/* * OpenClonk, http://www.openclonk.org * * Copyright (c) 2003-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH, http://www.clonk.de/ * Copyright (c) 2009-2016, The OpenClonk Team and contributors * * Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file * "COPYING" for details. * * "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission. * See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details. * * To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts * for the above references. */ // text drawing facility for C4Draw #include "C4Include.h" #include "C4ForbidLibraryCompilation.h" #include "graphics/C4FontLoader.h" #ifndef USE_CONSOLE #include "c4group/C4Components.h" #include "config/C4Config.h" #include "graphics/C4Draw.h" #include "c4group/C4Language.h" #include "lib/C4Log.h" #include "lib/C4Markup.h" #include "graphics/C4Surface.h" #include "lib/StdColors.h" #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include "platform/C4windowswrapper.h" #endif #include #include FT_FREETYPE_H #endif /* Initialization */ bool C4FontLoader::InitFont(CStdFont * rFont, const char *szFontName, FontType eType, int32_t iSize, C4GroupSet *pGfxGroups, bool fDoShadow) { #ifdef USE_CONSOLE return true; #else // safety assert(szFontName); if (!szFontName || !*szFontName) { LogFatal(FormatString("%s (\"%s\")", LoadResStr("IDS_ERR_INITFONTS"), szFontName ? szFontName : "(null)").getData()); return false; } // if def has not been found, use the def as font name // determine font def string const char *szFontString = szFontName; // font not assigned? assert(*szFontString); if (!*szFontString) { // invalid call or spec LogFatal(LoadResStr("IDS_ERR_INITFONTS")); return false; } // get font name char FontFaceName[C4MaxName+1], FontParam[C4MaxName+1]; SCopyUntil(szFontString, FontFaceName, ',', C4MaxName); // is it an image file? int32_t iDefFontSize; DWORD dwDefWeight=FW_NORMAL; switch (eType) { case C4FT_Log: iDefFontSize = iSize*12/14; break; case C4FT_MainSmall:iDefFontSize = iSize*13/14; break; case C4FT_Main: iDefFontSize = iSize; break; case C4FT_Caption: iDefFontSize = iSize*16/14; break; case C4FT_Title: iDefFontSize = iSize*22/14; break; default: assert(false); LogFatal(LoadResStr("IDS_ERR_INITFONTS")); return false; // invalid call } // regular font name: let WinGDI or Freetype draw a font with the given parameters // font size given? if (SCopySegment(szFontString, 1, FontParam, ',', C4MaxName)) sscanf(FontParam, "%i", &iDefFontSize); // font weight given? if (SCopySegment(szFontString, 2, FontParam, ',', C4MaxName)) { int iDefWeight; sscanf(FontParam, "%i", &iDefWeight); dwDefWeight = iDefWeight; } // check if it's already loaded from that group with that parameters if (rFont->IsSameAs(FontFaceName, iDefFontSize, dwDefWeight)) return true; // it's not; so (re-)load it now! if (rFont->IsInitialized()) { // reloading rFont->Clear(); LogF(LoadResStr("IDS_PRC_UPDATEFONT"), FontFaceName, iDefFontSize, dwDefWeight); } // check if one of the internally listed fonts should be used const char * const extensions[] = { "ttf", "otf", "ttc", "fon", "fnt", "fot", NULL }; char FileName[_MAX_PATH+1]; int32_t ID; C4Group * pGrp = pGfxGroups->FindSuitableFile(FontFaceName, extensions, FileName, &ID); if (pGrp) { if (LastUsedGrpID != ID || LastUsedName != FontFaceName) { DestroyFont(pLastUsedFont); pLastUsedFont = NULL; } if (!pLastUsedFont) { StdBuf Data; if (pGrp->LoadEntry(FileName, &Data)) { try { pLastUsedFont = CreateFont(Data); LastUsedGrpID = ID; LastUsedName = FontFaceName; } catch (std::runtime_error & e) { LogFatal(e.what()); pGrp = NULL; } } } } // no internal font match? Then create one using the given face/filename (using a system font) if (!pGrp) { if (LastUsedGrpID != -1 || LastUsedName != FontFaceName) { DestroyFont(pLastUsedFont); pLastUsedFont = NULL; } if (!pLastUsedFont) { try { pLastUsedFont = CreateFont(FontFaceName); if (!pLastUsedFont) // no match for font face found throw std::runtime_error(FormatString("Font face %s undefined", FontFaceName).getData()); LastUsedGrpID = -1; LastUsedName = FontFaceName; } catch (std::runtime_error & e) { LogFatal(e.what()); } } } if (!pLastUsedFont) { LogFatal(LoadResStr("IDS_ERR_INITFONTS")); return false; } try { rFont->Init(*pLastUsedFont, FontFaceName, iDefFontSize, dwDefWeight, fDoShadow); // throws exception on error return true; } catch (std::runtime_error & e) { LogFatal(e.what()); LogFatal(LoadResStr("IDS_ERR_INITFONTS")); return false; } #endif } void C4FontLoader::Clear() { #ifndef USE_CONSOLE // delete vector font cache DestroyFont(pLastUsedFont); pLastUsedFont = NULL; #endif } #ifndef USE_CONSOLE class CStdVectorFont { FT_Library library; FT_Face face; StdBuf Data; public: CStdVectorFont(const char * FontFaceName): RefCnt(1) { #if defined(_WIN32) // Win32 using freetype: Load TrueType-data from WinGDI into Data-buffer to be used by FreeType bool fSuccess = false; HDC hDC = ::CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); if (hDC) { HFONT hFont = ::CreateFontA(0, 0, 0, 0, FW_DONTCARE, false, false, false, DEFAULT_CHARSET, OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, 5, VARIABLE_PITCH, FontFaceName); if (hFont) { SelectObject( hDC, hFont ); uint32_t dwTTFSize = ::GetFontData(hDC, 0, 0, NULL, 0); if (dwTTFSize && dwTTFSize != GDI_ERROR) { Data.SetSize(dwTTFSize); uint32_t dwRealTTFSize = ::GetFontData(hDC, 0, 0, Data.getMData(), dwTTFSize); if (dwRealTTFSize == dwTTFSize) { fSuccess = true; } else Data.Clear(); } DeleteObject(hFont); } DeleteDC(hDC); } if (!fSuccess) throw std::runtime_error("Some Win32 error"); // Initialize Freetype if (FT_Init_FreeType(&library)) throw std::runtime_error("Cannot init Freetype"); // Load the font FT_Error e; if ((e=FT_New_Memory_Face(library, static_cast(Data.getData()), Data.getSize(), 0, &face))) throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Cannot load font: ") + FormatString("%d",e).getData()); #else //FIXME: get path name from OS // Initialize Freetype if (FT_Init_FreeType(&library)) throw std::runtime_error("Cannot init Freetype"); // Load the font FT_Error e; if ((e=FT_New_Face(library, FontFaceName, 0, &face))) throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Cannot load ") + FontFaceName + ": " + FormatString("%d",e).getData()); #endif } CStdVectorFont(StdBuf & Data) : Data(Data), RefCnt(1) { // Initialize Freetype if (FT_Init_FreeType(&library)) throw std::runtime_error("Cannot init Freetype"); // Load the font FT_Error e; if ((e=FT_New_Memory_Face(library, static_cast(Data.getData()), Data.getSize(), 0, &face))) throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Cannot load font: ") + FormatString("%d",e).getData()); } ~CStdVectorFont() { FT_Done_Face(face); FT_Done_FreeType(library); } operator FT_Face () { return face; } FT_Face operator -> () { return face; } int RefCnt; }; CStdVectorFont * C4FontLoader::CreateFont(const char *szFaceName) { return new CStdVectorFont(szFaceName); } CStdVectorFont * C4FontLoader::CreateFont(StdBuf & Data) { return new CStdVectorFont(Data); } void C4FontLoader::DestroyFont(CStdVectorFont * pFont) { if (!pFont) return; --(pFont->RefCnt); if (!pFont->RefCnt) delete pFont; } #endif C4FontLoader FontLoader; CStdFont::CStdFont() { #ifndef USE_CONSOLE // set default values sfcCurrent = NULL; iSfcSizes = 64; dwDefFontHeight=iLineHgt=10; iFontZoom=1; // default: no internal font zooming - likely no antialiasing either... iHSpace=-1; iGfxLineHgt=iLineHgt+1; dwWeight=FW_NORMAL; fDoShadow=false; // font not yet initialized *szFontName=0; id=0; pCustomImages=NULL; pVectorFont = NULL; #endif } #ifndef USE_CONSOLE bool CStdFont::AddSurface() { // add new surface as render target auto sfcNew = std::make_unique(iSfcSizes, iSfcSizes, 0); // If old surface was locked, unlock it and lock the new one in its stead if (sfcCurrent && sfcCurrent->IsLocked()) { sfcCurrent->Unlock(); sfcNew->Lock(); } sfcCurrent = sfcNew.get(); psfcFontData.push_back(std::move(sfcNew)); iCurrentSfcX = iCurrentSfcY = 0; return true; } bool CStdFont::CheckRenderedCharSpace(uint32_t iCharWdt, uint32_t iCharHgt) { // need to do a line break? if (iCurrentSfcX + iCharWdt >= (uint32_t)iSfcSizes) if (iCurrentSfcX) { iCurrentSfcX = 0; iCurrentSfcY += iCharHgt; if (iCurrentSfcY + iCharHgt >= (uint32_t)iSfcSizes) { // surface is full: Next one if (!AddSurface()) return false; } } // OK draw it there return true; } bool CStdFont::AddRenderedChar(uint32_t dwChar, C4Facet *pfctTarget) { if (!pVectorFont) return false; // Freetype character rendering FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(*pVectorFont, dwDefFontHeight, dwDefFontHeight); int32_t iBoldness = dwWeight-400; // zero is normal; 300 is bold if (iBoldness) { iBoldness = (1<<16) + (iBoldness<<16)/400; FT_Matrix mat; mat.xx = iBoldness; mat.xy = mat.yx = 0; mat.yy = 1<<16; FT_Set_Transform(*pVectorFont, &mat, NULL); } else { FT_Set_Transform(*pVectorFont, NULL, NULL); } // Render if (FT_Load_Char(*pVectorFont, dwChar, FT_LOAD_RENDER | FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING)) { // although the character was not drawn, assume it's not in the font and won't be needed // so return success here return true; } // Make a shortcut to the glyph FT_GlyphSlot slot = (*pVectorFont)->glyph; if (slot->bitmap.pixel_mode != FT_PIXEL_MODE_GRAY) { // although the character was drawn in a strange way, assume it's not in the font and won't be needed // so return success here return true; } // linebreak/ new surface check int width = std::max(slot->advance.x / 64, std::max(slot->bitmap_left,0) + slot->bitmap.width) + fDoShadow; if (!CheckRenderedCharSpace(width, iGfxLineHgt)) return false; // offset from the top int at_y = iCurrentSfcY + dwDefFontHeight * (*pVectorFont)->ascender / (*pVectorFont)->units_per_EM - slot->bitmap_top; int at_x = iCurrentSfcX + std::max(slot->bitmap_left,0); // Copy to the surface if (!sfcCurrent->Lock()) return false; for (unsigned int y = 0; y < slot->bitmap.rows + fDoShadow; ++y) { for (unsigned int x = 0; x < slot->bitmap.width + fDoShadow; ++x) { unsigned char bAlpha, bAlphaShadow; if (x < slot->bitmap.width && y < slot->bitmap.rows) bAlpha = (unsigned char)(slot->bitmap.buffer[slot->bitmap.width * y + x]); else bAlpha = 0; // Make a shadow from the upper-left pixel, and blur with the eight neighbors DWORD dwPixVal = 0u; bAlphaShadow = 0; if ((x || y) && fDoShadow) { int iShadow = 0; if (x < slot->bitmap.width && y < slot->bitmap.rows) iShadow += slot->bitmap.buffer[(x - 0) + slot->bitmap.width * (y - 0)]; if (x > 1 && y < slot->bitmap.rows) iShadow += slot->bitmap.buffer[(x - 2) + slot->bitmap.width * (y - 0)]; if (x > 0 && y < slot->bitmap.rows) iShadow += slot->bitmap.buffer[(x - 1) + slot->bitmap.width * (y - 0)]; if (x < slot->bitmap.width && y > 1 ) iShadow += slot->bitmap.buffer[(x - 0) + slot->bitmap.width * (y - 2)]; if (x > 1 && y > 1 ) iShadow += slot->bitmap.buffer[(x - 2) + slot->bitmap.width * (y - 2)]; if (x > 0 && y > 1 ) iShadow += slot->bitmap.buffer[(x - 1) + slot->bitmap.width * (y - 2)]; if (x < slot->bitmap.width && y > 0 ) iShadow += slot->bitmap.buffer[(x - 0) + slot->bitmap.width * (y - 1)]; if (x > 1 && y > 0 ) iShadow += slot->bitmap.buffer[(x - 2) + slot->bitmap.width * (y - 1)]; if (x > 0 && y > 0 ) iShadow += slot->bitmap.buffer[(x - 1) + slot->bitmap.width * (y - 1)]*8; bAlphaShadow += iShadow / 16; // because blitting on a black pixel reduces luminosity as compared to shadowless font, // assume luminosity as if blitting shadowless font on a 50% gray background unsigned char cBack = bAlpha; dwPixVal = RGBA(cBack/2, cBack/2, cBack/2, bAlphaShadow); } BltAlpha(dwPixVal, bAlpha << 24 | 0xffffff); sfcCurrent->SetPixDw(at_x + x, at_y + y, dwPixVal); } } sfcCurrent->Unlock(); // Save the position of the glyph for the rendering code pfctTarget->Set(sfcCurrent, iCurrentSfcX, iCurrentSfcY, width, iGfxLineHgt); // advance texture position iCurrentSfcX += pfctTarget->Wdt; return true; } C4Facet &CStdFont::GetUnicodeCharacterFacet(uint32_t c) { // find/add facet in map C4Facet &rFacet = fctUnicodeMap[c]; // create character on the fly if necessary and possible if (!rFacet.Surface) AddRenderedChar(c, &rFacet); // rendering might have failed, in which case rFacet remains empty. Should be OK; char won't be printed then return rFacet; } #endif void CStdFont::Init(CStdVectorFont & VectorFont, const char *font_face_name, DWORD dwHeight, DWORD dwFontWeight, bool fDoShadow) { #ifndef USE_CONSOLE // clear previous Clear(); // set values iHSpace=fDoShadow ? -1 : 0; // horizontal shadow dwWeight=dwFontWeight; this->fDoShadow = fDoShadow; // determine needed texture size if (dwHeight * iFontZoom > 40) iSfcSizes = 512; else if (dwDefFontHeight * iFontZoom > 20) iSfcSizes = 256; else iSfcSizes = 128; SCopy(font_face_name, szFontName, 80); dwDefFontHeight = dwHeight; // create surface if (!AddSurface()) { Clear(); throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Cannot create surface (") + szFontName + ")"); } // Store vector font pVectorFont = &VectorFont; ++(pVectorFont->RefCnt); // Get size // FIXME: use bbox or dynamically determined line heights here iLineHgt = (VectorFont->ascender - VectorFont->descender) * dwHeight / VectorFont->units_per_EM; iGfxLineHgt = iLineHgt + fDoShadow; // vertical shadow // loop through all ASCII printable