/* * OpenClonk, http://www.openclonk.org * * Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Matthes Bender * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH, http://www.clonk.de/ * Copyright (c) 2009-2016, The OpenClonk Team and contributors * * Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file * "COPYING" for details. * * "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission. * See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details. * * To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts * for the above references. */ /* Loads all standard graphics from Graphics.ocg */ #include "C4Include.h" #include "C4ForbidLibraryCompilation.h" #include "graphics/C4GraphicsResource.h" #include "object/C4DefList.h" #include "graphics/C4FontLoader.h" #include "lib/C4Log.h" #include "game/C4Game.h" #include "c4group/C4Components.h" #include "graphics/C4DrawGL.h" /* C4GraphicsResource */ C4GraphicsResource::C4GraphicsResource(): idSfcCaption(0), idSfcButton(0), idSfcButtonD(0), idSfcScroll(0), idSfcContext(0), CaptionFont(FontCaption), TitleFont(FontTitle), TextFont(FontRegular), MiniFont(FontTiny), TooltipFont(FontTooltip) { Default(); } C4GraphicsResource::~C4GraphicsResource() { Clear(); } void C4GraphicsResource::Default() { fInitialized = false; sfcControl.Default(); idSfcControl = 0; sfcClonkSkins.Default(); idSfcClonkSkins = 0; fctPlayer.Default(); fctFlag.Default(); fctClonkSkin.Default(); fctCrew.Default(); fctWealth.Default(); fctRank.Default(); fctFire.Default(); fctBackground.Default(); fctCaptain.Default(); fctMouseCursor.Default(); fctSelectMark.Default(); fctMenu.Default(); fctUpperBoard.Default(); fctLogo.Default(); fctConstruction.Default(); fctEnergy.Default(); fctArrow.Default(); fctExit.Default(); fctHand.Default(); fctGamepad.Default(); fctBuild.Default(); fctCrewClr.Default(); fctFlagClr.Default(); fctPlayerClr.Default(); fctKeyboard.Default(); fctGamepad.Default(); fctCommand.Default(); fctKey.Default(); fctOKCancel.Default(); fctMouse.Default(); fctTransformKnob.Default(); iNumRanks=1; idRegisteredMainGroupSetFiles=-1; } void C4GraphicsResource::Clear() { fInitialized = false; sfcControl.Clear(); idSfcControl = 0; sfcClonkSkins.Clear(); idSfcClonkSkins = 0; fctCrewClr.Clear(); fctFlagClr.Clear(); fctPlayerClr.Clear(); fctPlayer.Clear(); fctFlag.Clear(); fctCrew.Clear(); fctWealth.Clear(); fctRank.Clear(); fctFire.Clear(); fctBackground.Clear(); fctCaptain.Clear(); fctMouseCursor.Clear(); fctSelectMark.Clear(); fctMenu.Clear(); fctUpperBoard.Clear(); fctLogo.Clear(); fctConstruction.Clear(); fctEnergy.Clear(); fctOptions.Clear(); fctArrow.Clear(); fctExit.Clear(); fctHand.Clear(); fctGamepad.Clear(); fctBuild.Clear(); fctTransformKnob.Clear(); // GUI data sfcCaption.Clear(); sfcButton.Clear(); sfcButtonD.Clear(); sfcScroll.Clear(); sfcContext.Clear(); idSfcCaption = idSfcButton = idSfcButtonD = idSfcScroll = idSfcContext = 0; barCaption.Clear(); barButton.Clear(); barButtonD.Clear(); fctButtonHighlight.Clear(); fctIcons.Clear(); fctIconsEx.Clear(); fctControllerIcons.Clear(); fctButtonHighlightRound.Clear(); fctSubmenu.Clear(); fctCheckbox.Clear(); fctBigArrows.Clear(); fctProgressBar.Clear(); fctContext.Default(); // unhook deflist from font FontRegular.SetCustomImages(nullptr); Achievements.Clear(); // closing the group set