/* * OpenClonk, http://www.openclonk.org * * Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Matthes Bender * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH, http://www.clonk.de/ * Copyright (c) 2009-2013, The OpenClonk Team and contributors * * Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file * "COPYING" for details. * * "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission. * See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details. * * To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts * for the above references. */ /* Main class to execute the game fullscreen mode */ #include "C4Include.h" #include "game/C4FullScreen.h" #include "game/C4Game.h" #include "game/C4Application.h" #include "game/C4Viewport.h" #include "c4group/C4Language.h" #include "gui/C4Gui.h" #include "gui/C4GameDialogs.h" #include "player/C4Player.h" #include "gui/C4GameOverDlg.h" #include "game/C4GraphicsSystem.h" #include "gui/C4MouseControl.h" #include "player/C4PlayerList.h" #include "C4Version.h" void C4FullScreen::CharIn(const char * c) { ::pGUI->CharIn(c); } C4FullScreen::C4FullScreen() { pMenu = NULL; } C4FullScreen::~C4FullScreen() { if (pMenu) delete pMenu; if (pSurface) delete pSurface; } C4Window * C4FullScreen::Init(C4AbstractApp * pApp) { C4Rect r(0, 0, Application.GetConfigWidth(), Application.GetConfigHeight()); return Init(C4Window::W_Fullscreen, pApp, C4ENGINECAPTION, &r); } void C4FullScreen::Close() { if (Game.IsRunning) ShowAbortDlg(); else Application.Quit(); } void C4FullScreen::Clear() { if (pSurface) delete pSurface; pSurface = 0; C4Window::Clear(); } void C4FullScreen::Execute() { // Execute menu if (pMenu) pMenu->Execute(); // Draw RequestUpdate(); } bool C4FullScreen::ViewportCheck() { int iPlrNum; C4Player *pPlr; // Not active if (!Active) return false; // Determine film mode bool fFilm = (Game.C4S.Head.Replay && Game.C4S.Head.Film); // Check viewports switch (::Viewports.GetViewportCount()) { // No viewports: create no-owner viewport case 0: iPlrNum = NO_OWNER; // Film mode: create viewport for first player (instead of no-owner) if (fFilm) if ((pPlr = ::Players.First)) iPlrNum = pPlr->Number; // Create viewport ::Viewports.CreateViewport(iPlrNum, iPlrNum==NO_OWNER); // Non-film (observer mode) if (!fFilm) { // Activate mouse control ::MouseControl.Init(iPlrNum); // Display message for how to open observer menu (this message will be cleared if any owned viewport opens) StdStrBuf sKey; sKey.Format("<%s>", Game.KeyboardInput.GetKeyCodeNameByKeyName("FullscreenMenuOpen", false).getData()); ::GraphicsSystem.FlashMessage(FormatString(LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_PRESSORPUSHANYGAMEPADBUTT"), sKey.getData()).getData()); } break; // One viewport: do nothing case 1: break; // More than one viewport: remove all no-owner viewports default: ::Viewports.CloseViewport(NO_OWNER, true); break; } // Look for no-owner viewport C4Viewport *pNoOwnerVp = ::Viewports.GetViewport(NO_OWNER); // No no-owner viewport found if (!pNoOwnerVp) { // Close any open fullscreen menu CloseMenu(); } // No-owner viewport present else { // movie mode: player present, and no valid viewport assigned? if (Game.C4S.Head.Replay && Game.C4S.Head.Film && (pPlr = ::Players.First)) // assign viewport to joined player pNoOwnerVp->Init(pPlr->Number, true); } // Done return true; } bool C4FullScreen::ShowAbortDlg() { // abort dialog already shown if (C4AbortGameDialog::IsShown()) return false; // not while game over dialog is open if (C4GameOverDlg::IsShown()) return false; // show abort dialog return ::pGUI->ShowRemoveDlg(new C4AbortGameDialog()); } bool C4FullScreen::ActivateMenuMain() { // Not during game over dialog if (C4GameOverDlg::IsShown()) return false; // Close previous CloseMenu(); // Open menu pMenu = new C4MainMenu(); return pMenu->ActivateMain(NO_OWNER); } void C4FullScreen::CloseMenu() { if (pMenu) { if (pMenu->IsActive()) pMenu->Close(false); delete pMenu; pMenu = NULL; } } void C4FullScreen::PerformUpdate() { GraphicsSystem.Execute(); } bool C4FullScreen::MenuKeyControl(BYTE byCom) { if (pMenu) return pMenu->KeyControl(byCom); return false; }