/* * OpenClonk, http://www.openclonk.org * * Copyright (c) 1998-2000, 2004-2005, 2007-2008 Matthes Bender * Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Sven Eberhardt * Copyright (c) 2005-2006, 2008-2011 Günther Brammer * Copyright (c) 2005-2006, 2009 Peter Wortmann * Copyright (c) 2009, 2011 Nicolas Hake * Copyright (c) 2010 Benjamin Herr * Copyright (c) 2011 Armin Burgmeier * Copyright (c) 2011 Julius Michaelis * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH, http://www.clonk.de * * Portions might be copyrighted by other authors who have contributed * to OpenClonk. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * See isc_license.txt for full license and disclaimer. * * "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender. * See clonk_trademark_license.txt for full license. */ /* Main class to initialize configuration and execute the game */ #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include #endif #include "C4Game.h" #include #include "C4GraphicsSystem.h" #include "C4GraphicsResource.h" #include "C4MessageInput.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static C4Network2IRCClient ApplicationIRCClient; C4Application::C4Application(): isEditor(false), IRCClient(ApplicationIRCClient), QuitAfterGame(false), CheckForUpdates(false), restartAtEnd(false), pGamePadControl(NULL), AppState(C4AS_None), pGameTimer(NULL) { } C4Application::~C4Application() { // clear gamepad if (pGamePadControl) delete pGamePadControl; // Close log CloseLog(); } bool C4Application::DoInit(int argc, char * argv[]) { assert(AppState == C4AS_None); // Config overwrite by parameter StdStrBuf sConfigFilename; for (int32_t iPar=0; iPar < argc; iPar++) if (SEqual2NoCase(argv[iPar], "--config=")) sConfigFilename.Copy(argv[iPar] + 9); // Config check Config.Init(); Config.Load(sConfigFilename.getData()); Config.Save(); // sometimes, the configuration can become corrupted due to loading errors or w/e // check this and reset defaults if necessary if (Config.IsCorrupted()) { if (sConfigFilename) { // custom config corrupted: Fail Log("ERROR: Custom configuration corrupted - program abort!\n"); return false; } else { // default config corrupted: Restore default Log("Warning: Configuration corrupted - restoring default!\n"); Config.Default(); Config.Save(); Config.Load(); } } // Init C4Group C4Group_SetProcessCallback(&ProcessCallback); C4Group_SetTempPath(Config.General.TempPath.getData()); C4Group_SetSortList(C4CFN_FLS); // Open log OpenLog(); Revision.Ref(C4REVISION); // Initialize game data paths Reloc.Init(); // init system group if (!Reloc.Open(SystemGroup, C4CFN_System)) { // Error opening system group - no LogFatal, because it needs language table. // This will *not* use the FatalErrors stack, but this will cause the game // to instantly halt, anyway. const char *szMessage = "Error opening system group file (System.ocg)!"; Log(szMessage); // Fatal error, game cannot start - have player notice MessageDialog(szMessage); return false; } // Parse command line ParseCommandLine(argc, argv); // Init external language packs Languages.Init(); // Load language string table if (!Languages.LoadLanguage(Config.General.LanguageEx)) // No language table was loaded - bad luck... if (!IsResStrTableLoaded()) Log("WARNING: No language string table loaded!"); #if defined(WIN32) && defined(WITH_AUTOMATIC_UPDATE) // Windows: handle incoming updates directly, even before starting up the gui // because updates will be applied in the console anyway. if (Application.IncomingUpdate) if (C4UpdateDlg::ApplyUpdate(Application.IncomingUpdate.getData(), false, NULL)) return true; #endif // Fixup resolution if (!Config.Graphics.Windowed) ApplyResolutionConstraints(); // activate Active=true; // Init carrier window if (!isEditor) { if (!