d3d9: Return a stub interface from Direct3DShaderValidatorCreate9().

Wine-Bug: https://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46735
Signed-off-by: Zebediah Figura <z.figura12@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Henri Verbeet <hverbeet@codeweavers.com>
Signed-off-by: Alexandre Julliard <julliard@winehq.org>
Zebediah Figura 2020-02-10 18:26:31 +03:30 committed by Alexandre Julliard
parent 7027e7779d
commit 2a4a8a5cf3
2 changed files with 182 additions and 10 deletions

View File

@ -75,18 +75,124 @@ HRESULT WINAPI DECLSPEC_HOTPATCH Direct3DCreate9Ex(UINT sdk_version, IDirect3D9E
return D3D_OK;
* Direct3DShaderValidatorCreate9 (D3D9.@)
/* The callback is called on any error encountered during validation, including
* improper IDirect3DShaderValidator9 method calls.
* - "file" and "line" are passed through directly from Instruction(). "line"
* is provably 32-bit, as 64-bit values passed to Instruction() will be
* truncated.
* - "arg3" has been observed to be at least 0, 2, and 6. The integer size is
* not known.
* - "message_id" is a numeric error code. fxc.exe adds 5000 before printing
* it. The integer size is not known.
* - "context" is passed through directly from Begin().
* No documentation available for this function.
* SDK only says it is internal and shouldn't be used.
void* WINAPI Direct3DShaderValidatorCreate9(void)
static int once;
* Improper calls to IDirect3DShaderValidator9 methods, or other errors not
* generated by specific Instruction() calls, yield NULL as the file, and
* either 0 or -1 as the line.
* The callback return type is not known, but programs (fxc.exe, The Sims 2)
* seem to consistently return 0.
* The interface and method names below are derived from the messages that
* native d3d9 prints on said improper method calls.
* Calls to Begin(), Instruction(), End() have been observed to return S_OK and
* E_FAIL. E_FAIL is not always returned if an error message is handed to the
* callback. */
if (!once++) FIXME("stub\n");
return NULL;
typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *shader_validator_cb)(const char *file, int line,
DWORD_PTR arg3, DWORD_PTR message_id, const char *message, void *context);
typedef struct IDirect3DShaderValidator9 IDirect3DShaderValidator9;
struct IDirect3DShaderValidator9Vtbl
HRESULT (WINAPI *QueryInterface)(IDirect3DShaderValidator9 *iface, REFIID iid, void **out);
ULONG (WINAPI *AddRef)(IDirect3DShaderValidator9 *iface);
ULONG (WINAPI *Release)(IDirect3DShaderValidator9 *iface);
HRESULT (WINAPI *Begin)(IDirect3DShaderValidator9 *iface,
shader_validator_cb callback, void *context, DWORD_PTR arg3);
HRESULT (WINAPI *Instruction)(IDirect3DShaderValidator9 *iface,
const char *file, int line, const DWORD *tokens, DWORD token_count);
HRESULT (WINAPI *End)(IDirect3DShaderValidator9 *iface);
struct IDirect3DShaderValidator9
const struct IDirect3DShaderValidator9Vtbl *vtbl;
static HRESULT WINAPI shader_validator_QueryInterface(IDirect3DShaderValidator9 *iface, REFIID iid, void **out)
TRACE("iface %p, iid %s, out %p.\n", iface, debugstr_guid(iid), out);
WARN("%s not implemented, returning E_NOINTERFACE.\n", debugstr_guid(iid));
*out = NULL;
static ULONG WINAPI shader_validator_AddRef(IDirect3DShaderValidator9 *iface)
TRACE("iface %p.\n", iface);
return 2;
static ULONG WINAPI shader_validator_Release(IDirect3DShaderValidator9 *iface)
TRACE("iface %p.\n", iface);
return 1;
/* The size and type of the third argument is not known. The Sims 2 passes 0;
* fxc.exe passes 1. */
static HRESULT WINAPI shader_validator_Begin(IDirect3DShaderValidator9 *iface,
shader_validator_cb callback, void *context, DWORD_PTR arg3)
FIXME("iface %p, callback %p, context %p, arg3 %#Ix, stub!\n", iface, callback, context, arg3);
return S_OK;
/* - "file" and "line" are passed directly through to the callback.
* - "tokens" comprises a single instruction; the caller must determine its
* length.
* - "token_count" is in DWORDs. */
static HRESULT WINAPI shader_validator_Instruction(IDirect3DShaderValidator9 *iface,
const char *file, int line, const DWORD *tokens, DWORD token_count)
FIXME("iface %p, file %s, line %u, tokens %p, token_count %u, stub!\n",
iface, debugstr_a(file), line, tokens, token_count);
return S_OK;
static HRESULT WINAPI shader_validator_End(IDirect3DShaderValidator9 *iface)
FIXME("iface %p, stub!\n", iface);
return S_OK;
static const struct IDirect3DShaderValidator9Vtbl shader_validator_vtbl =
static IDirect3DShaderValidator9 shader_validator = {&shader_validator_vtbl};
IDirect3DShaderValidator9 * WINAPI Direct3DShaderValidatorCreate9(void)
TRACE("Returning validator %p.\n", &shader_validator);
return &shader_validator;

