/*-- Boomrace Author: Newton A parkour on boompacks. --*/ protected func Initialize() { // Create parkour goal & checkpoints. var goal = CreateObject(Goal_Parkour, 0, 0, NO_OWNER); var mode = PARKOUR_CP_Respawn | PARKOUR_CP_Check | PARKOUR_CP_Ordered; goal->SetStartpoint(90, 820); goal->AddCheckpoint(660, 580, mode); goal->AddCheckpoint(500, 270, mode); goal->AddCheckpoint(1850, 90, mode); goal->AddCheckpoint(1650, 740, mode); goal->AddCheckpoint(2200, 870, mode); goal->AddCheckpoint(3300, 240, mode); goal->AddCheckpoint(3830, 710, mode); goal->SetFinishpoint(3650, 180); // Red sky. SetSkyAdjust(RGB(255, 128, 0), RGB(0, 0, 0)); } // Gamecall from parkour goal, on respawning. protected func OnPlayerRespawn(int plr, object cp) { var clonk = GetCrew(plr); // Jump to instantly collect the boompack. clonk->SetAction("Jump"); clonk->CreateContents(Boompack); } global func FxRespawnBoomTimer(object target, effect, int time) { // Jump to instantly collect the boompack. if (target->GetAction() == "Walk") target->SetAction("Jump"); target->CreateContents(Boompack); return -1; }