/** This file contains some default particle behavior definitions as well as helper functions. */ /* particle helper/effect functions */ global func CreateMuzzleFlash(int x, int y, int angle, int size) { // main muzzle flash CreateParticle("MuzzleFlash", x, y, 0, 0, 10, {Prototype = Particles_MuzzleFlash(), Size = size, Rotation = angle}); // and some additional little sparks var xdir = Sin(angle, size * 2); var ydir = -Cos(angle, size * 2); CreateParticle("StarFlash", x, y, PV_Random(xdir - size, xdir + size), PV_Random(ydir - size, ydir + size), PV_Random(20, 60), Particles_Glimmer(), size); } global func Smoke(int x, int y, int level, int color, bool heavy) { level = level ?? 10; var particles = Particles_Smoke(heavy); if (color) { particles.Alpha = PV_Linear((color >> 24) & 0xff, 0); particles.R = (color >> 16) & 0xff; particles.G = (color >> 8) & 0xff; particles.B = (color >> 0) & 0xff; } particles.Size = PV_Linear(PV_Random(level/2, level), PV_Random(2 * level, 3 * level)); CreateParticle("Smoke", x, y, PV_Random(-level/3, level/3), PV_Random(-level/2, -level/3), PV_Random(level * 2, level * 10), particles, BoundBy(level/5, 3, 20)); } /* particle definitions */ global func Particles_Dust() { return { CollisionVertex = 500, OnCollision = PC_Stop(), ForceX = PV_Wind(20), ForceY = PV_Gravity(25), Alpha = PV_KeyFrames(0, 0, 0, 250, 60, 1000, 0), Rotation = PV_Random(0, 360), Size = PV_KeyFrames(0, 0, 5, 100, 12, 1000, 7) }; } global func Particles_Cloud() { return { Size = 200, Attach = ATTACH_MoveRelative, Phase = PV_Random(0, 15) }; } global func Particles_Smoke(bool heavy) { return { CollisionVertex = 500, OnCollision = PC_Stop(), ForceY = PV_Gravity(-100 + heavy*90), ForceX = PV_Wind(200 - heavy*180), DampingX = 900, DampingY = 900, Alpha = PV_Linear(255, 0), R = 100, G = 100, B = 100, Size = PV_Linear(PV_Random(4, 10), PV_Random(20, 30)), Phase = PV_Random(0, 15) }; } global func Particles_Fire() { return { CollisionVertex = 0, OnCollision = PC_Die(), Phase = PV_Random(0, 3, 10), ForceY = PV_Gravity(-100), DampingY = 950, Alpha = PV_KeyFrames(0, 0, 255, 500, 255, 1000, 0), BlitMode = GFX_BLIT_Additive, Size = PV_KeyFrames(0, 0, PV_Random(5, 10), 500, 5, 1000, 0), Attach = ATTACH_Front, Rotation = PV_Direction() }; } global func Particles_FireTrail() { return { Prototype = Particles_Fire(), ForceY = 0, Attach = nil, }; } global func Particles_Flash() { return { BlitMode = GFX_BLIT_Additive, Alpha = PV_KeyFrames(0, 0, 128, 250, 64, 1000, 0), Size = PV_KeyFrames(0, 0, 0, 100, 160, 1000, 0), R = 255, G = 255, B = 64 }; } global func Particles_Magic() { return { BlitMode = GFX_BLIT_Additive, Alpha = PV_Linear(128, 0), Size = PV_Linear(0, PV_Random(5, 15)), CollisionVertex = 500, OnCollision = PC_Die(), Rotation = PV_Random(0, 360) }; } global func Particles_MagicRing() { return { BlitMode = GFX_BLIT_Additive, Alpha = PV_Linear(100, 0), Size = PV_KeyFrames(1, 0, 0, 500, 20, 1000, 0), Attach = ATTACH_Front | ATTACH_MoveRelative }; } global func Particles_Spark() { return { BlitMode = GFX_BLIT_Additive, Size = PV_Linear(PV_Random(5, 15), 0), CollisionVertex = 500, OnCollision = PC_Bounce(500), Rotation = PV_Direction(), ForceY = PV_Gravity(20) }; } global func Particles_Colored(prototype, color, color2) { // Colors the given particle. If color2 is given, colors in a random fade between color and color2 if (GetType(color2)) { return { Prototype = prototype, R = PV_Random((color >> 16) & 