/* * Win32 advapi functions * * Copyright 1995 Sven Verdoolaege * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include "windef.h" #include "winbase.h" #include "winsvc.h" #include "winerror.h" #include "winreg.h" #include "wine/unicode.h" #include "heap.h" #include "wine/debug.h" #include "winternl.h" WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(advapi); static DWORD start_dwNumServiceArgs; static LPWSTR *start_lpServiceArgVectors; static const WCHAR _ServiceStartDataW[] = {'A','D','V','A','P','I','_','S', 'e','r','v','i','c','e','S','t', 'a','r','t','D','a','t','a',0}; static const WCHAR szServiceManagerKey[] = { 'S','y','s','t','e','m','\\', 'C','u','r','r','e','n','t','C','o','n','t','r','o','l','S','e','t','\\', 'S','e','r','v','i','c','e','s','\\',0 }; /****************************************************************************** * SC_HANDLEs */ #define MAX_SERVICE_NAME 256 typedef enum { SC_HTYPE_MANAGER, SC_HTYPE_SERVICE } SC_HANDLE_TYPE; struct sc_handle; struct sc_manager /* SCM handle */ { HKEY hkey_scm_db; /* handle to services database in the registry */ LONG ref_count; /* handle must remain alive until any related service */ /* handle exists because DeleteService requires it */ }; struct sc_service /* service handle */ { HKEY hkey; /* handle to service entry in the registry (under hkey_scm_db) */ struct sc_handle *sc_manager; /* pointer to SCM handle */ WCHAR name[ MAX_SERVICE_NAME ]; }; struct sc_handle { SC_HANDLE_TYPE htype; union { struct sc_manager manager; struct sc_service service; } u; }; static struct sc_handle* alloc_sc_handle( SC_HANDLE_TYPE htype ) { struct sc_handle *retval; retval = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(struct sc_handle) ); if( retval != NULL ) { retval->htype = htype; } TRACE("SC_HANDLE type=%d -> %p\n",htype,retval); return retval; } static void free_sc_handle( struct sc_handle* handle ) { switch( handle->htype ) { case SC_HTYPE_MANAGER: { if( InterlockedDecrement( &handle->u.manager.ref_count ) ) /* there are references to this handle */ return; if( handle->u.manager.hkey_scm_db ) RegCloseKey( handle->u.manager.hkey_scm_db ); break; } case SC_HTYPE_SERVICE: { struct sc_handle *h = handle->u.service.sc_manager; if( h ) { /* release SCM handle */ if( 0 == InterlockedDecrement( &h->u.manager.ref_count ) ) { /* it's time to destroy SCM handle */ if( h->u.manager.hkey_scm_db ) RegCloseKey( h->u.manager.hkey_scm_db ); TRACE("SC_HANDLE (SCM) %p type=%d\n",h,h->htype); HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, h ); } } if( handle->u.service.hkey ) RegCloseKey( handle->u.service.hkey ); break; } } TRACE("SC_HANDLE %p type=%d\n",handle,handle->htype); HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, handle ); } static void init_service_handle( struct sc_handle* handle, struct sc_handle* sc_manager, HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR lpServiceName ) { /* init sc_service structure */ handle->u.service.hkey = hKey; lstrcpynW( handle->u.service.name, lpServiceName, MAX_SERVICE_NAME ); /* add reference to SCM handle */ InterlockedIncrement( &sc_manager->u.manager.ref_count ); handle->u.service.sc_manager = sc_manager; } /****************************************************************************** * EnumServicesStatusA [ADVAPI32.@] */ BOOL WINAPI EnumServicesStatusA( SC_HANDLE hSCManager, DWORD dwServiceType, DWORD dwServiceState, LPENUM_SERVICE_STATUSA lpServices, DWORD cbBufSize, LPDWORD pcbBytesNeeded, LPDWORD lpServicesReturned, LPDWORD lpResumeHandle ) { FIXME("%p type=%lx state=%lx %p %lx %p %p %p\n", hSCManager, dwServiceType, dwServiceState, lpServices, cbBufSize, pcbBytesNeeded, lpServicesReturned, lpResumeHandle); SetLastError (ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); return FALSE; } /****************************************************************************** * EnumServicesStatusW [ADVAPI32.