/* * OpenClonk, http://www.openclonk.org * * Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Sven Eberhardt * Copyright (c) 2005, 2009 Peter Wortmann * Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Günther Brammer * Copyright (c) 2006 Florian Groß * Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Matthes Bender * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH, http://www.clonk.de * * Portions might be copyrighted by other authors who have contributed * to OpenClonk. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * See isc_license.txt for full license and disclaimer. * * "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender. * See clonk_trademark_license.txt for full license. */ // the ingame-lobby #include #include #include "C4FullScreen.h" #include "C4Network2Dialogs.h" #include "C4GameOptions.h" #include "C4GameDialogs.h" #include "C4RTF.h" #include "C4ChatDlg.h" #include "C4PlayerInfoListBox.h" #include #include #include namespace C4GameLobby { bool UserAbort = false; // ----------- C4PacketCountdown --------------------------------------------- void C4PacketCountdown::CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp) { pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(iCountdown, "Countdown", 0)); } StdStrBuf C4PacketCountdown::GetCountdownMsg(bool fInitialMsg) const { const char *szCountdownMsg; if (iCountdown < AlmostStartCountdownTime && !fInitialMsg) szCountdownMsg = "%d..."; else szCountdownMsg = LoadResStr("IDS_PRC_COUNTDOWN"); return FormatString(szCountdownMsg, (int)iCountdown); } // ----------- ScenDescs --------------------------------------------- ScenDesc::ScenDesc(const C4Rect &rcBounds, bool fActive) : C4GUI::Window(), fDescFinished(false) { // build components //CStdFont &rTitleFont = C4GUI::GetRes()->CaptionFont; SetBounds(rcBounds); C4GUI::ComponentAligner caMain(GetClientRect(), 0,0, true); //AddElement(pTitle = new C4GUI::Label("", caMain.GetFromTop(rTitleFont.GetLineHeight()), ALeft, C4GUI_CaptionFontClr, &rTitleFont, true)); AddElement(pDescBox = new C4GUI::TextWindow(caMain.GetAll(), 0, 0, 0, 100, 4096, "", true)); pDescBox->SetDecoration(false, false, NULL, true); //pDescBox->SetToolTip(LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_SCENARIODESC")); annoying when scrolling through desc... // initial update to set current data if (fActive) Activate(); } void ScenDesc::Update() { // scenario present? C4Network2Res *pRes = Game.Parameters.Scenario.getNetRes(); if (!pRes) return; // something's wrong CStdFont &rTitleFont = C4GUI::GetRes()->CaptionFont; CStdFont &rTextFont = C4GUI::GetRes()->TextFont; pDescBox->ClearText(false); if (pRes->isComplete()) { C4Group ScenarioFile; if (!ScenarioFile.Open(pRes->getFile())) { pDescBox->AddTextLine("scenario file load error", &rTextFont, C4GUI_MessageFontClr, false, true); } else { StdStrBuf sDesc; // load desc C4ComponentHost DefDesc; if (DefDesc.LoadEx("Desc", ScenarioFile, C4CFN_ScenarioDesc, Config.General.LanguageEx)) { C4RTFFile rtf; rtf.Load(StdBuf(DefDesc.GetData(), SLen(DefDesc.GetData()))); sDesc.Take(rtf.GetPlainText()); } DefDesc.Close(); if (!!sDesc) pDescBox->AddTextLine(sDesc.getData(), &rTextFont, C4GUI_MessageFontClr, false, true, &rTitleFont); else pDescBox->AddTextLine(Game.ScenarioTitle.getData(), &rTitleFont, C4GUI_CaptionFontClr, false, true); } // okay, done loading. No more updates. fDescFinished = true; Deactivate(); } else { pDescBox->AddTextLine(FormatString(LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_SCENARIODESC_LOADING"), (int) pRes->getPresentPercent()).getData(), &rTextFont, C4GUI_MessageFontClr, false, true); } pDescBox->UpdateHeight(); } void ScenDesc::Activate() { // final desc set? no update then if (fDescFinished) return; // register timer if necessary Application.Add(this); // force an update Update(); } void ScenDesc::Deactivate() { // release timer if set Application.Remove(this); } // ----------- MainDlg ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MainDlg::MainDlg(bool fHost) : C4GUI::FullscreenDialog(!Game.ScenarioTitle ? (const char *) LoadResStr("IDS_DLG_LOBBY"): FormatString("%s - %s", Game.ScenarioTitle.getData(), LoadResStr("IDS_DLG_LOBBY")).getData(), Game.ScenarioTitle.getData()), pPlayerList(NULL), pResList(NULL), pChatBox(NULL), pRightTabLbl(NULL), pRightTab(NULL), pEdt(NULL), btnRun(NULL), btnPlayers(NULL), btnResources(NULL), btnTeams(NULL), btnChat(NULL) { // key bindings pKeyHistoryUp = new C4KeyBinding(C4KeyCodeEx(K_UP ), "LobbyChatHistoryUp" , KEYSCOPE_Gui, new C4GUI::DlgKeyCBEx(*this, true , &MainDlg::KeyHistoryUpDown), C4CustomKey::PRIO_CtrlOverride); pKeyHistoryDown= new C4KeyBinding(C4KeyCodeEx(K_DOWN), "LobbyChatHistoryDown", KEYSCOPE_Gui, new C4GUI::DlgKeyCBEx(*this, false, &MainDlg::KeyHistoryUpDown), C4CustomKey::PRIO_CtrlOverride); // timer Application.Add(this); // indents / sizes int32_t iDefBtnHeight = 32; int32_t iIndentX1, iIndentX2, iIndentX3/*, iIndentX4*/; int32_t iIndentY1, iIndentY2, iIndentY3, iIndentY4, iButtonAreaHgt; int32_t iClientListWdt; if (GetClientRect().Wdt > 500) { // normal dlg iIndentX1 = 10; // lower button area iIndentX2 = 20; // center area (chat) iIndentX3 = 5; // client/player list iClientListWdt = GetClientRect().Wdt / 3; } else { // small dlg iIndentX1 = 2; // lower button area iIndentX2 = 2; // center area (chat) iIndentX3 = 1; // client/player list iClientListWdt = GetClientRect().Wdt / 2; } if (GetClientRect().Hgt > 320) { // normal dlg iIndentY1 = 16; // lower button area iIndentY2 = 20; // status bar offset iIndentY3 = 8; // center area (chat) iIndentY4 = 8; // client/player list iButtonAreaHgt = C4GUI_IconExHgt; } else { // small dlg iIndentY1 = 2; // lower button area iIndentY2 = 2; // status bar offset iIndentY3 = 1; // center area (chat) iIndentY4 = 1; // client/player list iButtonAreaHgt = iDefBtnHeight; } // set subtitle ToolTip if (pSubTitle) pSubTitle->SetToolTip(LoadResStr("IDS_DLG_SCENARIOTITLE")); C4GUI::Label *pLbl; // main screen components C4GUI::ComponentAligner caMain(GetClientRect(), 0,0,true); caMain.GetFromBottom(iIndentY2); // lower button-area C4GUI::ComponentAligner caBottom(caMain.GetFromBottom(iDefBtnHeight+iIndentY1*2), iIndentX1,iIndentY1); // add buttons C4GUI::CallbackButton *btnExit; btnExit = new C4GUI::CallbackButton(LoadResStr("IDS_DLG_EXIT"), caBottom.GetFromLeft(100), &MainDlg::OnExitBtn); if (fHost) btnRun = new C4GUI::CallbackButton(LoadResStr("IDS_DLG_GAMEGO"), caBottom.GetFromRight(100), &MainDlg::OnRunBtn); else // 2do: Ready-checkbox caBottom.GetFromRight(90); //C4GUI::CallbackButton *btnTest = new C4GUI::CallbackButton("test", caBottom.GetFromRight(90), &MainDlg::OnTestBtn); pGameOptionButtons = new C4GameOptionButtons(caBottom.GetCentered(caBottom.GetInnerWidth(), Min(C4GUI_IconExHgt, caBottom.GetHeight())), true, fHost, true); // players / ressources sidebar C4GUI::ComponentAligner caRight(caMain.GetFromRight(iClientListWdt), iIndentX3,iIndentY4); pRightTabLbl = new C4GUI::WoodenLabel("", caRight.GetFromTop(C4GUI::WoodenLabel::GetDefaultHeight(&(C4GUI::GetRes()->TextFont))), C4GUI_CaptionFontClr, &C4GUI::GetRes()->TextFont, ALeft); caRight.ExpandTop(iIndentY4*2 + 1); // undo margin, so client list is located directly under label pRightTab = new C4GUI::Tabular(caRight.GetAll(), C4GUI::Tabular::tbNone); C4GUI::Tabular::Sheet *pPlayerSheet = pRightTab->AddSheet(LoadResStr("IDS_DLG_PLAYERS")); C4GUI::Tabular::Sheet *pResSheet = pRightTab->AddSheet(LoadResStr("IDS_DLG_RESOURCES")); C4GUI::Tabular::Sheet *pOptionsSheet = pRightTab->AddSheet(LoadResStr("IDS_DLG_OPTIONS")); C4GUI::Tabular::Sheet *pScenarioSheet = pRightTab->AddSheet(LoadResStr("IDS_DLG_SCENARIO")); pPlayerList = new C4PlayerInfoListBox(pPlayerSheet->GetContainedClientRect(), C4PlayerInfoListBox::PILBM_LobbyClientSort); pPlayerSheet->AddElement(pPlayerList); pResList = new