/* * OpenClonk, http://www.openclonk.org * * Copyright (c) 2008-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH, http://www.clonk.de/ * Copyright (c) 2009-2013, The OpenClonk Team and contributors * * Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file * "COPYING" for details. * * "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission. * See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details. * * To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts * for the above references. */ // Round result information to be displayed in game over dialog // Collects information from: // -Instances of C4Player as they are evaluated (EvaluatePlayer) // -Game evaluation (EvaluateGame) // -League evaluation (EvaluateLeague) // -Script calls to AddCustomEvaluationString #ifndef INC_C4RoundResults #define INC_C4RoundResults #include "c4group/C4Components.h" #include "object/C4IDList.h" #include "network/C4PacketBase.h" #include "graphics/C4FacetEx.h" // Contains additional data not present in C4PlayerInfo class C4RoundResultsPlayer { private: // player ID of linked structure in Game.PlayerInfos int32_t id; // player icon // not compiled, so it will be lost for eliminated players after savegame resume, // or for runtime joiners C4FacetSurface fctBigIcon; // game data uint32_t iTotalPlayingTime; // total playing time in seconds int32_t iScoreOld, iScoreNew; StdCopyStrBuf sCustomEvaluationStrings; // scenario specific // league data int32_t iLeagueScoreNew; // score on league server after this round - -1 for unknown int32_t iLeagueScoreGain; // league score gained by this round - -1 for unknown int32_t iLeagueRankNew; // rank on league server after this round int32_t iLeagueRankSymbolNew; // rank symbol on league server after this round int32_t iLeaguePerformance; // script-set performance value, effect league-dependent StdCopyStrBuf sLeagueProgressData; // scenario-specific data to store more proigress info (which levels were done, etc.) enum LeagueStatus { RRPLS_Unknown=0, RRPLS_Lost, RRPLS_Won } eLeagueStatus; // whether player lost or won public: C4RoundResultsPlayer() : id(0), iTotalPlayingTime(0), iScoreOld(-1), iScoreNew(-1), iLeagueScoreNew(-1), iLeagueScoreGain(0), iLeagueRankNew(0), iLeagueRankSymbolNew(0), iLeaguePerformance(0), sLeagueProgressData(), eLeagueStatus(RRPLS_Unknown) {} C4RoundResultsPlayer(const C4RoundResultsPlayer &cpy) { *this=cpy; } void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp); int32_t GetID() const { return id; } C4Facet &GetBigIcon() { return fctBigIcon; } uint32_t GetTotalPlayingTime() const { return iTotalPlayingTime; } bool IsScoreOldValid() const { return iScoreOld>=0; } int32_t GetScoreOld() const { return iScoreOld; } bool IsScoreNewValid() const { return iScoreNew>=0; } int32_t GetScoreNew() const { return iScoreNew; } const char *GetCustomEvaluationStrings() { return sCustomEvaluationStrings.getData(); } int32_t GetLeagueScoreNew() const { return iLeagueScoreNew; } // returns score number on league server after round evaluation (0 for not assigned) bool IsLeagueScoreNewValid() const { return iLeagueScoreNew>=0; } int32_t GetLeagueScoreGain() const { return iLeagueScoreGain; } int32_t GetLeagueRankNew() const { return iLeagueRankNew; } // returns rank on league server after round evaluation (0 for not assigned) int32_t GetLeagueRankSymbolNew() const { return iLeagueRankSymbolNew; } int32_t GetLeaguePerformance() const { return iLeaguePerformance; } void EvaluateLeague(C4RoundResultsPlayer *pLeaguePlayer); // called from league evaluation; set league fields void EvaluatePlayer(C4Player *pPlr); // called from C4Player::Evaluate; set fields by player void SetID(int32_t idNew) { this->id=idNew; } void AddCustomEvaluationString(const char *szCustomString); void SetLeaguePerformance(int32_t iNewPerf) { iLeaguePerformance = iNewPerf; } bool operator ==(const C4RoundResultsPlayer &cmp); C4RoundResultsPlayer &operator =(const C4RoundResultsPlayer &cpy); }; // player list in round results (std::vector...) class C4RoundResultsPlayers { private: // players C4RoundResultsPlayer **ppPlayers; int32_t iPlayerCount, iPlayerCapacity; public: C4RoundResultsPlayers() : ppPlayers(NULL), iPlayerCount(0), iPlayerCapacity(0) {} C4RoundResultsPlayers(const