characters and prepare them // Non-ASCII Unicode characters will be created on the fly // now render all characters! int cMax = 127; sfcCurrent->Lock(); for (int c=' '; c <= cMax; ++c) { if (!AddRenderedChar(c, &(fctAsciiTexCoords[c-' ']))) { sfcCurrent->Unlock(); Clear(); throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Cannot render characters for Font (") + szFontName + ")"); } } sfcCurrent->Unlock(); // adjust line height iLineHgt /= iFontZoom; #endif } void CStdFont::Clear() { #ifndef USE_CONSOLE FontLoader.DestroyFont(pVectorFont); pVectorFont = NULL; // clear font sfcs sfcCurrent = NULL; psfcFontData.clear(); for (int c=' '; c<256; ++c) fctAsciiTexCoords[c-' '].Default(); fctUnicodeMap.clear(); // set default values dwDefFontHeight=iLineHgt=10; iFontZoom=1; // default: no internal font zooming - likely no antialiasing either... iHSpace=-1; iGfxLineHgt=iLineHgt+1; dwWeight=FW_NORMAL; fDoShadow=false; // font not yet initialized *szFontName=0; id=0; #endif } /* Text size measurement */ bool CStdFont::GetTextExtent(const char *szText, int32_t &rsx, int32_t &rsy, bool fCheckMarkup) { // safety if (!szText) return false; assert(IsValidUtf8(szText)); #ifdef USE_CONSOLE rsx = rsy = 0; #else // keep track of each row's size int iRowWdt=0,iWdt=0,iHgt=iLineHgt; // ignore any markup C4Markup MarkupChecker(false); // go through all text while (*szText) { // ignore markup if (fCheckMarkup) MarkupChecker.SkipTags(&szText); // get current char uint32_t c = GetNextCharacter(&szText); // done? (must check here, because markup-skip may have led to text end) if (!c) break; // line break? if (c == '\n' || (fCheckMarkup && c == '|')) { iRowWdt=0; iHgt+=iLineHgt; continue; } // ignore system characters if (c < ' ') continue; // image? int iImgLgt; if (fCheckMarkup && c=='{' && szText[0]=='{' && szText[1]!='{' && (iImgLgt=SCharPos('}', szText+1))>0 && szText[iImgLgt+2]=='}') { char imgbuf[101]; SCopy(szText+1, imgbuf, std::min(iImgLgt, 100)); int w2, h2; if(!GetFontImageSize(imgbuf, w2, h2)) { w2 = 0; h2 = 0; } iRowWdt += w2; // skip image tag szText+=iImgLgt+3; } else { // regular char // look up character width in texture coordinates table iRowWdt += GetCharacterFacet(c).Wdt / iFontZoom; } // apply horizontal indent for all but last char if (*szText) iRowWdt += iHSpace; // adjust max row size if (iRowWdt>iWdt) iWdt=iRowWdt; } // store output rsx=iWdt; rsy=iHgt; // done, success #endif return true; } int CStdFont::BreakMessage(const char *szMsg, int iWdt, char *szOut, int iMaxOutLen, bool fCheckMarkup, float fZoom) { #ifdef USE_CONSOLE return 0; #else // note iMaxOutLen does not include terminating null character // safety if (!iMaxOutLen) return 0; if (!szMsg) { if (szOut) *szOut=0; return 0; } auto t = BreakMessage(szMsg, iWdt, fCheckMarkup, fZoom); auto str = std::get<0>(t); auto len = str.copy(szOut, iMaxOutLen); szOut[len] = '\0'; return std::get<1>(t); #endif } int CStdFont::BreakMessage(const char *szMsg, int iWdt, StdStrBuf *pOut, bool fCheckMarkup, float fZoom) { #ifdef USE_CONSOLE return 0; #else if (!szMsg || !pOut) return 0; auto t = BreakMessage(szMsg, iWdt, fCheckMarkup, fZoom); auto str = std::get<0>(t); pOut->Clear(); pOut->Append(str.c_str(), str.size()); return std::get<1>(t); #endif } // Returns broken message and resulting height. std::tuple CStdFont::BreakMessage(const