C4Network2ResDlg(pResSheet->GetContainedClientRect(), false); pResSheet->AddElement(pResList); pOptionsList = new C4GameOptionsList(pResSheet->GetContainedClientRect(), false, false); pOptionsSheet->AddElement(pOptionsList); pScenarioInfo = new ScenDesc(pResSheet->GetContainedClientRect(), false); pScenarioSheet->AddElement(pScenarioInfo); pRightTabLbl->SetContextHandler(new C4GUI::CBContextHandler(this, &MainDlg::OnRightTabContext)); pRightTabLbl->SetClickFocusControl(pPlayerList); bool fHasTeams = Game.Teams.IsMultiTeams(); bool fHasChat = C4ChatDlg::IsChatActive(); int32_t iBtnNum = 4+fHasTeams+fHasChat; //btnAddPlayer = new C4GUI::CallbackButton(C4GUI::Ico_AddPlr, pRightTabLbl->GetToprightCornerRect(16,16,4,4,2+fHasTeams), pPlayerSheet->GetHotkey(), &MainDlg::OnTabTeams); if (fHasTeams) btnTeams = new C4GUI::CallbackButton(C4GUI::Ico_Team, pRightTabLbl->GetToprightCornerRect(16,16,4,4,--iBtnNum), pPlayerSheet->GetHotkey(), &MainDlg::OnTabTeams); btnPlayers = new C4GUI::CallbackButton(C4GUI::Ico_Player, pRightTabLbl->GetToprightCornerRect(16,16,4,4,--iBtnNum), pPlayerSheet->GetHotkey(), &MainDlg::OnTabPlayers); btnResources = new C4GUI::CallbackButton(C4GUI::Ico_Resource, pRightTabLbl->GetToprightCornerRect(16,16,4,4,--iBtnNum), pResSheet->GetHotkey(), &MainDlg::OnTabRes); btnOptions = new C4GUI::CallbackButton(C4GUI::Ico_Options, pRightTabLbl->GetToprightCornerRect(16,16,4,4,--iBtnNum), pOptionsSheet->GetHotkey(), &MainDlg::OnTabOptions); btnScenario = new C4GUI::CallbackButton(C4GUI::Ico_Gfx, pRightTabLbl->GetToprightCornerRect(16,16,4,4,--iBtnNum), pOptionsSheet->GetHotkey(), &MainDlg::OnTabScenario); if (fHasChat) btnChat = new C4GUI::CallbackButton(C4GUI::Ico_Ex_Chat, pRightTabLbl->GetToprightCornerRect(16,16,4,4,--iBtnNum), 0 /* 2do*/, &MainDlg::OnBtnChat); // update labels and tooltips for player list UpdateRightTab(); // chat area C4GUI::ComponentAligner caCenter(caMain.GetAll(), iIndentX2, iIndentY3); // chat input box C4GUI::ComponentAligner caChat(caCenter.GetFromBottom(C4GUI::Edit::GetDefaultEditHeight()), 0,0); pLbl = new C4GUI::WoodenLabel(LoadResStr("IDS_CTL_CHAT"), caChat.GetFromLeft(40), C4GUI_CaptionFontClr, &C4GUI::GetRes()->TextFont); pEdt = new C4GUI::CallbackEdit(caChat.GetAll(), this, &MainDlg::OnChatInput); pEdt->SetToolTip(LoadResStr("IDS_DLGTIP_CHAT")); pLbl->SetToolTip(LoadResStr("IDS_DLGTIP_CHAT")); pLbl->SetClickFocusControl(pEdt); // log box pChatBox = new C4GUI::TextWindow(caCenter.GetAll()); //pPaintBox = new PaintBox(); // add components in tab-order //AddElement(pPaintBox); pPaintBox->SetToolTip("Paintbox :D"); AddElement(pChatBox); AddElement(pLbl); AddElement(pEdt); // chat AddElement(pRightTabLbl); //(new C4GUI::ContextButton(pRightTabLbl, true))->SetToolTip("[.!] Switches between player and ressource view"); // right tab label+ctx menu if (btnTeams) AddElement(btnTeams); AddElement(btnPlayers); AddElement(btnResources); AddElement(btnOptions); AddElement(btnScenario); if (btnChat) AddElement(btnChat); AddElement(pRightTab); AddElement(btnExit); btnExit->SetToolTip(LoadResStr("IDS_DLGTIP_EXIT")); AddElement(pGameOptionButtons); if (fHost) { AddElement(btnRun); btnRun->SetToolTip(LoadResStr("IDS_DLGTIP_GAMEGO")); } else { // 2do: Ready-checkbox } // set initial focus SetFocus(pEdt, false); // stuff eCountdownState = CDS_None; iBackBufferIndex = -1; // initial player list update UpdatePlayerList(); } MainDlg::~MainDlg() { Application.Remove(this); delete pKeyHistoryUp; delete pKeyHistoryDown; } void MainDlg::OnExitBtn(C4GUI::Control *btn) { // abort dlg Close(false); } void MainDlg::OnTestBtn(C4GUI::Control *btn) { pPlayerList->SetMode(C4PlayerInfoListBox::PILBM_Evaluation); pPlayerList->SetTeamFilter(1); //pPlayerList->SetCustomFont(&::GraphicsResource.FontTooltip, 0xff000000); } void MainDlg::SetCountdownState(CountdownState eToState, int32_t iTimer) { // no change? if (eToState == eCountdownState) return; // changing away from countdown? if (eCountdownState == CDS_Countdown) { StopSoundEffect("Elevator", NULL); if (eToState != CDS_Start) StartSoundEffect("Pshshsh"); } // change to game start? if (eToState == CDS_Start) { // announce it! StartSoundEffect("Blast3"); } else if (eToState == CDS_Countdown) { StartSoundEffect("Fuse"); StartSoundEffect("Elevator", true); } if (eToState == CDS_Countdown || eToState == CDS_LongCountdown) { // game start notify Application.NotifyUserIfInactive(); if (!eCountdownState) { // host update start button to be abort button if (btnRun) btnRun->SetText(LoadResStr("IDS_DLG_CANCEL")); } } // countdown abort? if (!eToState) { // host update start button to be start button again if (btnRun) btnRun->SetText(LoadResStr("IDS_DLG_GAMEGO")); // countdown abort message OnLog(LoadResStr("IDS_PRC_STARTABORTED"), C4GUI_LogFontClr2); } // set new state eCountdownState = eToState; // update stuff (makes team sel and fair crew btn available) pGameOptionButtons->SetCountdown(IsCountdown()); UpdatePlayerList(); } void MainDlg::OnCountdownPacket(const C4PacketCountdown &Pkt) { // determine new countdown state int32_t iTimer = 0; CountdownState eNewState; if (Pkt.IsAbort()) eNewState = CDS_None; else { iTimer = Pkt.GetCountdown(); if (!iTimer) eNewState = CDS_Start; // game is about to be started (boom) else if (iTimer <= AlmostStartCountdownTime) eNewState = CDS_Countdown; // eToState else eNewState = CDS_LongCountdown; } bool fWasCountdown = !!eCountdownState; SetCountdownState(eNewState, iTimer); // display countdown (except last, which ends the lobby anyway) if (iTimer) { // first countdown message OnLog(Pkt.GetCountdownMsg(!fWasCountdown).getData(), C4GUI_LogFontClr2); StartSoundEffect("Command"); } } bool MainDlg::IsCountdown() { // flag as countdown if countdown running or game is about to start // so team choice, etc. will not become available in the last split-second return eCountdownState >= CDS_Countdown; } void MainDlg::OnClosed(bool fOK) { // lobby aborted by user: remember not to display error log if (!fOK) C4GameLobby::UserAbort = true; // finish countdown if running // (may not be finished if status change packet from host is faster than the countdown-initiate) if (eCountdownState) SetCountdownState(fOK ? CDS_Start : CDS_None, 0); } void MainDlg::OnRunBtn(C4GUI::Control *btn) { // only for host if (!::Network.isHost()) return; // already started? then abort if (eCountdownState) { ::Network.AbortLobbyCountdown(); return; } // otherwise start, utilizing correct countdown time Start(Config.Lobby.CountdownTime); } void MainDlg::Start(int32_t iCountdownTime) { // network savegame resumes: Warn if not all players have been associated if (Game.C4S.Head.SaveGame) if (Game.PlayerInfos.FindUnassociatedRestoreInfo(Game.RestorePlayerInfos)) { StdStrBuf sMsg; sMsg.Ref(LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_NOTALLSAVEGAMEPLAYERSHAVE")); if (!GetScreen()->ShowMessageModal(sMsg.getData(), LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_FREESAVEGAMEPLRS"), C4GUI::MessageDialog::btnYesNo, C4GUI::Ico_SavegamePlayer, &Config.Startup.HideMsgPlrNoTakeOver)) return; } // validate countdown time iCountdownTime = ValidatedCountdownTime(iCountdownTime); // either direct start... if (!iCountdownTime) ::Network.Start(); else // ...or countdown ::Network.StartLobbyCountdown(iCountdownTime); } C4GUI::Edit::InputResult MainDlg::OnChatInput(C4GUI::Edit *edt, bool fPasting, bool fPastingMore) { // get edit text C4GUI::Edit *pEdt = reinterpret_cast(edt); const char *szInputText = pEdt->GetText(); // no input? if (!szInputText || !