/** Cable Crossing The standard crossing for the cable network. The crossing will automatically be a station if it is at the end of the cable line (i.e. only one cable connected). But the crossing can also manually be set to function as a station. @author Clonkonaut */ #include Library_CableStation #include Library_Structure #include Library_Ownable // Animation local turn_anim; // Settings local setting_dropoff = false; // Combined building local connected_building; // Array of all cable cars currently idling at this station local arrived_cars; // Whether this crossing accepts resources. local has_resource_chute; public func Initialize() { turn_anim = PlayAnimation("Engine", 1, Anim_Const(0), Anim_Const(1000)); arrived_cars = []; SetCategory(GetCategory() | C4D_StaticBack); return _inherited(...); } // Prevents the automatic change of the station status when manually set to station mode local manual_setting = false; /*-- Library functions: Cable Station --*/ public func DestinationsUpdated() { // Do nothing if set manually if (manual_setting) return; var is_endpoint = GetLength(FindObjects(Find_Func("IsConnectedTo", this))) == 1; if (is_endpoint || connected_building) SetCableStation(true); else SetCableStation(false); CheckStationStatus(); // Inform all cars at station about the update. for (var car in arrived_cars) if (car) car->~OnRailNetworkUpdate(); } public func IsAvailable(proplist requested, int amount) { // Check connected buildings for contents if (connected_building) if (connected_building->ContentsCount(requested) >= amount) return true; // Check cable cars idling at this station if (GetLength(arrived_cars)) { for (var car in arrived_cars) { if (car->~IsAvailable(requested, amount)) return true; } } return false; } public func GetAvailableCableCar(proplist requested, int amount, proplist requesting_station) { // Check cars that are idling at this station var best; for (var car in arrived_cars) { if (!car->~IsReadyForDelivery(requested, amount, requesting_station)) continue; if (!best) best = car; // A car might want to override the search for an available car, mainly because it holds the container // which holds the requested items else if (car->~OverridePriority(requested, amount, requesting_station, best)) best = car; } if (best) return best; // Check cars that are idling at the requesting station if (requesting_station != this) if (best = requesting_station->~GetAvailableCableCar(requested, amount, requesting_station)) return best; return nil; } public func OnCableCarDelivery(object car, id requested, int amount) { // Transfer the requested material to the connected producer if (!connected_building) return; car = car->~GetAttachedVehicle() ?? car; for (var i = 0; i < amount; i++) { var item = car->FindContents(requested); if (!item) break; item->Enter(connected_building); } } /*-- Construction --*/ public func IsHammerBuildable() { return true; } public func ConstructionCombineWith() { return "IsNoCableStationConnected"; } public func ConstructionCombineDirection(object other) { return CONSTRUCTION_STICK_Left | CONSTRUCTION_STICK_Right; } public func ConstructionCombineOffset(proplist other) { if (!other) return; // Make sure the station preview is on the same ground level than the other building var ret = [0, 0]; ret[1] = other->GetObjHeight()/2 - this->GetDefHeight()/2; return ret; } public func CombineWith(object stick_to) { if (!stick_to) return; if (stick_to->~AcceptsCableStationConnection()) { connected_building = stick_to; stick_to->ConnectCableStation(this); SetCableStation(true); CheckStationStatus(); } } /*-- Interaction --*/ // Provides an own interaction menu. public func HasInteractionMenu() { return true; } // Show settings in interaction menu public func GetInteractionMenus(object clonk) { var menus = _inherited(clonk, ...) ?? []; // Crossing settings. var crossing_menu = { title = "$StationSettings$", entries_callback = this.GetSettingsMenuEntries, callback = nil, callback_hover = "OnSettingsHover", callback_target = this, BackgroundColor = RGB(0, 0, 50), Priority = 20 }; PushBack(menus, crossing_menu); // Upgrade options. if (!has_resource_chute) { var upgrade_menu = { title = "$StationUpgrades$", entries_callback = this.GetUpgradeMenuEntries, callback = "OnUpgradeSelected", callback_hover = "OnUpgradeHover", callback_target = this, BackgroundColor = RGB(0, 50, 0), Priority = 40 }; PushBack(menus, upgrade_menu); } return menus; } public func GetSettingsMenuEntries() { var control_prototype = { BackgroundColor = { Std = 0, Selected = RGB(100, 30, 30) }, OnMouseIn = GuiAction_SetTag("Selected"), OnMouseOut = GuiAction_SetTag("Std") }; var custom_entry = { Right = "3em", Bottom = "2em", image = { Prototype = control_prototype } }; var menu_entries = []; // Clickable buttons. var station = new custom_entry { Priority = 1000, Tooltip = "$TooltipToggleStation$", OnClick = GuiAction_Call(this, "ToggleStation", false), image = { Prototype = custom_entry.image } }; station.image.Symbol = CableCrossing_Icons; station.image.GraphicsName = "Station"; PushBack(menu_entries, { symbol = CableCrossing_Icons, extra_data = "Station", custom = station }); var drop_off = new custom_entry { Priority = 1001, Tooltip = "$TooltipToggleDropOff$", OnClick = GuiAction_Call(this, "ToggleDropOff", false), image = { Prototype = custom_entry.image } }; drop_off.image.Symbol = CableCrossing_Icons; drop_off.image.GraphicsName = "DropOff"; PushBack(menu_entries, { symbol = CableCrossing_Icons, extra_data = "DropOff", custom = drop_off }); return menu_entries; } public func OnSettingsHover(symbol, extra_data, desc_menu_target, menu_id) { if (symbol == nil) return; var text = ""; if (extra_data == "Station") text = "$DescToggleStation$"; if (extra_data == "DropOff") text = "$DescToggleDropOff$"; GuiUpdate({Text = text}, menu_id, 1, desc_menu_target); } public func GetUpgradeMenuEntries() { var menu = { Bottom = "2em", entry = { Bottom = "2em", BackgroundColor = { Std = 0, Selected = RGB(100, 30, 30) }, OnMouseIn = GuiAction_SetTag("Selected"), OnMouseOut = GuiAction_SetTag("Std"), right = { Left = "2em + 0.2em", Right = "100% - 0.2em", Text = "$UpgradeChute$", Style = GUI_TextVCenter }, symbol = { Right = "2em", Symbol = CableCrossing_Icons } } }; return [{symbol = CableCrossing_Icons, extra_data = "upgrade", custom = menu}]; } public func OnUpgradeHover(id symbol, string action, desc_menu_target, menu_id) { var text = "$DescUpgradeChute$"; GuiUpdate({Text = text}, menu_id, 1, desc_menu_target); } public func OnUpgradeSelected(id symbol, string action, object cursor) { var hammer = FindObject(Find_Container(cursor), Find_Func("IsConstructor")); if (!hammer) { PlayerMessage(cursor->GetOwner(), "$YouNeedAHammer$"); Sound("UI::Click2", {player = cursor->GetOwner()}); return; } var metal = FindObject(Find_Container(cursor), Find_ID(Metal)); if (!metal) { PlayerMessage(cursor->GetOwner(), "$YouNeedMetal$"); Sound("UI::Click2", {player = cursor->GetOwner()}); return; } metal->RemoveObject(); AddResourceChute(); Sound("Structures::Repair"); UpdateInteractionMenus(); return; } /*-- Resource Chute --*/ public func AddResourceChute() { // TODO: graphics. has_resource_chute = true; AddTimer("CheckResourceChute", 1); return; } public func CheckResourceChute() { if (GetCon() < 100) return; for (var obj in FindObjects(Find_InRect(-4, 3, 13, 13), Find_OCF(OCF_Collectible), Find_NoContainer(), Find_Layer(GetObjectLayer()))) Collect(obj, true); } public func Collection(object obj, bool put) { Sound("Objects::Clonk"); } public func IsContainer() { return has_resource_chute; } local MaxContentsCount = 100; public func RejectCollect() { if (ContentsCount() >= this.MaxContentsCount) return true; return false; } /*-- Settings --*/ public func ToggleStation(bool silent) { SetCableStation(!IsCableStation()); if (!manual_setting) manual_setting = true; if (!silent) Sound("UI::Click2"); CheckStationStatus(); } public func ToggleDropOff(bool silent) { if (!setting_dropoff) { if (!IsCableStation()) ToggleStation(true); setting_dropoff = true; } else { setting_dropoff = false; } if (!silent) Sound("UI::Click2"); CheckStationStatus(); } /*-- Cable Car Management --*/ public func OnCableCarArrival(object car) { // Apply all settings to the arriving car if (setting_dropoff) if (car) car->~DropContents(this); // Save the car PushBack(arrived_cars, car); } public func OnCableCarStopped(object car) { PushBack(arrived_cars, car); } public func OnCableCarDeparture(object car) { RemoveArrayValue(arrived_cars, car, true); } public func OnCableCarEngaged(object car) { PushBack(arrived_cars, car); } public func OnCableCarDisengaged(object car) { RemoveArrayValue(arrived_cars, car, true); } public func OnCableCarDestruction(object car) { RemoveArrayValue(arrived_cars, car, true); } /*-- Visuals --*/ public func CheckStationStatus() { if (IsCableStation()) { // In order of priority if (setting_dropoff) SetMeshMaterial("CableCarStation_SignDropOff", 1); else SetMeshMaterial("CableCarStation_SignStation", 1); } else SetMeshMaterial("CableCarStation_Sign", 1); } local activations = 0; public func CableActivation(int count) { if (activations <= 0) SetAnimationPosition(turn_anim, Anim_Linear(GetAnimationPosition(turn_anim), 0, GetAnimationLength("Engine"), 175, ANIM_Loop)); activations += count; } public func CableDeactivation(int count) { activations -= count; if (activations <= 0) SetAnimationPosition(turn_anim, Anim_Const(GetAnimationPosition(turn_anim))); } public func NoConstructionFlip() { return true; } /*-- Saving --*/ public func SaveScenarioObject(props) { if (!inherited(props, ...)) return false; if (IsCableStation() && manual_setting) props->AddCall("StationSetting", this, "ToggleStation", true); if (!IsCableStation() && manual_setting) props->AddCall("ManualSetting", this, "SetManual"); if (connected_building) props->AddCall("Combination", this, "CombineWith", connected_building); return true; } public func SetManual() { manual_setting = true; return true; } /*-- Properties --*/ local Name = "$Name$"; local BlastIncinerate = 90; local HitPoints = 80; local LineAttach = [6, -9]; local Components = {Metal = 1, Wood = 1}; local ContainBlast = true; local FireproofContainer = true;