char *szMsg, int iWdt, bool fCheckMarkup, float fZoom) { #ifdef USE_CONSOLE return std::make_tuple("", 0); #else if (!szMsg) return std::make_tuple("", 0); std::string out; // TODO: might szLastEmergenyBreakPos, iLastBreakOutLen or iXEmergencyBreak not be properly initialised before use? uint32_t c; const char *szPos=szMsg, // current parse position in the text *szLastBreakPos = szMsg, // points to the char after at (whitespace) or after ('-') which text can be broken *szLastEmergenyBreakPos = NULL, // same, but at last char in case no suitable linebreak could be found *szLastPos; // last position until which buffer has been transferred to output int iLastBreakOutLen = 0, iLastEmergencyBreakOutLen = 0; // size of output string at break positions int iX=0, // current text width at parse pos iXBreak=0, // text width as it was at last break pos iXEmergencyBreak = 0, // same, but at last char in case no suitable linebreak could be found iHgt=iLineHgt; // total height of output text int iCharHOverlap = std::max(-iHSpace, 0); // character width exceeding placement of next character bool fIsFirstLineChar = true; // ignore any markup C4Markup MarkupChecker(false); // go through all text while (*(szLastPos = szPos)) { // ignore markup if (fCheckMarkup) MarkupChecker.SkipTags(&szPos); // get current char c = GetNextCharacter(&szPos); // done? (must check here, because markup-skip may have led to text end) if (!c) break; // manual break? int iCharWdt = 0; if (c != '\n' && (!fCheckMarkup || c != '|')) { // image? int iImgLgt; if (fCheckMarkup && c=='{' && szPos[0]=='{' && szPos[1]!='{' && (iImgLgt=SCharPos('}', szPos+1))>0 && szPos[iImgLgt+2]=='}') { char imgbuf[101]; SCopy(szPos+1, imgbuf, std::min(iImgLgt, 100)); int iCharHgt; if(!GetFontImageSize(imgbuf, iCharWdt, iCharHgt)) iCharWdt = 0; // skip image tag szPos+=iImgLgt+3; } else { // regular char // look up character width in texture coordinates table if (c >= ' ') iCharWdt = int(fZoom * GetCharacterFacet(c).Wdt / iFontZoom) + iHSpace; else iCharWdt = 0; // OMFG ctrl char } // add chars to output out.append(szLastPos, szPos - szLastPos); // add to line; always add one char at minimum if ((iX+=iCharWdt)+iCharHOverlap <= iWdt || fIsFirstLineChar) { // check whether linebreak possibility shall be marked here // 2do: What about unicode-spaces? if (c<256) if (isspace((unsigned char)c) || c == '-') { szLastBreakPos = szPos; iLastBreakOutLen = out.size(); // space: Break directly at space if it isn't the first char here // first char spaces must remain, in case the output area is just one char width if (c != '-' && !fIsFirstLineChar) --szLastBreakPos; // because c<256, the character length can be safely assumed to be 1 here iXBreak = iX; } // always mark emergency break after char that fitted the line szLastEmergenyBreakPos = szPos; iXEmergencyBreak = iX; iLastEmergencyBreakOutLen = out.size(); // line OK; continue filling it fIsFirstLineChar = false; continue; } // line must be broken now // check if a linebreak is possible directly here, because it's a space // only check for space and not for other breakable characters (such as '-'), because the break would happen after those characters instead of at them if (c<128 && isspace((unsigned char)c)) { szLastBreakPos = szPos-1; iLastBreakOutLen = out.size(); iXBreak = iX; } // if