shlwapi: Forward SHQueryValueExA() to shcore.dll.

Signed-off-by: Nikolay Sivov <>
Signed-off-by: Alexandre Julliard <>
Nikolay Sivov 2020-05-12 22:41:11 +03:00 committed by Alexandre Julliard
parent 684fbf413b
commit 149d7b31f5
2 changed files with 2 additions and 173 deletions

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@ -47,162 +47,6 @@ static const WCHAR szExtensionW[] = { 'E', 'x', 't','e','n','s','i','o','n','\0'
* SHQueryValueExA [SHLWAPI.@]
* Get a value from the registry, expanding environment variable strings.
* hKey [I] Handle to registry key
* lpszValue [I] Name of value to query
* lpReserved [O] Reserved for future use; must be NULL
* pwType [O] Optional pointer updated with the values type
* pvData [O] Optional pointer updated with the values data
* pcbData [O] Optional pointer updated with the values size
* Success: ERROR_SUCCESS. Any non NULL output parameters are updated with
* information about the value.
* Failure: ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY if memory allocation fails, or the type of the
* data is REG_EXPAND_SZ and pcbData is NULL. Otherwise an error
* code from RegQueryValueExA() or ExpandEnvironmentStringsA().
* Either pwType, pvData or pcbData may be NULL if the caller doesn't want
* the type, data or size information for the value.
* If the type of the data is REG_EXPAND_SZ, it is expanded to REG_SZ. The
* value returned will be truncated if it is of type REG_SZ and bigger than
* the buffer given to store it.
* case-1: the unexpanded string is smaller than the expanded one
* subcase-1: the buffer is too small to hold the unexpanded string:
* function fails and returns the size of the unexpanded string.
* subcase-2: buffer is too small to hold the expanded string:
* the function return success (!!) and the result is truncated
* *** This is clearly an error in the native implementation. ***
* case-2: the unexpanded string is bigger than the expanded one
* The buffer must have enough space to hold the unexpanded
* string even if the result is smaller.
DWORD WINAPI SHQueryValueExA( HKEY hKey, LPCSTR lpszValue,
LPDWORD lpReserved, LPDWORD pwType,
LPVOID pvData, LPDWORD pcbData)
DWORD dwRet, dwType, dwUnExpDataLen = 0, dwExpDataLen;
TRACE("(hkey=%p,%s,%p,%p,%p,%p=%d)\n", hKey, debugstr_a(lpszValue),
lpReserved, pwType, pvData, pcbData, pcbData ? *pcbData : 0);
if (pcbData) dwUnExpDataLen = *pcbData;
dwRet = RegQueryValueExA(hKey, lpszValue, lpReserved, &dwType, pvData, &dwUnExpDataLen);
if (pcbData && (dwType == REG_EXPAND_SZ))
DWORD nBytesToAlloc;
/* Expand type REG_EXPAND_SZ into REG_SZ */
LPSTR szData;
/* If the caller didn't supply a buffer or the buffer is too small we have
* to allocate our own
if ((!pvData) || (dwRet == ERROR_MORE_DATA) )
char cNull = '\0';
nBytesToAlloc = dwUnExpDataLen;
szData = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, nBytesToAlloc);
RegQueryValueExA (hKey, lpszValue, lpReserved, NULL, (LPBYTE)szData, &nBytesToAlloc);
dwExpDataLen = ExpandEnvironmentStringsA(szData, &cNull, 1);
dwUnExpDataLen = max(nBytesToAlloc, dwExpDataLen);
nBytesToAlloc = (lstrlenA(pvData)+1) * sizeof (CHAR);
szData = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, nBytesToAlloc);
lstrcpyA(szData, pvData);
dwExpDataLen = ExpandEnvironmentStringsA(szData, pvData, *pcbData / sizeof(CHAR));
if (dwExpDataLen > *pcbData) dwRet = ERROR_MORE_DATA;
dwUnExpDataLen = max(nBytesToAlloc, dwExpDataLen);
