
57 lines
1011 B

module structs;
import std.array;
import std.bitmanip;
import std.system;
+ Supported format types
enum FormatType
INT_8, /// Signed integer 8 bit
INT_16, /// Signed integer 16 bit
INT_32, /// Signed integer 32 bit
INT_64, /// Signed integer 64 bit
UINT_8, /// Unsigned integer 8 bit
UINT_16, /// Unsigned integer 16 bit
UINT_32, /// Unsigned integer 32 bit
UINT_64 /// Unsigned integer 64 bit
+ A element of a package
struct Element
Endian endian; /// The endian to use
bool isArray; /// If it's an array
size_t arraySize; /// Array size
FormatType formatType; /// The formated type
+ Removes the whitespaces of the string.
+ Params:
+ source = The source string to format
+ Returns: String without whitespaces
pure string remove_whitespaces(string source)
return source.replace(" ", "");
// Test remove whitespaces.
assert(remove_whitespaces(" a b c ") == "abc");