@] */ BOOL WINAPI EnumServicesStatusW( SC_HANDLE hSCManager, DWORD dwServiceType, DWORD dwServiceState, LPENUM_SERVICE_STATUSW lpServices, DWORD cbBufSize, LPDWORD pcbBytesNeeded, LPDWORD lpServicesReturned, LPDWORD lpResumeHandle ) { FIXME("%p type=%lx state=%lx %p %lx %p %p %p\n", hSCManager, dwServiceType, dwServiceState, lpServices, cbBufSize, pcbBytesNeeded, lpServicesReturned, lpResumeHandle); SetLastError (ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); return FALSE; } /****************************************************************************** * StartServiceCtrlDispatcherA [ADVAPI32.@] */ BOOL WINAPI StartServiceCtrlDispatcherA( LPSERVICE_TABLE_ENTRYA servent ) { LPSERVICE_MAIN_FUNCTIONA fpMain; HANDLE wait; DWORD dwNumServiceArgs ; LPWSTR *lpArgVecW; LPSTR *lpArgVecA; int i; TRACE("(%p)\n", servent); wait = CreateSemaphoreW(NULL,1,1,_ServiceStartDataW); if (!wait) { ERR("Couldn't create data semaphore\n"); return FALSE; } dwNumServiceArgs = start_dwNumServiceArgs; lpArgVecW = start_lpServiceArgVectors; ReleaseSemaphore(wait, 1, NULL); /* Convert the Unicode arg vectors back to ASCII */ if(dwNumServiceArgs) lpArgVecA = (LPSTR*) HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, dwNumServiceArgs*sizeof(LPSTR) ); else lpArgVecA = NULL; for(i=0; ilpServiceName) { TRACE("%s at %p)\n", debugstr_a(servent->lpServiceName),servent); fpMain = servent->lpServiceProc; /* try to start the service */ fpMain( dwNumServiceArgs, lpArgVecA); servent++; } if(dwNumServiceArgs) { /* free arg strings */ for(i=0; ilpServiceName) { TRACE("%s at %p)\n", debugstr_w(servent->lpServiceName),servent); fpMain = servent->lpServiceProc; /* try to start the service */ fpMain( dwNumServiceArgs, lpServiceArgVectors); servent++; } return TRUE; } /****************************************************************************** * LockServiceDatabase [ADVAPI32.@] */ LPVOID WINAPI LockServiceDatabase (SC_HANDLE hSCManager) { FIXME("%p\n",hSCManager); return (SC_HANDLE)0xcacacafe; } /****************************************************************************** * UnlockServiceDatabase [ADVAPI32.@] */ BOOL WINAPI UnlockServiceDatabase (LPVOID ScLock) { FIXME(": %p\n",ScLock); return TRUE; } /****************************************************************************** * RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerA [ADVAPI32.@] */ SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE WINAPI RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerA( LPCSTR lpServiceName, LPHANDLER_FUNCTION lpfHandler ) { FIXME("%s %p\n", lpServiceName, lpfHandler); return 0xcacacafe; } /****************************************************************************** * RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerW [ADVAPI32.@] * * PARAMS * lpServiceName [] * lpfHandler [] */ SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE WINAPI RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerW( LPCWSTR lpServiceName, LPHANDLER_FUNCTION lpfHandler ) { FIXME("%s %p\n", debugstr_w(lpServiceName), lpfHandler); return 0xcacacafe; } /****************************************************************************** * SetServiceStatus [ADVAPI32.@] * * PARAMS * hService [] * lpStatus [] */ BOOL WINAPI SetServiceStatus( SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE hService, LPSERVICE_STATUS lpStatus ) { FIXME("0x%lx %p\n",hService, lpStatus); TRACE("\tType:%lx\n",lpStatus->dwServiceType); TRACE("\tState:%lx\n",lpStatus->dwCurrentState); TRACE("\tControlAccepted:%lx\n",lpStatus->dwControlsAccepted); TRACE("\tExitCode:%lx\n",lpStatus->dwWin32ExitCode); TRACE("\tServiceExitCode:%lx\n",lpStatus->dwServiceSpecificExitCode); TRACE("\tCheckPoint:%lx\n",lpStatus->dwCheckPoint); TRACE("\tWaitHint:%lx\n",lpStatus->dwWaitHint); return TRUE; } /****************************************************************************** * OpenSCManagerA [ADVAPI32.