will also close the graphics.ocg // this is just for games that failed to init // normally, this is done after successful init anyway CloseFiles(); } bool C4GraphicsResource::InitFonts() { // this regards scenario-specific fonts or overloads in Extra.ocg const char *szFont; if (*Game.C4S.Head.Font) szFont = Game.C4S.Head.Font; else szFont = Config.General.RXFontName; if (!::FontLoader.InitFont(&FontRegular, szFont, C4FontLoader::C4FT_Main, Config.General.RXFontSize, &Files)) return false; Game.SetInitProgress(ProgressStart); ProgressStart += ProgressIncrement; if (!::FontLoader.InitFont(&FontTiny, szFont, C4FontLoader::C4FT_Log, Config.General.RXFontSize, &Files)) return false; Game.SetInitProgress(ProgressStart); ProgressStart += ProgressIncrement; if (!::FontLoader.InitFont(&FontTitle, szFont, C4FontLoader::C4FT_Title, Config.General.RXFontSize, &Files)) return false; Game.SetInitProgress(ProgressStart); ProgressStart += ProgressIncrement; if (!::FontLoader.InitFont(&FontCaption, szFont, C4FontLoader::C4FT_Caption, Config.General.RXFontSize, &Files)) return false; Game.SetInitProgress(ProgressStart); ProgressStart += ProgressIncrement; if (!::FontLoader.InitFont(&FontTooltip, szFont, C4FontLoader::C4FT_Main, Config.General.RXFontSize, &Files, false)) return false; Game.SetInitProgress(ProgressStart); ProgressStart += ProgressIncrement; // assign def list as custom image source FontRegular.SetCustomImages(&::Definitions); return true; } void C4GraphicsResource::ClearFonts() { FontRegular.Clear(); FontTitle.Clear(); FontCaption.Clear(); FontTiny.Clear(); FontTooltip.Clear(); } bool C4GraphicsResource::Init() { if (!RegisterGlobalGraphics()) return false; // update group set if (!RegisterMainGroups()) { LogFatal(LoadResStr("IDS_ERR_GFX_REGISTERMAIN")); return false; } #ifndef USE_CONSOLE // Pre-load all shader files Files.PreCacheEntries(C4CFN_ShaderFiles); if (!pGL->InitShaders(&Files)) { LogFatal(LoadResStr("IDS_ERR_GFX_INITSHADERS")); return false; } #endif Game.SetInitProgress(11.0f); ProgressStart = 12.0f; ProgressIncrement = 0.35f; // TODO: This should be changed so that it stops at 25%, no matter how many graphics we load. // The progress bar is the only graphic besides the background that is // used during startup, so load it early if (!LoadFile(fctProgressBar, "GUIProgress", Files, C4FCT_Full, C4FCT_Full, false, 0)) return false; fctProgressBar.Set(fctProgressBar.Surface, 1,0, fctProgressBar.Wdt-2, fctProgressBar.Hgt); if (!InitFonts()) return false; // load GUI files if (!LoadFile(sfcCaption, "GUICaption", Files, idSfcCaption, 0)) return false; barCaption.SetHorizontal(sfcCaption, sfcCaption.Hgt, 32); if (!LoadFile(sfcButton, "GUIButton", Files, idSfcButton, 0)) return false; barButton.SetHorizontal(sfcButton); if (!LoadFile(sfcButtonD, "GUIButtonDown", Files, idSfcButtonD, 0)) return false; barButtonD.SetHorizontal(sfcButtonD); if (!LoadFile(fctButtonHighlight, "GUIButtonHighlight", Files, C4FCT_Full, C4FCT_Full, false, 0)) return false; if (!LoadFile(fctButtonHighlightRound, "GUIButtonHighlightRound", Files, C4FCT_Full, C4FCT_Full, false, 0)) return false; if (!LoadFile(fctIcons, "GUIIcons", Files, C4FCT_Full, C4FCT_Full, false, 0)) return false; fctIcons.Set(fctIcons.Surface,0,0,C4GUI_IconWdt,C4GUI_IconHgt); if (!LoadFile(fctIconsEx, "GUIIcons2", Files, C4FCT_Full, C4FCT_Full, false, 