(pWindow = FullScreen.Init(this))) { Clear(); ShowGfxErrorDialog(); return false; } } else { if (!(pWindow = Console.Init(this))) { Clear(); return false; } } // init timers (needs window) Add(pGameTimer = new C4ApplicationGameTimer()); // Engine header message Log(C4ENGINEINFOLONG); LogF("Version: %s %s (%s)", C4VERSION, C4_OS, Revision.getData()); // Initialize D3D/OpenGL bool success = DDrawInit(this, !!isEditor, false, GetConfigWidth(), GetConfigHeight(), Config.Graphics.BitDepth, Config.Graphics.Engine, Config.Graphics.Monitor); if (!success) { LogFatal(LoadResStr("IDS_ERR_DDRAW")); Clear(); ShowGfxErrorDialog(); return false; } if (!isEditor) { if (!SetVideoMode(Application.GetConfigWidth(), Application.GetConfigHeight(), Config.Graphics.BitDepth, Config.Graphics.RefreshRate, Config.Graphics.Monitor, !Config.Graphics.Windowed)) pWindow->SetSize(Config.Graphics.WindowX, Config.Graphics.WindowY); } // Initialize gamepad if (!pGamePadControl && Config.General.GamepadEnabled) pGamePadControl = new C4GamePadControl(); AppState = C4AS_PreInit; return true; } void C4Application::ClearCommandLine() { *Game.PlayerFilenames = 0; Game.StartupPlayerCount = 0; } void C4Application::ParseCommandLine(int argc, char * argv[]) { StdStrBuf CmdLine("Command line:"); for(int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { CmdLine.Append(" "); CmdLine.Append(argv[i]); } Log(CmdLine.getData()); ClearCommandLine(); Game.NetworkActive = false; isEditor = 2; int c; while (1) { static struct option long_options[] = { // option, w/ argument?, set directly, set to... {"editor", no_argument, &isEditor, 1}, {"fullscreen", no_argument, &isEditor, 0}, {"debugwait", no_argument, &Game.DebugWait, 1}, {"update", no_argument, &CheckForUpdates, 1}, {"noruntimejoin", no_argument, &Config.Network.NoRuntimeJoin, 1}, {"runtimejoin", no_argument, &Config.Network.NoRuntimeJoin, 0}, {"noleague", no_argument, &Config.Network.LeagueServerSignUp, 0}, {"league", no_argument, &Config.Network.LeagueServerSignUp, 1}, {"nosignup", no_argument, &Config.Network.MasterServerSignUp, 0}, {"signup", no_argument, &Config.Network.MasterServerSignUp, 1}, {"client", required_argument, 0, 'c'}, {"host", no_argument, 0, 'h'}, {"debughost", required_argument, 0, 'H'}, {"debugpass", required_argument, 0, 'P'}, {"debug", required_argument, 0, 'D'}, {"data", required_argument, 0, 'd'}, {"startup", required_argument, 0, 's'}, {"stream", required_argument, 0, 'e'}, {"recdump", required_argument, 0, 'R'}, {"comment", required_argument, 0, 'm'}, {"pass", required_argument, 0, 'p'}, {"udpport", required_argument, 0, 'u'}, {"tcpport", required_argument, 0, 't'}, {"join", required_argument, 0, 'j'}, {"language", required_argument, 0, 'L'}, {"observe", no_argument, 0, 'o'}, {"nonetwork", no_argument, 0, 'N'}, {"network", no_argument, 0, 'n'}, {"record", no_argument, 0, 'r'}, {"lobby", required_argument, 0, 'l'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; int option_index = 0; c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "abc:d:f:", long_options, &option_index); // no more options if (c == -1) break; switch (c) { case 0: // Signup if (SEqualNoCase(long_options[option_index].name, "signup")) { Game.NetworkActive = true; } // League if (SEqualNoCase(long_options[option_index].name, "league")) { Game.NetworkActive = true; Config.Network.MasterServerSignUp = true; } break; // Lobby case 'l': Game.fLobby = true; // lobby timeout specified? (e.g. --lobby=120) if (optarg) { Game.iLobbyTimeout = atoi(optarg); if (Game.iLobbyTimeout < 0) Game.iLobbyTimeout = 0; } break; case 'o': Game.fObserve = true; break; // Direct join case 'j': Game.NetworkActive = true; SCopy(optarg, Game.DirectJoinAddress, _MAX_PATH); break; case 'r': Game.Record = true; break; case 'n': Game.NetworkActive = true; break; case 'N': Game.NetworkActive = false; break; // Language override by parameter case 'L': SCopy(optarg, Config.General.LanguageEx, CFG_MaxString); // port overrides case 't': Config.Network.PortTCP = atoi(optarg); break; case 'u': Config.Network.PortUDP = atoi(optarg); break; // network game password case 'p': Network.SetPassword(optarg); break; // network game comment case 'm': Config.Network.Comment.CopyValidated(optarg); break; // record dump case 'R': Game.RecordDumpFile.Copy(optarg); break; // record stream case 'e': Game.RecordStream.Copy(optarg); break; // startup start screen case 's': C4Startup::SetStartScreen(optarg); break; // additional read-only data path case 'd': Reloc.AddPath(optarg); break; // debug options case 'D': Game.DebugPort = atoi(optarg); break; case 'P': Game.DebugPassword = optarg; break; case 'H': Game.DebugHost = optarg; break; // debug configs case 'h': Game.NetworkActive = true; Game.fLobby = true; Config.Network.PortTCP = 11112; Config.Network.PortUDP = 11113; Config.Network.MasterServerSignUp = Config.Network.LeagueServerSignUp = false; break; case 'c': Game.NetworkActive = true; SCopy("localhost", Game.DirectJoinAddress, _MAX_PATH); Game.fLobby = true; Config.Network.PortTCP = 11112 + 2*(atoi(optarg)+1); Config.Network.PortUDP = 11113 + 2*(atoi(optarg)+1); break; case '?': /* getopt_long already printed an error message. */ break; default: assert(!"unexpected getopt_long return value"); } } if (!Config.Network.MasterServerSignUp) Config.Network.LeagueServerSignUp = false; if (Game.fObserve || Game.fLobby) Game.NetworkActive = true; while (optind < argc) { char * szParameter = argv[optind++]; { // Strip trailing / that result from tab-completing unpacked c4groups int iLen = SLen(szParameter); if (iLen > 5 && szParameter[iLen-1] == '/' && szParameter[iLen-5] == '.' && szParameter[iLen-4] == 'o' && szParameter[iLen-3] == 'c') { szParameter[iLen-1] = '\0'; } } // Scenario file if (SEqualNoCase(GetExtension(szParameter),"ocs")) { if(IsGlobalPath(szParameter)) Game.SetScenarioFilename(szParameter); else Game.SetScenarioFilename((std::string(GetWorkingDirectory()) + DirSep + szParameter).c_str()); continue; } if (SEqualNoCase(GetFilename(szParameter),"scenario.txt")) { Game.SetScenarioFilename(szParameter); continue; } // Player file if (SEqualNoCase(GetExtension(szParameter),"ocp")) { if(IsGlobalPath(szParameter)) SAddModule(Game.PlayerFilenames, szParameter); else SAddModule(Game.PlayerFilenames, (std::string(GetWorkingDirectory()) + DirSep + szParameter).c_str()); continue; } // Definition file if (SEqualNoCase(GetExtension(szParameter),"ocd")) { SAddModule(Game.DefinitionFilenames,szParameter); continue; } // Key file if (SEqualNoCase(GetExtension(szParameter),"c4k")) { Application.IncomingKeyfile.Copy(szParameter); continue; } // Update file if (SEqualNoCase(GetExtension(szParameter),"ocu")) { Application.IncomingUpdate.Copy(szParameter); continue; } // record stream if (SEqualNoCase(GetExtension(szParameter),"c4r")) { Game.RecordStream.Copy(szParameter); } // Direct join by URL if (SEqual2NoCase(szParameter, "clonk:")) { // Store address SCopy(szParameter + 6, Game.DirectJoinAddress, _MAX_PATH); SClearFrontBack(Game.DirectJoinAddress, '/'); // Special case: if the target address is "update" then this is used for update initiation by url if (SEqualNoCase(Game.DirectJoinAddress, "update")) { Application.CheckForUpdates = true; Game.DirectJoinAddress[0] = 0; continue; } // Self-enable network Game.NetworkActive = true; continue; } } // Default to editor if scenario given, player mode otherwise if (isEditor == 2) isEditor = !!