/*-- Definition.c Authors: Maikel Functions generally applicable to definitions. --*/ static GetDefinition_Loaded_Definition_List; // Returns the definition or nil if par is a string and the definition exists. // See the documentation for the case when par is an integer. global func GetDefinition(par) { // Overload behavior when par is a string. if (GetType(par) == C4V_String) { if (GetDefinition_Loaded_Definition_List == nil) { // Fill the static list of definitions when it has not been generated yet. GetDefinition_Loaded_Definition_List = {}; var i = 0, def; while (def = GetDefinition(i++)) GetDefinition_Loaded_Definition_List[Format("%i", def)] = def; } // Return the definition if in the list and nil otherwise. return GetDefinition_Loaded_Definition_List[par]; } return _inherited(par, ...); }