Name=Pump Description=The pump can transport liquid from A to B. If it pumps liquids downwards, it even generates a bit of power. MsgTurnOff=Turn off pump MsgTurnOn=Turn on pump MsgCutSource=Cut off source MsgCutDrain=Cut off drain DescTurnOff=Disables the pump so that no liquid is transported. DescTurnOn=Reactivates the pumping. Successful pumping requires at least a connected source pipe. DescCutSource=Removes the source pipe. The pump will be unable to continue pumping without a source pipe. DescCutDrain=Removes the drain pipe. Liquids will be pumped directly to the pump. MsgConnectSource=Connect source MsgConnectDrain=Connect drain DescConnectSource=Connects a source pipe to the pump. The pump then gets liquid from that pipe. DescConnectDrain=Connects a drain pipe to the pump. The pump then directs liquid though that pipe. Control=Pump Control StateOk=The pump is working. StateNoSource=There is no source pipe connected. StateNoInput=The pump does not have liquid to pump. StateNoOutput=The drain pipe is clogged. StateNoPower=The pump does not have power. StateNoAir=The air source pipe is clogged. StateNoAirNeed=There is no need for air. StateTurnedOff=The pump has been turned off. MsgSourcePipeProhibited=Unable to connect source pipe. MsgDrainPipeProhibited=Unable to connect drain pipe. MsgAirPipeProhibited=Pump already has a drain pipe and cannot take an air pipe. MsgCreatedSource=Connected source pipe. MsgCreatedDrain=Connected drain pipe. MsgCreatedAirDrain=Connected air pipe. MsgHasPipes=Pump already has a source and a drain pipe. PumpMaterials=Pump Materials MsgEnableMaterial=Enable the pumping of material %s. MsgDisableMaterial=Disable the pumping of material %s. MsgCutAirPipe=Cut off air pipe MsgConnectAirPipe=Connect air pipe DescCutAirPipe=Removes the air pipe. DescConnectAirPipe=Connects an air pipe.