*Game.ScenarioFilename && !Config.General.OpenScenarioInGameMode; // Determine startup player count Game.StartupPlayerCount = SModuleCount(Game.PlayerFilenames); // record? Game.Record = Game.Record || (Config.Network.LeagueServerSignUp && Game.NetworkActive); // startup dialog required? QuitAfterGame = !isEditor && Game.HasScenario(); } void C4Application::ApplyResolutionConstraints() { // Not changing the resolution always works anyway if (Config.Graphics.ResX == -1 && Config.Graphics.ResY == -1) return; // Enumerate display modes int32_t idx = -1, iXRes, iYRes, iBitDepth, iRefreshRate; int32_t best_match = -1; uint32_t best_delta = ~0; while (GetIndexedDisplayMode(++idx, &iXRes, &iYRes, &iBitDepth, &iRefreshRate, Config.Graphics.Monitor)) { if (iBitDepth != Config.Graphics.BitDepth) continue; uint32_t delta = std::abs(Config.Graphics.ResX*Config.Graphics.ResY - iXRes*iYRes); if (!delta && iBitDepth == Config.Graphics.BitDepth && iRefreshRate == Config.Graphics.RefreshRate) return; // Exactly the expected mode if (delta < best_delta) { // Better match than before best_match = idx; best_delta = delta; } } if (best_match != -1) { // Apply next-best mode GetIndexedDisplayMode(best_match, &iXRes, &iYRes, &iBitDepth, &iRefreshRate, Config.Graphics.Monitor); if (iXRes != Config.Graphics.ResX || iYRes != Config.Graphics.ResY) // Don't warn if only bit depth changes // Also, lang table not loaded yet LogF("Warning: The selected resolution %dx%d is not available and has been changed to %dx%d.", Config.Graphics.ResX, Config.Graphics.ResY, iXRes, iYRes); Config.Graphics.ResX = iXRes; Config.Graphics.ResY = iYRes; Config.Graphics.BitDepth = iBitDepth; Config.Graphics.RefreshRate = iRefreshRate; } } bool C4Application::PreInit() { // startup dialog: Only use if no next mission has been provided bool fUseStartupDialog = !Game.HasScenario(); // Startup message board if (!isEditor) if (Config.Graphics.ShowStartupMessages || Game.NetworkActive) { C4Facet cgo; cgo.Set(FullScreen.pSurface,0,0,C4GUI::GetScreenWdt(), C4GUI::GetScreenHgt()); GraphicsSystem.MessageBoard.Init(cgo,true); } Game.SetInitProgress(0.0f); // init loader: Black screen for first start if a video is to be shown; otherwise default spec if (fUseStartupDialog && !isEditor) { if (!::GraphicsSystem.InitLoaderScreen(C4CFN_StartupBackgroundMain)) { LogFatal(LoadResStr("IDS_PRC_ERRLOADER")); return false; } } Game.SetInitProgress(fUseStartupDialog ? 10.0f : 1.0f); if (!Game.PreInit()) return false; // Music if (!MusicSystem.Init("Frontend.*")) Log(LoadResStr("IDS_PRC_NOMUSIC")); // Play some music! if (fUseStartupDialog && !isEditor && Config.Sound.FEMusic) MusicSystem.Play(); Game.SetInitProgress(fUseStartupDialog ? 34.0f : 2.0f); // Sound if (!SoundSystem.Init()) Log(LoadResStr("IDS_PRC_NOSND")); Game.SetInitProgress(fUseStartupDialog ? 35.0f : 3.0f); if (fUseStartupDialog) { AppState = C4AS_Startup; // default record? Game.Record = Game.Record || Config.General.DefRec; // if no scenario or direct join has been specified, get game startup parameters by startup dialog if (!isEditor) C4Startup::InitStartup(); } // directly launch scenario / network game else { AppState = C4AS_StartGame; } return true; } bool C4Application::ProcessCallback(const char *szMessage, int iProcess) { Console.Out(szMessage); return true; } void C4Application::Clear() { Game.Clear(); NextMission.Clear(); // stop timer Remove(pGameTimer); delete pGameTimer; pGameTimer = NULL; // quit irc IRCClient.Close(); // close system group (System.ocg) SystemGroup.Close(); // Log if (IsResStrTableLoaded()) // Avoid (double and undefined) message on (second?) shutdown... Log(LoadResStr("IDS_PRC_DEINIT")); // Clear