Trans_Rotate Arithmetics 5.1 OC array int angle Rotation angle. When looking into the same direction as the rotation axis then positive angles do anti-clockwise rotation and negative angles do clockwise rotation. int rx X coordinate of the rotation axis. int ry Y coordinate of the rotation axis. int rz Z coordinate of the rotation axis. Returns a 3x4 rotation matrix around the axis given by the vector (rx, ry, rz) by angle degrees. It can be used as a transformation for AttachMesh or for the "PictureTransformation" or "MeshTransformation" properties (see Meshes). this["PictureTransformation"] = Trans_Rotate(20, 0, 1, 0); Rotates the picture graphics of the calling object by 20 degrees around the Y axis. Trans_Identity Trans_Translate Trans_Scale Trans_Mul AttachMesh SetAttachTransform Clonk-Karl2010-04