ExecutePXS Landscape 8.0 OC bool int frames How many frames to execute proplist callback For each executed frame, call callback->Timer(i), 0 ≤ i < frames Advances PXS (flying material pixels) by the specified amount of frames. This is meant for rainy or snowy scenarios to start with a screen full of precipitation. The callback parameter is chosen to allow passing simple effects. local snowfx = new Effect { Timer = func() { CastPXS("Snow", 2, 0, Random(LandscapeWidth()), 0, RandomX(90, 270)); } }; func Initialize() { var fx = CreateEffect(snowfx, 1, 1); ExecutePXS(100, fx); } Creates a snowing effect and executes it for 100 frames so that the game starts with a snowy screen. CastPXS Luchs2017-11