/** Windbag Automatically collects air when it is full which can be released into a blast. @author MimmoO, Maikel */ local fill_amount; protected func Initialize() { SetR(-45); AddEffect("IntReload", this, 100, 1, this); return; } protected func Hit() { Sound("GeneralHit?"); return; } public func GetCarryMode(clonk) { return CARRY_Musket; } public func GetCarryTransform() { return Trans_Mul(Trans_Rotate(220, 0, 0, 1), Trans_Rotate(-30, 1, 0, 0), Trans_Rotate(26, 0, 1, 0)); } public func GetCarryPhase() { return 600; } public func IsInventorProduct() { return true; } /*-- Usage --*/ protected func ControlUse(object clonk, x, y) { if (clonk->GetProcedure() == "ATTACH") return true; if (!GetEffect("IntReload", this) && !GetEffect("IntBurstWind", this)) { if (!GBackLiquid()) BlastWind(clonk, x, y); return true; } clonk->Message("$MsgReloading$"); return true; } /*-- Loading --*/ public func DoFullLoad() { fill_amount = MaxIntake; return; } public func FxIntReloadStart(object target, proplist effect, int temp) { if (temp) return FX_OK; effect.Interval = 1; effect.sound = false; return FX_OK; } public func FxIntReloadTimer(object target, proplist effect, int time) { if (fill_amount > MaxIntake) return FX_Execute_Kill; if (GBackSolid(0,0) || GBackLiquid(0,0)) { if (effect.sound) { Sound("WindCharge", false, nil, nil, -1); Sound("WindChargeStop"); effect.sound = false; } return FX_OK; } var radius = RandomX(12, 24); var angle = Random(360); var angle_var = RandomX(-25, 25); var x = Sin(angle + angle_var, radius); var y = Cos(angle + angle_var, radius); // Check for a spot of air from which to take the air in. if (!GBackSolid(x, y) && !GBackLiquid(x, y) && !GBackSolid(0, 0) && !GBackLiquid(0, 0)) { if (!effect.sound) { Sound("WindCharge", false, nil, nil, 1); effect.sound = true; } // Particles from the point where the air is sucked in. var air = { Prototype = Particles_Air(), Size = PV_KeyFrames(0, 0, 0, 250, 3, 1000, 0) }; CreateParticle("Air", x, y, -2 * x / 3, -2 * y / 3, 15, air); // Increase the fill amount proportional to the number of frames. fill_amount += effect.Interval; } return FX_OK; } public func FxIntReloadStop(object target, proplist effect, int reason, bool temp) { if (temp) return FX_OK; if (effect.sound) { Sound("WindCharge", false, nil, nil, -1); Sound("WindChargeStop"); } return FX_OK; } /*-- Blasting --*/ private func BlastWind(object clonk, int x, int y) { if (fill_amount <= 0) { fill_amount = 0; AddEffect("IntReload", this, 100, 1, this); return; } // The blast is handled by an effect. AddEffect("IntBurstWind", this, 100, 1, this, nil, clonk, x, y); return; } public func FxIntBurstWindStart(object target, proplist effect, int temp, object clonk, int x, int y) { if (temp) return FX_OK; effect.Interval = 1; effect.clonk = clonk; effect.x = clonk->GetX(); effect.y = clonk->GetY(); effect.angle = Angle(0, 0, x, y); // Sound effect. Sound("WindGust"); // Particle effect. for (var dr = 12; dr < 32; dr++) { var r = RandomX(-20, 20); var sx = Sin(effect.angle + r, dr / 2); var sy = -Cos(effect.angle + r, dr / 2); var vx = Sin(effect.angle + r, 2 * fill_amount / 3 + 12); var vy = -Cos(effect.angle + r, 2 * fill_amount / 3 + 12); if (!GBackSolid(sx, sy)) CreateParticle("Air", sx, sy, vx, vy, 36, Particles_Air()); } // Make a timer call for the instant movement effect. FxIntBurstWindTimer(target, effect, 0); return FX_OK; } public func FxIntBurstWindTimer(object target, proplist effect, int time) { var real_time = time + 1; if (real_time > 8) return FX_Execute_Kill; // Determine blast strength. var vx = Sin(effect.angle, 20 * fill_amount + 150); var vy = -Cos(effect.angle, 20 * fill_amount + 150); // Change the velocity of the shooter. if (effect.clonk && effect.clonk->GetAction() != "Walk") { var cx = effect.clonk->GetXDir(100); var cy = effect.clonk->GetYDir(100); effect.clonk->SetXDir(cx - vx / (8 * real_time), 100); effect.clonk->SetYDir(cy - vy / (8 * real_time), 100); } // Move other objects in a cone around the burst direction. var criteria = Find_And(Find_Not(Find_Category(C4D_Structure)), Find_Not(Find_Func("IsEnvironment")), Find_Not(Find_Func("NoWindbagForce")), Find_Layer(GetObjectLayer()), Find_NoContainer(), Find_Exclude(effect.clonk), Find_PathFree(effect.clonk)); var dist = 14 + 9 * real_time / 2; var rad = 8 + 8 * real_time / 3; var cone_x = Sin(effect.angle, dist); var cone_y = -Cos(effect.angle, dist); var vx_cone = vx / 6; var vy_cone = vy / 6; //DrawParticleRing(rad, cone_x + AbsX(effect.x), cone_y + AbsY(effect.y)); for (var obj in FindObjects(Find_Distance(rad, cone_x + AbsX(effect.x), cone_y + AbsY(effect.y)), criteria)) { var ox = obj->GetXDir(100); var oy = obj->GetYDir(100); var vx_cone_reduced = vx_cone / 2 + vx_cone / (2 * Max(1, obj->GetMass() / 4)); var vy_cone_reduced = vy_cone / 2 + vy_cone / (2 * Max(1, obj->GetMass() / 4)); obj->SetXDir(ox + vx_cone_reduced, 100); obj->SetYDir(oy + vy_cone_reduced, 100); } return FX_OK; } public func FxIntBurstWindStop(object target, proplist effect, int reason, bool temp) { if (temp) return FX_OK; // Reset the fill amount and start reloading. fill_amount = 0; AddEffect("IntReload", target, 100, 1, target); return FX_OK; } public func DrawParticleRing(int r, int x, int y) { for (var angle = 0; angle < 360; angle += 15) CreateParticle("SphereSpark", x + Cos(angle, r), y + Sin(angle, r), 0, 0, 36, { Size = 2 }); return; } /*-- Properties --*/ protected func Definition(def) { SetProperty("PictureTransformation", Trans_Mul(Trans_Scale(1500), Trans_Rotate(150, 0, 0, 1), Trans_Rotate(-170, 1, 0, 0), Trans_Rotate(10, 0, 1, 0)), def); } local Name = "$Name$"; local Description = "$Description$"; local UsageHelp = "$UsageHelp$"; local Collectible = 1; local Rebuy = true; local MaxIntake = 30;