/* * OpenClonk, http://www.openclonk.org * * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH, http://www.clonk.de/ * Copyright (c) 2009-2013, The OpenClonk Team and contributors * * Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file * "COPYING" for details. * * "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission. * See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details. * * To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts * for the above references. */ /* OpenGL implementation of NewGfx */ #include "C4Include.h" #include "graphics/C4DrawGL.h" #include "graphics/C4Surface.h" #include "platform/C4Window.h" #include "landscape/fow/C4FoWRegion.h" #include "lib/C4Rect.h" #include "config/C4Config.h" #include "platform/C4App.h" #include "lib/StdColors.h" #ifndef USE_CONSOLE // MSVC doesn't define M_PI in math.h unless requested #ifdef _MSC_VER #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES #endif /* _MSC_VER */ #include #include namespace { const char *MsgSourceToStr(GLenum source) { switch (source) { case GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_API_ARB: return "API"; case GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_WINDOW_SYSTEM_ARB: return "window system"; case GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_SHADER_COMPILER_ARB: return "shader compiler"; case GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_THIRD_PARTY_ARB: return "third party"; case GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_APPLICATION_ARB: return "application"; case GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_OTHER_ARB: return "other"; default: return ""; } } const char *MsgTypeToStr(GLenum type) { switch (type) { case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR_ARB: return "error"; case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_DEPRECATED_BEHAVIOR_ARB: return "deprecation warning"; case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_UNDEFINED_BEHAVIOR_ARB: return "undefined behavior warning"; case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_PORTABILITY_ARB: return "portability warning"; case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_PERFORMANCE_ARB: return "performance warning"; case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_OTHER_ARB: return "other message"; default: return "unknown message"; } } const char *MsgSeverityToStr(GLenum severity) { switch (severity) { case GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_HIGH_ARB: return "high"; case GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_MEDIUM_ARB: return "medium"; case GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_LOW_ARB: return "low"; #ifdef GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_NOTIFICATION case GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_NOTIFICATION: return "notification"; #endif default: return ""; } } #ifdef GLDEBUGPROCARB_USERPARAM_IS_CONST #define USERPARAM_CONST const #else #define USERPARAM_CONST #endif void GLAPIENTRY OpenGLDebugProc(GLenum source, GLenum type, GLuint id, GLenum severity, GLsizei length, const char* message, USERPARAM_CONST void* userParam) { const char *msg_source = MsgSourceToStr(source); const char *msg_type = MsgTypeToStr(type); const char *msg_severity = MsgSeverityToStr(severity); LogSilentF(" gl: %s severity %s %s: %s", msg_severity, msg_source, msg_type, message); #ifdef USE_WIN32_WINDOWS if (IsDebuggerPresent() && severity == GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_HIGH_ARB) BREAKPOINT_HERE; #endif } } #undef USERPARAM_CONST CStdGL::CStdGL(): pMainCtx(0), CurrentVBO(0), NextVAOID(VAOIDs.end()) { GenericVBOs[0] = 0; Default(); // global ptr pGL = this; lines_tex = 0; } CStdGL::~CStdGL() { Clear(); pGL=NULL; } void CStdGL::Clear() { NoPrimaryClipper(); // cannot unlock TexMgr here or we can't preserve textures across GL reinitialization as required when changing multisampling InvalidateDeviceObjects(); NoPrimaryClipper(); RenderTarget = NULL; // Clear all shaders