/* * OpenClonk, http://www.openclonk.org * * Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Matthes Bender * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH, http://www.clonk.de/ * Copyright (c) 2013-2016, The OpenClonk Team and contributors * * Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file * "COPYING" for details. * * "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission. * See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details. * * To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts * for the above references. */ // C4AulFun-based effects assigned to an object // an effect itself only supplies the callback mechanism for effects assigned to objects // the effect itself supplies the callback mechanism for creation, destruction, timers // and overlapped effects /* Also contains some helper functions for various landscape effects */ #ifndef INC_C4Effects #define INC_C4Effects #include "script/C4PropList.h" // callback return values #define C4Fx_OK 0 // generic standard behaviour for all effect callbacks #define C4Fx_Effect_Deny -1 // delete effect #define C4Fx_Effect_Annul -2 // delete effect, because it has annulled a countereffect #define C4Fx_Effect_AnnulCalls -3 // delete effect, because it has annulled a countereffect; temp readd countereffect #define C4Fx_Execute_Kill -1 // execute callback: Remove effect now #define C4Fx_Stop_Deny -1 // deny effect removal #define C4Fx_Start_Deny -1 // deny effect start // parameters for effect callbacks #define C4FxCall_Normal 0 // normal call; effect is being added or removed #define C4FxCall_Temp 1 // temp call; effect is being added or removed in responce to a lower-level effect change #define C4FxCall_TempAddForRemoval 2 // temp call; effect is being added because it had been temp removed and is now removed forever #define C4FxCall_RemoveClear 3 // effect is being removed because object is being removed #define C4FxCall_RemoveDeath 4 // effect is being removed because object died - return -1 to avoid removal // damage-callbacks #define C4FxCall_DmgScript 0 // damage through script call #define C4FxCall_DmgBlast 1 // damage through blast #define C4FxCall_DmgFire 2 // damage through fire #define C4FxCall_DmgChop 3 // damage through chopping // energy loss callbacks #define C4FxCall_EngScript 32 // energy loss through script call #define C4FxCall_EngBlast 33 // energy loss through blast #define C4FxCall_EngObjHit 34 // energy loss through object hitting the living #define C4FxCall_EngFire 35 // energy loss through fire #define C4FxCall_EngBaseRefresh 36 // energy reload in base (also by base object, but that's normally not called) #define C4FxCall_EngAsphyxiation 37 // energy loss through asphyxiaction #define C4FxCall_EngCorrosion 38 // energy loss through corrosion (acid) #define C4FxCall_EngStruct 39 // regular structure energy loss (normally not called) #define C4FxCall_EngGetPunched 40 // energy loss from Punch #define C4Fx_FireParticle1 "Fire" #define C4Fx_FireParticle2 "Fire2" // generic object effect class C4Effect: public C4PropListNumbered { public: int32_t iPriority; // effect priority for sorting into effect list; -1 indicates a dead effect int32_t iTime, iInterval; // effect time; effect callback intervall C4Effect *pNext; // next effect in linked list protected: C4Value CommandTarget; // target object for script callbacks - if deleted, the effect is removed without callbacks C4PropList * Target; // target the effect is contained in // presearched callback functions for faster calling C4AulFunc *pFnTimer; // timer function Fx%sTimer C4AulFunc *pFnStart, *pFnStop; // init/deinit-functions Fx%sStart, Fx%sStop C4AulFunc *pFnEffect; // callback if other effect tries to register C4AulFunc *pFnDamage; // callback when owned object gets damage void AssignCallbackFunctions(); // resolve callback function names int CallStart(int temporary, const C4Value &var1, const C4Value &var2, const C4Value &var3, const C4Value &var4); int CallStop(int reason, bool