/*-- Parkour Authors: Maikel The goal is to be the first to reach the finish, the team or player to do so wins the round. Checkpoints can be added to make the path more interesting and more complex. Checkpoints can have different functionalities: * Respawn: On/Off - The clonk respawns at the last passed checkpoint. * Check: On/Off - The clonk must pass through these checkpoints before being able to finish. * Ordered: On/Off - The checkpoints mussed be passed in the order specified. * The start and finish are also checkpoints. TODO: * Update CP Graphics -> looks satisfactory atm but cpu intensive. --*/ #include Library_Goal local finished; // Whether the goal has been reached by some player. local cp_list; // List of checkpoints. local cp_count; // Number of checkpoints. local respawn_list; // List of last reached respawn CP per player. local plr_list; // Number of checkpoints the player completed. local team_list; // Number of checkpoints the team completed. local time_store; // String for best time storage in player file. /*-- General --*/ protected func Initialize() { finished = false; cp_list = []; cp_count = 0; respawn_list = []; plr_list = []; team_list = []; // Best time tracking. time_store = Format("Parkour_%s_BestTime", GetScenTitle()); AddEffect("IntBestTime", this, 100, 1, this); // Activate restart rule, if there isn't any. if (!ObjectCount(Find_ID(Rule_Restart))) CreateObject(Rule_Restart, 0, 0, NO_OWNER); // Scoreboard. InitScoreboard(); return _inherited(...); } /*-- Checkpoint creation --*/ public func SetStartpoint(float x, float y) { // Safety, x and y inside landscape bounds. x = BoundBy(x, 0, LandscapeWidth()); y = BoundBy(y, 0, LandscapeHeight()); var cp = FindObject(Find_ID(ParkourCheckpoint), Find_Func("FindCPMode", PARKOUR_CP_Start)); if (!cp) cp = CreateObject(ParkourCheckpoint, x, y, NO_OWNER); cp->SetPosition(x, y); cp->SetCPMode(PARKOUR_CP_Start); cp->SetCPController(this); cp_list[0] = cp; return cp; } public func SetFinishpoint(float x, float y, bool team) { // Safety, x and y inside landscape bounds. x = BoundBy(x, 0, LandscapeWidth()); y = BoundBy(y, 0, LandscapeHeight()); var cp = FindObject(Find_ID(ParkourCheckpoint), Find_Func("FindCPMode", PARKOUR_CP_Finish)); if (!cp) cp = CreateObject(ParkourCheckpoint, x, y, NO_OWNER); cp->SetPosition(x, y); var mode = PARKOUR_CP_Finish; if (team) mode = mode | PARKOUR_CP_Team; cp->SetCPMode(mode); cp->SetCPController(this); cp_count++; cp_list[cp_count] = cp; return cp; } public func AddCheckpoint(float x, float y, int mode) { // Safety, x and y inside landscape bounds. x = BoundBy(x, 0, LandscapeWidth()); y = BoundBy(y, 0, LandscapeHeight()); var cp = CreateObject(ParkourCheckpoint, x, y, NO_OWNER); cp->SetPosition(x, y); cp->SetCPMode(mode); cp->SetCPController(this); // Only increase cp count and update list if mode is check. if (!(cp->GetCPMode() & PARKOUR_CP_Check)) return cp; // Move finish one place further in checkpoint list. if (cp_list[cp_count] && cp_list[cp_count]->GetCPMode() & PARKOUR_CP_Finish) { cp_list[cp_count + 1] = cp_list[cp_count]; cp_list[cp_count] = cp; } else { cp_list[cp_count + 1] = cp; } cp_count++; return cp; } /*-- Checkpoint interaction --*/ // Called from a finish CP to indicate that plr has reached it. public func PlayerReachedFinishCP(int plr, object cp) { if (finished) return; var plrid = GetPlayerID(plr); var team = GetPlayerTeam(plr); plr_list[plrid]++; if (team) team_list[team]++; UpdateScoreboard(plr); DoBestTime(plr); SetEvalData(plr); EliminatePlayers(plr); finished = true; return; } // Called from a respawn CP to indicate that plr has reached it. public func SetPlayerRespawnCP(int plr, object cp) { if (respawn_list[plr] == cp) return; respawn_list[plr] = cp; cp->PlayerMessage(plr, "$MsgNewRespawn$"); return; } // Called from a check CP to indicate that plr has cleared it. public func AddPlayerClearedCP(int plr, object cp) { if (finished) return; var plrid = GetPlayerID(plr); plr_list[plrid]++; UpdateScoreboard(plr); return; } // Called from a check CP to indicate that plr has cleared it. public func AddTeamClearedCP(int team, object cp) { if (finished) return; if (team) team_list[team]++; return; } /*-- Goal interface --*/ // Eliminates all players apart from the winner and his team. private func EliminatePlayers(int winner) { var winteam = GetPlayerTeam(winner); for (var i = 0; i < GetPlayerCount(); i++) { var plr = GetPlayerByIndex(i); var team = GetPlayerTeam(plr); if (plr == winner) // The winner self. continue; if (team && team == winteam) // In the same team as the winner. continue; EliminatePlayer(plr); } return; } public func IsFulfilled() { return finished; } public func Activate(int plr) { var team = GetPlayerTeam(plr); var msg; if (finished) { if (team) { if (IsWinner(plr)) msg = "$MsgParkourWonTeam$"; else msg = "$MsgParkourLostTeam$"; } else { if (IsWinner(plr)) msg = "$MsgParkourWon$"; else msg = "$MsgParkourLost$"; } } else msg = Format("$MsgParkour$", cp_count); // Show goal message. MessageWindow(msg, plr); return; } public func GetShortDescription(int plr) { var team = GetPlayerTeam(plr); var parkour_length = GetParkourLength(); if (parkour_length == 0) return ""; var length; if (team) length = GetTeamPosition(team); else length = GetPlayerPosition(plr); var percentage = 100 * length / parkour_length; var red = BoundBy(255 - percentage * 255 / 100, 0, 255); var green = BoundBy(percentage * 255 / 100, 0, 255); var color = RGB(red, green, 0); return Format("$MsgShortDesc$", color, percentage, color); } // Returns the length the player has completed. private func GetPlayerPosition(int plr) { var plrid = GetPlayerID(plr); var cleared = plr_list[plrid]; var length = 0; // Add length of cleared checkpoints. for (var i = 0; i < cleared; i++) length += ObjectDistance(cp_list[i], cp_list[i + 1]); // Add length of current checkpoint. var add_length = 0; if (cleared < cp_count) { var path_length = ObjectDistance(cp_list[cleared], cp_list[cleared + 1]); add_length = Max(path_length - ObjectDistance(cp_list[cleared + 1], GetCursor(plr)), 0); } return length + add_length; } // Returns the length the team has completed. private func GetTeamPosition(int team) { var cleared = team_list[team]; var length = 0; // Add length of cleared checkpoints. for (var i = 0; i < cleared; i++) length += ObjectDistance(cp_list[i], cp_list[i + 1]); // Add length of current checkpoint. var add_length = 0; if (cleared < cp_count) { for (var i = 0; i < GetPlayerCount(); i++) { var plr = GetPlayerByIndex(i); if (GetPlayerTeam(plr) == team) { var path_length = ObjectDistance(cp_list[cleared], cp_list[cleared + 1]); var test_length = Max(path_length - ObjectDistance(cp_list[cleared + 1], GetCursor(plr)), 0); if (test_length > add_length) add_length = test_length; } } } return length + add_length; } // Returns the length of this parkour. private