/* * OpenClonk, http://www.openclonk.org * * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH, http://www.clonk.de/ * Copyright (c) 2013, The OpenClonk Team and contributors * * Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file * "COPYING" for details. * * "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission. * See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details. * * To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts * for the above references. */ /* Editor windows using Qt*/ #include "C4Include.h" #include "editor/C4ConsoleQtState.h" #include "editor/C4ConsoleQtDefinitionListViewer.h" #include "editor/C4ConsoleQtObjectListViewer.h" #include "editor/C4Console.h" #include "editor/C4ConsoleGUI.h" #include "landscape/C4Texture.h" #include "landscape/C4Landscape.h" #include "C4Version.h" #include "editor/C4ConsoleQt.h" void C4ConsoleGUI::OnStartGame() { // Welcome screen made invisible on first game load state->HideWelcomeScreen(); } void C4ConsoleGUI::Execute() { state->Execute(); } void C4ConsoleGUI::SetCursor(C4ConsoleGUI::Cursor cursor) { } void C4ConsoleGUI::RecordingEnabled() { if (Active) state->SetRecording(true); // TODO this is never reset. Noone uses it anyway... } void C4ConsoleGUI::ShowAboutWithCopyright(StdStrBuf ©right) { QMessageBox::about(state->window.get(), QString(LoadResStr("IDS_MENU_ABOUT")), QString(copyright.getData())); } bool C4ConsoleGUI::UpdateModeCtrls(int iMode) { if (!Active) return false; state->SetEditCursorMode(iMode); return true; } void C4ConsoleGUI::AddNetMenu() { if (Active) state->SetNetEnabled(true); } void C4ConsoleGUI::ClearNetMenu() { if (Active) state->ClearNetMenu(); } void C4ConsoleGUI::AddNetMenuItemForPlayer(int32_t client_id, const char *text, C4ConsoleGUI::ClientOperation op) { if (Active) state->AddNetMenuItem(client_id, text, op); } void C4ConsoleGUI::ClearPlayerMenu() { if (Active) state->ClearPlayerMenu(); } void C4ConsoleGUI::SetInputFunctions(std::list &functions) { if (Active) state->SetInputFunctions(functions); } C4Window* C4ConsoleGUI::CreateConsoleWindow(C4AbstractApp *application) { if (!state->CreateConsoleWindow(application)) return NULL; Active = true; EnableControls(fGameOpen); return this; } void C4ConsoleGUI::Out(const char* message) { // Log text: Add to log window if (state->window.get()) { // Append text state->ui.logView->append(QString(message)); // Scroll to end to display it QScrollBar *sb = state->ui.logView->verticalScrollBar(); if (sb) sb->setValue(sb->maximum()); state->Redraw(); } } bool C4ConsoleGUI::ClearLog() { // Empty log window if (!Active) return false; state->ui.logView->clear(); return true; } void C4ConsoleGUI::DisplayInfoText(InfoTextType type, StdStrBuf& text) { QLabel *target = NULL; switch (type) { case CONSOLE_Cursor: target = state->status_cursor; break; case CONSOLE_FrameCounter: target = state->status_framecounter; break; case CONSOLE_TimeFPS: target = state->status_timefps; break; } if (!target) return; target->setText(text.getData()); } void C4ConsoleGUI::SetCaptionToFileName(const char* file_name) { /* This is never even called? */ } bool C4ConsoleGUI::FileSelect(StdStrBuf *sFilename, const char * szFilter, DWORD dwFlags, bool fSave) { // Prepare filters from double-zero-terminated list to ";;"-separated list in Qt format QString filter="", selected_filter, filename; QStringList filenames; bool has_multi = (dwFlags & OpenFileFlags::OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT); if (szFilter) { while (*szFilter) { if (filter.length() > 0) filter.append(";;"); filter.append(szFilter); szFilter += strlen(szFilter) + 1; if (*szFilter) { filter.append(" ("); filter.append(szFilter); filter.append(")"); szFilter += strlen(szFilter) + 1; } if (selected_filter.length() <= 0) selected_filter = filter; } } #ifdef USE_WIN32_WINDOWS // cwd backup size_t l = GetCurrentDirectoryW(0, 0); std::unique_ptr wd(new wchar_t[l]); GetCurrentDirectoryW(l, wd.get()); #endif // Show dialogue if (fSave) filename = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(state->window.get(), LoadResStr("IDS_DLG_SAVE"), QString(), filter, &selected_filter); else if (!has_multi) filename = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(state->window.get(), LoadResStr("IDS_DLG_OPEN"), QString(), filter); else filenames = QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(state->window.get(), LoadResStr("IDS_DLG_OPEN"), QString(), filter, &selected_filter); #ifdef USE_WIN32_WINDOWS // Restore cwd; may have been changed in open/save dialogue SetCurrentDirectoryW(wd.get()); #endif // Process multi vs single file select if (has_multi) { // Multi-select: Return double-zero-terminated string list if (!filenames.length()) return false; for (auto fn : filenames) { sFilename->Append(fn.toUtf8()); sFilename->AppendChar('\0'); } return true; } // Cancelled? if (filename.length() <= 0) return false; // File selected! sFilename->Copy(filename.toUtf8()); sFilename->AppendChar('\0'); return true; } void C4ConsoleGUI::AddMenuItemForPlayer(C4Player *player, StdStrBuf& player_text) { // Add "new viewport for X" to window menu if (Active) state->AddPlayerViewportMenuItem(player->Number, player_text.getData()); } void C4ConsoleGUI::AddKickPlayerMenuItem(C4Player *player, StdStrBuf& player_text, bool enabled) { // Add "kick X" to player menu if (Active) state->AddKickPlayerMenuItem(player->Number, player_text.getData(), enabled); } void C4ConsoleGUI::ClearViewportMenu() { // Remove all "new viewport for X" entries from window menu if (Active) state->ClearViewportMenu(); } bool C4ConsoleGUI::Message(const char *message, bool query) { // Show a message through Qt if (query) { auto result = QMessageBox::question(state->window.get(), C4ENGINECAPTION, message, QMessageBox::StandardButton::Ok | QMessageBox::StandardButton::Cancel); return (result == QMessageBox::StandardButton::Ok); } else { QMessageBox::information(state->window.get(), C4ENGINECAPTION, message, QMessageBox::StandardButton::Ok); return true; } } void C4ConsoleGUI::DoEnableControls(bool fEnable) { if (!Active) return; state->SetEnabled(fEnable); state->SetLandscapeMode(::Landscape.GetMode(), ::Game.C4S.Landscape.FlatChunkShapes); // initial setting } bool C4ConsoleGUI::DoUpdateHaltCtrls(bool fHalt) { // Reflect halt state in play/pause buttons if (!Active) return false; state->ui.actionPlay->setChecked(!fHalt); state->ui.actionPause->setChecked(fHalt); return true; } bool C4ConsoleGUI::PropertyDlgOpen() { /* Always open */ return true; } void C4ConsoleGUI::PropertyDlgClose() { /* Always open */ } void C4ConsoleGUI::PropertyDlgUpdate(C4EditCursorSelection &rSelection, bool force_function_update) { if (Active) state->PropertyDlgUpdate(rSelection, force_function_update); } bool C4ConsoleGUI::ToolsDlgOpen(class C4ToolsDlg *dlg) { /* Always open */ return true; } void C4ConsoleGUI::ToolsDlgClose() { /* Always open */ } void C4ConsoleGUI::ToolsDlgInitMaterialCtrls(class C4ToolsDlg *dlg) { // All foreground materials assert(Active); if (!Active) return; if (state->ui.foregroundMatTexComboBox->count()) return; // already initialized state->ui.foregroundMatTexComboBox->clear(); state->ui.foregroundMatTexComboBox->addItem(QString(C4TLS_MatSky)); QStringList items; const C4TexMapEntry *entry; int32_t i = 0; while ((entry = ::TextureMap.GetEntry(i++))) { if (!entry->isNull()) { const char *material_name = entry->GetMaterialName(); if (strcmp(material_name, "Vehicle") && strcmp(material_name, "HalfVehicle")) { items.append(QString(FormatString("%s-%s", material_name, entry->GetTextureName()).getData())); } } } items.sort(); for (QString &item : items) state->ui.foregroundMatTexComboBox->addItem(item); auto width = 130; /* The ToolBar randomly resizes the control */ state->ui.foregroundMatTexComboBox->view()->setMinimumWidth(width); state->ui.foregroundMatTexComboBox->setFixedWidth(width); // Background materials: True background materials first; then the "funny" stuff state->ui.backgroundMatTexComboBox->addItem(QString(C4TLS_MatSky)); items.clear(); i = 0; while ((entry = ::TextureMap.GetEntry(i++))) { if (!entry->isNull()) { const char *material_name = entry->GetMaterialName(); C4Material *mat = entry->GetMaterial(); if (strcmp(material_name, "Vehicle") && strcmp(material_name, "HalfVehicle") && mat->Density == C4M_Background) { items.append(QString(FormatString("%s-%s", material_name, entry->GetTextureName()).getData())); } } } items.sort(); for (QString &item : items) state->ui.backgroundMatTexComboBox->addItem(item); state->ui.backgroundMatTexComboBox->addItem(QString("----------")); items.clear(); i = 0; while ((entry = ::TextureMap.GetEntry(i++))) { if (!entry->isNull()) { const char *material_name = entry->GetMaterialName(); C4Material *mat = entry->GetMaterial(); if (strcmp(material_name, "Vehicle") && strcmp(material_name, "HalfVehicle") && mat->Density != C4M_Background) { items.append(QString(FormatString("%s-%s", material_name, entry->GetTextureName()).getData())); } } } items.sort(); for (QString &item : items) state->ui.backgroundMatTexComboBox->addItem(item); state->ui.backgroundMatTexComboBox->view()->setMinimumWidth(width); state->ui.backgroundMatTexComboBox->setFixedWidth(width); // Select current materials state->SetMaterial(dlg->Material); state->SetTexture(dlg->Texture); state->SetBackMaterial(dlg->BackMaterial); state->SetBackTexture(dlg->BackTexture); state->UpdateMatTex(); state->UpdateBackMatTex(); } void C4ConsoleGUI::ToolsDlgSelectTexture(C4ToolsDlg *dlg, const char *texture) { if (!Active) return; state->SetTexture(texture); } void C4ConsoleGUI::ToolsDlgSelectMaterial(C4ToolsDlg *dlg, const char *material) { if (!Active) return; state->SetMaterial(material); } void C4ConsoleGUI::ToolsDlgSelectBackTexture(C4ToolsDlg *dlg, const char *texture) { if (!Active) return; state->SetBackTexture(texture); } void C4ConsoleGUI::ToolsDlgSelectBackMaterial(C4ToolsDlg *dlg, const char *material) { if (!Active) return; state->SetBackMaterial(material); } #ifdef USE_WIN32_WINDOWS void C4ConsoleGUI::Win32KeepDialogsFloating(HWND hwnd) { /* Dialogues float nicely */ } bool C4ConsoleGUI::Win32DialogMessageHandling(MSG *msg) { return false; /* message handling done through Qt (somehow?) */ } void C4ConsoleGUI::UpdateMenuText(HMENU hMenu) { /* Translation done through QTranslator */ } #endif void C4ConsoleGUI::AddViewport(C4ViewportWindow *cvp) { // Add surrounding widget for viewport state->AddViewport(cvp); } void C4ConsoleGUI::RemoveViewport(C4ViewportWindow *cvp) { // Add surrounding widget for viewport state->RemoveViewport(cvp); } bool C4ConsoleGUI::CreateNewScenario(StdStrBuf *out_filename) { #ifdef WITH_QT_EDITOR return state->CreateNewScenario(out_filename); #else return false #endif } void C4ConsoleGUI::OnObjectSelectionChanged(class C4EditCursorSelection &selection) { // selection changed (through other means than creator or object list view) // reflect selection change in dialogues state->SetObjectSelection(selection); } void C4ConsoleGUI::ClearGamePointers() { state->ClearGamePointers(); } void C4ConsoleGUI::EnsureDefinitionListInitialized() { state->definition_list_model->EnsureInit(); } void C4ConsoleGUI::CloseConsoleWindow() { if (state && state->window) state->window->close(); } void C4ConsoleGUI::ClearPointers(class C4Object *obj) { if (state && state->object_list_model) state->object_list_model->Invalidate(); } void C4ToolsDlg::UpdateToolCtrls() { // Set selected drawing tool if (::Console.Active) ::Console.state->SetDrawingTool(Tool); } void C4ToolsDlg::UpdateTextures() { /* Textures are done with materials */ } void C4ToolsDlg::NeedPreviewUpdate() { /* No preview */} void C4ToolsDlg::InitGradeCtrl() { // Update current grade if (::Console.Active) ::Console.state->ui.drawSizeSlider->setValue(Grade); } bool C4ToolsDlg::PopMaterial() { // Show material selection if (!::Console.Active) return false; ::Console.state->ui.foregroundMatTexComboBox->setFocus(); ::Console.state->ui.foregroundMatTexComboBox->showPopup(); return true; } bool C4ToolsDlg::PopTextures() { // Show texture selection if (!::Console.Active) return false; ::Console.state->ui.foregroundMatTexComboBox->setFocus(); ::Console.state->ui.foregroundMatTexComboBox->showPopup(); return true; } void C4ToolsDlg::UpdateIFTControls() { /* not using IFT */ } void C4ToolsDlg::UpdateLandscapeModeCtrls() { // Update button down states for landscape mode if (::Console.Active) ::Console.state->SetLandscapeMode(::Landscape.GetMode(), ::Game.C4S.Landscape.FlatChunkShapes); } void C4ToolsDlg::EnableControls() { /* Handled internally by tool selection */ } #include "editor/C4ConsoleGUICommon.h"