/* FireGlobe Author: Newton */ local sx,sy,ex,ey; local vis; local aimed; func Construction() { vis = nil; aimed = false; } func ControlUse(object clonk, int x, int y) { if(!aimed) return false; // fire fireball var angle = Angle(0,0,x,y); Exit(); Launch(angle,120,clonk); SetDivert(sx,sy,ex,ey); return true; } func ControlUseStart(object clonk, int x, int y) { if(aimed) return false; sx = x+clonk->GetX(); sy = y+clonk->GetY(); if(vis) vis->RemoveObject(); vis = CreateObject(VisualPath,0,0,clonk->GetOwner()); vis->Set(sx,sy,x+clonk->GetX(),y+clonk->GetY()); vis["Visibility"]=VIS_Owner; return true; } func HoldingEnabled() { return true; } func ControlUseHolding(object clonk, int x, int y) { if(aimed) return false; if(vis) vis->Set(sx,sy,x+clonk->GetX(),y+clonk->GetY()); } func ControlUseStop(object clonk, int x, int y) { if(aimed) return false; ex = x+clonk->GetX(); ey = y+clonk->GetY(); vis->Set(sx,sy,ex,ey); aimed=true; return true; } public func DelLine() { if(vis) vis->RemoveObject(); } public func Deselection() { DelLine(); } public func Destruction() { DelLine(); } public func Launch(int angle, int str, object shooter) { var xdir = Sin(angle,str); var ydir = Cos(angle,-str); SetXDir(xdir); SetYDir(ydir); AddEffect("HitCheck", this, 1,1, nil,nil, shooter); AddEffect("InFlight", this, 1,1, this); } public func SetDivert(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { var inflight = GetEffect("InFlight",this); inflight.ax = x1; inflight.ay = y1; inflight.bx = x2; inflight.by = y2; inflight.freeflight = true; } public func HitObject(object obj) { Hit(); } public func Hit() { DelLine(); Explode(20); } // rotate arrow according to speed public func FxInFlightStart(object target, effect, int temp) { if(temp) return; effect.x = target->GetX(); effect.y = target->GetY(); } public func FxInFlightTimer(object target, effect, int time) { var oldx = effect.x; var oldy = effect.y; var newx = target->GetX(); var newy = target->GetY(); if(effect.freeflight) { var ax = effect.ax; var ay = effect.ay; var bx = effect.bx; var by = effect.by; var pos = Intersect(oldx, oldy, newx, newy, ax, ay, bx, by); if (pos != nil) { var angle = Angle(ax, ay, bx, by); var speed = 60; target->SetXDir(Sin(angle,speed)); target->SetYDir(-Cos(angle, speed)); effect.freeflight = false; } } effect.x = newx; effect.y = newy; } // Returns nil or coordinates of intersection. global func Intersect(int Ax, int Ay, int Bx, int By, int Px, int Py, int Qx, int Qy) { var BAx = Bx-Ax; var BAy = By-Ay; var PAx = Px-Ax; var PAy = Py-Ay; var QPx = Qx-Px; var QPy = Qy-Py; var denominator = (BAy*QPx - BAx*QPy); var numerator = (BAx*PAy - BAy*PAx); // parallel! if(denominator == 0) { if(numerator != 0) return nil; // on same line somewhere else { return [Ax, Ay]; } } // in parameter bounds? var Y = 10000 * numerator/denominator; if(!Inside(Y,0,10000)) return nil; // we don't want division by zero... if(BAy != 0) { numerator = (PAy + Y*QPy/10000); denominator = BAy; } else if(BAx != 0) { numerator = (PAx + Y*QPx/10000); denominator = BAx; } // in parameter bounds var X = 10000*numerator / denominator; if(!Inside(X,0,10000)) return nil; // this is the point... var x = Ax+X*(BAx)/10000; var y = Ay+X*(BAy)/10000; return [x, y]; } local Name = "$Name$"; local Collectible = 1;