/* * OpenClonk, http://www.openclonk.org * * Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Matthes Bender * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH, http://www.clonk.de/ * Copyright (c) 2009-2013, The OpenClonk Team and contributors * * Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file * "COPYING" for details. * * "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission. * See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details. * * To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts * for the above references. */ /* Handles engine execution in developer mode */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define FILE_SELECT_FILTER_FOR_C4S "OpenClonk Scenario\0" \ "*.ocs;*.ocf;Scenario.txt\0" \ "\0" using namespace OpenFileFlags; C4Console::C4Console(): C4ConsoleGUI() { Active = false; Editing = true; FrameCounter=0; fGameOpen=false; #ifdef USE_WIN32_WINDOWS hWindow=NULL; #endif } C4Console::~C4Console() { } C4Window * C4Console::Init(C4AbstractApp * pApp) { return C4ConsoleGUI::CreateConsoleWindow(pApp); } bool C4Console::In(const char *szText) { if (!Active || !szText) return false; // begins with '/'? then it's a command if (*szText == '/') { ::MessageInput.ProcessCommand(szText); // done return true; } // begins with '#'? then it's a message. Route via ProcessInput to allow #/sound if (*szText == '#') { ::MessageInput.ProcessInput(szText + 1); return true; } // editing enabled? if (!EditCursor.EditingOK()) return false; // pass through network queue ::Control.DoInput(CID_Script, new C4ControlScript(szText, C4ControlScript::SCOPE_Console), CDT_Decide); return true; } // Someone defines Status as int.... #ifdef Status #undef Status #endif void C4Console::DoPlay() { Game.Unpause(); } void C4Console::DoHalt() { Game.Pause(); } void C4Console::UpdateStatusBars() { if (!Active) return; // Frame counter if (Game.FrameCounter!=FrameCounter) { FrameCounter=Game.FrameCounter; StdStrBuf str; str.Format("Frame: %i",FrameCounter); C4ConsoleGUI::DisplayInfoText(CONSOLE_FrameCounter, str); } // Time & FPS if ((Game.Time!=Time) || (Game.FPS!=FPS)) { Time=Game.Time; FPS=Game.FPS; StdStrBuf str; str.Format("%02d:%02d:%02d (%i FPS)",Time/3600,(Time%3600)/60,Time%60,FPS); C4ConsoleGUI::DisplayInfoText(CONSOLE_TimeFPS, str); } } bool C4Console::SaveGame(const char * path) { // Network hosts only if (::Network.isEnabled() && !::Network.isHost()) { Message(LoadResStr("IDS_GAME_NOCLIENTSAVE")); return false; } // Save game to open scenario file bool fOkay=true; SetCursor(C4ConsoleGUI::CURSOR_Wait); C4GameSave *pGameSave = new C4GameSaveSavegame(); if (!pGameSave->Save(path)) { Out("Save failed"); fOkay=false; } delete pGameSave; SetCursor(C4ConsoleGUI::CURSOR_Normal); // Status report if (!fOkay) Message(LoadResStr("IDS_CNS_SAVERROR")); else Out(LoadResStr("IDS_CNS_GAMESAVED")); return fOkay; } bool C4Console::SaveScenario(const char * path) { // Network hosts only if (::Network.isEnabled() && !::Network.isHost()) { Message(LoadResStr("IDS_GAME_NOCLIENTSAVE")); return false; } // Open new scenario file if (path) { // Close current scenario file Game.ScenarioFile.Close(); // Copy current scenario file to target if (!C4Group_CopyItem(Game.ScenarioFilename,path)) { Message(FormatString(LoadResStr("IDS_CNS_SAVEASERROR"),path).getData()); return false; } SCopy(path, Game.ScenarioFilename); SetCaptionToFilename(Game.ScenarioFilename); if (!Game.ScenarioFile.Open(Game.ScenarioFilename)) { Message(FormatString(LoadResStr("IDS_CNS_SAVEASERROR"),Game.ScenarioFilename).getData()); return false; } } // Can't save to child groups if (Game.ScenarioFile.GetMother() && Game.ScenarioFile.GetMother()->IsPacked()) { StdStrBuf str; str.Format(LoadResStr("IDS_CNS_NOCHILDSAVE"), GetFilename(Game.ScenarioFile.GetName())); Message(str.getData()); return