/*-- Math.c Authors: Maikel, flgr, Newton, Tyron, Zapper Any kind of help with calculation. --*/ // Returns the offset to x. global func AbsX(int x) { return x - GetX(); } // Returns the offset to y. global func AbsY(int y) { return y - GetY(); } // Supports negative values, and can deliver random values between two bounds. global func RandomX(int start, int end) { var swap; // Values swapped: reswap them. if (start > end) { swap = start; start = end; end = swap; } // Return random factor. return Random(end - start + 1) + start; } // Returns the sign of x. global func Sign(int x) { return (x>0)-(x<0); } // Tangens. global func Tan(int angle, int radius, int prec) { return radius * Sin(angle, radius * 100, prec) / Cos(angle, radius * 100, prec); } global func Normalize(int angle, int start, int precision) { if (!precision) precision = 1; var end = precision * 360 + start; while (angle < start) angle += precision * 360; while (angle >= end) angle -= precision * 360; return angle; } global func ComDirLike(int comdir1, int comdir2) { if (comdir1 == comdir2) return true; if (comdir1 == COMD_Stop || comdir2 == COMD_Stop) return false; if (comdir1 == COMD_None || comdir2 == COMD_None) return false; if (comdir1 % 8 + 1 == comdir2) return true; if (comdir1 == comdir2 % 8 + 1) return true; return false; } // the shortest direction (left/right) to turn from one angle to another // (for example for homing projectiles or aiming) global func GetTurnDirection( int from /* the angle at which the turning starts */ , int to /* the angle that should be turned towards */) { /* // code for a homing missile var dir = GetTurnDirection(my_angle, target_angle); SetR(GetR() + dir / 10); SetSpeed(Sin(GetR(), 10), -Cos(GetR(), 10)); */ var dir; /*if(to < from)*/dir=to-from; //else dir=from-to; var dif=360-from+to; var dif2=360-to+from; if(dif < 180)dir=+dif; else if(dif2 < 180)dir=-dif2; return dir; } global func SetBit(int old_val, int bit_nr, bool bit) { if (GetBit(old_val, bit_nr) != (bit != 0)) return ToggleBit(old_val, bit_nr); return old_val; } global func GetBit(int value, int bit_nr) { return (value & (1 << bit_nr)) != 0; } global func ToggleBit(int old_val, int bit_nr) { return old_val ^ (1 << bit_nr); } // Returns -1 for DIR_Left and +1 for DIR_Right or 0 if no object context is present global func GetCalcDir() { if (!this) return 0; return GetDir() * 2 - 1; } //Moves param 'a' towards param 'b' by 'max' amount per frame global func MoveTowards(int a, int b, int max) { if(b == nil) return false; if(max == nil) max = 1; if(a < b) return BoundBy(a + max,a,b); if(a > b) return BoundBy(a - max,b,a); } global func FindHeight(int x) { var y = 0; while (!GBackSemiSolid(x, y) && y < LandscapeHeight()) y += 10; while (GBackSemiSolid(x, y) && y) y--; return y; } /* Returns the normal vector of the (solid) landscape at a point relative to an object. Can f.e. be used to bounce projectiles. */ global func GetSurfaceVector(int x, int y) { var normal = [0, 0]; var fac = 1; for(var fac = 1; fac <= 4; fac *= 2) { if(GBackSolid(x + fac, y)) --normal[0]; if(GBackSolid(x - fac, y)) ++normal[0]; if(GBackSolid(x, y + fac)) --normal[1]; if(GBackSolid(x, y - fac)) ++normal[1]; } return normal; }