/* * OpenClonk, http://www.openclonk.org * * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH, http://www.clonk.de/ * Copyright (c) 2009-2015, The OpenClonk Team and contributors * * Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file * "COPYING" for details. * * "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission. * See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details. * * To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts * for the above references. */ /* C4Group command line executable */ #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include #endif int globalArgC; char **globalArgV; int iFirstCommand = 0; extern bool fQuiet; bool fRecursive = false; bool fRegisterShell = false; bool fUnregisterShell = false; char strExecuteAtEnd[_MAX_PATH + 1] = ""; int iResult = 0; bool EraseItemSafe(const char *szFilename) { return false; } void DisplayGroup(const C4Group &grp, const char *filter = NULL) { const C4GroupHeader &head = grp.GetHeader(); printf("Version: %d.%d ", head.Ver1, head.Ver2); uint32_t crc = 0; bool crc_valid = GetFileCRC(grp.GetFullName().getData(), &crc); if (crc_valid) printf("CRC: %u (%X)\n", crc, crc); else printf("CRC: \n"); // Find maximum file name length (matching filter) size_t max_fn_len = 0; for (const C4GroupEntry *entry = grp.GetFirstEntry(); entry != NULL; entry = entry->Next) { if (filter == NULL || WildcardMatch(filter, entry->FileName)) max_fn_len = std::max(max_fn_len, strlen(entry->FileName)); } // List files size_t file_count = 0; size_t byte_count = 0; for (const C4GroupEntry *entry = grp.GetFirstEntry(); entry != NULL; entry = entry->Next) { if (filter != NULL && !WildcardMatch(filter, entry->FileName)) continue; printf("%*s %8u Bytes", int(max_fn_len), entry->FileName, entry->Size); if (entry->ChildGroup != 0) printf(" (Group)"); if (entry->Executable != 0) printf(" (Executable)"); printf("\n"); ++file_count; byte_count += entry->Size; } printf("%lu Entries, %lu Bytes\n", file_count, byte_count); } void PrintGroupInternals(C4Group &grp, int indent_level = 0) { const C4GroupHeader &head = grp.GetHeader(); int indent = indent_level * 4; printf("%*sHead.id: '%s'\n", indent, "", head.id); printf("%*sHead.Ver1: %d\n", indent, "", head.Ver1); printf("%*sHead.Ver2: %d\n", indent, "", head.Ver2); printf("%*sHead.Entries: %d\n", indent, "", head.Entries); for (const C4GroupEntry * p = grp.GetFirstEntry(); p; p = p->Next) { printf("%*sEntry '%s':\n", indent, "", p->FileName); printf("%*s Packed: %d\n", indent, "", p->Packed); printf("%*s ChildGroup: %d\n", indent, "", p->ChildGroup); printf("%*s Size: %d\n", indent, "", p->Size); printf("%*s Offset: %d\n", indent, "", p->Offset); printf("%*s Executable: %d\n", indent, "", p->Executable); if (p->ChildGroup != 0) { C4Group hChildGroup; if (hChildGroup.OpenAsChild(&grp, p->FileName)) PrintGroupInternals(hChildGroup, indent_level + 1); } } } bool ProcessGroup(const char *FilenamePar) { C4Group hGroup; hGroup.SetStdOutput(!fQuiet); bool fDeleteGroup = false; int argc = globalArgC; char **argv = globalArgV; // Strip trailing slash char * szFilename = strdup(FilenamePar); size_t len = strlen(szFilename); if (szFilename[len-1] == DirectorySeparator) szFilename[len-1] = 0; // Current filename LogF("Group: %s", szFilename); // Open group file if (hGroup.Open(szFilename, true)) { // No commands: display contents if (iFirstCommand >= argc) { DisplayGroup(hGroup); } // Process commands else { for (int iArg = iFirstCommand; iArg < argc; ++iArg) { // This argument is a command if (argv[iArg][0] == '-') { // Handle commands switch (argv[iArg][1]) { // Sort case 's': // First sort parameter overrides default Clonk sort list C4Group_SetSortList(NULL); // Missing argument if ((iArg + 1 >= argc) || (argv[iArg + 1][0] == '-')) { fprintf(stderr, "Missing argument for sort command\n"); } // Sort, advance to next argument else { hGroup.Sort(argv[iArg + 1]); iArg++; } break; // View case 'l': if ((iArg + 1 >= argc) || (argv[iArg + 1][0] == '-')) { DisplayGroup(hGroup); } else { DisplayGroup(hGroup, argv[iArg + 1]); iArg++; } break; // Pack case 'p': Log("Packing..."); // Close if (!hGroup.Close()) { fprintf(stderr, "Closing