false; } // Save game to open scenario file SetCursor(C4ConsoleGUI::CURSOR_Wait); bool fOkay=true; C4GameSave *pGameSave = new C4GameSaveScenario(!Console.Active || ::Landscape.Mode==C4LSC_Exact, false); if (!pGameSave->Save(Game.ScenarioFile, false)) { Out("Game::Save failed"); fOkay=false; } delete pGameSave; // Close and reopen scenario file to fix file changes if (!Game.ScenarioFile.Close()) { Out("ScenarioFile::Close failed"); fOkay=false; } if (!Game.ScenarioFile.Open(Game.ScenarioFilename)) { Out("ScenarioFile::Open failed"); fOkay=false; } SetCursor(C4ConsoleGUI::CURSOR_Normal); // Initialize/script notification if (Game.fScriptCreatedObjects) { StdStrBuf str(LoadResStr("IDS_CNS_SCRIPTCREATEDOBJECTS")); str += LoadResStr("IDS_CNS_WARNDOUBLE"); Message(str.getData()); Game.fScriptCreatedObjects=false; } // Status report if (!fOkay) Message(LoadResStr("IDS_CNS_SAVERROR")); else Out(LoadResStr("IDS_CNS_SCENARIOSAVED")); return fOkay; } bool C4Console::FileSave() { // Save game // FIXME: What about editing a savegame inplace? (Game.C4S.Head.SaveGame) return SaveScenario(NULL); } bool C4Console::FileSaveAs(bool fSaveGame) { // Do save-as dialog StdCopyStrBuf filename(""); filename.Copy(Game.ScenarioFile.GetName()); if (!FileSelect(&filename, "OpenClonk Scenario\0*.ocs\0\0", OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT | OFN_HIDEREADONLY, true)) return false; DefaultExtension(&filename,"ocs"); if (fSaveGame) // Save game return SaveGame(filename.getData()); else return SaveScenario(filename.getData()); } bool C4Console::Message(const char *szMessage, bool fQuery) { if (!Active) return false; return C4ConsoleGUI::Message(szMessage, fQuery); } bool C4Console::FileOpen() { // Get scenario file name StdCopyStrBuf c4sfile(""); if (!FileSelect(&c4sfile, FILE_SELECT_FILTER_FOR_C4S, OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST)) return false; Application.ClearCommandLine(); // Open game Application.OpenGame(c4sfile.getData()); return true; } bool C4Console::FileOpenWPlrs() { // Get scenario file name StdCopyStrBuf c4sfile(""); if (!FileSelect(&c4sfile, FILE_SELECT_FILTER_FOR_C4S, OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST)) return false; // Get player file name(s) StdCopyStrBuf c4pfile(""); if (!FileSelect(&c4pfile, "OpenClonk Player\0*.ocp\0\0", OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT | OFN_EXPLORER )) return false; // Compose command line Application.ClearCommandLine(); if (DirectoryExists(c4pfile.getData())) // Multiplayer { const char *cptr = c4pfile.getData() + SLen(c4pfile.getData()) + 1; while (*cptr) { char c4pfile2[512 + 1] = ""; SAppend(c4pfile.getData(), c4pfile2, 512); SAppend(DirSep, c4pfile2, 512); SAppend(cptr, c4pfile2, 512); SAddModule(Game.PlayerFilenames, c4pfile2); cptr += SLen(cptr) + 1; } } else // Single player { SAddModule(Game.PlayerFilenames, c4pfile.getData()); } // Open game Application.OpenGame(c4sfile.getData()); return true; } bool C4Console::FileClose() { if (!fGameOpen) return false; Application.QuitGame(); return true; } bool C4Console::FileSelect(StdStrBuf * sFilename, const char * szFilter, DWORD dwFlags, bool fSave) { return C4ConsoleGUI::FileSelect(sFilename, szFilter, dwFlags, fSave); } bool C4Console::FileRecord() { // only in running mode if (!Game.IsRunning || !::Control.IsRuntimeRecordPossible()) return false; // start record! ::Control.RequestRuntimeRecord(); // disable menuitem RecordingEnabled(); return true; } void C4Console::ClearPointers(C4Object *pObj) { EditCursor.ClearPointers(pObj); } void C4Console::Default() { EditCursor.Default(); PropertyDlgObject = 0; ToolsDlg.Default(); } void C4Console::Clear() { C4Window::Clear(); EditCursor.Clear(); ToolsDlg.Clear(); PropertyDlgClose(); ClearViewportMenu(); ClearPlayerMenu(); ClearNetMenu(); if (pSurface) delete pSurface; pSurface = 0; #ifndef _WIN32 Application.Quit(); #endif } void C4Console::Close() { Application.Quit(); } bool C4Console::FileQuit() { Close(); return true; } void C4Console::HelpAbout() { StdStrBuf strCopyright; strCopyright.Format("Copyright (c) %s %s", C4COPYRIGHT_YEAR, C4COPYRIGHT_COMPANY); ShowAboutWithCopyright(strCopyright); } void C4Console::ViewportNew() { ::Viewports.CreateViewport(NO_OWNER); } bool C4Console::UpdateViewportMenu() { if (!Active) return false; ClearViewportMenu(); for (C4Player *pPlr=::Players.First; pPlr; pPlr=pPlr->Next) { StdStrBuf sText; sText.Format(LoadResStr("IDS_CNS_NEWPLRVIEWPORT"),pPlr->GetName()); C4ConsoleGUI::AddMenuItemForPlayer(pPlr, sText); } return true; } void C4Console::ClearViewportMenu() { if (!Active) return; C4ConsoleGUI::ClearViewportMenu(); } void C4Console::UpdateInputCtrl() { // add global and standard functions std::list functions = ::Console.GetScriptSuggestions(::GameScript.ScenPropList._getPropList(), C4Console::MRU_Scenario); SetInputFunctions(functions); } bool C4Console::UpdatePlayerMenu() { if (!Active) return false; ClearPlayerMenu(); for (C4Player *pPlr=::Players.First; pPlr; pPlr=pPlr->Next) { StdStrBuf sText; if (::Network.isEnabled()) sText.Format(LoadResStr("IDS_CNS_PLRQUITNET"),pPlr->GetName(),pPlr->AtClientName); else sText.Format(LoadResStr("IDS_CNS_PLRQUIT"),pPlr->GetName()); AddKickPlayerMenuItem(pPlr, sText, (!::Network.isEnabled() || ::Network.isHost()) && Editing); } return true; } void C4Console::UpdateMenus() { if (!Active) return; EnableControls(fGameOpen); UpdatePlayerMenu(); UpdateViewportMenu(); UpdateNetMenu(); } void C4Console::PlayerJoin() { // Get player file name(s) StdCopyStrBuf c4pfile(""); if (!FileSelect(&c4pfile, "OpenClonk Player\0*.ocp\0\0", OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT | OFN_EXPLORER )) return; // Multiple players if (DirectoryExists(c4pfile.getData())) { const char *cptr = c4pfile.getData() + SLen(c4pfile.getData()) + 1; while (*cptr) { StdStrBuf f; f.Copy(c4pfile.getData()); f.AppendBackslash(); f.Append(cptr); cptr += SLen(cptr)+1; ::Players.JoinNew(f.getData()); } } // Single player else { ::Players.JoinNew(c4pfile.getData()); } } void C4Console::UpdateNetMenu() { // Active & network hosting check if (!Active) return; if (!::Network.isHost() || !::Network.isEnabled()) return; // Clear old ClearNetMenu(); // Insert menu C4ConsoleGUI::AddNetMenu(); // Host StdStrBuf str; str.Format(LoadResStr("IDS_MNU_NETHOST"),Game.Clients.getLocalName(),Game.Clients.getLocalID()); AddNetMenuItemForPlayer(IDM_NET_CLIENT1+Game.Clients.getLocalID(), str); // Clients for (C4Network2Client *pClient=::Network.Clients.GetNextClient(NULL); pClient; pClient=::Network.Clients.GetNextClient(pClient)) { str.Format(LoadResStr(pClient->isActivated() ? "IDS_MNU_NETCLIENT" : "IDS_MNU_NETCLIENTDE"), pClient->getName(), pClient->getID()); AddNetMenuItemForPlayer(IDM_NET_CLIENT1+pClient->getID(), str); } return; } void C4Console::ClearNetMenu() { if (!Active) return; C4ConsoleGUI::ClearNetMenu(); } void C4Console::SetCaptionToFilename(const char* szFilename) { SetTitle(GetFilename(szFilename)); C4ConsoleGUI::SetCaptionToFileName(szFilename); } void C4Console::Execute() { EditCursor.Execute(); ObjectListDlg.Execute(); UpdateStatusBars(); ::GraphicsSystem.Execute(); } void C4Console::InitGame() { if (!Active) return; // Default game dependent members Default(); SetCaptionToFilename(Game.ScenarioFilename); // Init game dependent members EditCursor.Init(); // Console updates fGameOpen=true; UpdateInputCtrl(); EnableControls(fGameOpen); UpdatePlayerMenu(); UpdateViewportMenu(); } void C4Console::CloseGame() { if (!Active || !fGameOpen) return; fGameOpen=false; EnableControls(fGameOpen); SetTitle(LoadResStr("IDS_CNS_CONSOLE")); } bool