Description=A member of your crew. Witty and nimble if skillfully controlled. CtxConstructionDesc=Construction CtxConstructionMaterial=Construction material CtxHomeDesc=Back to base CtxRelease=Release CtxChop=Chop CtrlMenuDesc=Menu TxtDescend=Jump off TxtEnergysupply=Energy supply MsgDeadClonk=%s is dead.|No interactions are possible. SetMaxContentsCount=Change inventory size SetMaxContentsCountHelp=Modifies the maximum number of items a clonk can carry. Valid values range from 0 to 10. One additional carry-heavy object can always be carried. MaxContentsCount=Inventory slot count Default=Default Skin=Skin SkinHelp=How the clonk looks. TurnAround=Turn around TurnAroundHelp=Changes the view direction of the clonk.