SpriteShader.Clear(); SpriteShaderMod2.Clear(); SpriteShaderBase.Clear(); SpriteShaderBaseMod2.Clear(); SpriteShaderBaseOverlay.Clear(); SpriteShaderBaseOverlayMod2.Clear(); SpriteShaderLight.Clear(); SpriteShaderLightMod2.Clear(); SpriteShaderLightBase.Clear(); SpriteShaderLightBaseMod2.Clear(); SpriteShaderLightBaseOverlay.Clear(); SpriteShaderLightBaseOverlayMod2.Clear(); SpriteShaderLightBaseNormal.Clear(); SpriteShaderLightBaseNormalMod2.Clear(); SpriteShaderLightBaseNormalOverlay.Clear(); SpriteShaderLightBaseNormalOverlayMod2.Clear(); // clear context if (pCurrCtx) pCurrCtx->Deselect(); pMainCtx=0; C4Draw::Clear(); } void CStdGL::FillBG(DWORD dwClr) { if (!pCurrCtx) return; glClearColor((float)GetRedValue(dwClr)/255.0f, (float)GetGreenValue(dwClr)/255.0f, (float)GetBlueValue(dwClr)/255.0f, 0.0f); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); } bool CStdGL::UpdateClipper() { // no render target? do nothing if (!RenderTarget || !Active) return true; // negative/zero? C4Rect clipRect = GetClipRect(); if (clipRect.Wdt<=0 || clipRect.Hgt<=0) { ClipAll=true; return true; } ClipAll=false; // set it glViewport(clipRect.x, RenderTarget->Hgt-clipRect.y-clipRect.Hgt, clipRect.Wdt, clipRect.Hgt); ProjectionMatrix = StdProjectionMatrix::Orthographic(clipRect.x, clipRect.x + clipRect.Wdt, clipRect.y + clipRect.Hgt, clipRect.y); return true; } bool CStdGL::PrepareRendering(C4Surface * sfcToSurface) { // call from gfx thread only! if (!pApp || !pApp->AssertMainThread()) return false; // not ready? if (!Active) return false; // target? if (!sfcToSurface) return false; // target locked? if (sfcToSurface->Locked) return false; // target is already set as render target? if (sfcToSurface != RenderTarget) { // target is a render-target? if (!sfcToSurface->IsRenderTarget()) return false; // context if (sfcToSurface->pCtx && sfcToSurface->pCtx != pCurrCtx) if (!sfcToSurface->pCtx->Select()) return false; // set target RenderTarget=sfcToSurface; // new target has different size; needs other clipping rect UpdateClipper(); } // done return true; } bool CStdGL::PrepareSpriteShader(C4Shader& shader, const char* name, int ssc, C4GroupSet* pGroups, const char* const* additionalDefines, const char* const* additionalSlices) { const char* uniformNames[C4SSU_Count + 1]; uniformNames[C4SSU_ProjectionMatrix] = "projectionMatrix"; uniformNames[C4SSU_ModelViewMatrix] = "modelviewMatrix"; uniformNames[C4SSU_NormalMatrix] = "normalMatrix"; uniformNames[C4SSU_ClrMod] = "clrMod"; uniformNames[C4SSU_Gamma] = "gamma"; uniformNames[C4SSU_BaseTex] = "baseTex"; uniformNames[C4SSU_OverlayTex] = "overlayTex"; uniformNames[C4SSU_OverlayClr] = "overlayClr"; uniformNames[C4SSU_LightTex] = "lightTex"; uniformNames[C4SSU_LightTransform] = "lightTransform"; uniformNames[C4SSU_NormalTex] = "normalTex"; uniformNames[C4SSU_AmbientTex] = "ambientTex"; uniformNames[C4SSU_AmbientTransform] = "ambientTransform"; uniformNames[C4SSU_AmbientBrightness] = "ambientBrightness"; uniformNames[C4SSU_MaterialAmbient] = "materialAmbient"; // unused uniformNames[C4SSU_MaterialDiffuse] = "materialDiffuse"; // unused uniformNames[C4SSU_MaterialSpecular] = "materialSpecular"; // unused uniformNames[C4SSU_MaterialEmission] = "materialEmission"; // unused uniformNames[C4SSU_MaterialShininess] = "materialShininess"; // unused uniformNames[C4SSU_Bones] = "bones"; // unused uniformNames[C4SSU_CullMode] = "cullMode"; // unused uniformNames[C4SSU_FrameCounter] = "frameCounter"; uniformNames[C4SSU_Count] = NULL; const char* attributeNames[C4SSA_Count + 1]; attributeNames[C4SSA_Position] = "oc_Position"; attributeNames[C4SSA_Normal] = "oc_Normal"; // unused attributeNames[C4SSA_TexCoord] = "oc_TexCoord"; // only used if C4SSC_Base is set attributeNames[C4SSA_Color] = "oc_Color"; attributeNames[C4SSA_BoneIndices0] = "oc_BoneIndices0"; // unused attributeNames[C4SSA_BoneIndices1] = "oc_BoneIndices1"; // unused attributeNames[C4SSA_BoneWeights0] = "oc_BoneWeights0"; // unused attributeNames[C4SSA_BoneWeights1] = "oc_BoneWeights1"; // unused attributeNames[C4SSA_Count] = NULL; // Clear previous content shader.Clear(); shader.ClearSlices(); // Start with #defines shader.AddDefine("OPENCLONK"); shader.AddDefine("OC_SPRITE"); if (ssc & C4SSC_MOD2) shader.AddDefine("OC_CLRMOD_MOD2"); if (ssc & C4SSC_NORMAL) shader.AddDefine("OC_WITH_NORMALMAP"); if (ssc & C4SSC_LIGHT) shader.AddDefine("OC_DYNAMIC_LIGHT"); if (ssc & C4SSC_BASE) shader.AddDefine("OC_HAVE_BASE"); if (ssc & C4SSC_OVERLAY) shader.AddDefine("OC_HAVE_OVERLAY"); if (additionalDefines) for (const char* const* define = additionalDefines; *define != NULL; ++define) shader.AddDefine(*define); // Then load slices for fragment and vertex shader shader.LoadVertexSlices(pGroups, "SpriteVertexShader.glsl"); shader.LoadFragmentSlices(pGroups, "CommonShader.glsl"); shader.LoadFragmentSlices(pGroups, "ObjectShader.glsl"); if (additionalSlices) for (const char* const* slice = additionalSlices; *slice != NULL; ++slice) shader.LoadFragmentSlices(pGroups, *slice); if (!shader.Init(name, uniformNames, attributeNames)) { shader.ClearSlices(); return false; } return true; } void CStdGL::ObjectLabel(uint32_t identifier, uint32_t name, int32_t length, const char * label) { #ifdef GL_KHR_debug if (glObjectLabel) glObjectLabel(identifier, name, length, label); #endif } CStdGLCtx *CStdGL::CreateContext(C4Window * pWindow, C4AbstractApp *pApp) { // safety if (!pWindow) return NULL; // create it CStdGLCtx *pCtx = new CStdGLCtx(); bool first_ctx = !pMainCtx; if (first_ctx) { pMainCtx = pCtx; LogF(" gl: Create first %scontext...", Config.Graphics.DebugOpenGL ? "debug " : ""); } bool success = pCtx->Init(pWindow, pApp); if (Config.Graphics.DebugOpenGL && glDebugMessageCallbackARB) { if (first_ctx) Log(" gl: Setting OpenGLDebugProc callback"); glDebugMessageCallbackARB(&OpenGLDebugProc, nullptr); glEnable(GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT_SYNCHRONOUS_ARB); #ifdef GL_KHR_debug if (GLEW_KHR_debug) glEnable(GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT); #endif } // First context: Log some information about hardware/drivers // Must log after context creation to get valid results if (first_ctx) { const char *gl_vendor = reinterpret_cast(glGetString(GL_VENDOR)); const char *gl_renderer = reinterpret_cast(glGetString(GL_RENDERER)); const char *gl_version = reinterpret_cast(glGetString(GL_VERSION)); LogF("GL %s on %s (%s)", gl_version ? gl_version : "", gl_renderer ? gl_renderer : "", gl_vendor ? gl_vendor : ""); if (Config.Graphics.DebugOpenGL) { // Dump extension list if (glGetStringi) { GLint gl_extension_count = 0; glGetIntegerv(GL_NUM_EXTENSIONS, &gl_extension_count); if (gl_extension_count == 0) { LogSilentF("No available extensions."); } else { LogSilentF("%d available extensions:", gl_extension_count); for (GLint i = 0; i < gl_extension_count; ++i) { const char *gl_extension = (const char*)glGetStringi(GL_EXTENSIONS, i); LogSilentF(" %4d: %s", i, gl_extension); } } } else { const char *gl_extensions = reinterpret_cast(glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS)); LogSilentF("GLExt: %s", gl_extensions ? gl_extensions : ""); } } } if (!success) { delete pCtx; Error(" gl: Error creating secondary context!"); return NULL; } // creation selected the new context - switch back to previous context RenderTarget = NULL; pCurrCtx = NULL; // done return pCtx; } void CStdGL::SetupMultiBlt(C4ShaderCall& call, const C4BltTransform* pTransform, GLuint baseTex, GLuint overlayTex, GLuint normalTex, DWORD dwOverlayModClr, StdProjectionMatrix* out_modelview) { // Initialize multi blit shader. int iAdditive = dwBlitMode & C4GFXBLIT_ADDITIVE; glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, iAdditive ? GL_ONE : GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); call.Start(); // Upload uniforms const DWORD dwModClr = BlitModulated ? BlitModulateClr : 0xffffffff; const float fMod[4] = { ((dwModClr >> 16) & 0xff) / 255.0f, ((dwModClr >> 8) & 0xff) / 255.0f, ((dwModClr ) & 0xff) / 255.0f, ((dwModClr >> 24) & 0xff) / 255.0f }; call.SetUniform4fv(C4SSU_ClrMod, 1, fMod); call.SetUniform3fv(C4SSU_Gamma, 1, gammaOut); if(baseTex != 0) { call.AllocTexUnit(C4SSU_BaseTex); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, baseTex); } if(overlayTex != 0) { call.AllocTexUnit(C4SSU_OverlayTex); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, overlayTex); const float fOverlayModClr[4] = { ((dwOverlayModClr >> 16) & 0xff) / 255.0f, ((dwOverlayModClr >> 8) & 0xff) / 255.0f, ((dwOverlayModClr ) & 0xff) / 255.0f, ((dwOverlayModClr >> 24) & 0xff) / 255.0f }; call.SetUniform4fv(C4SSU_OverlayClr, 1, fOverlayModClr); } if(pFoW != NULL && normalTex != 