/* * OpenClonk, http://www.openclonk.org * * Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Matthes Bender * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH, http://www.clonk.de/ * Copyright (c) 2009-2016, The OpenClonk Team and contributors * * Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file * "COPYING" for details. * * "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission. * See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details. * * To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts * for the above references. */ /* Special regions to extend the pathfinder */ #include "C4Include.h" #include "landscape/C4TransferZone.h" #include "graphics/C4FacetEx.h" #include "landscape/C4Landscape.h" #include "object/C4GameObjects.h" #include "lib/StdColors.h" C4TransferZone::C4TransferZone() { Object = NULL; X = Y = Wdt = Hgt = 0; Next = NULL; Used = false; } C4TransferZone::~C4TransferZone() { } C4TransferZones::C4TransferZones() { Default(); } C4TransferZones::~C4TransferZones() { Clear(); } void C4TransferZones::Default() { First=NULL; } void C4TransferZones::Clear() { C4TransferZone *pZone,*pNext; for (pZone=First; pZone; pZone=pNext) { pNext=pZone->Next; delete pZone; } First=NULL; } void C4TransferZones::ClearPointers(C4Object *pObj) { // Clear object pointers for (C4TransferZone *pZone=First; pZone; pZone=pZone->Next) if (pZone->Object==pObj) pZone->Object=NULL; // Remove cleared zones immediately RemoveNullZones(); } bool C4TransferZones::Set(int32_t iX, int32_t iY, int32_t iWdt, int32_t iHgt, C4Object *pObj) { C4TransferZone *pZone; // Empty zone: clear existing object zones if (!iWdt || !iHgt) { ClearPointers(pObj); return true; } // Update existing zone if ((pZone=Find(pObj))) { pZone->X=iX; pZone->Y=iY; pZone->Wdt=iWdt; pZone->Hgt=iHgt; } // Allocate and add new zone else Add(iX,iY,iWdt,iHgt,pObj); // Success return true; } bool C4TransferZones::Add(int32_t iX, int32_t iY, int32_t iWdt, int32_t iHgt, C4Object *pObj) { C4TransferZone *pZone; // Allocate and add new zone pZone = new C4TransferZone; pZone->X=iX; pZone->Y=iY; pZone->Wdt=iWdt; pZone->Hgt=iHgt; pZone->Object=pObj; pZone->Next=First; First=pZone; // Success return true; } void C4TransferZones::Synchronize() { Clear(); ::Objects.OnSynchronized(); } C4TransferZone* C4TransferZones::Find(int32_t iX, int32_t iY) { for (C4TransferZone *pZone=First; pZone; pZone=pZone->Next) if (Inside(iX-pZone->X,0,pZone->Wdt-1)) if (Inside(iY-pZone->Y,0,pZone->Hgt-1)) return pZone; return NULL; } void C4TransferZones::Draw(C4TargetFacet &cgo) { for (C4TransferZone *pZone=First; pZone; pZone=pZone->Next) pZone->Draw(cgo); } void C4TransferZone::Draw(C4TargetFacet &cgo, bool fHighlight) { if (Used) fHighlight=true; pDraw->DrawFrameDw(cgo.Surface, int(cgo.X+X-cgo.TargetX),int(cgo.Y+Y-cgo.TargetY), int(cgo.X+X-cgo.TargetX+Wdt-1),int(cgo.Y+Y-cgo.TargetY+Hgt-1), fHighlight ? C4RGB(0, 0xca, 0) : C4RGB(0xca, 0, 0)); } bool C4TransferZone::At(int32_t iX, int32_t iY) { return (Inside(iX-X,0,Wdt-1) && Inside(iY-Y,0,Hgt-1)); } int32_t C4TransferZones::RemoveNullZones() { int32_t iResult=0; C4TransferZone *pZone,*pNext,*pPrev=NULL; for (pZone=First; pZone; pZone=pNext) { pNext=pZone->Next; if (!pZone->Object) { delete pZone; if (pPrev) pPrev->Next=pNext; else First=pNext; iResult++; } else pPrev=pZone; } return iResult; } void AdjustMoveToTarget(int32_t &rX, int32_t &rY, bool fFreeMove, int32_t iShapeHgt); bool C4TransferZone::GetEntryPoint(int32_t &rX, int32_t &rY, int32_t iToX, int32_t iToY) { // Target inside zone: move outside horizontally if (Inside(iToX-X,0,Wdt-1) && Inside(iToY-Y,0,Hgt-1)) { if (iToX(iToX,X-1,X+Wdt); rY=Clamp(iToY,Y-1,Y+Hgt); // Search around zone for free int32_t iX1=rX,iY1=rY,iX2=rX,iY2=rY; int32_t iXIncr1=0,iYIncr1=-1,iXIncr2=0,iYIncr2=+1; int32_t cnt; for (cnt=0; cnt<2*Wdt+2*Hgt; cnt++) { // Found free if (!GBackSolid(iX1,iY1)) { rX=iX1; rY=iY1; break; } if (!GBackSolid(iX2,iY2)) { rX=iX2; rY=iY2; break; } // Advance iX1+=iXIncr1; iY1+=iYIncr1; iX2+=iXIncr2; iY2+=iYIncr2; // Corners if (iY1X+Wdt) { iX1=X+Wdt; iXIncr1=0; iYIncr1=+1; } if (iY1>Y+Hgt) { iY1=Y+Hgt; iXIncr1=-1; iYIncr1=0; } if (iX1X+Wdt) { iX2=X+Wdt; iXIncr2=0; iYIncr2=-1; } if (iY2>Y+Hgt) { iY2=Y+Hgt; iXIncr2=+1; iYIncr2=0; } if (iX2=2*Wdt+2*Hgt) return false; // Vertical walk-to adjust (only if at the side of zone) if (!Inside(rX-X,0,Wdt-1)) AdjustMoveToTarget(rX,rY,false,20); // Success return true; } void C4TransferZones::ClearUsed() { for (C4TransferZone *pZone=First; pZone; pZone=pZone->Next) pZone->Used=false; } C4TransferZone* C4TransferZones::Find(C4Object *pObj) { for (C4TransferZone *pZone=First; pZone; pZone=pZone->Next) if (pZone->Object==pObj) return pZone; return NULL; }