C4Console::TogglePause() { return Game.TogglePause(); } std::list C4Console::GetScriptSuggestions(C4PropList *target, RecentScriptInputLists section) const { // Functions for this object std::list functions = ::ScriptEngine.GetFunctionNames(target); // Prepend most recently used script calls in reverse order const std::list &mru = recent_script_input[section]; if (!mru.empty()) { functions.insert(functions.begin(), NULL); // add pointers into string buffer list // do not iterate with for (auto i : mru) because this would copy the buffer and add stack pointers for (auto i = mru.begin(); i != mru.end(); ++i) functions.insert(functions.begin(), i->getData()); } return functions; } void C4Console::RegisterRecentInput(const char *input, RecentScriptInputLists section) { std::list &mru = recent_script_input[section]; // remove previous copy (i.e.: Same input just gets pushed to top) mru.remove(StdCopyStrBuf(input)); // register to list mru.push_back(StdCopyStrBuf(input)); // limit history length if (static_cast(mru.size()) > ::Config.Developer.MaxScriptMRU) mru.erase(mru.begin()); } #if !(defined(USE_WIN32_WINDOWS) || defined(USE_COCOA) || defined(USE_GTK)) class C4ConsoleGUI::State: public C4ConsoleGUI::InternalState { public: State(C4ConsoleGUI *console): Super(console) {} }; class C4ToolsDlg::State: public C4ConsoleGUI::InternalState { public: State(C4ToolsDlg* dlg): Super(dlg) {} void Clear() {} void Default() {} }; void C4ConsoleGUI::AddKickPlayerMenuItem(C4Player*, StdStrBuf&, bool) {} void C4ConsoleGUI::AddMenuItemForPlayer(C4Player*, StdStrBuf&) {} void C4ConsoleGUI::AddNetMenuItemForPlayer(int, StdStrBuf&) {} void C4ConsoleGUI::AddNetMenu() {} void C4ConsoleGUI::ToolsDlgClose() {} bool C4ConsoleGUI::ClearLog() {return 0;} void C4ConsoleGUI::ClearNetMenu() {} void C4ConsoleGUI::ClearPlayerMenu() {} void C4ConsoleGUI::ClearViewportMenu() {} C4Window * C4ConsoleGUI::CreateConsoleWindow(C4AbstractApp * pApp) { C4Rect r(0, 0, 400, 350); return C4Window::Init(C4Window::W_Console, pApp, LoadResStr("IDS_CNS_CONSOLE"), &r); } void C4ConsoleGUI::DisplayInfoText(C4ConsoleGUI::InfoTextType, StdStrBuf&) {} void C4ConsoleGUI::DoEnableControls(bool) {} bool C4ConsoleGUI::DoUpdateHaltCtrls(bool) {return 0;} bool C4ConsoleGUI::FileSelect(StdStrBuf *, char const*, DWORD, bool) {return 0;} bool C4ConsoleGUI::Message(char const*, bool) {return 0;} void C4ConsoleGUI::Out(char const*) {} bool C4ConsoleGUI::PropertyDlgOpen() {return 0;} void C4ConsoleGUI::PropertyDlgClose() {} void C4ConsoleGUI::PropertyDlgUpdate(C4ObjectList &, bool) {} void C4ConsoleGUI::RecordingEnabled() {} void C4ConsoleGUI::SetCaptionToFileName(char const*) {} void C4ConsoleGUI::SetCursor(C4ConsoleGUI::Cursor) {} void C4ConsoleGUI::SetInputFunctions(std::list&) {} void C4ConsoleGUI::ShowAboutWithCopyright(StdStrBuf&) {} void C4ConsoleGUI::ToolsDlgInitMaterialCtrls(C4ToolsDlg*) {} bool C4ConsoleGUI::ToolsDlgOpen(C4ToolsDlg*) {return 0;} void C4ConsoleGUI::ToolsDlgSelectMaterial(C4ToolsDlg*, char const*) {} void C4ConsoleGUI::ToolsDlgSelectTexture(C4ToolsDlg*, char const*) {} void C4ConsoleGUI::ToolsDlgSelectBackMaterial(C4ToolsDlg*, char const*) {} void C4ConsoleGUI::ToolsDlgSelectBackTexture(C4ToolsDlg*, char const*) {} bool C4ConsoleGUI::UpdateModeCtrls(int) {return 0;} void C4ToolsDlg::EnableControls() {} void C4ToolsDlg::InitGradeCtrl() {} void C4ToolsDlg::NeedPreviewUpdate() {} bool C4ToolsDlg::PopMaterial() {return 0;} bool C4ToolsDlg::PopTextures() {return 0;} void C4ToolsDlg::UpdateIFTControls() {} void C4ToolsDlg::UpdateLandscapeModeCtrls() {} void C4ToolsDlg::UpdateTextures() {} void C4ToolsDlg::UpdateToolCtrls() {} bool C4Viewport::ScrollBarsByViewPosition() {return 0;} bool C4Viewport::TogglePlayerLock() {return 0;} #include "C4ConsoleGUICommon.h" #endif