0)) return false; fctIconsEx.Set(fctIconsEx.Surface,0,0,C4GUI_IconExWdt,C4GUI_IconExHgt); if (!LoadFile(fctControllerIcons, "ControllerIcons", Files, C4FCT_Full, C4FCT_Full, false, 0)) return false; fctControllerIcons.Set(fctControllerIcons.Surface,0,0,C4GUI_ControllerIconWdt,C4GUI_ControllerIconHgt); if (!LoadFile(sfcScroll, "GUIScroll", Files, idSfcScroll, 0)) return false; sfctScroll.Set(C4Facet(&sfcScroll,0,0,32,32)); if (!LoadFile(sfcContext, "GUIContext", Files, idSfcContext, 0)) return false; fctContext.Set(&sfcContext,0,0,16,16); if (!LoadFile(fctSubmenu, "GUISubmenu", Files, C4FCT_Full, C4FCT_Full, false, 0)) return false; if (!LoadFile(fctCheckbox, "GUICheckbox", Files, C4FCT_Full, C4FCT_Full, false, 0)) return false; fctCheckbox.Set(fctCheckbox.Surface, 0,0,fctCheckbox.Hgt,fctCheckbox.Hgt); if (!LoadFile(fctBigArrows, "GUIBigArrows", Files, C4FCT_Full, C4FCT_Full, false, 0)) return false; fctBigArrows.Set(fctBigArrows.Surface, 0,0, fctBigArrows.Wdt/4, fctBigArrows.Hgt); // Control if (!LoadFile(sfcControl, "Control", Files, idSfcControl, 0)) return false; fctKeyboard.Set(&sfcControl,0,0,80,36); fctCommand.Set(&sfcControl,0,36,32,32); fctKey.Set(&sfcControl,0,100,64,64); fctOKCancel.Set(&sfcControl,128,100,32,32); fctMouse.Set(&sfcControl,198,100,32,32); // Clonk style selection if (!LoadFile(sfcClonkSkins, "ClonkSkins", Files, idSfcClonkSkins, 0)) return false; fctClonkSkin.Set(&sfcClonkSkins,0,0,64,64); // Facet bitmap resources if (!LoadFile(fctFire, "Fire", Files, C4FCT_Height, C4FCT_Full, false, 0)) return false; if (!LoadFile(fctBackground, "Background", Files, C4FCT_Full, C4FCT_Full, false, C4SF_Tileable)) return false; // tileable if (!LoadFile(fctFlag, "Flag", Files, C4FCT_Full, C4FCT_Full, false, 0)) return false; // (new format) if (!LoadFile(fctCrew, "Crew", Files, C4FCT_Full, C4FCT_Full, false, 0)) return false; // (new format) if (!LoadFile(fctWealth, "Wealth", Files, C4FCT_Full, C4FCT_Full, false, 0)) return false; // (new) if (!LoadFile(fctPlayer, "Player", Files, C4FCT_Full, C4FCT_Full, false, 0)) return false; // (new format) if (!LoadFile(fctRank, "Rank", Files, C4FCT_Height, C4FCT_Full, false, 0)) return false; if (!LoadFile(fctCaptain, "Captain", Files, C4FCT_Full, C4FCT_Full, false, 0)) return false; if (!LoadCursorGfx()) return false; if (!LoadFile(fctSelectMark, "SelectMark", Files, C4FCT_Height, C4FCT_Full, false, 0)) return false; if (!LoadFile(fctMenu, "Menu", Files, 35, 35, false, 0)) return false; if (!LoadFile(fctLogo, "Logo", Files, C4FCT_Full, C4FCT_Full, false, 0)) return false; if (!LoadFile(fctConstruction,"Construction", Files, C4FCT_Full, C4FCT_Full, false, 0)) return false; // (new) if (!LoadFile(fctEnergy, "Energy", Files, C4FCT_Full, C4FCT_Full, false, 0)) return false; // (new) if (!LoadFile(fctOptions, "Options", Files, C4FCT_Height, C4FCT_Full, false, 0)) return false; if (!LoadFile(fctUpperBoard, "UpperBoard", Files, C4FCT_Full, C4FCT_Full, false, C4SF_Tileable)) return false; // tileable if (!LoadFile(fctArrow, "Arrow", Files, C4FCT_Height, C4FCT_Full, false, 0)) return false; if (!LoadFile(fctExit, "Exit", Files, C4FCT_Full, C4FCT_Full, false, 0)) return false; if (!LoadFile(fctHand, "Hand", Files, C4FCT_Height, C4FCT_Full, false, 0)) return false; if (!LoadFile(fctGamepad, "Gamepad", Files, 