@] * * Establish a connection to the service control manager and open its database. * * PARAMS * lpMachineName [I] Pointer to machine name string * lpDatabaseName [I] Pointer to database name string * dwDesiredAccess [I] Type of access * * RETURNS * Success: A Handle to the service control manager database * Failure: NULL */ SC_HANDLE WINAPI OpenSCManagerA( LPCSTR lpMachineName, LPCSTR lpDatabaseName, DWORD dwDesiredAccess ) { UNICODE_STRING lpMachineNameW; UNICODE_STRING lpDatabaseNameW; SC_HANDLE ret; RtlCreateUnicodeStringFromAsciiz (&lpMachineNameW,lpMachineName); RtlCreateUnicodeStringFromAsciiz (&lpDatabaseNameW,lpDatabaseName); ret = OpenSCManagerW(lpMachineNameW.Buffer,lpDatabaseNameW.Buffer, dwDesiredAccess); RtlFreeUnicodeString(&lpDatabaseNameW); RtlFreeUnicodeString(&lpMachineNameW); return ret; } /****************************************************************************** * OpenSCManagerW [ADVAPI32.@] * * See OpenSCManagerA. */ SC_HANDLE WINAPI OpenSCManagerW( LPCWSTR lpMachineName, LPCWSTR lpDatabaseName, DWORD dwDesiredAccess ) { struct sc_handle *retval; HKEY hReg; LONG r; TRACE("(%s,%s,0x%08lx)\n", debugstr_w(lpMachineName), debugstr_w(lpDatabaseName), dwDesiredAccess); /* * FIXME: what is lpDatabaseName? * It should be set to "SERVICES_ACTIVE_DATABASE" according to * docs, but what if it isn't? */ retval = alloc_sc_handle( SC_HTYPE_MANAGER ); if( NULL == retval ) return NULL; retval->u.manager.ref_count = 1; r = RegConnectRegistryW(lpMachineName,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,&hReg); if (r!=ERROR_SUCCESS) goto error; r = RegOpenKeyExW(hReg, szServiceManagerKey, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &retval->u.manager.hkey_scm_db); RegCloseKey( hReg ); if (r!=ERROR_SUCCESS) goto error; TRACE("returning %p\n", retval); return (SC_HANDLE) retval; error: free_sc_handle( retval ); return NULL; } /****************************************************************************** * AllocateLocallyUniqueId [ADVAPI32.@] * * PARAMS * lpluid [] */ BOOL WINAPI AllocateLocallyUniqueId( PLUID lpluid ) { lpluid->LowPart = time(NULL); lpluid->HighPart = 0; return TRUE; } /****************************************************************************** * ControlService [ADVAPI32.@] * * Send a control code to a service. * * PARAMS * hService [I] Handle of the service control manager database * dwControl [I] Control code to send (SERVICE_CONTROL_* flags from "winsvc.h") * lpServiceStatus [O] Destination for the status of the service, if available * * RETURNS * Success: TRUE. * Failure: FALSE. */ BOOL WINAPI ControlService( SC_HANDLE hService, DWORD dwControl, LPSERVICE_STATUS lpServiceStatus ) { FIXME("(%p,%ld,%p): stub\n",hService,dwControl,lpServiceStatus); return TRUE; } /****************************************************************************** * CloseServiceHandle [ADVAPI32.@] * * Close a handle to a service or the service control manager database. * * PARAMS * hSCObject [I] Handle to service or service control manager database * * RETURNS * Success: TRUE * Failure: FALSE */ BOOL WINAPI CloseServiceHandle( SC_HANDLE hSCObject ) { TRACE("(%p)\n", hSCObject); free_sc_handle( (struct sc_handle*) hSCObject ); return TRUE; } /****************************************************************************** * OpenServiceA [ADVAPI32.