#appendto #appendto With #appendto, you can modify an existing object defintion script without changing the original file. For example, a scenario could change flints to cause bigger explosions, without having to duplicate the entire flint in the scenario. Declaration #appendto [id] A script can append itself to one or multiple existing scripts using the #appendto directive. Functions of the same name will overload functions in the target script. The original overloaded functions can still be called using inherited. #included scripts are not appended with #append, but #appended scripts are included by #include. #appendto * Appending to * will append this script to all definitions. A script can contain multiple #appendto directives. It is always compiled with the original script. This is of interest whenever local variables or functions from the appended script are used. Sven22002-04 matthes2004-06 Günther2006-01