80, C4FCT_Full, false, 0)) return false; if (!LoadFile(fctBuild, "Build", Files, C4FCT_Full, C4FCT_Full, false, 0)) return false; if (!LoadFile(fctTransformKnob,"TransformKnob",Files,C4FCT_Full, C4FCT_Full, false, 0)) return false; // achievements if (!Achievements.Init(Files)) return false; // create ColorByOwner overlay surfaces if (fctCrew.idSourceGroup != fctCrewClr.idSourceGroup) { if (!fctCrewClr.CreateClrByOwner(fctCrew.Surface)) { LogFatal("ClrByOwner error! (1)"); return false; } fctCrewClr.Wdt=fctCrew.Wdt; fctCrewClr.Hgt=fctCrew.Hgt; fctCrewClr.idSourceGroup = fctCrew.idSourceGroup; } if (fctFlag.idSourceGroup != fctFlagClr.idSourceGroup) { if (!fctFlagClr.CreateClrByOwner(fctFlag.Surface)) { LogFatal("ClrByOwner error! (1)"); return false; } fctFlagClr.Wdt=fctFlag.Wdt; fctFlagClr.Hgt=fctFlag.Hgt; fctFlagClr.idSourceGroup = fctFlag.idSourceGroup; } if (fctPlayer.idSourceGroup != fctPlayerClr.idSourceGroup) { if (!fctPlayerClr.CreateClrByOwner(fctPlayer.Surface)) { LogFatal("ClrByOwner error! (1)"); return false; } fctPlayerClr.Wdt=fctPlayer.Wdt; fctPlayerClr.Hgt=fctPlayer.Hgt; fctPlayerClr.idSourceGroup = fctPlayer.idSourceGroup; } // get number of ranks int32_t Q; fctRank.GetPhaseNum(iNumRanks, Q); if (!iNumRanks) iNumRanks=1; // CloseFiles() must not be called now: // The sky still needs to be loaded from the global graphics // group in C4Game::InitGame -> C4Sky::Init so we need to keep the group(s) open. // In activated NETWORK2, the files mustn't be closed either, because there will be // multiple calls to this function to allow overloadings // mark initialized fInitialized = true; return true; } bool C4GraphicsResource::LoadCursorGfx() { // Determine appropriate GFX file by screen resolution const char *szCursorFilename; szCursorFilename = "Cursor"; if (!LoadFile(fctMouseCursor, szCursorFilename, Files, C4FCT_Height, C4FCT_Full, false, 0)) return false; return true; } bool C4GraphicsResource::RegisterGlobalGraphics() { // Create main gfx group - register with fixed ID 1, to prevent unnecessary font reloading. // FontLoader-initializations always check whether the font has already been initialized // with the same parameters. If the game is simply reloaded in console-mode, this means // that fonts are not reinitialized. This will also apply for InGame-scenario switches yet // to be implemented. // Bitmap fonts from other groups are always reloaded, because the group indices of the gfx // group set are not reset, and will then differ for subsequent group registrations. // Resetting the group index of the gfx group set at game reset would cause problems if a // scenario with its own font face is being closed, and then another scenario with another, // overloaded font face is opened. The group indices could match and the old font would // then be kept. // The cleanest alternative would be to reinit all the fonts whenever a scenario is reloaded // FIXME: Test whether vector fonts from a scenario are correctly reloaded C4Group *pMainGfxGrp = new C4Group(); if (!Reloc.Open(*pMainGfxGrp, C4CFN_Graphics) || !Files.RegisterGroup(*pMainGfxGrp, true, C4GSPrio_Base, C4GSCnt_Graphics, 1)) { // error LogFatal(FormatString(LoadResStr("IDS_PRC_NOGFXFILE"),C4CFN_Graphics,pMainGfxGrp->GetError()).getData()); delete pMainGfxGrp; return false; } return true; } bool