@] * * Open a handle to a service. * * PARAMS * hSCManager [I] Handle of the service control manager database * lpServiceName [I] Name of the service to open * dwDesiredAccess [I] Access required to the service * * RETURNS * Success: Handle to the service * Failure: NULL */ SC_HANDLE WINAPI OpenServiceA( SC_HANDLE hSCManager, LPCSTR lpServiceName, DWORD dwDesiredAccess ) { UNICODE_STRING lpServiceNameW; SC_HANDLE ret; RtlCreateUnicodeStringFromAsciiz (&lpServiceNameW,lpServiceName); if(lpServiceName) TRACE("Request for service %s\n",lpServiceName); else return FALSE; ret = OpenServiceW( hSCManager, lpServiceNameW.Buffer, dwDesiredAccess); RtlFreeUnicodeString(&lpServiceNameW); return ret; } /****************************************************************************** * OpenServiceW [ADVAPI32.@] * * See OpenServiceA. */ SC_HANDLE WINAPI OpenServiceW( SC_HANDLE hSCManager, LPCWSTR lpServiceName, DWORD dwDesiredAccess) { struct sc_handle *hscm = hSCManager; struct sc_handle *retval; HKEY hKey; long r; TRACE("(%p,%p,%ld)\n",hSCManager, lpServiceName, dwDesiredAccess); retval = alloc_sc_handle( SC_HTYPE_SERVICE ); if( NULL == retval ) return NULL; r = RegOpenKeyExW( hscm->u.manager.hkey_scm_db, lpServiceName, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKey ); if (r!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { free_sc_handle( retval ); return NULL; } init_service_handle( retval, hscm, hKey, lpServiceName ); TRACE("returning %p\n",retval); return (SC_HANDLE) retval; } /****************************************************************************** * CreateServiceW [ADVAPI32.@] */ SC_HANDLE WINAPI CreateServiceW( SC_HANDLE hSCManager, LPCWSTR lpServiceName, LPCWSTR lpDisplayName, DWORD dwDesiredAccess, DWORD dwServiceType, DWORD dwStartType, DWORD dwErrorControl, LPCWSTR lpBinaryPathName, LPCWSTR lpLoadOrderGroup, LPDWORD lpdwTagId, LPCWSTR lpDependencies, LPCWSTR lpServiceStartName, LPCWSTR lpPassword ) { struct sc_handle *hscm = hSCManager; struct sc_handle *retval; HKEY hKey; LONG r; DWORD dp; static const WCHAR szDisplayName[] = { 'D','i','s','p','l','a','y','N','a','m','e', 0 }; static const WCHAR szType[] = {'T','y','p','e',0}; static const WCHAR szStart[] = {'S','t','a','r','t',0}; static const WCHAR szError[] = {'E','r','r','o','r','C','o','n','t','r','o','l', 0}; static const WCHAR szImagePath[] = {'I','m','a','g','e','P','a','t','h',0}; static const WCHAR szGroup[] = {'G','r','o','u','p',0}; static const WCHAR szDependencies[] = { 'D','e','p','e','n','d','e','n','c','i','e','s',0}; FIXME("%p %s %s\n", hSCManager, debugstr_w(lpServiceName), debugstr_w(lpDisplayName)); retval = alloc_sc_handle( SC_HTYPE_SERVICE ); if( NULL == retval ) return NULL; r = RegCreateKeyExW(hscm->u.manager.hkey_scm_db, lpServiceName, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hKey, &dp); if (r!=ERROR_SUCCESS) goto error; init_service_handle( retval, hscm, hKey, lpServiceName ); if (dp != REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY) goto error; if(lpDisplayName) { r = RegSetValueExW(hKey, szDisplayName, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)lpDisplayName, (strlenW(lpDisplayName)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR) ); if (r!=ERROR_SUCCESS) goto error; } r = RegSetValueExW(hKey, szType, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPVOID)&dwServiceType, sizeof (DWORD) ); if (r!=ERROR_SUCCESS) goto error; r = RegSetValueExW(hKey, szStart, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPVOID)&dwStartType, sizeof (DWORD) ); if (r!=ERROR_SUCCESS) goto error; r = RegSetValueExW(hKey, szError, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPVOID)&dwErrorControl, sizeof (DWORD) ); if (r!=ERROR_SUCCESS) goto error; if(lpBinaryPathName) { r = RegSetValueExW(hKey, szImagePath, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)lpBinaryPathName, (strlenW(lpBinaryPathName)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR) ); if (r!