failed: %s\n", hGroup.GetError()); } // Pack else if (!C4Group_PackDirectory(szFilename)) { fprintf(stderr, "Pack failed\n"); } // Reopen else if (!hGroup.Open(szFilename)) { fprintf(stderr, "Reopen failed: %s\n", hGroup.GetError()); } break; // Pack To case 't': if ((iArg + 1 >= argc)) { fprintf(stderr, "Pack failed: too few arguments\n"); break; } ++iArg; Log("Packing..."); // Close if (!hGroup.Close()) { fprintf(stderr, "Closing failed: %s\n", hGroup.GetError()); } else if (!EraseItem(argv[iArg])) { fprintf(stderr, "Destination Clear failed\n"); break; } // Pack else if (!C4Group_PackDirectoryTo(szFilename, argv[iArg])) { fprintf(stderr, "Pack failed\n"); break; } free(szFilename); szFilename = strdup(argv[iArg]); // Reopen if (!hGroup.Open(szFilename)) { fprintf(stderr, "Reopen failed: %s\n", hGroup.GetError()); } break; // Unpack case 'u': LogF("Unpacking..."); // Close if (!hGroup.Close()) { fprintf(stderr, "Closing failed: %s\n", hGroup.GetError()); } // Pack else if (!C4Group_UnpackDirectory(szFilename)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unpack failed\n"); } // Reopen else if (!hGroup.Open(szFilename)) { fprintf(stderr, "Reopen failed: %s\n", hGroup.GetError()); } break; // Unpack case 'x': Log("Exploding..."); // Close if (!hGroup.Close()) { fprintf(stderr, "Closing failed: %s\n", hGroup.GetError()); } // Pack else if (!C4Group_ExplodeDirectory(szFilename)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unpack failed\n"); } // Reopen else if (!hGroup.Open(szFilename)) { fprintf(stderr, "Reopen failed: %s\n", hGroup.GetError()); } break; // Generate update case 'g': if ((iArg + 3 >= argc) || (argv[iArg + 1][0] == '-') || (argv[iArg + 2][0] == '-') || (argv[iArg + 3][0] == '-')) { fprintf(stderr, "Update generation failed: too few arguments\n"); } else { C4UpdatePackage Upd; // Close if (!hGroup.Close()) { fprintf(stderr, "Closing failed: %s\n", hGroup.GetError()); } // generate else if (!Upd.MakeUpdate(argv[iArg + 1], argv[iArg + 2], szFilename, argv[iArg + 3])) { fprintf(stderr, "Update generation failed.\n"); } // Reopen else if (!hGroup.Open(szFilename)) { fprintf(stderr, "Reopen failed: %s\n", hGroup.GetError()); } iArg += 3; } break; // Apply an update case 'y': { Log("Applying update..."); unsigned long pid = 0; bool have_pid = false; if(iArg + 1 < argc) { errno = 0; pid = strtoul(argv[iArg+1], NULL, 10); if(errno == 0) have_pid = true; else pid = 0; } if(C4Group_ApplyUpdate(hGroup, pid)) { if (argv[iArg][2]=='d') fDeleteGroup = true; } else fprintf(stderr,"Update failed.\n"); if(have_pid) ++iArg; } break; case 'z': PrintGroupInternals(hGroup); break; // Undefined default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown command: %s\n", argv[iArg]); break; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid parameter %s\n", argv[iArg]); } } } // Error: output status if (!SEqual(hGroup.GetError(), "No Error")) { fprintf(stderr, "Status: %s\n", hGroup.GetError()); } // Close group file if (!hGroup.Close()) { fprintf(stderr, "Closing: %s\n", hGroup.GetError()); } // Delete group file if desired (i.e. after apply update) if (fDeleteGroup) { LogF("Deleting %s...\n", GetFilename(szFilename)); EraseItem(szFilename); } } // Couldn't open group else { fprintf(stderr, "Status: %s\n", hGroup.GetError()); } free(szFilename); // Done return true; } int RegisterShellExtensions() { #ifdef _WIN32 wchar_t strModule[2048+1]; wchar_t strCommand[2048+1]; char strClass[128]; int i; GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, strModule, 2048); // Groups const char *strClasses = "Clonk4.Definition;Clonk4.Folder;Clonk4.Group;Clonk4.Player;Clonk4.Scenario;Clonk4.Update;Clonk4.Weblink"; for (i = 0; SCopySegment(strClasses, i, strClass); i++) { // Unpack _snwprintf(strCommand, 2048, L"\"%s\" \"%%1\" \"-u\"", strModule); if (!SetRegShell(GetWideChar(strClass), L"MakeFolder", L"C4Group Unpack", strCommand)) return 0; // Explode _snwprintf(strCommand, 2048, L"\"%s\" \"%%1\" \"-x\"", strModule); if (!SetRegShell(GetWideChar(strClass), L"ExplodeFolder", L"C4Group Explode", strCommand)) return 0; } // Directories const char *strClasses2 = "Directory"; for (i = 0; SCopySegment(strClasses2, i, strClass); i++) { // Pack _snwprintf(strCommand, 2048, L"\"%s\" \"%%1\" \"-p\"", strModule); if (!SetRegShell(GetWideChar(strClass), L"MakeGroupFile", L"C4Group Pack", strCommand)) return 0; } // Done #endif return 1; } int UnregisterShellExtensions() { #ifdef _WIN32 char strClass[128]; int i; // Groups const char *strClasses = "Clonk4.Definition;Clonk4.Folder;Clonk4.Group;Clonk4.Player;Clonk4.Scenario;Clonk4.Update;Clonk4.Weblink"; for (i = 0; SCopySegment(strClasses, i, strClass); i++) { // Unpack if (!RemoveRegShell(strClass, "MakeFolder")) return 0; // Explode if (!RemoveRegShell(strClass, "ExplodeFolder")) return 0; } // Directories const char *strClasses2 = "Directory"; for (i = 0; SCopySegment(strClasses2, i, strClass); i++) { // Pack if (!RemoveRegShell(strClass, "MakeGroupFile")) return 0; } // Done #endif return 1; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { #ifndef WIN32 // Always line buffer mode, even if the output is not sent to a terminal setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0); #endif // Scan options fQuiet = true; int iFirstGroup = 0; for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { // Option encountered if (argv[i][0] == '-') { switch (argv[i][1]) { // Quiet mode case 'v': fQuiet = false; break; // Recursive mode case 'r': fRecursive = true; break; // Register shell case 'i': fRegisterShell = true; break; // Unregister shell case 'u': fUnregisterShell = true; break; // Execute at end case 'x': SCopy(argv[i] + 3, strExecuteAtEnd, _MAX_PATH); break; // Unknown default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option %s\n", argv[i]); break; } } else { // filename encountered: no more options expected iFirstGroup = i; break; } } iFirstCommand = iFirstGroup; while (iFirstCommand < argc && argv[iFirstCommand][0] != '-') ++iFirstCommand; // Program info LogF("OpenClonk C4Group %s", C4VERSION); // Init C4Group C4Group_SetSortList(C4CFN_FLS); // Store command line parameters globalArgC = argc; globalArgV = argv; // Register shell if (fRegisterShell) { if (RegisterShellExtensions()) printf("Shell extensions registered.\n"); else printf("Error registering shell extensions.\n"); } // Unregister shell if (fUnregisterShell) { if (UnregisterShellExtensions()) printf("Shell extensions removed.\n"); else printf("Error removing shell extensions.\n"); } // At least one parameter (filename, not option or command): process file(s) if (iFirstGroup) { #ifdef _WIN32 // Wildcard in filename: use file search if (SCharCount('*', argv[1])) ForEachFile(argv[1], &ProcessGroup); // Only one file else ProcessGroup(argv[1]); #else for (int i = iFirstGroup; i < argc && argv[i][0] != '-'; ++i) ProcessGroup(argv[i]); #endif } // Too few parameters: output help (if we didn't register stuff) else if (!fRegisterShell && !fUnregisterShell) { printf("\n"); printf("Usage: c4group [options] group(s) command(s)\n\n"); printf("Commands: -l List\n"); printf(" -x Explode\n"); printf(" -u Unpack\n"); printf(" -p Pack\n"); printf(" -t [filename] Pack To\n"); printf(" -y [ppid] Apply update (waiting for ppid to terminate first)\n"); printf(" -g [source] [target] [title] Make update\n"); printf(" -s Sort\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Options: -v Verbose -r Recursive\n"); printf(" -i Register shell -u Unregister shell\n"); printf(" -x: Execute shell command when done\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Examples: c4group pack.ocg -x\n"); printf(" c4group update.ocu -g ver1.ocf ver2.ocf New_Version\n"); printf(" c4group -i\n"); } // Execute when done if (strExecuteAtEnd[0]) { printf("Executing: %s\n", strExecuteAtEnd); #ifdef _WIN32 STARTUPINFOW startInfo; ZeroMem(&startInfo, sizeof(startInfo)); startInfo.cb = sizeof(startInfo); PROCESS_INFORMATION procInfo; CreateProcessW(GetWideChar(strExecuteAtEnd), NULL, NULL, NULL, false, 0, NULL, NULL, &startInfo, &procInfo); #else switch (fork()) { // Error case -1: fprintf(stderr, "Error forking.\n"); break; // Child process case 0: execl(strExecuteAtEnd, strExecuteAtEnd, static_cast(0)); // currently no parameters are passed to the executed program exit(1); // Parent process default: break; } #endif } // Done return iResult; }