/** Flooded Veins A cave landscape where the player starts at the top and needs to retrieve some gems from caves filled with water. @author Sven2, Maikel */ // Whether the intro has been initialized. static intro_init; // Whether the first players has been initialized. static first_plr_init; protected func Initialize() { // Show wealth in HUD. GUI_Controller->ShowWealth(); // Rules: team account and buying at flagpole. CreateObject(Rule_TeamAccount); CreateObject(Rule_BuyAtFlagpole); // Goal: Sell a certain amount of gems dependent on difficulty. var goal = CreateObject(Goal_SellGems); goal->SetTargetAmount(10 * SCENPAR_Difficulty); // Initialize different parts of the scenario. InitEnvironment(SCENPAR_Difficulty); InitVegetation(SCENPAR_MapSize); InitAnimals(SCENPAR_MapSize, SCENPAR_Difficulty); return; } protected func OnGoalsFulfilled() { // Give the remaining players their achievement. GainScenarioAchievement("Done", BoundBy(SCENPAR_Difficulty, 1, 3)); return false; } /*-- Player Initialization --*/ protected func InitializePlayer(int plr) { // Harsh zoom range. SetPlayerZoomByViewRange(plr, 300, nil, PLRZOOM_Direct | PLRZOOM_LimitMax); SetPlayerViewLock(plr, true); // First player inits the base. if (!first_plr_init) { InitBase(plr, 4 - SCENPAR_Difficulty); first_plr_init = true; } // Position and materials for the crew. var crew; for (var i = 0; crew = GetCrew(plr, i); ++i) { crew->SetPosition(20 + Random(32), 160 - 10); crew->CreateContents(Shovel); if (i == 0) crew->CreateContents(Hammer); else crew->CreateContents(Axe); } // Give the player basic and pumping knowledge. GivePlayerBasicKnowledge(plr); GivePlayerPumpingKnowledge(plr); GivePlayerSpecificKnowledge(plr, [WallKit, WindBag, TeleGlove]); // Give the player the elementary base materials. GivePlayerElementaryBaseMaterial(plr); // Initialize the intro sequence if not yet started. if (!intro_init) { StartSequence("Intro", 0); intro_init = true; } return; } private func InitBase(int owner, int amount) { var y = 160; // The basic settlement consists of a flagpole and a wind generator. var x = 232; while ((!GBackSky(x, y - 62) || !GBackSky(x, y - 66)) && x < 400) x++; CreateObjectAbove(WindGenerator, x + 4, y, owner); CreateObjectAbove(Flagpole, x - 24, y, owner); // Additional material includes a foundry and tools workshop. if (amount >= 2) { var foundry = CreateObjectAbove(Foundry, x + 38, y, owner); foundry->CreateContents(Coal, 4); foundry->CreateContents(Metal, 2); var workshop = CreateObjectAbove(ToolsWorkshop, x - 56, y, owner); workshop->CreateContents(Wood, 4); workshop->CreateContents(Metal, 2); var lorry = CreateObjectAbove(Lorry, x - 56, 155); // And even more material includes explosives and food. if (amount >= 3) { var chemicallab = CreateObjectAbove(ChemicalLab, x + 84, y, owner); chemicallab->CreateContents(Dynamite, 4); chemicallab->CreateContents(DynamiteBox, 4); workshop->CreateContents(Wood, 4); workshop->CreateContents(Metal, 2); workshop->CreateContents(Pickaxe, 1); lorry->CreateContents(Bread, 4); } } return; } /*-- Scenario Initialization --*/ private func InitEnvironment(int difficulty) { // Sky has some parallax. SetSkyParallax(1, 20, 20); // Some earthquakes if difficulty prescribes it. if (difficulty >= 2) Earthquake->SetChance(4 * (difficulty - 1)); // On insane difficulty the water level keeps rising. if (difficulty >= 3) AddEffect("RisingWater", nil, 100, 1); return; } global func FxRisingWaterTimer(object target, proplist effect) { // Insert pixel on the water