/* * OpenClonk, http://www.openclonk.org * * Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Matthes Bender * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH, http://www.clonk.de/ * Copyright (c) 2009-2013, The OpenClonk Team and contributors * * Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file * "COPYING" for details. * * "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission. * See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details. * * To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts * for the above references. */ /* Drawing tools dialog for landscape editing in console mode */ #include #include #include #include #include #include bool C4ToolsDlg::Open() { // Create dialog window Console.ToolsDlgOpen(this); Active = true; // Update contols InitGradeCtrl(); UpdateLandscapeModeCtrls(); UpdateToolCtrls(); UpdateIFTControls(); InitMaterialCtrls(); EnableControls(); return true; } bool C4ToolsDlg::SetTool(int32_t iTool, bool fTemp) { Tool=iTool; if (!fTemp) SelectedTool = Tool; UpdateToolCtrls(); NeedPreviewUpdate(); return true; } void C4ToolsDlg::InitMaterialCtrls() { // Materials Console.ToolsDlgInitMaterialCtrls(this); // Textures UpdateTextures(); } void C4ToolsDlg::SetMaterial(const char *szMaterial) { SCopy(szMaterial,Material,C4M_MaxName); AssertValidTexture(); EnableControls(); if (::Landscape.Mode==C4LSC_Static) UpdateTextures(); NeedPreviewUpdate(); if (ModeBack && SEqual(szMaterial, C4TLS_MatSky)) SelectBackMaterial(C4TLS_MatSky); } void C4ToolsDlg::SetTexture(const char *szTexture) { // assert valid (for separator selection) if (!::TextureMap.GetTexture(szTexture)) { // ensure correct texture is in dlg Console.ToolsDlgSelectTexture(this, szTexture); return; } SCopy(szTexture,Texture,C4M_MaxName); NeedPreviewUpdate(); // If the front texture changes, reset the background texture // to something sensible. int32_t mat = MaterialMap.Get(Material); if (mat != MNone) { const C4Material* material = &MaterialMap.Map[mat]; if(DensitySemiSolid(material->Density)) { if (!SEqual(BackMaterial, C4TLS_MatSky)) { SelectBackMaterial("Tunnel"); SelectBackTexture("tunnel"); } } else { SelectBackMaterial(Material); SelectBackTexture(Texture); } } } void C4ToolsDlg::SetBackMaterial(const char *szMaterial) { ModeBack = true; SCopy(szMaterial,BackMaterial,C4M_MaxName); AssertValidBackTexture(); EnableControls(); if (::Landscape.Mode==C4LSC_Static) UpdateTextures(); } void C4ToolsDlg::SetBackTexture(const char *szTexture) { ModeBack = true; // assert valid (for separator selection) if (!::TextureMap.GetTexture(szTexture)) { // ensure correct texture is in dlg Console.ToolsDlgSelectBackTexture(this, szTexture); return; } SCopy(szTexture,BackTexture,C4M_MaxName); } bool C4ToolsDlg::SetIFT(bool fIFT) { ModeBack = false; if (fIFT) ModeIFT = 1; else ModeIFT=0; // Keep sensible default values in BackMaterial / BackTexture if (ModeIFT == 0) { SCopy(C4TLS_MatSky, BackMaterial, C4M_MaxName); } else { SCopy(C4TLS_MatSky, BackMaterial, C4M_MaxName); int32_t index = ::TextureMap.GetIndexMatTex(Material); if (index != -1) { BYTE bg_index = ::TextureMap.DefaultBkgMatTex(index); const C4TexMapEntry* entry = ::TextureMap.GetEntry(bg_index); if (entry != NULL) { SCopy(entry->GetMaterialName(), BackMaterial, C4M_MaxName); SCopy(entry->GetTextureName(), BackTexture, C4M_MaxName); } } } UpdateIFTControls(); NeedPreviewUpdate(); return true; } void C4ToolsDlg::SetColorPattern(const char *szMaterial, const char *szTexture) { } bool C4ToolsDlg::SetGrade(int32_t iGrade) { Grade = Clamp(iGrade,C4TLS_GradeMin,C4TLS_GradeMax); NeedPreviewUpdate(); return true; } bool C4ToolsDlg::ChangeGrade(int32_t iChange) { Grade = Clamp(Grade+iChange,C4TLS_GradeMin,C4TLS_GradeMax); NeedPreviewUpdate(); InitGradeCtrl(); return true; } bool C4ToolsDlg::SetLandscapeMode(int32_t iMode, bool fThroughControl) { int32_t iLastMode=::Landscape.Mode; // Exact to static: confirm data loss warning if (iLastMode==C4LSC_Exact) if (iMode==C4LSC_Static) if (!fThroughControl) if (!Console.Message(LoadResStr("IDS_CNS_EXACTTOSTATIC"),true)) return false; // send as control if (!fThroughControl) { ::Control.DoInput(CID_EMDrawTool, new C4ControlEMDrawTool(EMDT_SetMode, iMode), CDT_Decide); return true; } // Set landscape mode ::Landscape.SetMode(iMode); // Exact to static: redraw landscape from map if (iLastMode==C4LSC_Exact) if (iMode==C4LSC_Static) ::Landscape.MapToLandscape(); // Assert valid tool if (iMode!=C4LSC_Exact) if (SelectedTool==C4TLS_Fill) SetTool(C4TLS_Brush, false); // Update controls UpdateLandscapeModeCtrls(); EnableControls(); UpdateTextures(); // Success return true; } void C4ToolsDlg::AssertValidTexture() { // Static map mode only if (::Landscape.Mode!=C4LSC_Static) return; // Ignore if sky if (SEqual(Material,C4TLS_MatSky)) return; // Current material-texture valid if (::TextureMap.GetIndex(Material,Texture,false)) return; // Find valid material-texture const char *szTexture; for (int32_t iTexture=0; (szTexture=::TextureMap.GetTexture(iTexture)); iTexture++) { if (::TextureMap.GetIndex(Material,szTexture,false)) { SelectTexture(szTexture); return; } } // No valid texture found } void C4ToolsDlg::AssertValidBackTexture() { // Static map mode only if (::Landscape.Mode!=C4LSC_Static) return; // Ignore if not enabled if (!ModeBack) return; // Ignore if sky if (SEqual(BackMaterial,C4TLS_MatSky)) return; // Current material-texture valid if (::TextureMap.GetIndex(BackMaterial,BackTexture,false)) return; // Find valid material-texture const char *szTexture; for (int32_t iTexture=0; (szTexture=::TextureMap.GetTexture(iTexture)); iTexture++) { if (::TextureMap.GetIndex(BackMaterial,szTexture,false)) { SelectBackTexture(szTexture); return; } } // No valid texture found } bool C4ToolsDlg::SelectTexture(const char *szTexture) { Console.ToolsDlgSelectTexture(this, szTexture); SetTexture(szTexture); return true; } bool C4ToolsDlg::SelectMaterial(const char *szMaterial) { Console.ToolsDlgSelectMaterial(this, szMaterial); SetMaterial(szMaterial); return true; } bool C4ToolsDlg::SelectBackTexture(const char *szTexture) { Console.ToolsDlgSelectBackTexture(this, szTexture); SetBackTexture(szTexture); return true; } bool C4ToolsDlg::SelectBackMaterial(const char *szMaterial) { Console.ToolsDlgSelectBackMaterial(this, szMaterial); SetBackMaterial(szMaterial); return true; } void C4ToolsDlg::SetAlternateTool() { // alternate tool is the picker in any mode SetTool(C4TLS_Picker, true); } void C4ToolsDlg::ResetAlternateTool() { // reset tool to selected tool in case alternate tool was set SetTool(SelectedTool, true); }