Anim_Const Animations 1.0 OC array int value Value to use. Value provider for PlayAnimation, SetAnimationPosition or SetAnimationWeight: For the whole animation the given constant value will be used. See the animation documentation for further explanations of the animation system. PlayAnimation("HangleStand", 5, Anim_Linear(0, 0, 2000, 100, ANIM_Loop), Anim_Const(1000)); Plays the animation "HangleStand" and uses the value 1000 constantly for the animation's weight (full weight). The position of the animation is not contant but changes (linearily) with time, see Anim_Linear. PlayAnimation SetAnimationPosition SetAnimationWeight Anim_Linear Anim_X Anim_Y Anim_R Anim_AbsX Anim_AbsY Anim_Dist Anim_XDir Anim_YDir Anim_Action Clonk-Karl2010-01