View File

@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ struct device_desc
static DEVMODEW registry_mode;
static void *(WINAPI *Direct3DShaderValidatorCreate9)(void);
static const DWORD simple_vs[] =
0xfffe0101, /* vs_1_1 */
@ -13447,8 +13449,69 @@ static void test_multi_adapter(void)
typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *shader_validator_cb)(const char *file, int line,
DWORD_PTR arg3, DWORD_PTR message_id, const char *message, void *context);
typedef struct IDirect3DShaderValidator9 IDirect3DShaderValidator9;
struct IDirect3DShaderValidator9Vtbl
HRESULT (WINAPI *QueryInterface)(IDirect3DShaderValidator9 *iface, REFIID iid, void **out);
ULONG (WINAPI *AddRef)(IDirect3DShaderValidator9 *iface);
ULONG (WINAPI *Release)(IDirect3DShaderValidator9 *iface);
HRESULT (WINAPI *Begin)(IDirect3DShaderValidator9 *iface,
shader_validator_cb callback, void *context, DWORD_PTR arg3);
HRESULT (WINAPI *Instruction)(IDirect3DShaderValidator9 *iface,
const char *file, int line, const DWORD *tokens, DWORD token_count);
HRESULT (WINAPI *End)(IDirect3DShaderValidator9 *iface);
struct IDirect3DShaderValidator9
const struct IDirect3DShaderValidator9Vtbl *vtbl;
HRESULT WINAPI test_shader_validator_cb(const char *file, int line, DWORD_PTR arg3,
DWORD_PTR message_id, const char *message, void *context)
ok(0, "Unexpected call.\n");
return S_OK;
static void test_shader_validator(void)
IDirect3DShaderValidator9 *validator;
ULONG refcount;
validator = Direct3DShaderValidatorCreate9();
hr = validator->vtbl->Begin(validator, test_shader_validator_cb, NULL, 0);
ok(hr == S_OK, "Got unexpected hr %#x.\n", hr);
hr = validator->vtbl->Instruction(validator, NULL, 0, &simple_vs[0], 1);
ok(hr == S_OK, "Got unexpected hr %#x.\n", hr);
hr = validator->vtbl->Instruction(validator, NULL, 0, &simple_vs[1], 3);
ok(hr == S_OK, "Got unexpected hr %#x.\n", hr);
hr = validator->vtbl->Instruction(validator, NULL, 0, &simple_vs[4], 4);
ok(hr == S_OK, "Got unexpected hr %#x.\n", hr);
hr = validator->vtbl->Instruction(validator, NULL, 0, &simple_vs[8], 4);
ok(hr == S_OK, "Got unexpected hr %#x.\n", hr);
hr = validator->vtbl->Instruction(validator, NULL, 0, &simple_vs[12], 4);
ok(hr == S_OK, "Got unexpected hr %#x.\n", hr);
hr = validator->vtbl->Instruction(validator, NULL, 0, &simple_vs[16], 4);
ok(hr == S_OK, "Got unexpected hr %#x.\n", hr);
hr = validator->vtbl->Instruction(validator, NULL, 0, &simple_vs[20], 1);
ok(hr == S_OK, "Got unexpected hr %#x.\n", hr);
hr = validator->vtbl->End(validator);
ok(hr == S_OK, "Got unexpected hr %#x.\n", hr);
refcount = validator->vtbl->Release(validator);
todo_wine ok(!refcount, "Validator has %u references left.\n", refcount);
HMODULE d3d9_handle = GetModuleHandleA("d3d9.dll");
WNDCLASSA wc = {0};
IDirect3D9 *d3d9;
DEVMODEW current_mode;
@ -13476,6 +13539,8 @@ START_TEST(device)
wc.lpszClassName = "d3d9_test_wc";
Direct3DShaderValidatorCreate9 = (void *)GetProcAddress(d3d9_handle, "Direct3DShaderValidatorCreate9");
@ -13575,6 +13640,7 @@ START_TEST(device)
UnregisterClassA("d3d9_test_wc", GetModuleHandleA(NULL));