=ERROR_SUCCESS) goto error; } if(lpLoadOrderGroup) { r = RegSetValueExW(hKey, szGroup, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)lpLoadOrderGroup, (strlenW(lpLoadOrderGroup)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR) ); if (r!=ERROR_SUCCESS) goto error; } if(lpDependencies) { DWORD len = 0; /* determine the length of a double null terminated multi string */ do { len += (strlenW(&lpDependencies[len])+1); } while (lpDependencies[len++]); r = RegSetValueExW(hKey, szDependencies, 0, REG_MULTI_SZ, (LPBYTE)lpDependencies, len ); if (r!=ERROR_SUCCESS) goto error; } if(lpPassword) { FIXME("Don't know how to add a Password for a service.\n"); } if(lpServiceStartName) { FIXME("Don't know how to add a ServiceStartName for a service.\n"); } return (SC_HANDLE) retval; error: free_sc_handle( retval ); return NULL; } static inline LPWSTR SERV_dup( LPCSTR str ) { UINT len; LPWSTR wstr; if( !str ) return NULL; len = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, str, -1, NULL, 0 ); wstr = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, len*sizeof (WCHAR) ); MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, str, -1, wstr, len ); return wstr; } static inline LPWSTR SERV_dupmulti( LPCSTR str ) { UINT len = 0, n = 0; LPWSTR wstr; if( !str ) return NULL; do { len += MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, &str[n], -1, NULL, 0 ); n += (strlen( &str[n] ) + 1); } while (str[n]); len++; n++; wstr = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, len*sizeof (WCHAR) ); MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, str, n, wstr, len ); return wstr; } static inline VOID SERV_free( LPWSTR wstr ) { HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, wstr ); } /****************************************************************************** * CreateServiceA [ADVAPI32.@] */ SC_HANDLE WINAPI CreateServiceA( SC_HANDLE hSCManager, LPCSTR lpServiceName, LPCSTR lpDisplayName, DWORD dwDesiredAccess, DWORD dwServiceType, DWORD dwStartType, DWORD dwErrorControl, LPCSTR lpBinaryPathName, LPCSTR lpLoadOrderGroup, LPDWORD lpdwTagId, LPCSTR lpDependencies, LPCSTR lpServiceStartName, LPCSTR lpPassword ) { LPWSTR lpServiceNameW, lpDisplayNameW, lpBinaryPathNameW, lpLoadOrderGroupW, lpDependenciesW, lpServiceStartNameW, lpPasswordW; SC_HANDLE r; TRACE("%p %s %s\n", hSCManager, debugstr_a(lpServiceName), debugstr_a(lpDisplayName)); lpServiceNameW = SERV_dup( lpServiceName ); lpDisplayNameW = SERV_dup( lpDisplayName ); lpBinaryPathNameW = SERV_dup( lpBinaryPathName ); lpLoadOrderGroupW = SERV_dup( lpLoadOrderGroup ); lpDependenciesW = SERV_dupmulti( lpDependencies ); lpServiceStartNameW = SERV_dup( lpServiceStartName ); lpPasswordW = SERV_dup( lpPassword ); r = CreateServiceW( hSCManager, lpServiceNameW, lpDisplayNameW, dwDesiredAccess, dwServiceType, dwStartType, dwErrorControl, lpBinaryPathNameW, lpLoadOrderGroupW, lpdwTagId, lpDependenciesW, lpServiceStartNameW, lpPasswordW ); SERV_free( lpServiceNameW ); SERV_free( lpDisplayNameW ); SERV_free( lpBinaryPathNameW ); SERV_free( lpLoadOrderGroupW ); SERV_free( lpDependenciesW ); SERV_free( lpServiceStartNameW ); SERV_free( lpPasswordW ); return r; } /****************************************************************************** * DeleteService [ADVAPI32.