]> ; Use the section id as the filename rather than ; cryptic filenames like x1547.html (define %use-id-as-filename% #t) ; Repeat the section number in each section to make it easier ; when browsing the doc (define %section-autolabel% #t) ;;(define %stylesheet% "../../winehq.css") ;;(define %stylesheet-type% "text/css") ; All that remains is to hard-code various aspects of the look and feel ; (colors, italics, etc.) (define %shade-verbatim% #t) ;; Customize the body tag color attributes (define %body-attr% (list (list "BGCOLOR" "#FFFFFF") (list "TEXT" "#000000") (list "LINK" "#a50d0d") (list "VLINK" "#505050") (list "ALINK" "#a50d0d"))) ;; Change the background color of programlisting and screen, etc. (define ($shade-verbatim-attr$) (list (list "BORDER" "0") ;(list "BGCOLOR" "#E0E0E0") ; light grey (list "BGCOLOR" "#E0D0D0") ; light grayish red ;(list "BGCOLOR" "#bc8686") ; dark rose ;(list "BGCOLOR" "#FFD39B") ; burlywood1 (tan) ;(list "BGCOLOR" "#FFE7BA") ; wheat1 (light tan) (list "WIDTH" ($table-width$))))