surface if there is tunnel above. for (var x = Random(120); x < LandscapeWidth(); x += RandomX(80, 120)) { // Find first tunnel from the bottom. var y = LandscapeHeight(); while (GBackSemiSolid(x, y) && y > 0) y -= 1; // Check if there is liquid below the tunnel. if (GBackLiquid(x, y + 2)) InsertMaterial(Material("Water"), x, y + 4); } return FX_OK; } private func InitVegetation(int map_size) { var wdt = LandscapeWidth(); var hgt = LandscapeHeight(); // Cave mushrooms scattered around the top and middle sections. LargeCaveMushroom->Place(10, Shape->Rectangle(0, 0, wdt, hgt / 8), { terraform = false }); LargeCaveMushroom->Place(15, Shape->Rectangle(0, hgt / 8, wdt, hgt / 8), { terraform = false }); LargeCaveMushroom->Place(15, Shape->Rectangle(0, 2 * hgt / 8, wdt, hgt / 8), { terraform = false }); // Cave entrance covered with mushrooms and bushes. SproutBerryBush->Place(4, Shape->Rectangle(0, 120, 100, 40)); Fern->Place(4, Shape->Rectangle(0, 120, 100, 40)); Mushroom->Place(6, Shape->Rectangle(0, 120, 100, 40)); // The cavern has some grass wherever possible. PlaceGrass(100); // Entrance also location for a small cemetary. CreateObjectAbove(Column, 64, 160)->SetObjDrawTransform(400, 0, 0, 0, 400, 0); for (var x = 72; x < 104; x += RandomX(6, 14)) CreateObjectAbove(Clonk_Grave, x, 160)->SetInscriptionMessage("R.I.P."); CreateObjectAbove(Column, 112, 160)->SetObjDrawTransform(400, 0, 0, 0, 400, 0); // Some ferns and mushrooms scattered around the top and middle sections. Fern->Place(12, Shape->Rectangle(0, 0, wdt, 3 * hgt / 8)); Mushroom->Place(14, Shape->Rectangle(0, 0, wdt, 3 * hgt / 8)); // Create earth materials in big clusters so the whole object arrangement looks a bit less uniform and more interesting. PlaceBatches([Firestone], 3, 100, 5); PlaceBatches([Rock, Loam, Loam], 10, 200, 10); // Place some underwater vegetation in the flooded caves. var place_rect = Shape->Rectangle(50, hgt / 2, wdt - 100, hgt / 2); Seaweed->Place(16 + 4 * map_size, place_rect); Coral->Place(16 + 8 * map_size, place_rect); return; } private func InitAnimals(int map_size, int difficulty) { var wdt = LandscapeWidth(); var hgt = LandscapeHeight(); // Place some fishes and piranhas as difficulty prescribes it. var place_rect = Shape->Rectangle(50, hgt / 2, wdt - 100, hgt / 2); var fish_count = 10 + 10 * map_size; Fish->Place(fish_count * (3 - difficulty), place_rect); Piranha->Place(fish_count * (difficulty - 1), place_rect); return; } /*-- Some helper functions --*/ private func PlaceBatches(array item_ids, int n_per_batch, int batch_radius, int n_batches) { // place a number (n_batches) of batches of objects of types item_ids. Each batch has n_per_batch objects. // fewer batches and/or objects may be placed if no space is found var loc, loc2, n_item_ids = GetLength(item_ids), n_created = 0, obj; for (var i = 0; i < n_batches; ++i) if (loc = FindLocation(Loc_Material("Earth"))) for (var j = 0; j < n_per_batch; ++j) if (loc2 = FindLocation(Loc_InRect(loc.x - batch_radius,loc.y - batch_radius, batch_radius * 2, batch_radius * 2), Loc_Material("Earth"))) if (obj = CreateObjectAbove(item_ids[Random(n_item_ids)], loc2.x, loc2.y)) { obj->SetPosition(loc2.x, loc2.y); ++n_created; } return n_created; } global func TestGemCount() { var pos; while (pos = FindLocation(Loc_Or(Loc_Material("Ruby"), Loc_Material("Amethyst")))) { var pos = CreateObjectAbove(Rock, pos.x, pos.y)->Explode(100); } var gem_count = ObjectCount(Find_Or(Find_ID(Ruby), Find_ID(Amethyst))); return gem_count; }