0) { call.AllocTexUnit(C4SSU_NormalTex); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, normalTex); } if(pFoW != NULL) { const C4Rect OutRect = GetOutRect(); const C4Rect ClipRect = GetClipRect(); const FLOAT_RECT vpRect = pFoW->getViewportRegion(); // Dynamic Light call.AllocTexUnit(C4SSU_LightTex); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, pFoW->getSurfaceName()); float lightTransform[6]; pFoW->GetFragTransform(ClipRect, OutRect, lightTransform); call.SetUniformMatrix2x3fv(C4SSU_LightTransform, 1, lightTransform); // Ambient Light call.AllocTexUnit(C4SSU_AmbientTex); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, pFoW->getFoW()->Ambient.Tex); call.SetUniform1f(C4SSU_AmbientBrightness, pFoW->getFoW()->Ambient.GetBrightness()); float ambientTransform[6]; pFoW->getFoW()->Ambient.GetFragTransform(vpRect, ClipRect, OutRect, ambientTransform); call.SetUniformMatrix2x3fv(C4SSU_AmbientTransform, 1, ambientTransform); } call.SetUniform1f(C4SSU_CullMode, 0.0f); // The primary reason we use a 4x4 matrix for the modelview matrix is that // that the C4BltTransform pTransform parameter can have projection components // (see SetObjDrawTransform2). Still, for sprites the situation is a bit // unsatisfactory because there's no distinction between modelview and projection // components in the BltTransform. Object rotation is part of the BltTransform // for sprites, which should be part of the modelview matrix, so that lighting // is correct for rotated sprites. This is much more common than projection // components in the BltTransform, and therefore we turn the BltTransform into // the modelview matrix and not the projection matrix. StdProjectionMatrix default_modelview = StdProjectionMatrix::Identity(); StdProjectionMatrix& modelview = out_modelview ? *out_modelview : default_modelview; // Apply zoom and transform Translate(modelview, ZoomX, ZoomY, 0.0f); // Scale Z as well so that we don't distort normals. Scale(modelview, Zoom, Zoom, Zoom); Translate(modelview, -ZoomX, -ZoomY, 0.0f); if(pTransform) { float sz = 1.0f; if (pFoW != NULL && normalTex != 0) { // Decompose scale factors and scale Z accordingly to X and Y, again to avoid distorting normals // We could instead work around this by using the projection matrix, but then for object rotations (SetR) // the normals would not be correct. const float sx = sqrt(pTransform->mat[0]*pTransform->mat[0] + pTransform->mat[1]*pTransform->mat[1]); const float sy = sqrt(pTransform->mat[3]*pTransform->mat[3] + pTransform->mat[4]*pTransform->mat[4]); sz = sqrt(sx * sy); } // Multiply modelview matrix with transform StdProjectionMatrix transform; transform(0, 0) = pTransform->mat[0]; transform(0, 1) = pTransform->mat[1]; transform(0, 2) = 0.0f; transform(0, 3) = pTransform->mat[2]; transform(1, 0) = pTransform->mat[3]; transform(1, 1) = pTransform->mat[4]; transform(1, 2) = 0.0f; transform(1, 3) = pTransform->mat[5]; transform(2, 0) = 0.0f; transform(2, 1) = 0.0f; transform(2, 2) = sz; transform(2, 3) = 0.0f; transform(3, 0) = pTransform->mat[6]; transform(3, 1) = pTransform->mat[7]; transform(3, 2) = 0.0f; transform(3, 3) = pTransform->mat[8]; modelview *= transform; } call.SetUniformMatrix4x4(C4SSU_ProjectionMatrix, ProjectionMatrix); call.SetUniformMatrix4x4(C4SSU_ModelViewMatrix, modelview); if (pFoW != NULL && normalTex != 0) call.SetUniformMatrix3x3Transpose(C4SSU_NormalMatrix, StdMeshMatrix::Inverse(StdProjectionMatrix::Upper3x4(modelview))); } void CStdGL::PerformMultiPix(C4Surface* sfcTarget, const C4BltVertex* vertices, unsigned int n_vertices, C4ShaderCall* shader_call) { // Draw on pixel center: StdProjectionMatrix transform = StdProjectionMatrix::Translate(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f); // This is a workaround. Instead of submitting the whole vertex array to the GL, we do it // in batches of 256 vertices. The intel graphics driver on Linux crashes with // significantly larger arrays, such as 400. It's not clear to me why, maybe POINT drawing // is just not very well tested. const unsigned int BATCH_SIZE = 256; // Feed the vertices to the GL if (!shader_call) { C4ShaderCall call(GetSpriteShader(false, false, false)); SetupMultiBlt(call, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, &transform); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < n_vertices; i += BATCH_SIZE) PerformMultiBlt(sfcTarget, OP_POINTS, &vertices[i], std::min(n_vertices - i, BATCH_SIZE), false, &call); } else { SetupMultiBlt(*shader_call, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, &transform); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < n_vertices; i += BATCH_SIZE) PerformMultiBlt(sfcTarget, OP_POINTS, &vertices[i], std::min(n_vertices - i, BATCH_SIZE), false, shader_call); } } void CStdGL::PerformMultiLines(C4Surface* sfcTarget, const C4BltVertex* vertices, unsigned int n_vertices, float width, C4ShaderCall* shader_call) { // In a first step, we transform the lines array to a triangle array, so that we can draw // the lines with some thickness. // In principle, this step could be easily (and probably much more efficiently) performed // by a geometry shader as well, however that would require OpenGL 3.2. C4BltVertex* tri_vertices = new C4BltVertex[n_vertices * 3]; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < n_vertices; i += 2) { const float x1 = vertices[i].ftx; const float y1 = vertices[i].fty; const float x2 = vertices[i+1].ftx; const float y2 = vertices[i+1].fty; float offx = y1 - y2; float offy = x2 - x1; float l = sqrtf(offx * offx + offy * offy); // avoid division by zero l += 0.000000005f; offx *= width/l; offy *= width/l; tri_vertices[3*i + 0].ftx = x1 + offx; tri_vertices[3*i + 0].fty = y1 + offy; tri_vertices[3*i + 1].ftx = x1 - offx; tri_vertices[3*i + 1].fty = y1 - offy; tri_vertices[3*i + 2].ftx = x2 - offx; tri_vertices[3*i + 2].fty = y2 - offy; tri_vertices[3*i + 3].ftx = x2 + offx; tri_vertices[3*i + 3].fty = y2 + offy; for(int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { tri_vertices[3*i + 0].color[j] = vertices[i].color[j]; tri_vertices[3*i + 1].color[j] = vertices[i].color[j]; tri_vertices[3*i + 2].color[j] = vertices[i + 1].color[j]; tri_vertices[3*i + 3].color[j] = vertices[i + 1].color[j]; } tri_vertices[3*i + 0].tx = 0.f; tri_vertices[3*i + 0].ty = 0.f; tri_vertices[3*i + 1].tx = 0.f; tri_vertices[3*i + 1].ty = 2.f; tri_vertices[3*i + 2].tx = 1.f; tri_vertices[3*i + 2].ty = 2.f; tri_vertices[3*i + 3].tx = 1.f; tri_vertices[3*i + 3].ty = 0.f; tri_vertices[3*i + 4] = tri_vertices[3*i + 2]; // duplicate vertex tri_vertices[3*i + 5] = tri_vertices[3*i + 0]; // duplicate vertex } // Then, feed the vertices to the GL if (!shader_call) { C4ShaderCall call(GetSpriteShader(true, false, false)); SetupMultiBlt(call, NULL, lines_tex, 0, 0, 0, NULL); PerformMultiBlt(sfcTarget, OP_TRIANGLES, tri_vertices, n_vertices * 3, true, &call); } else { SetupMultiBlt(*shader_call, NULL, lines_tex, 0, 0, 0, NULL); PerformMultiBlt(sfcTarget, OP_TRIANGLES, tri_vertices, n_vertices * 3, true, shader_call); } delete[] tri_vertices; } void CStdGL::PerformMultiTris(C4Surface* sfcTarget, const C4BltVertex* vertices, unsigned int n_vertices, const C4BltTransform* pTransform, C4TexRef* pTex, C4TexRef* pOverlay, C4TexRef* pNormal, DWORD dwOverlayModClr, C4ShaderCall* shader_call) { // Feed the vertices to the GL if (!shader_call) { C4ShaderCall call(GetSpriteShader(pTex != NULL, pOverlay != NULL, pNormal != NULL)); SetupMultiBlt(call, pTransform, pTex ? pTex->texName : 0, pOverlay ? pOverlay->texName : 0, pNormal ? pNormal->texName : 0, dwOverlayModClr, NULL); PerformMultiBlt(sfcTarget, OP_TRIANGLES, vertices, n_vertices, pTex != NULL, &call); } else { SetupMultiBlt(*shader_call, pTransform, pTex ? pTex->texName : 0, pOverlay ? pOverlay->texName : 0, pNormal ? pNormal->texName : 0, dwOverlayModClr, NULL); PerformMultiBlt(sfcTarget, OP_TRIANGLES, vertices, n_vertices, pTex != NULL, shader_call); } } void CStdGL::PerformMultiBlt(C4Surface* sfcTarget, DrawOperation op, const C4BltVertex* vertices, unsigned int n_vertices, bool has_tex, C4ShaderCall* shader_call) { // Only direct rendering assert(sfcTarget->IsRenderTarget()); if(!PrepareRendering(sfcTarget)) return; // Select a buffer const unsigned int vbo_index = CurrentVBO; CurrentVBO = (CurrentVBO + 1) % N_GENERIC_VBOS; // Upload data into the buffer, resize buffer if necessary glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, GenericVBOs[vbo_index]); if (GenericVBOSizes[vbo_index] < n_vertices) { GenericVBOSizes[vbo_index] = n_vertices; glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, n_vertices * sizeof(C4BltVertex), vertices, GL_STREAM_DRAW); } else { glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, n_vertices * sizeof(C4BltVertex), vertices); } // Choose the VAO that corresponds to the chosen VBO. Also, use one // that supplies texture coordinates if we have texturing enabled. GLuint vao; const unsigned int vao_index = vbo_index + (has_tex ? N_GENERIC_VBOS : 0); const unsigned int vao_id = GenericVAOs[vao_index]; const bool has_vao = GetVAO(vao_id, vao); glBindVertexArray(vao); if (!has_vao) { // Initialize VAO for this context const GLuint position = shader_call->GetAttribute(C4SSA_Position); const GLuint color = shader_call->GetAttribute(C4SSA_Color); const GLuint texcoord = has_tex ? shader_call->GetAttribute(C4SSA_TexCoord) : 0; glEnableVertexAttribArray(position); glEnableVertexAttribArray(color); if (has_tex) glEnableVertexAttribArray(texcoord); glVertexAttribPointer(position, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(C4BltVertex), reinterpret_cast(offsetof(C4BltVertex, ftx))); glVertexAttribPointer(color, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_TRUE, sizeof(C4BltVertex), reinterpret_cast(offsetof(C4BltVertex, color))); if (has_tex) glVertexAttribPointer(texcoord, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(C4BltVertex), reinterpret_cast(offsetof(C4BltVertex, tx))); } switch (op) { case OP_POINTS: glDrawArrays(GL_POINTS, 0, n_vertices); break; case OP_TRIANGLES: glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, n_vertices); break; default: assert(false); break; } glBindVertexArray(0); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); } C4Shader* CStdGL::GetSpriteShader(bool haveBase, bool haveOverlay, bool haveNormal) { int ssc = 0; if(dwBlitMode & C4GFXBLIT_MOD2) ssc |= C4SSC_MOD2; if(haveBase) ssc |= C4SSC_BASE; if(haveBase && haveOverlay) ssc |= C4SSC_OVERLAY; if(pFoW != NULL) ssc |= C4SSC_LIGHT; if(pFoW != NULL && haveBase && haveNormal) ssc |= C4SSC_NORMAL; return GetSpriteShader(ssc); } C4Shader* CStdGL::GetSpriteShader(int ssc) { C4Shader* shaders[16] = { &SpriteShader, &SpriteShaderMod2, &SpriteShaderBase, &SpriteShaderBaseMod2, &SpriteShaderBaseOverlay, &SpriteShaderBaseOverlayMod2, &SpriteShaderLight, &SpriteShaderLightMod2, &SpriteShaderLightBase, &SpriteShaderLightBaseMod2, &SpriteShaderLightBaseOverlay, &SpriteShaderLightBaseOverlayMod2, &SpriteShaderLightBaseNormal, &SpriteShaderLightBaseNormalMod2, &SpriteShaderLightBaseNormalOverlay, &SpriteShaderLightBaseNormalOverlayMod2, }; int index = 0; if(ssc & C4SSC_LIGHT) index += 6; if(ssc & C4SSC_BASE) { index += 2; if(ssc & C4SSC_OVERLAY) index += 2; if( (ssc & C4SSC_NORMAL) && (ssc & C4SSC_LIGHT)) index += 4; } if(ssc & C4SSC_MOD2) index += 1; assert(index < 16); return shaders[index]; } bool CStdGL::InitShaders(C4GroupSet* pGroups) { // Create sprite blitting shaders if(!PrepareSpriteShader(SpriteShader, "sprite", 0, pGroups, NULL, NULL)) return false; if(!PrepareSpriteShader(SpriteShaderMod2, "spriteMod2", C4SSC_MOD2, pGroups, NULL, NULL)) return false; if(!PrepareSpriteShader(SpriteShaderBase, "spriteBase", C4SSC_BASE, pGroups, NULL, NULL)) return false; if(!PrepareSpriteShader(SpriteShaderBaseMod2, "spriteBaseMod2", C4SSC_MOD2 | C4SSC_BASE, pGroups, NULL, NULL)) return false; if(!PrepareSpriteShader(SpriteShaderBaseOverlay, "spriteBaseOverlay", C4SSC_BASE | C4SSC_OVERLAY, pGroups, NULL, NULL)) return false; if(!PrepareSpriteShader(SpriteShaderBaseOverlayMod2, "spriteBaseOverlayMod2", C4SSC_MOD2 | C4SSC_BASE | C4SSC_OVERLAY, pGroups, NULL, NULL)) return false; if(!PrepareSpriteShader(SpriteShaderLight, "spriteLight", C4SSC_LIGHT, pGroups, NULL, NULL)) return false; if(!PrepareSpriteShader(SpriteShaderLightMod2, "spriteLightMod2", C4SSC_LIGHT | C4SSC_MOD2, pGroups, NULL, NULL)) return false; if(!PrepareSpriteShader(SpriteShaderLightBase, "spriteLightBase", C4SSC_LIGHT | C4SSC_BASE, pGroups, NULL, NULL)) return false; if(!PrepareSpriteShader(SpriteShaderLightBaseMod2, "spriteLightBaseMod2", C4SSC_LIGHT | C4SSC_BASE | C4SSC_MOD2, pGroups, NULL, NULL)) return false; if(!PrepareSpriteShader(SpriteShaderLightBaseOverlay, "spriteLightBaseOverlay", C4SSC_LIGHT | C4SSC_BASE | C4SSC_OVERLAY, pGroups, NULL, NULL)) return false; if(!PrepareSpriteShader(SpriteShaderLightBaseOverlayMod2, "spriteLightBaseOverlayMod2", C4SSC_LIGHT | C4SSC_BASE | C4SSC_OVERLAY | C4SSC_MOD2, pGroups, NULL, NULL)) return false; if(!PrepareSpriteShader(SpriteShaderLightBaseNormal, "spriteLightBaseNormal", C4SSC_LIGHT | C4SSC_BASE | C4SSC_NORMAL, pGroups, NULL, NULL)) return false; if(!PrepareSpriteShader(SpriteShaderLightBaseNormalMod2, "spriteLightBaseNormalMod2", C4SSC_LIGHT | C4SSC_BASE | C4SSC_NORMAL | C4SSC_MOD2, pGroups, NULL, NULL)) return false; if(!PrepareSpriteShader(SpriteShaderLightBaseNormalOverlay, "spriteLightBaseNormalOverlay", C4SSC_LIGHT | C4SSC_BASE | C4SSC_OVERLAY | C4SSC_NORMAL, pGroups, NULL, NULL)) return false; if(!PrepareSpriteShader(SpriteShaderLightBaseNormalOverlayMod2, "spriteLightBaseNormalOverlayMod2", C4SSC_LIGHT | C4SSC_BASE | C4SSC_OVERLAY | C4SSC_NORMAL | C4SSC_MOD2, pGroups, NULL, NULL)) return false; return true; } bool CStdGL::RestoreDeviceObjects() { assert(pMainCtx); // delete any previous objects InvalidateDeviceObjects(); // set states Active = pMainCtx->Select(); RenderTarget = pApp->pWindow->pSurface; // lines texture glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); glGenTextures(1, &lines_tex); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, lines_tex); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); static const char * linedata = "\xff\xff\xff\x00\xff\xff\xff\xff"; glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, 1, 2, 0, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV, linedata); MaxTexSize = 64; GLint s = 0; glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &s); if (s>0) MaxTexSize = s; // Generic VBOs glGenBuffers(N_GENERIC_VBOS, GenericVBOs); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < N_GENERIC_VBOS; ++i) { GenericVBOSizes[i] = GENERIC_VBO_SIZE; glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, GenericVBOs[i]); glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, GenericVBOSizes[i] * sizeof(C4BltVertex), NULL, GL_STREAM_DRAW); GenericVAOs[i] = GenVAOID(); GenericVAOs[i + N_GENERIC_VBOS] = GenVAOID(); } glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); // reset blit states dwBlitMode = 0; // done return Active; } bool CStdGL::InvalidateDeviceObjects() { bool fSuccess=true; // deactivate Active=false; // invalidate font objects // invalidate primary surfaces if (lines_tex) { glDeleteTextures(1, &lines_tex); lines_tex = 0; } // invalidate generic VBOs if (GenericVBOs[0] != 0) { glDeleteBuffers(N_GENERIC_VBOS, GenericVBOs); GenericVBOs[0] = 0; CurrentVBO = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < N_GENERIC_VBOS * 2; ++i) FreeVAOID(GenericVAOs[i]); } // invalidate shaders // TODO: We don't do this here because we cannot re-validate them in // RestoreDeviceObjects. This should be refactored. /*SpriteShader.Clear(); SpriteShaderMod2.Clear(); SpriteShaderBase.Clear(); SpriteShaderBaseMod2.Clear(); SpriteShaderBaseOverlay.Clear(); SpriteShaderBaseOverlayMod2.Clear(); SpriteShaderLight.Clear(); SpriteShaderLightMod2.Clear(); SpriteShaderLightBase.Clear(); SpriteShaderLightBaseMod2.Clear(); SpriteShaderLightBaseOverlay.Clear(); SpriteShaderLightBaseOverlayMod2.Clear(); SpriteShaderLightBaseNormal.Clear(); SpriteShaderLightBaseNormalMod2.Clear(); SpriteShaderLightBaseNormalOverlay.Clear(); SpriteShaderLightBaseNormalOverlayMod2.Clear();*/ return fSuccess; } bool CStdGL::Error(const char *szMsg) { #ifdef USE_WIN32_WINDOWS DWORD err = GetLastError(); #endif bool r = C4Draw::Error(szMsg); #ifdef USE_WIN32_WINDOWS wchar_t * lpMsgBuf; FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, err, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL ); LogF(" gl: GetLastError() = %d - %s", err, StdStrBuf(lpMsgBuf).getData()); LocalFree(lpMsgBuf); #endif LogF(" gl: %s", glGetString(GL_VENDOR)); LogF(" gl: %s", glGetString(GL_RENDERER)); LogF(" gl: %s", glGetString(GL_VERSION)); LogF(" gl: %s", glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS)); return r; } const char* CStdGL::GLErrorString(GLenum code) { switch (code) { case GL_NO_ERROR: return "No error"; case GL_INVALID_ENUM: return "An unacceptable value is specified for an enumerated