@] * * Delete a service from the service control manager database. * * PARAMS * hService [I] Handle of the service to delete * * RETURNS * Success: TRUE * Failure: FALSE */ BOOL WINAPI DeleteService( SC_HANDLE hService ) { struct sc_handle *hsvc = hService; HKEY hKey = hsvc->u.service.hkey; WCHAR valname[MAX_PATH+1]; INT index = 0; LONG rc; DWORD size; size = MAX_PATH+1; /* Clean out the values */ rc = RegEnumValueW(hKey, index, valname,&size,0,0,0,0); while (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegDeleteValueW(hKey,valname); index++; size = MAX_PATH+1; rc = RegEnumValueW(hKey, index, valname, &size,0,0,0,0); } RegCloseKey(hKey); hsvc->u.service.hkey = NULL; /* delete the key */ RegDeleteKeyW(hsvc->u.service.sc_manager->u.manager.hkey_scm_db, hsvc->u.service.name); return TRUE; } /****************************************************************************** * StartServiceA [ADVAPI32.@] * * Start a service * * PARAMS * hService [I] Handle of service * dwNumServiceArgs [I] Number of arguments * lpServiceArgVectors [I] Address of array of argument strings * * NOTES * - NT implements this function using an obscure RPC call. * - You might need to do a "setenv SystemRoot \\WINNT" in your .cshrc * to get things like "%SystemRoot%\\System32\\service.exe" to load. * - This will only work for shared address space. How should the service * args be transferred when address spaces are separated? * - Can only start one service at a time. * - Has no concept of privilege. * * RETURNS * Success: TRUE. * Failure: FALSE */ BOOL WINAPI StartServiceA( SC_HANDLE hService, DWORD dwNumServiceArgs, LPCSTR *lpServiceArgVectors ) { LPWSTR *lpwstr=NULL; UNICODE_STRING usBuffer; int i; TRACE("(%p,%ld,%p)\n",hService,dwNumServiceArgs,lpServiceArgVectors); if(dwNumServiceArgs) lpwstr = (LPWSTR*) HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, dwNumServiceArgs*sizeof(LPWSTR) ); else lpwstr = NULL; for(i=0; iu.service.hkey, _ImagePathW, NULL, &type, (LPVOID)str, &size); if (r!=ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE; ExpandEnvironmentStringsW(str,path,sizeof(path)); TRACE("Starting service %s\n", debugstr_w(path) ); data = CreateSemaphoreW(NULL,1,1,_ServiceStartDataW); if (!data) { ERR("Couldn't create data semaphore\n"); return FALSE; } wait = CreateSemaphoreW(NULL,0,1,_WaitServiceStartW); if (!wait) { ERR("Couldn't create wait semaphore\n"); return FALSE; } /* * FIXME: lpServiceArgsVectors need to be stored and returned to * the service when it calls StartServiceCtrlDispatcher * * Chuck these in a global (yuk) so we can pass them to * another process - address space separation will break this. */ r = WaitForSingleObject(data,INFINITE); if( r == WAIT_FAILED) return FALSE; FIXME("problematic because of address space separation.\n"); start_dwNumServiceArgs = dwNumServiceArgs; start_lpServiceArgVectors = (LPWSTR *)lpServiceArgVectors; ZeroMemory(&startupinfo,sizeof(STARTUPINFOW)); startupinfo.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFOW); r = CreateProcessW(NULL, path, NULL, /* process security attribs */ NULL, /* thread security attribs */ FALSE, /* inherit handles */ 0, /* creation flags */ NULL, /* environment */ NULL, /* current directory */ &startupinfo, /* startup info */ &procinfo); /* process info */ if(r == FALSE) { ERR("Couldn't start process\n"); /* ReleaseSemaphore(data, 1, NULL); return FALSE; */ } /* docs for StartServiceCtrlDispatcher say this should be 30 sec */ r = WaitForSingleObject(wait,30000); ReleaseSemaphore(data, 1, NULL); if( r == WAIT_FAILED) return FALSE; return TRUE; } /****************************************************************************** * QueryServiceStatus [ADVAPI32.@] * * PARAMS * hService [] * lpservicestatus [] * */ BOOL WINAPI QueryServiceStatus( SC_HANDLE hService, LPSERVICE_STATUS lpservicestatus ) { struct sc_handle *hsvc = hService; LONG r; DWORD type, val, size; FIXME("(%p,%p) partial\n",hService,lpservicestatus); /* read the service type from the registry */ size = sizeof(val); r = RegQueryValueExA(hsvc->u.service.hkey, "Type", NULL, &type, (LPBYTE)&val, &size); if(type!