SetPlrView Player View CP bool int player Player whose view distance to want to set. object obj Object to which to want to set the view. Centers a player's view to the specified object. The view will follow this object until the next player command. local oFeind; // TimerCall eines automatischen Aussichtsturms protected func Timer() { // Bereits einen Feind gefunden? if(!oFeind) { // Alarm schlagen? while(oAlarm = FindObject(0, -100, -100, 200, 200, OCF_CrewMember(), 0, 0, 0, oAlarm)) if(Hostile(GetOwner(oAlarm), GetOwner())) { // Ein feindlicher Clonk! SetPlrView(GetOwner(), oAlarm); Sound("Bing"); break; } } else { if(ObjectDistance(oFeind) < 120) { // Noch einige ständige Effekte bei Alarm Sound("Bing"); Message("!!! FEIND !!!"); } else { // wenn er sich entfernt: Alarm beenden oFeind = 0; } } } Automatic watch tower: if an enemy clonk gets near the tower the player's view will be set to the attacker. Also, a sound is played and a message is popped up while the enemy is in range. GetPlrView GetPlrViewMode SetPlrViewRange SetFoW PeterW2003-04