CNAT - Contact Attachment CNAT - Contact Attachment In multiple places the engine uses ContactAttachment values (a bitmask) to manage the orientation of objects and processes. For example, a vertex of an object can have the CNAT bit left. If that object has ContactCalls activated, the engine calls on every contact of that vertex with the landscape the object script function ContactLeft. CNAT values are composed of the following bits: BitValueCNATDescription 01CNAT_LeftDirection: Left 12CNAT_RightDirection: Right 24CNAT_TopDirection: Up 38CNAT_BottomDirection: Down 416CNAT_CenterDirection: Center (not for attachment) 532CNAT_MultiAttachSpecial flag: new attachment behaviour for objects with the same direction value at several vertices. 664CNAT_NoCollisionExtra flag: non-colliding vertexCNAT
Sven22002-04 Newton & Günther2005-01 Matthes2005-08