temporary); int CallTimer(int time); void CallDamage(int32_t & damage, int damagetype, int plr); int CallEffect(const char * effect, const C4Value &var1, const C4Value &var2, const C4Value &var3, const C4Value &var4); C4Effect(C4Effect **ppEffectList, C4String * szName, int32_t iPrio, int32_t iTimerInterval, C4PropList * pCmdTarget); C4Effect(C4Effect **ppEffectList, C4PropList * prototype, int32_t iPrio, int32_t iTimerInterval); C4Effect(const C4Effect &) = delete; C4Effect(); // for the StdCompiler C4Effect * Init(C4PropList *pForObj, int32_t iPrio, const C4Value &rVal1, const C4Value &rVal2, const C4Value &rVal3, const C4Value &rVal4); template friend void CompileNewFunc(T *&, StdCompiler *, P && ...); public: static C4Effect * New(C4PropList *pForObj, C4Effect **ppEffectList, C4String * szName, int32_t iPrio, int32_t iTimerInterval, C4PropList * pCmdTarget, const C4Value &rVal1, const C4Value &rVal2, const C4Value &rVal3, const C4Value &rVal4); static C4Effect * New(C4PropList *pForObj, C4Effect **ppEffectList, C4PropList * prototype, int32_t iPrio, int32_t iTimerInterval, const C4Value &rVal1, const C4Value &rVal2, const C4Value &rVal3, const C4Value &rVal4); ~C4Effect() override; // dtor - deletes all following effects void Register(C4Effect **ppEffectList, int32_t iPrio); // add into effect list of object or global effect list void Denumerate(C4ValueNumbers *) override; // numbers to object pointers void ClearPointers(C4PropList *pObj); // clear all pointers to object - may kill some effects w/o callback, because the callback target is lost void SetDead(); // mark effect to be removed in next execution cycle bool IsDead() { return !iPriority; } // return whether effect is to be removed void FlipActive() { iPriority*=-1; } // alters activation status bool IsActive() { return iPriority>0; } // returns whether effect is active bool IsInactiveAndNotDead() { return iPriority<0; } // as the name says C4Effect *Get(const char *szName, int32_t iIndex=0, int32_t iMaxPriority=0); // get effect by name int32_t GetCount(const char *szMask, int32_t iMaxPriority=0); // count effects that match the mask C4Effect *Check(const char *szCheckEffect, int32_t iPrio, int32_t iTimer, const C4Value &rVal1, const C4Value &rVal2, const C4Value &rVal3, const C4Value &rVal4); // do some effect callbacks C4PropList * GetCallbackScript(); // get script context for effect callbacks static void Execute(C4Effect **ppEffectList); // execute all effects void Kill(); // mark this effect deleted and do approprioate calls void ClearAll(int32_t iClearFlag);// kill all effects doing removal calls w/o reagard of inactive effects void DoDamage(int32_t &riDamage, int32_t iDamageType, int32_t iCausePlr); // ask all effects for damage C4Value DoCall(C4PropList *pObj, const char *szFn, const C4Value &rVal1, const C4Value &rVal2, const C4Value &rVal3, const C4Value &rVal4, const C4Value &rVal5, const C4Value &rVal6, const C4Value &rVal7); // custom call void ReAssignCallbackFunctions() { AssignCallbackFunctions(); } void ReAssignAllCallbackFunctions() { ReAssignCallbackFunctions(); if (pNext) pNext->ReAssignAllCallbackFunctions(); } void OnObjectChangedDef(C4PropList *pObj); void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp, C4PropList *Owner, C4ValueNumbers *); C4Effect * GetEffect() override { return this; } void SetPropertyByS(C4String * k, const C4Value & to) override; void ResetProperty(C4String * k) override; bool GetPropertyByS(const C4String *k, C4Value *pResult) const override; C4ValueArray * GetProperties() const override; protected: void TempRemoveUpperEffects(bool fTempRemoveThis, C4Effect **ppLastRemovedEffect); // temp remove all effects with higher priority void TempReaddUpperEffects(C4Effect *pLastReaddEffect); // temp remove all effects with higher priority }; // fire effect constants #define MaxFirePhase 15 #define C4Fx_Fire "Fire" #define C4Fx_AnyFire "*Fire*" #define C4Fx_Internal "Int*" #define C4Fx_FirePriority 100 #define C4Fx_FireTimer 1 #endif