/* Update the type and data size if the caller wanted them */
if ( dwType == REG_EXPAND_SZ ) dwType = REG_SZ;
if ( pwType ) *pwType = dwType;
if ( pcbData ) *pcbData = dwUnExpDataLen;
return dwRet;
* SHQueryValueExW [SHLWAPI.@]
* See SHQueryValueExA.
LPDWORD lpReserved, LPDWORD pwType,
LPVOID pvData, LPDWORD pcbData)
DWORD dwRet, dwType, dwUnExpDataLen = 0, dwExpDataLen;
TRACE("(hkey=%p,%s,%p,%p,%p,%p=%d)\n", hKey, debugstr_w(lpszValue),
lpReserved, pwType, pvData, pcbData, pcbData ? *pcbData : 0);
if (pcbData) dwUnExpDataLen = *pcbData;
dwRet = RegQueryValueExW(hKey, lpszValue, lpReserved, &dwType, pvData, &dwUnExpDataLen);
return dwRet;
if (pcbData && (dwType == REG_EXPAND_SZ))
DWORD nBytesToAlloc;
/* Expand type REG_EXPAND_SZ into REG_SZ */
LPWSTR szData;
/* If the caller didn't supply a buffer or the buffer is too small we have
* to allocate our own
if ((!pvData) || (dwRet == ERROR_MORE_DATA) )
WCHAR cNull = '\0';
nBytesToAlloc = dwUnExpDataLen;
szData = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, nBytesToAlloc);
RegQueryValueExW (hKey, lpszValue, lpReserved, NULL, (LPBYTE)szData, &nBytesToAlloc);
dwExpDataLen = ExpandEnvironmentStringsW(szData, &cNull, 1);
dwUnExpDataLen = max(nBytesToAlloc, dwExpDataLen);
nBytesToAlloc = (lstrlenW(pvData) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
szData = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, nBytesToAlloc);
lstrcpyW(szData, pvData);
dwExpDataLen = ExpandEnvironmentStringsW(szData, pvData, *pcbData/sizeof(WCHAR) );
if (dwExpDataLen > *pcbData) dwRet = ERROR_MORE_DATA;
dwUnExpDataLen = max(nBytesToAlloc, dwExpDataLen);
/* Update the type and data size if the caller wanted them */
if ( dwType == REG_EXPAND_SZ ) dwType = REG_SZ;
if ( pwType ) *pwType = dwType;
if ( pcbData ) *pcbData = dwUnExpDataLen;
return dwRet;
* SHDeleteOrphanKeyA [SHLWAPI.@]
@ -272,20 +116,6 @@ DWORD WINAPI SHDeleteOrphanKeyW(HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR lpszSubKey)
* @ [SHLWAPI.205]
* Get a value from the registry.
* hKey [I] Handle to registry key
* pSubKey [I] Name of sub key containing value to get
* pValue [I] Name of value to get
* pwType [O] Destination for the values type
* pvData [O] Destination for the values data
* pbData [O] Destination for the values size
* Success: ERROR_SUCCESS. Output parameters contain the details read.
* Failure: An error code from RegOpenKeyExA() or SHQueryValueExA(),
* or ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION in the machine is in safe mode.
DWORD WINAPI SHGetValueGoodBootA(HKEY hkey, LPCSTR pSubKey, LPCSTR pValue,
LPDWORD pwType, LPVOID pvData, LPDWORD pbData)
@ -298,7 +128,6 @@ DWORD WINAPI SHGetValueGoodBootA(HKEY hkey, LPCSTR pSubKey, LPCSTR pValue,
* @ [SHLWAPI.206]
* Unicode version of SHGetValueGoodBootW.
LPDWORD pwType, LPVOID pvData, LPDWORD pbData)

View File

@ -711,8 +711,8 @@
@ stdcall SHOpenRegStreamW(long wstr wstr long) shcore.SHOpenRegStreamW
@ stdcall -import SHQueryInfoKeyA(long ptr ptr ptr ptr)
@ stdcall -import SHQueryInfoKeyW(long ptr ptr ptr ptr)
@ stdcall SHQueryValueExA(long str ptr ptr ptr ptr)
@ stdcall SHQueryValueExW(long wstr ptr ptr ptr ptr)
@ stdcall -import SHQueryValueExA(long str ptr ptr ptr ptr)
@ stdcall -import SHQueryValueExW(long wstr ptr ptr ptr ptr)
@ stdcall SHRegCloseUSKey(ptr)
@ stdcall SHRegCreateUSKeyA(str long long ptr long)
@ stdcall SHRegCreateUSKeyW(wstr long long ptr long)