/*-- Controls.c Authors: boni Helper functions to find out if a Control fits into a certain category. (Throwing, using, interacting,...) --*/ /** Control tells the clonk to move */ global func IsMovementControl(int ctrl) { // up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A if(ctrl == CON_Up || ctrl == CON_Down || ctrl == CON_Left || ctrl == CON_Right) return true; return false; } /** Control throws selected item */ global func IsThrowControl(int ctrl) { // left mouse button if(ctrl == CON_Throw || ctrl == CON_ForcedThrow || ctrl == CON_ThrowDelayed // right mouse button || ctrl == CON_ThrowAlt || ctrl == CON_ForcedThrowAlt || ctrl == CON_ThrowAltDelayed) return true; return false; } /** Control drops items from inventory (hotkey or selected items) */ global func IsDropControl(int ctrl) { // selected items if(ctrl == CON_Drop || ctrl == CON_DropAlt // hotkeys || ctrl == CON_DropHotkey0 || ctrl == CON_DropHotkey1 || ctrl == CON_DropHotkey2 || ctrl == CON_DropHotkey3 || ctrl == CON_DropHotkey4 || ctrl == CON_DropHotkey5 || ctrl == CON_DropHotkey6 || ctrl == CON_DropHotkey7 || ctrl == CON_DropHotkey8 || ctrl == CON_DropHotkey9) return true; return false; } /** Control has the goal of interacting with some other object (Interaction, Grabbing, Entering,...) */ global func IsInteractionControl(int ctrl) { // Interaction itself if(ctrl == CON_Interact // other interactions || ctrl == CON_Grab || ctrl == CON_Ungrab || ctrl == CON_GrabNext || ctrl == CON_Enter || ctrl == CON_Exit || ctrl == CON_PushEnter // hotkeys || ctrl == CON_InteractionHotkey0 || ctrl == CON_InteractionHotkey1 || ctrl == CON_InteractionHotkey2 || ctrl == CON_InteractionHotkey3 || ctrl == CON_InteractionHotkey4 || ctrl == CON_InteractionHotkey5 || ctrl == CON_InteractionHotkey6 || ctrl == CON_InteractionHotkey7 || ctrl == CON_InteractionHotkey8 || ctrl == CON_InteractionHotkey9) return true; return false; } /** Control has the goal of switching the currently selected crewmember */ global func IsCrewControl(int ctrl) { // next/previous if(ctrl == CON_NextCrew || ctrl == CON_PreviousCrew // hotkeys || ctrl == CON_PlayerHotkey0 || ctrl == CON_PlayerHotkey1 || ctrl == CON_PlayerHotkey2 || ctrl == CON_PlayerHotkey3 || ctrl == CON_PlayerHotkey4 || ctrl == CON_PlayerHotkey5 || ctrl == CON_PlayerHotkey6 || ctrl == CON_PlayerHotkey7 || ctrl == CON_PlayerHotkey8 || ctrl == CON_PlayerHotkey9 ) return true; return false; } /** Control uses selected item */ global func IsUseControl(int ctrl) { if(ctrl == CON_Use || ctrl == CON_UseAlt) return true; return false; }