argument"; case GL_INVALID_VALUE: return "A numeric argument is out of range"; case GL_INVALID_OPERATION: return "The specified operation is not allowed in the current state"; case GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION: return "The framebuffer object is not complete"; case GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY: return "There is not enough memory left to execute the command"; case GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW: return "An attempt has been made to perform an operation that would cause an internal stack to underflow"; case GL_STACK_OVERFLOW: return "An attempt has been made to perform an operation that would cause an internal stack to overflow"; default: assert(false); return ""; } } bool CStdGL::CheckGLError(const char *szAtOp) { GLenum err = glGetError(); if (!err) return true; LogF("GL error with %s: %d - %s", szAtOp, err, GLErrorString(err)); return false; } CStdGL *pGL=NULL; bool CStdGL::OnResolutionChanged(unsigned int iXRes, unsigned int iYRes) { // Re-create primary clipper to adapt to new size. CreatePrimaryClipper(iXRes, iYRes); RestoreDeviceObjects(); return true; } void CStdGL::Default() { C4Draw::Default(); pCurrCtx = NULL; iPixelFormat=0; sfcFmt=0; Workarounds.LowMaxVertexUniformCount = false; } unsigned int CStdGL::GenVAOID() { // Generate a new VAO ID. Make them sequential so that the actual // VAOs in the context can be simply maintained with a lookup table. unsigned int id; if (NextVAOID == VAOIDs.begin()) { // Insert at the beginning id = 1; } else { // Insert at the end, or somewhere in the middle std::set::iterator iter = NextVAOID; --iter; id = *iter + 1; } // Actually insert the ID #ifdef NDEBUG std::set::iterator inserted_iter = VAOIDs.insert(NextVAOID, id); #else std::pair::iterator, bool> inserted = VAOIDs.insert(id); assert(inserted.second == true); std::set::iterator inserted_iter = inserted.first; #endif // Update next VAO ID: increment iterator until we find a gap // in the sequence. NextVAOID = inserted_iter; unsigned int prev_id = id; ++NextVAOID; while(NextVAOID != VAOIDs.end() && prev_id + 1 == *NextVAOID) { prev_id = *NextVAOID; ++NextVAOID; } return id; } void CStdGL::FreeVAOID(unsigned int vaoid) { std::set::iterator iter = VAOIDs.find(vaoid); assert(iter != VAOIDs.end()); // Delete this VAO in the current context if (pCurrCtx) { if (vaoid < pCurrCtx->hVAOs.size() && pCurrCtx->hVAOs[vaoid] != 0) { glDeleteVertexArrays(1, &pCurrCtx->hVAOs[vaoid]); pCurrCtx->hVAOs[vaoid] = 0; } } // For all other contexts, mark it to be deleted as soon as we select // that context. Otherwise we would need to do a lot of context // switching at this point. for (std::list::iterator iter = CStdGLCtx::contexts.begin(); iter != CStdGLCtx::contexts.end(); ++iter) { CStdGLCtx* ctx = *iter; if (ctx != pCurrCtx && vaoid < ctx->hVAOs.size() && ctx->hVAOs[vaoid] != 0) if (std::find(ctx->VAOsToBeDeleted.begin(), ctx->VAOsToBeDeleted.end(), vaoid) == ctx->VAOsToBeDeleted.end()) ctx->VAOsToBeDeleted.push_back(vaoid); } // Delete the VAO ID from our list of VAO IDs in use // If the Next VAO ID is 1, then no matter what we delete we don't need // to update anything. If it is not at the beginning, then move it to the // gap we just created if it was at a higher place, to make sure we keep // the numbers as sequential as possible. unsigned int nextVaoID = 1; if (NextVAOID != VAOIDs.begin()) { std::set::iterator next_vao_iter = NextVAOID; --next_vao_iter; nextVaoID = *next_vao_iter + 1; } assert(vaoid != nextVaoID); if (vaoid < nextVaoID || iter == NextVAOID) NextVAOID = VAOIDs.erase(iter); else VAOIDs.erase(iter); } bool CStdGL::GetVAO(unsigned int vaoid, GLuint& vao) { assert(pCurrCtx != NULL); if (vaoid >= pCurrCtx->hVAOs.size()) { // Resize the VAO array so that all generated VAO IDs fit // in it, and not only the one requested in this call. // We hope to get away with fewer reallocations this way. assert(VAOIDs.find(vaoid) != VAOIDs.end()); std::set::iterator iter = VAOIDs.end(); --iter; pCurrCtx->hVAOs.resize(*iter + 1); } if (pCurrCtx->hVAOs[vaoid] == 0) { glGenVertexArrays(1, &pCurrCtx->hVAOs[vaoid]); vao = pCurrCtx->hVAOs[vaoid]; return false; } vao = pCurrCtx->hVAOs[vaoid]; return true; } #endif // USE_CONSOLE