there was no linebreak, do it at emergency pos else if (szLastBreakPos == szMsg) { szLastBreakPos = szLastEmergenyBreakPos; iLastBreakOutLen = iLastEmergencyBreakOutLen; iXBreak = iXEmergencyBreak; } // insert linebreak at linebreak pos // was it a space? Then just overwrite space with a linebreak if (uint8_t(*szLastBreakPos)<128 && isspace((unsigned char)*szLastBreakPos)) out.at(iLastBreakOutLen-1) = '\n'; else { // otherwise, insert line break out.insert(iLastBreakOutLen, 1, '\n'); } // calc next line usage iX -= iXBreak; } else { // a static linebreak: Everything's well; this just resets the line width iX = 0; // add to output out.append(szLastPos, szPos - szLastPos); } // forced or manual line break: set new line beginning to char after line break szLastBreakPos = szMsg = szPos; // manual line break or line width overflow: add char to next line iHgt += iLineHgt; fIsFirstLineChar = true; } // transfer final data to buffer (any missing markup) out.append(szLastPos, szPos - szLastPos); // return text height return std::make_tuple(out, iHgt); #endif } // get message break and pos after message break // 2do: Function not ready for UTF-8, markup or inline images. Remove its usage using standardized BreakMessage int CStdFont::GetMessageBreak(const char *szMsg, const char **ppNewPos, int iBreakWidth, float fZoom) { #ifdef USE_CONSOLE *ppNewPos = szMsg; while(**ppNewPos) ++*ppNewPos; return *ppNewPos - szMsg; #else // safety if (!szMsg || !*szMsg) { *ppNewPos = szMsg; return 0; } const char *szPos = szMsg; unsigned char c; int iWdt = 0; int iPos = 0; // check all message until it's too wide while ((c = *szPos++)) { ++iPos; // get char width int iCharWdt = int(fZoom * fctAsciiTexCoords[c-' '].Wdt / iFontZoom) + iHSpace; // add to overall line width iWdt += iCharWdt; // next char only if the line didn't overflow if (iWdt > iBreakWidth) break; } // did it all fit? if (!c) { // all OK then; use all the buffer *ppNewPos = szPos-1; return iPos; } // line must be broken - trace back until first break char // szPos2 will be first char of next line const char *szPos2 = szPos-1; int i=0; while ((!i++ || *szPos2 != '-') && *szPos2 != ' ') if (szPos2 == szMsg) { // do not go past beginning of line // then better print out an unfitting break szPos2 = szPos-1; break; } else --szPos2; // but do print at least one char if (szPos2 <= szMsg) szPos2 = szMsg+1; // assign next line start pos - skip spaces *ppNewPos = szPos2; if (*szPos2 == ' ') ++*ppNewPos; // return output string length return szPos2 - szMsg; #endif } /* Text drawing */ void CStdFont::DrawText(C4Surface * sfcDest, float iX, float iY, DWORD dwColor, const char *szText, DWORD dwFlags, C4Markup &Markup, float fZoom) { #ifndef USE_CONSOLE assert(IsValidUtf8(szText)); C4DrawTransform bt, *pbt=NULL; // set blit color DWORD dwOldModClr; bool fWasModulated = pDraw->GetBlitModulation(dwOldModClr); if (fWasModulated) ModulateClr(dwColor, dwOldModClr); // get alpha fade percentage DWORD dwAlphaMod = std::min(((dwColor>>0x18)*0xff)/0xaf, 255)<<0x18 | 0xffffff; /* char TEXT[8192]; sprintf(TEXT, "%s(%x-%x-%x)", szText, dwAlphaMod>>0x18, dwColor>>0x15, (((int)(dwColor>>0x15)-0x50)*0xff)/0xaf); szText=TEXT;*/ // adjust text starting position (horizontal only) if (dwFlags & STDFONT_CENTERED) { // centered int32_t sx,sy; GetTextExtent(szText, sx,sy, !