=REG_DWORD) { ERR("invalid Type\n"); return FALSE; } lpservicestatus->dwServiceType = val; /* FIXME: how are these determined or read from the registry? */ /* SERVICE: unavailable=0, stopped=1, starting=2, running=3? */; lpservicestatus->dwCurrentState = 1; lpservicestatus->dwControlsAccepted = 0; lpservicestatus->dwWin32ExitCode = NO_ERROR; lpservicestatus->dwServiceSpecificExitCode = 0; lpservicestatus->dwCheckPoint = 0; lpservicestatus->dwWaitHint = 0; return TRUE; } /****************************************************************************** * QueryServiceStatusEx [ADVAPI32.@] * * Get information about a service. * * PARAMS * hService [I] Handle to service to get information about * InfoLevel [I] Level of information to get * lpBuffer [O] Destination for requested information * cbBufSize [I] Size of lpBuffer in bytes * pcbBytesNeeded [O] Destination for number of bytes needed, if cbBufSize is too small * * RETURNS * Success: TRUE * FAILURE: FALSE */ BOOL WINAPI QueryServiceStatusEx(SC_HANDLE hService, SC_STATUS_TYPE InfoLevel, LPBYTE lpBuffer, DWORD cbBufSize, LPDWORD pcbBytesNeeded) { FIXME("stub\n"); SetLastError(ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return FALSE; } /****************************************************************************** * QueryServiceConfigA [ADVAPI32.@] */ BOOL WINAPI QueryServiceConfigA( SC_HANDLE hService, LPQUERY_SERVICE_CONFIGA lpServiceConfig, DWORD cbBufSize, LPDWORD pcbBytesNeeded) { FIXME("%p %p %ld %p\n", hService, lpServiceConfig, cbBufSize, pcbBytesNeeded); return FALSE; } /****************************************************************************** * QueryServiceConfigW [ADVAPI32.@] */ BOOL WINAPI QueryServiceConfigW( SC_HANDLE hService, LPQUERY_SERVICE_CONFIGW lpServiceConfig, DWORD cbBufSize, LPDWORD pcbBytesNeeded) { static const WCHAR szDisplayName[] = { 'D','i','s','p','l','a','y','N','a','m','e', 0 }; static const WCHAR szType[] = {'T','y','p','e',0}; static const WCHAR szStart[] = {'S','t','a','r','t',0}; static const WCHAR szError[] = { 'E','r','r','o','r','C','o','n','t','r','o','l', 0}; static const WCHAR szImagePath[] = {'I','m','a','g','e','P','a','t','h',0}; static const WCHAR szGroup[] = {'G','r','o','u','p',0}; static const WCHAR szDependencies[] = { 'D','e','p','e','n','d','e','n','c','i','e','s',0}; HKEY hKey = ((struct sc_handle*) hService)->u.service.hkey; LONG r; DWORD type, val, sz, total, n; LPBYTE p; TRACE("%p %p %ld %p\n", hService, lpServiceConfig, cbBufSize, pcbBytesNeeded); /* calculate the size required first */ total = sizeof (QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIGW); sz = 0; r = RegQueryValueExW( hKey, szImagePath, 0, &type, NULL, &sz ); if( ( r == ERROR_SUCCESS ) && ( type == REG_SZ ) ) total += sz; sz = 0; r = RegQueryValueExW( hKey, szGroup, 0, &type, NULL, &sz ); if( ( r == ERROR_SUCCESS ) && ( type == REG_SZ ) ) total += sz; sz = 0; r = RegQueryValueExW( hKey, szDependencies, 0, &type, NULL, &sz ); if( ( r == ERROR_SUCCESS ) && ( type == REG_MULTI_SZ ) ) total += sz; sz = 0; r = RegQueryValueExW( hKey, szStart, 0, &type, NULL, &sz ); if( ( r == ERROR_SUCCESS ) && ( type == REG_SZ ) ) total += sz; sz = 0; r = RegQueryValueExW( hKey, szDisplayName, 0, &type, NULL, &sz ); if( ( r == ERROR_SUCCESS ) && ( type == REG_SZ ) ) total += sz; /* if there's not enough memory, return an error */ if( total > *pcbBytesNeeded ) { *pcbBytesNeeded = total; SetLastError( ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ); return FALSE; } *pcbBytesNeeded = total; ZeroMemory( lpServiceConfig, total ); sz = sizeof val; r = RegQueryValueExW( hKey, szType, 0, &type, (LPBYTE)&val, &sz ); if( ( r == ERROR_SUCCESS ) || ( type == REG_DWORD ) ) lpServiceConfig->dwServiceType = val; sz = sizeof val; r = RegQueryValueExW( hKey, szStart, 