C4GraphicsResource::RegisterMainGroups() { // register main groups Files.RegisterGroups(Game.GroupSet, C4GSCnt_Graphics, C4CFN_Graphics, idRegisteredMainGroupSetFiles); idRegisteredMainGroupSetFiles = Game.GroupSet.GetLastID(); return true; } void C4GraphicsResource::CloseFiles() { // closes main gfx group; releases dependencies into game group set Files.Clear(); idRegisteredMainGroupSetFiles=-1; } static C4Group *FindSuitableFile(const char *szName, C4GroupSet &rGfxSet, char *szFileName, int32_t * pID) { const char * const extensions[] = { "bmp", "jpeg", "jpg", "png", nullptr }; return rGfxSet.FindSuitableFile(szName, extensions, szFileName, pID); } bool C4GraphicsResource::LoadFile(C4FacetID &fct, const char *szName, C4GroupSet &rGfxSet, int32_t iWdt, int32_t iHgt, bool fNoWarnIfNotFound, int iFlags) { char FileName[_MAX_FNAME]; int32_t ID = 0; C4Group *pGrp = FindSuitableFile(szName, rGfxSet, FileName, &ID); if (!pGrp) { // FIXME: Use LogFatal here if (!fNoWarnIfNotFound) { LogF(LoadResStr("IDS_PRC_NOGFXFILE"), szName, LoadResStr("IDS_PRC_FILENOTFOUND")); } return false; } // check group if (fct.idSourceGroup == ID) // already up-to-date return true; // load if (!fct.Load(*pGrp, FileName, iWdt, iHgt, false, iFlags)) { LogF(LoadResStr("IDS_PRC_NOGFXFILE"), FileName, LoadResStr("IDS_ERR_NOFILE")); return false; } fct.idSourceGroup = ID; Game.SetInitProgress(ProgressStart); ProgressStart += ProgressIncrement; return true; } bool C4GraphicsResource::LoadFile(C4Surface& sfc, const char *szName, C4GroupSet &rGfxSet, int32_t &ridCurrSfc, int iFlags) { // find char FileName[_MAX_FNAME]; int32_t ID = 0; C4Group *pGrp = FindSuitableFile(szName, rGfxSet, FileName, &ID); if (!pGrp) { LogF(LoadResStr("IDS_PRC_NOGFXFILE"), szName, LoadResStr("IDS_PRC_FILENOTFOUND")); return false; } // check group if (ID == ridCurrSfc) // already up-to-date return true; // load if (!sfc.Load(*pGrp, FileName, false, false, iFlags)) { LogF(LoadResStr("IDS_PRC_NOGFXFILE"), FileName, LoadResStr("IDS_ERR_NOFILE")); return false; } ridCurrSfc = ID; Game.SetInitProgress(ProgressStart); ProgressStart += ProgressIncrement; return true; } CStdFont &C4GraphicsResource::GetFontByHeight(int32_t iHgt, float *pfZoom) { // get optimal font for given control size CStdFont *pUseFont; if (iHgt <= MiniFont.GetLineHeight()) pUseFont = &MiniFont; else if (iHgt <= TextFont.GetLineHeight()) pUseFont = &TextFont; else if (iHgt <= CaptionFont.GetLineHeight()) pUseFont = &CaptionFont; else pUseFont = &TitleFont; // determine zoom if (pfZoom) { int32_t iLineHgt = pUseFont->GetLineHeight(); if (iLineHgt) *pfZoom = (float) iHgt / (float) iLineHgt; else *pfZoom = 1.0f; // error } return *pUseFont; } bool C4GraphicsResource::ReloadResolutionDependantFiles() { if(!fInitialized) return false; // reload any files that depend on the current resolution // reloads the cursor // Re-open the graphics files if they are not open anymore -- this // happens when the game is running. // Note also that at the moment there are no resolution dependent // graphics files... const bool hadGroupsRegistered = (idRegisteredMainGroupSetFiles != -1); if(!hadGroupsRegistered) { RegisterGlobalGraphics(); RegisterMainGroups(); } fctMouseCursor.idSourceGroup = 0; const bool result = true; if(!hadGroupsRegistered) CloseFiles(); return result; } C4GraphicsResource GraphicsResource;