C4RoundResultsPlayers &cpy) : ppPlayers(NULL), iPlayerCount(0), iPlayerCapacity(0) { *this=cpy; } ~C4RoundResultsPlayers() { Clear(); } void Clear(); void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp); private: void GrowList(size_t iByVal); public: C4RoundResultsPlayer *GetByIndex(int32_t idx) const; C4RoundResultsPlayer *GetByID(int32_t id) const; int32_t GetCount() const { return iPlayerCount; } void Add(C4RoundResultsPlayer *pNewPlayer); C4RoundResultsPlayer *GetCreateByID(int32_t id); bool operator ==(const C4RoundResultsPlayers &cmp); C4RoundResultsPlayers &operator =(const C4RoundResultsPlayers &cpy); }; class C4RoundResults { public: enum NetResult { NR_None=0, // undefined NR_LeagueOK, // league evaluated NR_LeagueError, // league evaluation error NR_NetError // network disconnect }; private: // player list C4RoundResultsPlayers Players; // game data C4IDList Goals; // Goals at time of evaluation C4IDList FulfilledGoals; // only those goals that are fulfilled uint32_t iPlayingTime; // game time in seconds int32_t iLeaguePerformance; // settlement league performance points bool fHideSettlementScore; // to hide the score in the evaluation dialogue (for melees) // league/network result StdCopyStrBuf sNetResult; NetResult eNetResult; // scenario-specific StdCopyStrBuf sCustomEvaluationStrings; public: C4RoundResults() : iPlayingTime(0) {} ~C4RoundResults() { Clear(); } void Clear(); void Init(); void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp); public: // fill GoalList with current goal status - also called by goal menu! static void EvaluateGoals(C4IDList &GoalList, C4IDList &FulfilledGoalList, int32_t iPlayerNumber); // Evaluation called by C4Game::Evaluate // Caution: This does script callbacks for goal fulfillment check and must be called in sync, // i.e. even for dedicated server void EvaluateGame(); // Evaluation called by league: Sets new league scores and ranks void EvaluateLeague(const char *szResultMsg, bool fSuccess, const C4RoundResultsPlayers &rLeagueInfo); // Evaluation called by player when it's evaluated void EvaluatePlayer(C4Player *pPlr); // Evaluation by network: Disconnect or league info void EvaluateNetwork(NetResult eResult, const char *szResultsString); // Set custom string to be shown in game over dialog // idPlayer==0 for global strings void AddCustomEvaluationString(const char *szCustomString, int32_t idPlayer); // to hide the settlement score in melees void HideSettlementScore(bool fHide=true); bool SettlementScoreIsHidden(); // Used for special league scenarios, e.g. settlement scenarios that wish to use a // measure different from the elapsed game time void SetLeaguePerformance(int32_t iNewPerf, int32_t idPlayer = 0); int32_t GetLeaguePerformance(int32_t idPlayer = 0) const; const C4RoundResultsPlayers &GetPlayers() const { return Players; } const char *GetCustomEvaluationStrings() const { return sCustomEvaluationStrings.getData(); } NetResult GetNetResult() const { return eNetResult; } const char *GetNetResultString() const { return sNetResult.getData(); } bool HasNetResult() const { return eNetResult != NR_None; } bool Load(C4Group &hGroup, const char *szFilename = C4CFN_RoundResults); bool Save(C4Group &hGroup, const char *szFilename = C4CFN_RoundResults); const C4IDList &GetGoals() const { return Goals; } const C4IDList &GetFulfilledGoals() const { return FulfilledGoals; } }; // * PID_LeagueRoundResults // packet containing league round results for all participating players // sent from host to client after league evaluation class C4PacketLeagueRoundResults : public C4PacketBase { public: C4RoundResultsPlayers Players; // league info for players StdCopyStrBuf sResultsString; // league result string - or error message bool fSuccess; // whether result was successful or not C4PacketLeagueRoundResults() : fSuccess(false) { } // std ctor C4PacketLeagueRoundResults(const char *szResultsString, bool fSuccess, const C4RoundResultsPlayers &Players) : Players(Players), sResultsString(szResultsString), fSuccess(fSuccess) {} // ctor C4PacketLeagueRoundResults(const char *szResultsString, bool fSuccess) : sResultsString(szResultsString), fSuccess(fSuccess) {} // ctor virtual void CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp); }; #endif // INC_C4RoundResults