0xff, (color2 >> 16) & 0xff), G = PV_Random((color >> 8) & 0xff, (color2 >> 8) & 0xff), B = PV_Random((color >> 0) & 0xff, (color2 >> 0) & 0xff), }; } else return { Prototype = prototype, R = (color >> 16) & 0xff, G = (color >> 8) & 0xff, B = (color >> 0) & 0xff }; } global func Particles_SparkFire() { return { Prototype = Particles_Spark(), R = 255, G = 200, B = 10 }; } global func Particles_SmokeTrail() { return { Prototype = Particles_Smoke(), ForceY = PV_Gravity(-10), ForceX = PV_Wind(20), DampingX = 950, DampingY = 950, Alpha = PV_Linear(128, 0), Size = PV_KeyFrames(0, 0, 0, 200, PV_Random(3, 10), 1000, PV_Random(8, 11)) }; } global func Particles_Material(int color) { return { Stretch = PV_Speed(2000), CollisionVertex = 1000, OnCollision = PC_Die(), Size = 1, Rotation = PV_Direction(), ForceY = PV_Gravity(100), R = (color >> 16) & 0xff, G = (color >> 8) & 0xff, B = (color >> 0) & 0xff }; } global func Particles_Trajectory() { return { BlitMode = GFX_BLIT_Additive, Attach = ATTACH_Front | ATTACH_MoveRelative }; } global func Particles_WoodChip() { return { Size = PV_Random(1, 3), Phase = PV_Linear(0, 3), Alpha = PV_KeyFrames(0, 0, 255, 900, 255, 1000, 0), CollisionVertex = 500, OnCollision = PC_Stop(), ForceX = PV_Wind(50), ForceY = PV_Gravity(100), DampingX = 975, DampingY = 975, Rotation = PV_Direction(PV_Random(750, 1250)), Attach = ATTACH_Front }; } global func Particles_Straw() { return { Prototype = Particles_WoodChip(), Phase = PV_Random(0, 3), Size = PV_Random(3, 5), Attach = nil }; } global func Particles_CottonBalloon() { return { Prototype = Particles_WoodChip(), Phase = PV_Random(0, 3), Size = PV_Random(4, 8), Attach = nil }; } global func Particles_Air() { return { Stretch = PV_Speed(500, 1000), Alpha = PV_Linear(255, 0), Phase = PV_Random(0, 3), DampingX = 990, DampingY = 990, ForceX = PV_Random(-5, 5, 30), ForceY = PV_Gravity(10, PV_Random(-5, 5)), Size = PV_KeyFrames(0, 0, 0, 100, PV_Random(20, 30), 1000, 0), Rotation = PV_Direction(), CollisionVertex = 1000, OnCollision = PC_Bounce(500) }; } global func Particles_Thrust(int size) { size = size ?? 10; return { Size = PV_KeyFrames(0, 0, 0, 50, size, 1000, size * 2), Alpha = PV_Linear(255, 0), R = PV_KeyFrames(0, 0, 255, 500, 100, 1000, 50), G = PV_KeyFrames(0, 0, 255, 500, 100, 1000, 50), B = PV_KeyFrames(0, 0, 255, 500, 100, 1000, 50), Phase = PV_Random(0, 3, 10), Rotation = PV_Random(0, 360), DampingX = 950, DampingY = 950, ForceY = PV_KeyFrames(0, 0, 0, 500, 0, 1000, PV_Gravity(20)), ForceX = PV_KeyFrames(0, 0, 0, 500, 0, 1000, PV_Wind(50)), CollisionVertex = 750 }; } global func Particles_MuzzleFlash() { return { Attach = ATTACH_Front | ATTACH_MoveRelative, Size = 20, Phase = PV_Linear(0, 5), BlitMode = GFX_BLIT_Additive }; } global func Particles_Glimmer() { return { Size = PV_Linear(2, 0), ForceY = GetGravity(), DampingY = PV_Linear(1000,700), DampingX = PV_Linear(1000,700), Stretch = PV_Speed(1000, 500), Rotation = PV_Direction(), OnCollision = PC_Die(), CollisionVertex = 500, R = 255, G = PV_Linear(128,32), B = PV_Random(0, 128, 2), Alpha = PV_Random(255,0,3), BlitMode = GFX_BLIT_Additive, }; } global func Particles_ElectroSpark1() { return { Size = PV_Random(5, 9), Phase = PV_Linear(0, 5), BlitMode = GFX_BLIT_Additive, CollisionVertex = 750, OnCollision = PC_Die(), Rotation = PV_Direction() }; } global func Particles_ElectroSpark2() { return { Prototype = Particles_ElectroSpark1(), Phase = PV_Linear(6, 11), }; }