/* * OpenClonk, http://www.openclonk.org * * Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Matthes Bender * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH, http://www.clonk.de/ * Copyright (c) 2009-2016, The OpenClonk Team and contributors * * Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file * "COPYING" for details. * * "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission. * See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details. * * To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts * for the above references. */ /* A handy wrapper class to gzio files */ #include "C4Include.h" #ifdef _WIN32 # include "platform/C4windowswrapper.h" #endif #include "platform/StdFile.h" #include "c4group/CStdFile.h" #include "lib/SHA1.h" #include #include "zlib/gzio.h" #include #include #include #include CStdFile::CStdFile() { thread_check.Set(); Status=false; hFile=nullptr; hgzFile=nullptr; pMemory=nullptr; ClearBuffer(); ModeWrite=false; Name[0]=0; } CStdFile::~CStdFile() { Close(); } bool CStdFile::Create(const char *szFilename, bool fCompressed, bool fExecutable, bool fMemory) { thread_check.Set(); // Set modes ModeWrite=true; // Open in memory? if (fMemory) { if (!(pMemory = new StdBuf())) return false; MemoryPtr = 0; StdStrBuf buf; buf.Format("<%p>", pMemory); SCopy(buf.getData(), Name, _MAX_PATH); } // Open standard file else { SCopy(szFilename,Name,_MAX_PATH); int flags = _O_BINARY|O_CLOEXEC|O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC; #ifdef _WIN32 int mode = _S_IREAD|_S_IWRITE; int fd = _wopen(GetWideChar(Name), flags, mode); #else mode_t mode = S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IWGRP|S_IROTH|S_IWOTH; if (fExecutable) mode |= S_IXUSR|S_IXGRP|S_IXOTH; int fd = open(Name, flags, mode); #endif if (fd == -1) return false; if (fCompressed) { if (!(hgzFile = c4_gzdopen(fd,"wb1"))) return false; } else { if (!(hFile = fdopen(fd,"wb"))) return false; } } // Reset buffer ClearBuffer(); // Set status Status=true; return true; } bool CStdFile::Open(const char *szFilename, bool fCompressed) { SCopy(szFilename,Name,_MAX_PATH); thread_check.Set(); // Set modes ModeWrite=false; int flags = _O_BINARY|O_CLOEXEC|O_RDONLY; #ifdef _WIN32 int mode = _S_IREAD|_S_IWRITE; int fd = _wopen(GetWideChar(Name), flags, mode); #else mode_t mode = S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IWGRP|S_IROTH|S_IWOTH; int fd = open(Name, flags, mode); #endif if(fd == -1) return false; if (fCompressed) { if (!(hgzFile = c4_gzdopen(fd,"rb"))) { close(fd); return false; } /* Reject uncompressed files */ if(c4_gzdirect(hgzFile)) { c4_gzclose(hgzFile); hgzFile = nullptr; return false; } } else { if (!(hFile = fdopen(fd,"rb"))) return false; } // Reset buffer ClearBuffer(); // Set status Status=true; return true; } bool CStdFile::Append(const char *szFilename, bool text) { SCopy(szFilename,Name,_MAX_PATH); thread_check.Set(); // Set modes ModeWrite=true; // Open standard file #ifdef _WIN32 if (!(hFile = _wfopen(GetWideChar(Name), text ? L"at" : L"ab"))) return false; #else if (!(hFile=fopen(Name,text ? "at" : "ab"))) return false; #endif // Reset buffer ClearBuffer(); // Set status Status=true; return true; } bool CStdFile::Close(StdBuf **ppMemory) { thread_check.Check(); bool rval=true; Status=false; Name[0]=0; // Save buffer if in write mode if (ModeWrite && BufferLoad) if (!SaveBuffer()) rval=false; // Close file(s) if (hgzFile) if (c4_gzclose(hgzFile)!=Z_OK) rval=false; if (hFile) if (fclose(hFile)!