*szInputText) { // do some error sound then C4GUI::GUISound("Error"); } else { // store input in backbuffer before processing commands // because those might kill the edit field ::MessageInput.StoreBackBuffer(szInputText); bool fProcessed = false; // check confidential data if (Config.IsConfidentialData(szInputText)) { ::pGUI->ShowErrorMessage(LoadResStr("IDS_ERR_WARNINGYOUWERETRYINGTOSEN")); fProcessed = true; } // CAUTION when implementing special commands (like /quit) here: // those must not be executed when text is pasted, because that could crash the GUI system // when there are additional lines to paste, but the edit field is destructed by the command if (!fProcessed && *szInputText == '/') { // must be 1 char longer than the longest command only. If given commands are longer, they will be truncated, and such a command won't exist anyway const int32_t MaxCommandLen = 20; char Command[MaxCommandLen+1]; const char *szPar = szInputText; // parse command until first space int32_t iParPos = SCharPos(' ', szInputText); if (iParPos<0) { // command w/o par SCopy(szInputText, Command, MaxCommandLen); szPar += SLen(szPar); } else { // command with following par SCopy(szInputText, Command, Min(MaxCommandLen, iParPos)); szPar += iParPos+1; } fProcessed = true; // evaluate lobby-only commands // ------------------------------------------------------ if (SEqualNoCase(Command, "/joinplr")) { // compose path from given filename StdStrBuf plrPath; plrPath.Format("%s%s", Config.General.UserDataPath, szPar); // player join - check filename if (!ItemExists(plrPath.getData())) { LobbyError(FormatString(LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_CMD_JOINPLR_NOFILE"), plrPath.getData()).getData()); } else ::Network.Players.JoinLocalPlayer(plrPath.getData(), true); } // ------------------------------------------------------ else if (SEqualNoCase(Command, "/plrclr")) { // get player name from input text int iSepPos = SCharPos(' ', szPar, 0); C4PlayerInfo *pNfo=NULL; int32_t idLocalClient = -1; if (::Network.Clients.GetLocal()) idLocalClient = ::Network.Clients.GetLocal()->getID(); if (iSepPos>0) { // a player name is given: Parse it StdStrBuf sPlrName; sPlrName.Copy(szPar, iSepPos); szPar += iSepPos+1; int32_t id=0; while ((pNfo = Game.PlayerInfos.GetNextPlayerInfoByID(id))) { id = pNfo->GetID(); if (WildcardMatch(sPlrName.getData(), pNfo->GetName())) break; } } else // no player name: Set local player pNfo = Game.PlayerInfos.GetPrimaryInfoByClientID(idLocalClient); C4ClientPlayerInfos *pCltNfo=NULL; if (pNfo) pCltNfo = Game.PlayerInfos.GetClientInfoByPlayerID(pNfo->GetID()); if (!pCltNfo) { LobbyError(LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_CMD_PLRCLR_NOPLAYER")); } else { // may color of this client be set? if (pCltNfo->GetClientID() != idLocalClient && !::Network.isHost()) { LobbyError(LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_CMD_PLRCLR_NOACCESS")); } else { // get color to set uint32_t dwNewClr; if (sscanf(szPar, "%x", &dwNewClr) != 1) { LobbyError(LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_CMD_PLRCLR_USAGE")); } else { // color validation dwNewClr &= 0xffffff; if (!dwNewClr) ++dwNewClr; // request a color change to this color C4ClientPlayerInfos LocalInfoRequest = *pCltNfo; C4PlayerInfo *pPlrInfo = LocalInfoRequest.GetPlayerInfoByID(pNfo->GetID()); assert(pPlrInfo); if (pPlrInfo) { pPlrInfo->SetOriginalColor(dwNewClr); // set this as a new color wish ::Network.Players.RequestPlayerInfoUpdate(LocalInfoRequest); } } } } } // ------------------------------------------------------ else if (SEqualNoCase(Command, "/start")) { // timeout given? int32_t iTimeout = Config.Lobby.CountdownTime; if (!::Network.isHost()) LobbyError(LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_CMD_HOSTONLY")); else if (szPar && *szPar && (!sscanf(szPar, "%d", &iTimeout) || iTimeout<0)) LobbyError(LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_CMD_START_USAGE")); else { // abort previous countdown if (eCountdownState) ::Network.AbortLobbyCountdown(); // start new countdown (aborts previous if necessary) Start(iTimeout); } } // ------------------------------------------------------ else if (SEqualNoCase(Command, "/abort")) { if (!::Network.isHost()) LobbyError(LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_CMD_HOSTONLY")); else if (eCountdownState) ::Network.AbortLobbyCountdown(); else LobbyError(LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_CMD_ABORT_NOCOUNTDOWN")); } // ------------------------------------------------------ else if (SEqualNoCase(Command, "/help")) { Log(LoadResStr("IDS_TEXT_COMMANDSAVAILABLEDURINGLO")); LogF("/start [time] - %s", LoadResStr("IDS_TEXT_STARTTHEROUNDWITHSPECIFIE")); LogF("/abort - %s", LoadResStr("IDS_TEXT_ABORTSTARTCOUNTDOWN")); LogF("/alert - %s", LoadResStr("IDS_TEXT_ALERTTHEHOSTIFTHEHOSTISAW")); LogF("/joinplr [filename] - %s", LoadResStr("IDS_TEXT_JOINALOCALPLAYERFROMTHESP")); LogF("/kick [client] - %s", LoadResStr("IDS_TEXT_KICKTHESPECIFIEDCLIENT")); LogF("/observer [client] - %s", LoadResStr("IDS_TEXT_SETTHESPECIFIEDCLIENTTOOB")); LogF("/me [action] - %s", LoadResStr("IDS_TEXT_PERFORMANACTIONINYOURNAME")); LogF("/sound [sound] - %s", LoadResStr("IDS_TEXT_PLAYASOUNDFROMTHEGLOBALSO")); LogF("/team [message] - %s", LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_SENDAPRIVATEMESSAGETOYOUR")); LogF("/plrclr [player] [RGB] - %s", LoadResStr("IDS_TEXT_CHANGETHECOLOROFTHESPECIF")); LogF("/plrclr [RGB] - %s", LoadResStr("IDS_TEXT_CHANGEYOUROWNPLAYERCOLOR")); LogF("/set comment [comment] - %s", LoadResStr("IDS_TEXT_SETANEWNETWORKCOMMENT")); LogF("/set password [password] - %s", LoadResStr("IDS_TEXT_SETANEWNETWORKPASSWORD")); LogF("/set faircrew [on/off] - %s", LoadResStr("IDS_TEXT_ENABLEORDISABLEFAIRCREW")); LogF("/set maxplayer [number] - %s", LoadResStr("IDS_TEXT_SETANEWMAXIMUMNUMBEROFPLA")); LogF("/clear - %s", LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_CLEARTHEMESSAGEBOARD")); } // ------------------------------------------------------ else { // command not known or not a specific lobby command - forward to messageinput fProcessed = false; } } // not processed? Then forward to messageinput, which parses additional commands and sends regular messages if (!fProcessed) ::MessageInput.ProcessInput(szInputText); } // clear edit field after text has been processed pEdt->SelectAll(); pEdt->DeleteSelection(); // reset backbuffer-index of chat history iBackBufferIndex = -1; // OK, on we go. Leave edit intact return C4GUI::Edit::IR_None; } void MainDlg::OnClientJoin(C4Client *pNewClient) { // update list UpdatePlayerList(); } void MainDlg::OnClientConnect(C4Client *pClient, C4Network2IOConnection *pConn) { } void MainDlg::OnClientPart(C4Client *pPartClient) { // update list UpdatePlayerList(); } void MainDlg::HandlePacket(char cStatus, const C4PacketBase *pPacket, C4Network2Client *pClient) { // note that player info update packets are not handled by this function, // but by player info list and then forwarded to MainDlg::OnPlayerUpdate // this is necessary because there might be changes (e.g. duplicate colors) // done by player info list // besides, this releases the lobby from doing any host/client-specializations #define GETPKT(type, name) \ assert(pPacket); const type &name = \ /*dynamic_cast*/ static_cast(*pPacket); switch(cStatus) { case PID_LobbyCountdown: // initiate or abort countdown { GETPKT(C4PacketCountdown, Pkt); // do countdown OnCountdownPacket(Pkt); } break; }; #undef GETPKT } bool MainDlg::OnMessage(C4Client *pOfClient, const char *szMessage) { // output message should be prefixed with client already const char *szMsgBuf = szMessage; // 2do: log with player colors? if (pChatBox && C4GUI::GetRes()) { pChatBox->AddTextLine(szMsgBuf, &C4GUI::GetRes()->TextFont, ::Network.Players.GetClientChatColor(pOfClient ? pOfClient->getID() : Game.Clients.getLocalID(), true) | C4GUI_MessageFontAlpha, true, true); pChatBox->ScrollToBottom(); } // log it LogSilent(szMsgBuf); // done, success return true; } void MainDlg::OnClientSound(C4Client *pOfClient) { // show that someone played a sound if (pOfClient && pPlayerList) { pPlayerList->SetClientSoundIcon(pOfClient->getID()); } } void MainDlg::OnLog(const char *szLogMsg, DWORD dwClr) { if (pChatBox && C4GUI::GetRes()) { pChatBox->AddTextLine(szLogMsg, &C4GUI::GetRes()->TextFont, dwClr, true, true); pChatBox->ScrollToBottom(); } } void MainDlg::OnError(const char *szErrMsg) { if (pChatBox && C4GUI::GetRes()) { StartSoundEffect("Error"); pChatBox->AddTextLine(szErrMsg, &C4GUI::GetRes()->TextFont, C4GUI_ErrorFontClr, true, true); pChatBox->ScrollToBottom(); } } void MainDlg::OnSec1Timer() { UpdatePlayerList(); } void MainDlg::UpdatePlayerList() { // this updates ping label texts and teams if (pPlayerList) pPlayerList->Update(); } C4GUI::ContextMenu *MainDlg::OnRightTabContext(C4GUI::Element *pLabel, int32_t iX, int32_t iY) { // create context menu C4GUI::ContextMenu *pMenu = new C4GUI::ContextMenu(); // players/ressources C4GUI::Tabular::Sheet *pPlayerSheet = pRightTab->GetSheet(0); C4GUI::Tabular::Sheet *pResSheet = pRightTab->GetSheet(1); C4GUI::Tabular::Sheet *pOptionsSheet = pRightTab->GetSheet(2); pMenu->AddItem(pPlayerSheet->GetTitle(), pPlayerSheet->GetToolTip(), C4GUI::Ico_Player, new C4GUI::CBMenuHandler(this, &MainDlg::OnCtxTabPlayers)); if (Game.Teams.IsMultiTeams()) { StdCopyStrBuf strShowTeamsDesc(LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_SHOWTEAMS_DESC")); pMenu->AddItem(LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_SHOWTEAMS"), strShowTeamsDesc.getData(), C4GUI::Ico_Team, new C4GUI::CBMenuHandler(this, &MainDlg::OnCtxTabTeams)); } pMenu->AddItem(pResSheet->GetTitle(), pResSheet->GetToolTip(), C4GUI::Ico_Resource, new C4GUI::CBMenuHandler(this, &MainDlg::OnCtxTabRes)); pMenu->AddItem(pOptionsSheet->GetTitle(), pOptionsSheet->GetToolTip(), C4GUI::Ico_Options, new C4GUI::CBMenuHandler(this, &MainDlg::OnCtxTabOptions)); // open it return pMenu; } void MainDlg::OnClientAddPlayer(const char *szFilename, int32_t idClient) { // check client number if (idClient != Game.Clients.getLocalID()) { LobbyError(FormatString(LoadResStr("IDS_ERR_JOINPLR_NOLOCALCLIENT"), szFilename, idClient).getData()); return; } // player join - check filename if (!ItemExists(szFilename)) { LobbyError(FormatString(LoadResStr("IDS_ERR_JOINPLR_NOFILE"), szFilename).getData()); return; } // join! ::Network.Players.JoinLocalPlayer(Config.AtRelativePath(szFilename), true); } void MainDlg::OnTabPlayers(C4GUI::Control *btn) { if (pPlayerList) pPlayerList->SetMode(C4PlayerInfoListBox::PILBM_LobbyClientSort); if (pRightTab) { pRightTab->SelectSheet(SheetIdx_PlayerList, true); UpdateRightTab(); } } void MainDlg::OnTabTeams(C4GUI::Control *btn) { if (pPlayerList) pPlayerList->SetMode(C4PlayerInfoListBox::PILBM_LobbyTeamSort); if (pRightTab) { pRightTab->SelectSheet(SheetIdx_PlayerList, true); UpdateRightTab(); } } void MainDlg::OnTabRes(C4GUI::Control *btn) { if (pRightTab) { pRightTab->SelectSheet(SheetIdx_Res, true); UpdateRightTab(); } } void MainDlg::OnTabOptions(C4GUI::Control *btn) { if (pRightTab) { pRightTab->SelectSheet(SheetIdx_Options, true); UpdateRightTab(); } } void MainDlg::OnTabScenario(C4GUI::Control *btn) { if (pRightTab) { pRightTab->SelectSheet(SheetIdx_Scenario, true); UpdateRightTab(); } } void MainDlg::UpdateRightTab() { if (!pRightTabLbl || !pRightTab || !pRightTab->GetActiveSheet() || !pPlayerList) return; // copy active sheet data to label pRightTabLbl->SetText(pRightTab->GetActiveSheet()->GetTitle()); pRightTabLbl->SetToolTip(pRightTab->GetActiveSheet()->GetToolTip()); // update if (pRightTab->GetActiveSheetIndex() == SheetIdx_PlayerList) UpdatePlayerList(); if (pRightTab->GetActiveSheetIndex() == SheetIdx_Res) pResList->Activate(); else pResList->Deactivate(); if (pRightTab->GetActiveSheetIndex() == SheetIdx_Options) pOptionsList->Activate(); else pOptionsList->Deactivate(); if (pRightTab->GetActiveSheetIndex() == SheetIdx_Scenario) pScenarioInfo->Activate(); else pScenarioInfo->Deactivate(); // update selection buttons if (btnPlayers) btnPlayers->SetHighlight(pRightTab->GetActiveSheetIndex() == SheetIdx_PlayerList && pPlayerList->GetMode() == C4PlayerInfoListBox::PILBM_LobbyClientSort); if (btnResources) btnResources->SetHighlight(pRightTab->GetActiveSheetIndex() == SheetIdx_Res); if (btnTeams) btnTeams->SetHighlight(pRightTab->GetActiveSheetIndex() == SheetIdx_PlayerList && pPlayerList->GetMode() == C4PlayerInfoListBox::PILBM_LobbyTeamSort); if (btnOptions) btnOptions->SetHighlight(pRightTab->GetActiveSheetIndex() == SheetIdx_Options); if (btnScenario) btnScenario->SetHighlight(pRightTab->GetActiveSheetIndex() == SheetIdx_Scenario); } void MainDlg::OnBtnChat(C4GUI::Control *btn) { // open chat dialog C4ChatDlg::ShowChat(); } bool MainDlg::KeyHistoryUpDown(bool fUp) { // chat input only if (!IsFocused(pEdt)) return false; pEdt->SelectAll(); pEdt->DeleteSelection(); const char *szPrevInput = ::MessageInput.GetBackBuffer(fUp ? (++iBackBufferIndex) : (--iBackBufferIndex)); if (!szPrevInput || !*szPrevInput) iBackBufferIndex = -1; else { pEdt->InsertText(szPrevInput, true); pEdt->SelectAll(); } return true; } void MainDlg::UpdateFairCrew() { // if the fair crew setting has changed, make sure the buttons reflect this change pGameOptionButtons->UpdateFairCrewBtn(); } void MainDlg::UpdatePassword() { // if the password setting has changed, make sure the buttons reflect this change pGameOptionButtons->UpdatePasswordBtn(); } int32_t MainDlg::ValidatedCountdownTime(int32_t iTimeout) { // no negative timeouts if (iTimeout < 0) iTimeout = 5; // in leage mode, there must be at least five seconds timeout if (Game.Parameters.isLeague() && iTimeout < 5) iTimeout = 5; return iTimeout; } void MainDlg::ClearLog() { pChatBox->ClearText(true); } void LobbyError(const char *szErrorMsg) { // get lobby MainDlg *pLobby = ::Network.GetLobby(); if (pLobby) pLobby->OnError(szErrorMsg); } /* Countdown */ Countdown::Countdown(int32_t iStartTimer) : iStartTimer(iStartTimer) { // only on network hosts assert(::Network.isHost()); // ctor: Init; sends initial countdown packet C4PacketCountdown pck(iStartTimer); ::Network.Clients.BroadcastMsgToClients(MkC4NetIOPacket(PID_LobbyCountdown, pck)); // also process on host MainDlg *pLobby = ::Network.GetLobby(); if (pLobby) { pLobby->OnCountdownPacket(pck); } else { // no lobby: Message to log for dedicated/console hosts Log(pck.GetCountdownMsg().getData()); } // init timer callback Application.Add(this); } Countdown::~Countdown() { // release timer Application.Remove(this); } void Countdown::OnSec1Timer() { // count down iStartTimer = Max(iStartTimer - 1, 0); // only send "important" start timer numbers to all clients if (iStartTimer <= AlmostStartCountdownTime || // last seconds (iStartTimer <= 600 && !(iStartTimer % 10)) || // last minute: 10s interval !(iStartTimer % 60)) // otherwise, minute interval { C4PacketCountdown pck(iStartTimer); ::Network.Clients.BroadcastMsgToClients(MkC4NetIOPacket(PID_LobbyCountdown, pck)); // also process on host MainDlg *pLobby = ::Network.GetLobby(); if (pLobby) pLobby->OnCountdownPacket(pck); else if (iStartTimer) { // no lobby: Message to log for dedicated/console hosts Log(pck.GetCountdownMsg().getData()); } } // countdown done if (!iStartTimer) { // Dedicated server: if there are not enough players for this game, abort and quit the application if (!::Network.GetLobby() && (Game.PlayerInfos.GetPlayerCount() < Game.C4S.GetMinPlayer())) { Log(LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_NOTENOUGHPLAYERSFORTHISRO")); // it would also be nice to send this message to all clients... Application.Quit(); } // Start the game else ::Network.Start(); } } void Countdown::Abort() { // host sends packets if (!::Network.isHost()) return; C4PacketCountdown pck(C4PacketCountdown::Abort); ::Network.Clients.BroadcastMsgToClients(MkC4NetIOPacket(PID_LobbyCountdown, pck)); // also process on host MainDlg *pLobby = ::Network.GetLobby(); if (pLobby) { pLobby->OnCountdownPacket(pck); } else { // no lobby: Message to log for dedicated/console hosts Log(LoadResStr("IDS_PRC_STARTABORTED")); } } } // end of namespace