(dwFlags & STDFONT_NOMARKUP)); sx = int(fZoom*sx); sy = int(fZoom*sy); iX-=sx/2; } else if (dwFlags & STDFONT_RIGHTALGN) { // right-aligned int32_t sx,sy; GetTextExtent(szText, sx,sy, !(dwFlags & STDFONT_NOMARKUP)); sx = int(fZoom*sx); sy = int(fZoom*sy); iX-=sx; } // apply texture zoom fZoom /= iFontZoom; // set start markup transformation if (!Markup.Clean()) pbt=&bt; // output text uint32_t c; C4Facet fctFromBlt; // source facet while ((c = GetNextCharacter(&szText))) { // ignore system characters if (c < ' ') continue; // apply markup if (c=='<' && (~dwFlags & STDFONT_NOMARKUP)) { // get tag if (Markup.Read(&--szText)) { // mark transform to be done // (done only if tag was found, so most normal blits don't init a trasnformation matrix) pbt=&bt; // skip the tag continue; } // invalid tag: render it as text ++szText; } int w2, h2; // dst width/height // custom image? int iImgLgt; char imgbuf[101] = ""; if (c=='{' && szText[0]=='{' && szText[1]!='{' && (iImgLgt=SCharPos('}', szText+1))>0 && szText[iImgLgt+2]=='}' && !(dwFlags & STDFONT_NOMARKUP)) { SCopy(szText+1, imgbuf, std::min(iImgLgt, 100)); szText+=iImgLgt+3; if(!GetFontImageSize(imgbuf, w2, h2)) continue; //normal: not modulated, unless done by transform or alpha fadeout if ((dwColor>>0x18) >= 0xaf) pDraw->DeactivateBlitModulation(); else pDraw->ActivateBlitModulation((dwColor&0xff000000) | 0xffffff); } else { // regular char // get texture coordinates fctFromBlt = GetCharacterFacet(c); if(!fctFromBlt.Surface) continue; w2=int(fctFromBlt.Wdt*fZoom); h2=int(fctFromBlt.Hgt*fZoom); pDraw->ActivateBlitModulation(dwColor); } // do color/markup if (pbt) { // reset data to be transformed by markup DWORD dwBlitClr = dwColor; bt.Set(1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1); // apply markup Markup.Apply(bt, dwBlitClr); if (dwBlitClr != dwColor) ModulateClrA(dwBlitClr, dwAlphaMod); pDraw->ActivateBlitModulation(dwBlitClr); // move transformation center to center of letter float fOffX=(float) w2/2 + iX; float fOffY=(float) h2/2 + iY; bt.mat[2] += fOffX - fOffX*bt.mat[0] - fOffY*bt.mat[1]; bt.mat[5] += fOffY - fOffX*bt.mat[3] - fOffY*bt.mat[4]; } if(imgbuf[0]) { C4Facet fct; fct.Set(sfcDest, iX, iY + (iGfxLineHgt - h2)/2.0f, w2, h2); pCustomImages->DrawFontImage(imgbuf, fct, pbt); } else { // blit character pDraw->Blit(fctFromBlt.Surface, float(fctFromBlt.X), float(fctFromBlt.Y), float(fctFromBlt.Wdt),float(fctFromBlt.Hgt), sfcDest, iX, iY, float(w2), float(h2), true, pbt); } // advance pos and skip character indent iX+=w2+iHSpace; } // reset blit modulation if (fWasModulated) pDraw->ActivateBlitModulation(dwOldModClr); else pDraw->DeactivateBlitModulation(); #endif } bool CStdFont::GetFontImageSize(const char* szTag, int& width, int& height) const { #ifdef USE_CONSOLE width = height = 0; #else const float aspect = pCustomImages ? pCustomImages->GetFontImageAspect(szTag) : -1.0f; // aspect < 0 means there is no such image if (aspect < 0.0f) return false; // image found: adjust aspect by font height and calc appropriate width height = iGfxLineHgt; width = static_cast(height * aspect + 0.5f); // make images not ridiciously wide if(width > height) { float scale = static_cast(height)/static_cast(width); width = height;//static_cast(width*scale + 0.5f); height = static_cast(height*scale + 0.5f); } #endif return true; }