=0) rval=false; if (pMemory) { if (ppMemory) { *ppMemory = pMemory; pMemory = nullptr; } else delete pMemory; } MemoryPtr=0; hgzFile=nullptr; hFile=nullptr; return !!rval; } bool CStdFile::Default() { Status=false; Name[0]=0; hgzFile=nullptr; hFile=nullptr; pMemory=nullptr; MemoryPtr=0; BufferLoad=BufferPtr=0; thread_check.Set(); return true; } bool CStdFile::Read(void *pBuffer, size_t iSize, size_t *ipFSize) { thread_check.Check(); int transfer; if (!pBuffer) return false; if (ModeWrite) return false; BYTE *bypBuffer= (BYTE*) pBuffer; if (ipFSize) *ipFSize = 0; while (iSize>0) { // Valid data in the buffer: Transfer as much as possible if (BufferLoad>BufferPtr) { transfer=std::min(BufferLoad-BufferPtr,iSize); memmove(bypBuffer, Buffer+BufferPtr, transfer); BufferPtr+=transfer; bypBuffer+=transfer; iSize-=transfer; if (ipFSize) *ipFSize += transfer; } // Buffer empty: Load else if (LoadBuffer()<=0) return false; } return true; } int CStdFile::LoadBuffer() { thread_check.Check(); if (hFile) BufferLoad = fread(Buffer,1,CStdFileBufSize,hFile); if (hgzFile) BufferLoad = c4_gzread(hgzFile, Buffer,CStdFileBufSize); BufferPtr=0; return BufferLoad; } bool CStdFile::SaveBuffer() { thread_check.Check(); int saved = 0; if (hFile) saved=fwrite(Buffer,1,BufferLoad,hFile); if (hgzFile) saved=c4_gzwrite(hgzFile,Buffer,BufferLoad); if (pMemory) { pMemory->Append(Buffer, BufferLoad); saved = BufferLoad; } if (saved!=BufferLoad) return false; BufferLoad=0; return true; } void CStdFile::ClearBuffer() { thread_check.Check(); BufferLoad=BufferPtr=0; } bool CStdFile::Write(const void *pBuffer, int iSize) { thread_check.Check(); int transfer; if (!pBuffer) return false; if (!ModeWrite) return false; const BYTE *bypBuffer= (const BYTE*) pBuffer; while (iSize>0) { // Space in buffer: Transfer as much as possible if (BufferLoad 0) { // Valid data in the buffer: Transfer as much as possible if (BufferLoad > BufferPtr) { int transfer = std::min(BufferLoad-BufferPtr,iOffset); BufferPtr += transfer; iOffset -= transfer; } // Buffer empty: Load or skip else { if (hFile) return !fseek(hFile, iOffset, SEEK_CUR); // uncompressed: Just skip if (LoadBuffer()<=0) return false; // compressed: Read... } } return true; } int CStdFile::Seek(long int offset, int whence) { // seek in file by offset and stdio-style SEEK_* constants. Only implemented for uncompressed files. assert(!hgzFile); return fseek(hFile, offset, whence); } long int CStdFile::Tell() { // get current file pos. Only implemented for uncompressed files. assert(!hgzFile); return ftell(hFile); } int UncompressedFileSize(const char *szFilename) { int rd,rval=0; BYTE buf[1024]; int flags = _O_BINARY|O_CLOEXEC|O_RDONLY; #ifdef _WIN32 int mode = _S_IREAD|_S_IWRITE; int fd = _wopen(GetWideChar(szFilename), flags, mode); #else mode_t mode = S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IWGRP|S_IROTH|S_IWOTH; int fd = open(szFilename, flags, mode); #endif gzFile hFile; if (!(hFile = c4_gzdopen(fd,"rb"))) return 0; do { rd = c4_gzread(hFile,&buf,sizeof(buf)); if (rd < 0) break; rval += rd; } while (rd == sizeof buf); c4_gzclose(hFile); return rval; } size_t CStdFile::AccessedEntrySize() { if (hFile) return FileSize(fileno(hFile)); assert(!hgzFile); return 0; } bool GetFileCRC(const char *szFilename, uint32_t *pCRC32) { if (!pCRC32) return false; // open file CStdFile File; if (!File.Open(szFilename)) return false; // calculcate CRC uint32_t iCRC32 = 0; for (;;) { // read a chunk of data BYTE szData[CStdFileBufSize]; size_t iSize = 0; if (!File.Read(szData, CStdFileBufSize, &iSize)) if (!iSize) break; // update CRC iCRC32 = crc32(iCRC32, szData, iSize); } // close file File.Close(); // okay *pCRC32 = iCRC32; return true; } bool GetFileSHA1(const char *szFilename, BYTE *pSHA1) { if (!pSHA1) return false; // open file CStdFile File; if (!File.Open(szFilename)) return false; // calculcate CRC sha1 ctx; for (;;) { // read a chunk of data BYTE szData[CStdFileBufSize]; size_t iSize = 0; if (!File.Read(szData, CStdFileBufSize, &iSize)) if (!iSize) break; // update CRC ctx.process_bytes(szData, iSize); } // close file File.Close(); // finish calculation ctx.get_digest((sha1::digest_type) *pSHA1); return true; }