dwRenderIntent; DWORD dwProofingIntent; PWSTR pMonitorProfile; DWORD ccMonitorProfile; PWSTR pPrinterProfile; DWORD ccPrinterProfile; PWSTR pTargetProfile; DWORD ccTargetProfile; DLGPROC lpfnHook; LPARAM lParam; PCMSCALLBACKW lpfnApplyCallback; LPARAM lParamApplyCallback; } COLORMATCHSETUPW, *PCOLORMATCHSETUPW, *LPCOLORMATCHSETUPW; BOOL WINAPI CloseColorProfile(HPROFILE); HTRANSFORM WINAPI CreateColorTransformA(LPLOGCOLORSPACEA,HPROFILE,HPROFILE,DWORD); HTRANSFORM WINAPI CreateColorTransformW(LPLOGCOLORSPACEW,HPROFILE,HPROFILE,DWORD); #define CreateColorTransform WINELIB_NAME_AW(CreateColorTransform) HTRANSFORM WINAPI CreateMultiProfileTransform(PHPROFILE,DWORD,PDWORD,DWORD,DWORD,DWORD); BOOL WINAPI DeleteColorTransform(HTRANSFORM); BOOL WINAPI GetColorDirectoryA(PCSTR,PSTR,PDWORD); BOOL WINAPI GetColorDirectoryW(PCWSTR,PWSTR,PDWORD); #define GetColorDirectory WINELIB_NAME_AW(GetColorDirectory) BOOL WINAPI GetColorProfileElement(HPROFILE,TAGTYPE,DWORD,PDWORD,PVOID,PBOOL); BOOL WINAPI GetColorProfileElementTag(HPROFILE,DWORD,PTAGTYPE); BOOL WINAPI GetColorProfileFromHandle(HPROFILE,PBYTE,PDWORD); BOOL WINAPI GetColorProfileHeader(HPROFILE,PPROFILEHEADER); HCOLORSPACE WINAPI GetColorSpace(HDC); BOOL WINAPI GetCountColorProfileElements(HPROFILE,PDWORD); BOOL WINAPI GetStandardColorSpaceProfileA(PCSTR,DWORD,PSTR,PDWORD); BOOL WINAPI GetStandardColorSpaceProfileW(PCWSTR,DWORD,PWSTR,PDWORD); #define GetStandardColorSpaceProfile WINELIB_NAME_AW(GetStandardColorSpaceProfile) BOOL WINAPI InstallColorProfileA(PCSTR,PCSTR); BOOL WINAPI InstallColorProfileW(PCWSTR,PCWSTR); #define InstallColorProfile WINELIB_NAME_AW(InstallColorProfile) BOOL WINAPI IsColorProfileTagPresent(HPROFILE,TAGTYPE,PBOOL); BOOL WINAPI IsColorProfileValid(HPROFILE,PBOOL); HPROFILE WINAPI OpenColorProfileA(PPROFILE,DWORD,DWORD,DWORD); HPROFILE WINAPI OpenColorProfileW(PPROFILE,DWORD,DWORD,DWORD); #define OpenColorProfile WINELIB_NAME_AW(OpenColorProfile) BOOL WINAPI SetColorProfileElement(HPROFILE,TAGTYPE,DWORD,PDWORD,PVOID); BOOL WINAPI SetColorProfileHeader(HPROFILE,PPROFILEHEADER); HCOLORSPACE WINAPI SetColorSpace(HDC,HCOLORSPACE); BOOL WINAPI SetStandardColorSpaceProfileA(PCSTR,DWORD,PSTR); BOOL WINAPI SetStandardColorSpaceProfileW(PCWSTR,DWORD,PWSTR); #define SetStandardColorSpaceProfile WINELIB_NAME_AW(SetStandardColorSpaceProfile) BOOL WINAPI SetupColorMatchingA(PCOLORMATCHSETUPA); BOOL WINAPI SetupColorMatchingW(PCOLORMATCHSETUPW); #define SetupColorMatching WINELIB_NAME_AW(SetupColorMatching) BOOL WINAPI UninstallColorProfileA(PCSTR,PCSTR,BOOL); BOOL WINAPI UninstallColorProfileW(PCWSTR,PCWSTR,BOOL); #define UninstallColorProfile WINELIB_NAME_AW(UninstallColorProfile) #define PROFILE_FILENAME 1 #define PROFILE_MEMBUFFER 2 #define PROFILE_READ 1 #define PROFILE_READWRITE 2 #define SPACE_XYZ 0x58595A20 /* 'XYZ ' */ #define SPACE_Lab 0x4C616220 /* 'Lab ' */ #define SPACE_Luv 0x4C757620 /* 'Luv ' */ #define SPACE_YCbCr 0x59436272 /* 'YCbr' */ #define SPACE_Yxy 0x59787920 /* 'Yxy ' */ #define SPACE_RGB 0x52474220 /* 'RGB ' */ #define SPACE_GRAY 0x47524159 /* 'GRAY' */ #define SPACE_HSV 0x48535620 /* 'HSV ' */ #define SPACE_HLS 0x484C5320 /* 'HLS ' */ #define SPACE_CMYK 0x434D594B /* 'CMYK' */ #define SPACE_CMY 0x434D5920 /* 'CMY ' */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* __WINE_ICM_H */