0, &type, (LPBYTE)&val, &sz ); if( ( r == ERROR_SUCCESS ) || ( type == REG_DWORD ) ) lpServiceConfig->dwStartType = val; sz = sizeof val; r = RegQueryValueExW( hKey, szError, 0, &type, (LPBYTE)&val, &sz ); if( ( r == ERROR_SUCCESS ) || ( type == REG_DWORD ) ) lpServiceConfig->dwErrorControl = val; /* now do the strings */ p = (LPBYTE) &lpServiceConfig[1]; n = total - sizeof (QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIGW); sz = n; r = RegQueryValueExW( hKey, szImagePath, 0, &type, p, &sz ); if( ( r == ERROR_SUCCESS ) || ( type == REG_SZ ) ) { lpServiceConfig->lpBinaryPathName = (LPWSTR) p; p += sz; n -= sz; } sz = n; r = RegQueryValueExW( hKey, szGroup, 0, &type, p, &sz ); if( ( r == ERROR_SUCCESS ) || ( type == REG_SZ ) ) { lpServiceConfig->lpLoadOrderGroup = (LPWSTR) p; p += sz; n -= sz; } sz = n; r = RegQueryValueExW( hKey, szDependencies, 0, &type, p, &sz ); if( ( r == ERROR_SUCCESS ) || ( type == REG_SZ ) ) { lpServiceConfig->lpDependencies = (LPWSTR) p; p += sz; n -= sz; } if( n < 0 ) ERR("Buffer overflow!\n"); TRACE("Image path = %s\n", debugstr_w(lpServiceConfig->lpBinaryPathName) ); TRACE("Group = %s\n", debugstr_w(lpServiceConfig->lpLoadOrderGroup) ); return TRUE; } /****************************************************************************** * ChangeServiceConfigW [ADVAPI32.@] */ BOOL WINAPI ChangeServiceConfigW( SC_HANDLE hService, DWORD dwServiceType, DWORD dwStartType, DWORD dwErrorControl, LPCWSTR lpBinaryPathName, LPCWSTR lpLoadOrderGroup, LPDWORD lpdwTagId, LPCWSTR lpDependencies, LPCWSTR lpServiceStartName, LPCWSTR lpPassword, LPCWSTR lpDisplayName) { FIXME("%p %ld %ld %ld %s %s %p %p %s %s %s\n", hService, dwServiceType, dwStartType, dwErrorControl, debugstr_w(lpBinaryPathName), debugstr_w(lpLoadOrderGroup), lpdwTagId, lpDependencies, debugstr_w(lpServiceStartName), debugstr_w(lpPassword), debugstr_w(lpDisplayName) ); return TRUE; } /****************************************************************************** * ChangeServiceConfigA [ADVAPI32.@] */ BOOL WINAPI ChangeServiceConfigA( SC_HANDLE hService, DWORD dwServiceType, DWORD dwStartType, DWORD dwErrorControl, LPCSTR lpBinaryPathName, LPCSTR lpLoadOrderGroup, LPDWORD lpdwTagId, LPCSTR lpDependencies, LPCSTR lpServiceStartName, LPCSTR lpPassword, LPCSTR lpDisplayName) { FIXME("%p %ld %ld %ld %s %s %p %p %s %s %s\n", hService, dwServiceType, dwStartType, dwErrorControl, debugstr_a(lpBinaryPathName), debugstr_a(lpLoadOrderGroup), lpdwTagId, lpDependencies, debugstr_a(lpServiceStartName), debugstr_a(lpPassword), debugstr_a(lpDisplayName) ); return TRUE; } /****************************************************************************** * ChangeServiceConfig2A [ADVAPI32.@] */ BOOL WINAPI ChangeServiceConfig2A( SC_HANDLE hService, DWORD dwInfoLevel, LPVOID lpInfo) { FIXME("STUB: %p %ld %p\n",hService, dwInfoLevel, lpInfo); return TRUE; } /****************************************************************************** * ChangeServiceConfig2W [ADVAPI32.@] */ BOOL WINAPI ChangeServiceConfig2W( SC_HANDLE hService, DWORD dwInfoLevel, LPVOID lpInfo) { HKEY hKey = ((struct sc_handle*) hService)->u.service.hkey; if (dwInfoLevel == SERVICE_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION) { static const WCHAR szDescription[] = {'D','e','s','c','r','i','p','t','i','o','n',0}; LPSERVICE_DESCRIPTIONW sd = (LPSERVICE_DESCRIPTIONW)lpInfo; if (sd->lpDescription) { TRACE("Setting Description to %s\n",debugstr_w(sd->lpDescription)); if (sd->lpDescription[0] == 0) RegDeleteValueW(hKey,szDescription); else RegSetValueExW(hKey, szDescription, 0, REG_SZ, (LPVOID)sd->lpDescription, sizeof(WCHAR)*(strlenW(sd->lpDescription)+1)); } } else FIXME("STUB: %p %ld %p\n",hService, dwInfoLevel, lpInfo); return TRUE; }