external language packs and string table Languages.Clear(); Languages.ClearLanguage(); // gamepad clear if (pGamePadControl) { delete pGamePadControl; pGamePadControl=NULL; } // music system clear MusicSystem.Clear(); SoundSystem.Clear(); RestoreVideoMode(); // Clear direct draw (late, because it's needed for e.g. Log) if (pDraw) { delete pDraw; pDraw=NULL; } // Close window FullScreen.Clear(); Console.Clear(); // The very final stuff C4AbstractApp::Clear(); } void C4Application::Quit() { // Participants should not be cleared for usual startup dialog //Config.General.Participants[0] = 0; // Save config if there was no loading error if (Config.fConfigLoaded) Config.Save(); // make sure startup data is unloaded C4Startup::Unload(); // fonts are loaded at start and never unloaded ::GraphicsResource.ClearFonts(); // quit app C4AbstractApp::Quit(); AppState = C4AS_Quit; } void C4Application::OpenGame(const char * scenario) { if (AppState == C4AS_Startup) { if (scenario) Game.SetScenarioFilename(scenario); AppState = C4AS_StartGame; } else { SetNextMission(scenario); AppState = C4AS_AfterGame; } } void C4Application::QuitGame() { // reinit desired? Do restart if (!QuitAfterGame || NextMission) { AppState = C4AS_AfterGame; } else { Quit(); } } void C4Application::GameTick() { // Exec depending on game state switch (AppState) { case C4AS_None: assert(AppState != C4AS_None); break; case C4AS_Quit: // Do nothing, the main loop will exit soon break; case C4AS_PreInit: if (!PreInit()) Quit(); break; case C4AS_Startup: // wait for the user to start a game break; case C4AS_StartGame: // immediate progress to next state; OpenGame will enter HandleMessage-loops in startup and lobby! C4Startup::CloseStartup(); AppState = C4AS_Game; // first-time game initialization if (!Game.Init()) { // set error flag (unless this was a lobby user abort) if (!C4GameLobby::UserAbort) Game.fQuitWithError = true; // no start: Regular QuitGame; this may reset the engine to startup mode if desired QuitGame(); break; } if(Config.Graphics.Windowed == 2 && FullScreenMode()) Application.SetVideoMode(GetConfigWidth(), GetConfigHeight(), Config.Graphics.BitDepth, Config.Graphics.RefreshRate, Config.Graphics.Monitor, true); break; case C4AS_AfterGame: // stop game Game.Clear(); if(Config.Graphics.Windowed == 2 && !NextMission && !isEditor) Application.SetVideoMode(GetConfigWidth(), GetConfigHeight(), Config.Graphics.BitDepth, Config.Graphics.RefreshRate, Config.Graphics.Monitor, false); AppState = C4AS_PreInit; // if a next mission is desired, set to start it if (NextMission) { Game.SetScenarioFilename(NextMission.getData()); Game.fLobby = Game.NetworkActive; Game.fObserve = false; NextMission.Clear(); } break; case C4AS_Game: // Game if (Game.IsRunning) Game.Execute(); Game.DoSkipFrame = false; // Sound SoundSystem.Execute(); // Gamepad if (pGamePadControl) pGamePadControl->Execute(); break; } } void C4Application::Draw() { // Graphics if (!Game.DoSkipFrame) { // Fullscreen mode if (!isEditor) FullScreen.Execute(); // Console mode else Console.Execute(); } } void C4Application::SetGameTickDelay(int iDelay) { if (!pGameTimer) return; pGameTimer->SetGameTickDelay(iDelay); } void C4Application::OnResolutionChanged(unsigned int iXRes, unsigned int iYRes) { // notify game if (pDraw) { Game.OnResolutionChanged(iXRes, iYRes); pDraw->OnResolutionChanged(iXRes, iYRes); } if (pWindow) { if (pWindow->pSurface) pWindow->pSurface->UpdateSize(iXRes, iYRes); if (!FullScreenMode()) { C4Rect r; pWindow->GetSize(&r); Config.Graphics.WindowX = r.Wdt; Config.Graphics.WindowY = r.Hgt; } } } void C4Application::OnKeyboardLayoutChanged() { // re-resolve all keys Game.OnKeyboardLayoutChanged(); if (AppState == C4AS_Startup) C4Startup::Get()->OnKeyboardLayoutChanged(); } bool C4Application::SetGameFont(const char *szFontFace, int32_t iFontSize) { #ifndef USE_CONSOLE // safety if (!szFontFace || !