/* * OpenClonk, http://www.openclonk.org * * Copyright (c) 2002, 2005 Peter Wortmann * Copyright (c) 2006, 2009 Günther Brammer * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH, http://www.clonk.de * * Portions might be copyrighted by other authors who have contributed * to OpenClonk. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * See isc_license.txt for full license and disclaimer. * * "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender. * See clonk_trademark_license.txt for full license. */ /* string table: holds all strings used by script engine */ #include #include #include #include //#include // *** C4Set template<> template<> unsigned int C4Set::Hash(const char * s) { // Fowler/Noll/Vo hash unsigned int h = 2166136261u; while (*s) h = (h ^ *(s++)) * 16777619; return h; } template<> template<> bool C4Set::Equals(C4String * a, const char * b) { return a->GetData() == b; } // *** C4String C4String::C4String(StdStrBuf strString) : iRefCnt(0) { // take string Data.Take(std::move(strString)); Hash = C4Set::Hash(Data.getData()); // reg Strings.Set.Add(this); } C4String::~C4String() { // unreg iRefCnt = 1; Strings.Set.Remove(this); } void C4String::IncRef() { ++iRefCnt; } void C4String::DecRef() { --iRefCnt; if (iRefCnt <= 0) delete this; } // *** C4StringTable C4StringTable::C4StringTable() { P[P_Prototype] = RegString("Prototype"); P[P_Name] = RegString("Name"); P[P_Collectible] = RegString("Collectible"); P[P_ActMap] = RegString("ActMap"); P[P_Procedure] = RegString("Procedure"); P[P_Attach] = RegString("Attach"); P[P_Directions] = RegString("Directions"); P[P_FlipDir] = RegString("FlipDir"); P[P_Length] = RegString("Length"); P[P_Delay] = RegString("Delay"); P[P_X] = RegString("X"); P[P_Y] = RegString("Y"); P[P_Wdt] = RegString("Wdt"); P[P_Hgt] = RegString("Hgt"); P[P_OffX] = RegString("OffX"); P[P_OffY] = RegString("OffY"); P[P_FacetBase] = RegString("FacetBase"); P[P_FacetTopFace] = RegString("FacetTopFace"); P[P_FacetTargetStretch] = RegString("FacetTargetStretch"); P[P_NextAction] = RegString("NextAction"); P[P_Hold] = RegString("Hold"); P[P_Idle] = RegString("Idle"); P[P_NoOtherAction] = RegString("NoOtherAction"); P[P_StartCall] = RegString("StartCall"); P[P_EndCall] = RegString("EndCall"); P[P_AbortCall] = RegString("AbortCall"); P[P_PhaseCall] = RegString("PhaseCall"); P[P_Sound] = RegString("Sound"); P[P_ObjectDisabled] = RegString("ObjectDisabled"); P[P_DigFree] = RegString("DigFree"); P[P_EnergyUsage] = RegString("EnergyUsage"); P[P_InLiquidAction] = RegString("InLiquidAction"); P[P_TurnAction] = RegString("TurnAction"); P[P_Reverse] = RegString("Reverse"); P[P_Step] = RegString("Step"); P[P_Animation] = RegString("Animation"); P[P_Action] = RegString("Action"); P[P_Visibility] = RegString("Visibility"); P[P_Parallaxity] = RegString("Parallaxity"); P[P_LineColors] = RegString("LineColors"); P[P_LineAttach] = RegString("LineAttach"); P[P_MouseDragImage] = RegString("MouseDragImage"); P[P_PictureTransformation] = RegString("PictureTransformation"); P[P_MeshTransformation] = RegString("MeshTransformation"); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < P_LAST; ++i) P[i]->IncRef(); } C4StringTable::~C4StringTable() { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < P_LAST; ++i) P[i]->DecRef(); assert(!Set.GetSize()); } C4String *C4StringTable::RegString(StdStrBuf String) { C4String * s = FindString(String.getData()); if (s) return s; else return new C4String(String); } C4String *C4StringTable::FindString(const char *strString) { return Set.Get(strString); } C4String *C4StringTable::FindString(C4String *pString) { for (C4String * const * i = Set.First(); i; i = Set.Next(i)) if (*i == pString) return pString; return NULL; } C4StringTable Strings;