func GetParkourLength() { var length = 0; for (var i = 0; i < cp_count; i++) length += ObjectDistance(cp_list[i], cp_list[i + 1]); return length; } private func IsWinner(int plr) { var team = GetPlayerTeam(plr); var finish = cp_list[cp_count]; if (!finish) return false; if (team) { if (finish->ClearedByTeam(team)) return true; } else { if (finish->ClearedByPlayer(plr)) return true; } return false; } /*-- Player section --*/ protected func InitializePlayer(int plr, num x, num y, object base, int team) { // If the parkour is already finished, then immediately eliminate player. if (finished) return EliminatePlayer(plr); // Remove all hostilities. for (var i = 0; i < GetPlayerCount(); i++) { SetHostility(plr, GetPlayerByIndex(i), false, true); SetHostility(GetPlayerByIndex(i), plr, false, true); } // Init Respawn CP to start CP. var plrid = GetPlayerID(plr); respawn_list[plr] = cp_list[0]; plr_list[plrid] = 0; if (team) if (!team_list[team]) team_list[team] = 0; // Scoreboard. Scoreboard->NewPlayerEntry(plr); UpdateScoreboard(plr); DoScoreboardShow(1, plr + 1); JoinPlayer(plr); // Scenario script callback. GameCall("OnPlayerRespawn", plr, respawn_list[plr]); return; } protected func RelaunchPlayer(int plr) { var clonk = CreateObject(Clonk, 0, 0, plr); clonk->MakeCrewMember(plr); SetCursor(plr, clonk); JoinPlayer(plr); // Scenario script callback. GameCall("OnPlayerRespawn", plr, respawn_list[plr]); // Log message. Log(RndRespawnMsg(), GetPlayerName(plr)); return; } private func RndRespawnMsg() { return Translate(Format("MsgRespawn%d", Random(4))); } protected func JoinPlayer(int plr) { var clonk = GetCrew(plr); clonk->DoEnergy(100000); var pos = FindRespawnPos(plr); clonk->SetPosition(pos[0], pos[1]); AddEffect("IntDirNextCP", clonk, 100, 1, this); return; } private func FindRespawnPos(int plr) { return [respawn_list[plr]->GetX(), respawn_list[plr]->GetY()]; } protected func RemovePlayer(int plr) { if (!finished) AddEvalData(plr); return; } /*-- Scoreboard --*/ static const SBRD_Checkpoints = 0; static const SBRD_BestTime = 1; private func InitScoreboard() { if (cp_count > 0) var caption = Format("$MsgCaptionX$", cp_count); else var caption = "$MsgCaptionNone$"; Scoreboard->Init( [ {key = "checkpoints", title = ParkourCheckpoint, sorted = true, desc = true, default = 0, priority = 80}, {key = "besttime", title = "T", sorted = true, desc = true, default = 0, priority = 70} ] ); Scoreboard->SetTitle(caption); return; } private func UpdateScoreboard(int plr) { if (finished) return; var plrid = GetPlayerID(plr); Scoreboard->SetPlayerData(plr, "checkpoints", plr_list[plrid]); var bt = GetPlrExtraData(plr, time_store); Scoreboard->SetPlayerData(plr, "besttime", TimeToString(bt), bt); return; } /*-- Direction indication --*/ // Effect for direction indication for the clonk. protected func FxIntDirNextCPStart(object target, effect) { var arrow = CreateObject(GUI_GoalArrow, 0, 0, target->GetOwner()); arrow->SetAction("Show", target); effect.arrow = arrow; return FX_OK; } protected func FxIntDirNextCPTimer(object target, effect) { var plr = target->GetOwner(); var team = GetPlayerTeam(plr); var arrow = effect.arrow; // Find nearest CP. var nextcp; for (var cp in FindObjects(Find_ID(ParkourCheckpoint), Find_Func("FindCPMode", PARKOUR_CP_Check | PARKOUR_CP_Finish), Sort_Distance(target->GetX() - GetX(), target->GetY() - GetY()))) if (!cp->ClearedByPlayer(plr) && (cp->IsActiveForPlayer(plr) || cp->IsActiveForTeam(team))) { nextcp = cp; break; } if (!nextcp) return arrow->SetClrModulation(RGBa(0, 0, 0, 0)); // Calculate parameters. var angle = Angle(target->GetX(), target->GetY(), nextcp->GetX(), nextcp->GetY()); var dist = Min(510 * ObjectDistance(GetCrew(plr), nextcp) / 400, 510); var red = BoundBy(dist, 0, 255); var green = BoundBy(510 - dist, 0, 255); var blue = 0; // Arrow is colored a little different for the finish. if (cp->GetCPMode() & PARKOUR_CP_Finish) blue = 128; var color = RGBa(red, green, blue, 128); // Draw arrow. arrow->SetR(angle); arrow->SetClrModulation(color); // Check if clonk is contained in a vehicle, if so attach arrow to vehicle. var container = target->Contained(); if (container && container->GetCategory() & C4D_Vehicle) { if (arrow->GetActionTarget() != container) { arrow->SetActionTargets(container); arrow->SetCategory(C4D_Vehicle); } } else { if (arrow->GetActionTarget() != target) { arrow->SetActionTargets(target); arrow->SetCategory(C4D_StaticBack); } } return FX_OK; } protected func FxIntDirNextCPStop(object target, effect) { effect.arrow->RemoveObject(); return; } /*-- Time tracker --*/ // Store the best time in the player file, same for teammembers. private func DoBestTime(int plr) { var effect = GetEffect("IntBestTime", this); var time = effect.besttime; var winteam = GetPlayerTeam(plr); for (var i = 0; i < GetPlayerCount(); i++) { var check_plr = GetPlayerByIndex(i); if (winteam == 0 && check_plr != plr) continue; if (winteam != GetPlayerTeam(check_plr)) continue; // Store best time for all players in the winning team. var rectime = GetPlrExtraData(check_plr, time_store); if (time != 0 && (!rectime || time < rectime)) { SetPlrExtraData(check_plr, time_store, time); Log(Format("$MsgBestTime$", GetPlayerName(check_plr), TimeToString(time))); } } return; } // Starts at goal initialization, should be equivalent to gamestart. protected func FxIntBestTimeTimer(object target, effect, time) { effect.besttime = time; return FX_OK; } // Returns a best time string. private func TimeToString(int time) { if (!time) // No time. return "N/A"; if (time > 36 * 60 * 60) // Longer than an hour. return Format("%d:%.2d:%.2d.%.1d", (time / 60 / 60 / 36) % 24, (time / 60 / 36) % 60, (time / 36) % 60, (10 * time / 36) % 10); if (time > 36 * 60) // Longer than a minute. return Format("%d:%.2d.%.1d", (time / 60 / 36) % 60, (time / 36) % 60, (10 * time / 36) % 10); else // Only seconds. return Format("%d.%.1d", (time / 36) % 60, (10 * time / 36) % 10); } /*-- Evaluation data --*/ private func SetEvalData(int winner) { var winteam = GetPlayerTeam(winner); var effect = GetEffect("IntBestTime", this); var time = effect.besttime; var msg; // General data. if (winteam) msg = Format("$MsgEvalTeamWon$", GetTeamName(winteam), TimeToString(time)); else msg = Format("$MsgEvalPlrWon$", GetPlayerName(winner), TimeToString(time)); AddEvaluationData(msg, 0); // Individual data. for (var i = 0; i < GetPlayerCount(); i++) AddEvalData(GetPlayerByIndex(i)); // Obviously get rid of settlement score. HideSettlementScoreInEvaluation(true); return; } private func AddEvalData(int plr) { if (finished) return; var plrid = GetPlayerID(plr); var cps = plr_list[plrid]; var msg; if (cps == cp_count) msg = "$MsgEvalPlayerAll$"; else msg = Format("$MsgEvalPlayerX$", cps, cp_count); AddEvaluationData(msg, plrid); return; } /*-- Proplist --*/ local Name = "$Name$";