*szFontFace || iFontSize<1 || SLen(szFontFace)>=static_cast(sizeof Config.General.RXFontName)) return false; // first, check if the selected font can be created at all // check regular font only - there's no reason why the other fonts couldn't be created CStdFont TestFont; if (!::FontLoader.InitFont(&TestFont, szFontFace, C4FontLoader::C4FT_Main, iFontSize, &::GraphicsResource.Files)) return false; // OK; reinit all fonts StdStrBuf sOldFont; sOldFont.Copy(Config.General.RXFontName); int32_t iOldFontSize = Config.General.RXFontSize; SCopy(szFontFace, Config.General.RXFontName); Config.General.RXFontSize = iFontSize; if (!::GraphicsResource.InitFonts() || !C4Startup::Get()->Graphics.InitFonts()) { // failed :o // shouldn't happen. Better restore config. SCopy(sOldFont.getData(), Config.General.RXFontName); Config.General.RXFontSize = iOldFontSize; return false; } #endif // save changes return true; } void C4Application::OnCommand(const char *szCmd) { // reroute to whatever seems to take commands at the moment if (AppState == C4AS_Game) ::MessageInput.ProcessInput(szCmd); } void C4Application::Activate() { #ifdef USE_WIN32_WINDOWS // Activate the application to regain focus if it has been lost during loading. // As this is officially not possible any more in new versions of Windows // (BringWindowTopTop alone won't have any effect if the calling process is // not in the foreground itself), we are using an ugly OS hack. DWORD nForeThread = GetWindowThreadProcessId(GetForegroundWindow(), 0); DWORD nAppThread = GetCurrentThreadId(); if (nForeThread != nAppThread) { AttachThreadInput(nForeThread, nAppThread, true); BringWindowToTop(FullScreen.hWindow); ShowWindow(FullScreen.hWindow, SW_SHOW); AttachThreadInput(nForeThread, nAppThread, false); } else { BringWindowToTop(FullScreen.hWindow); ShowWindow(FullScreen.hWindow, SW_SHOW); } #endif } void C4Application::SetNextMission(const char *szMissionFilename) { // set next mission if any is desired if (szMissionFilename) { NextMission.Copy(szMissionFilename); // scenarios tend to use the wrong slash SReplaceChar(NextMission.getMData(), AltDirectorySeparator, DirectorySeparator); } else NextMission.Clear(); } void C4Application::NextTick() { if (!pGameTimer) return; pGameTimer->Set(); } bool C4Application::FullScreenMode() { if(isEditor) return false; if(!Config.Graphics.Windowed) return true; if(Config.Graphics.Windowed == 2 && Game.IsRunning) return true; return false; } // *** C4ApplicationGameTimer C4ApplicationGameTimer::C4ApplicationGameTimer() : CStdMultimediaTimerProc(26), iLastGameTick(0), iGameTickDelay(0) { } void C4ApplicationGameTimer::SetGameTickDelay(uint32_t iDelay) { // Smaller than minimum refresh delay? if (iDelay < uint32_t(Config.Graphics.MaxRefreshDelay)) { // Set critical timer SetDelay(iDelay); // No additional breaking needed iGameTickDelay = 0; } else { // Set critical timer SetDelay(Config.Graphics.MaxRefreshDelay); // Slow down game tick iGameTickDelay = iDelay; } } bool C4ApplicationGameTimer::Execute(int iTimeout, pollfd *) { // Check timer and reset if (!CheckAndReset()) return true; unsigned int Now = GetTime(); // Execute if (Now >= iLastGameTick + iGameTickDelay || Game.GameGo) { if(iGameTickDelay) iLastGameTick += iGameTickDelay; else iLastGameTick = Now; // Compensate if things get too slow if (Now > iLastGameTick + iGameTickDelay) iLastGameTick += (Now - iLastGameTick) / 2; Application.GameTick(); } // Draw always Application.Draw(); return true; } bool C4ApplicationGameTimer::IsLowPriority() { return true; }