/* * OpenClonk, http://www.openclonk.org * * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH, http://www.clonk.de/ * Copyright (c) 2009-2016, The OpenClonk Team and contributors * * Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file * "COPYING" for details. * * "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission. * See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details. * * To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts * for the above references. */ #include "C4Include.h" #include "script/C4AulCompiler.h" #include #include #include "script/C4Aul.h" #include "script/C4AulParse.h" #include "script/C4AulScriptFunc.h" #include "script/C4ScriptHost.h" #define C4AUL_Inherited "inherited" #define C4AUL_SafeInherited "_inherited" #define C4AUL_DebugBreak "__debugbreak" static std::string vstrprintf(const char *format, va_list args) { va_list argcopy; va_copy(argcopy, args); int size = vsnprintf(nullptr, 0, format, argcopy); if (size < 0) throw std::invalid_argument("invalid argument to strprintf"); va_end(argcopy); std::string s; s.resize(size + 1); size = vsnprintf(&s[0], s.size(), format, args); assert(size >= 0); s.resize(size); return s; } static std::string strprintf(const char *format, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); std::string s = vstrprintf(format, args); va_end(args); return s; } static std::string FormatCodePosition(const C4ScriptHost *source_host, const char *pos, const C4ScriptHost *target_host = nullptr, const C4AulScriptFunc *func = nullptr) { std::string s; if (func && func->GetFullName()) { s += strprintf(" (in %s", func->GetFullName().getData()); if (source_host && pos) s += ", "; else s += ")"; } if (source_host && pos) { if (!func || !func->GetFullName()) s += " ("; int line = SGetLine(source_host->GetScript(), pos); int col = SLineGetCharacters(source_host->GetScript(), pos); s += strprintf("%s:%d:%d)", source_host->GetFilePath(), line, col ); } if (target_host && source_host != target_host) { s += strprintf(" (as #appendto/#include to %s)", target_host->ScriptName.getData()); } return s; } template static void Warn(const C4ScriptHost *target_host, const C4ScriptHost *host, const char *SPos, const C4AulScriptFunc *func, const char *msg, T &&...args) { std::string message = sizeof...(T) > 0 ? strprintf(msg, std::forward(args)...) : msg; message += FormatCodePosition(host, SPos, target_host, func); ++::ScriptEngine.warnCnt; ::ScriptEngine.GetErrorHandler()->OnWarning(message.c_str()); } template static void Warn(const C4ScriptHost *target_host, const C4ScriptHost *host, const ::aul::ast::Node *n, const C4AulScriptFunc *func, const char *msg, T &&...args) { return Warn(target_host, host, n->loc, func, msg, std::forward(args)...); } template static void Warn(const C4ScriptHost *target_host, const C4ScriptHost *host, const std::nullptr_t &, const C4AulScriptFunc *func, const char *msg, T &&...args) { return Warn(target_host, host, static_cast(nullptr), func, msg, std::forward(args)...); } template static C4AulParseError Error(const C4ScriptHost *target_host, const C4ScriptHost *host, const char *SPos, const C4AulScriptFunc *func, const char *msg, T &&...args) { std::string message = sizeof...(T) > 0 ? strprintf(msg, std::forward(args)...) : msg; message += FormatCodePosition(host, SPos, target_host, func); return C4AulParseError(static_cast(nullptr), message.c_str()); } template static C4AulParseError Error(const C4ScriptHost *target_host, const C4ScriptHost *host, const ::aul::ast::Node *n, const C4AulScriptFunc *func, const char *msg, T &&...args) { return Error(target_host, host, n->loc, func, msg, std::forward(args)...); } template static C4AulParseError Error(const C4ScriptHost *target_host, const C4ScriptHost *host, const std::nullptr_t &, const C4AulScriptFunc *func, const char *msg, T &&...args) { return Error(target_host, host, static_cast(nullptr), func, msg, std::forward(args)...); } class C4AulCompiler::PreparseAstVisitor : public ::aul::DefaultRecursiveVisitor { // target_host: The C4ScriptHost on which compilation is done C4ScriptHost *target_host = nullptr; // host: The C4ScriptHost where the script actually resides in C4ScriptHost *host = nullptr; // Fn: The C4AulScriptFunc that is currently getting parsed C4AulScriptFunc *Fn = nullptr; public: PreparseAstVisitor(C4ScriptHost *host, C4ScriptHost *source_host, C4AulScriptFunc *func = nullptr) : target_host(host), host(source_host), Fn(func) {} explicit PreparseAstVisitor(C4AulScriptFunc *func) : Fn(func), target_host(func->pOrgScript), host(target_host) {} virtual ~PreparseAstVisitor() {} using DefaultRecursiveVisitor::visit; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::RangeLoop *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::VarDecl *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::FunctionDecl *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::CallExpr *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::ParExpr *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::AppendtoPragma *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::IncludePragma *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::Script *n) override; }; class C4AulCompiler::CodegenAstVisitor : public ::aul::DefaultRecursiveVisitor { C4AulScriptFunc *Fn = nullptr; // target_host: The C4ScriptHost on which compilation is done C4ScriptHost *target_host = nullptr; // host: The C4ScriptHost where the script actually resides in C4ScriptHost *host = nullptr; int32_t stack_height = 0; bool at_jump_target = false; struct Loop { explicit Loop(int stack_height) : stack_height(stack_height) {} int stack_height = 0; std::vector continues; std::vector breaks; enum class Control { Continue, Break }; }; std::stack active_loops; // The type of the variable on top of the value stack. C4V_Any if unknown. C4V_Type type_of_stack_top = C4V_Any; constexpr static bool IsJump(C4AulBCCType t) { return t == AB_JUMP || t == AB_JUMPAND || t == AB_JUMPOR || t == AB_JUMPNNIL || t == AB_CONDN || t == AB_COND; } int AddJumpTarget(); void AddJumpTo(const char *loc, C4AulBCCType type, int target); void UpdateJump(int jump, int target); void PushLoop(); void PopLoop(int continue_target); void AddLoopControl(const char *loc, Loop::Control c); int AddVarAccess(const char *TokenSPos, C4AulBCCType eType, intptr_t varnum); int AddBCC(const char *TokenSPos, C4AulBCCType eType, intptr_t X = 0); int AddBCC(const char *SPos, const C4AulBCC &bcc); template void MaybePopValueOf(const std::unique_ptr &n) { if (!n) return; if (!n->has_value()) return; AddBCC(n->loc, AB_STACK, -1); } static int GetStackValue(C4AulBCCType eType, intptr_t X); void RemoveLastBCC(); C4AulBCC MakeSetter(const char *SPos, bool fLeaveValue); void HandleError(const C4AulError &e) { AddBCC(nullptr, AB_ERR, (intptr_t)::Strings.RegString(e.what())); if (target_host) // target_host may be nullptr for DirectExec scripts { target_host->Engine->ErrorHandler->OnError(e.what()); } } template bool SafeVisit(const T &node) { // Swallows exceptions during evaluation of node. Use if you want to // keep doing syntax checks for subsequent children. (Generated code // will cause a runtime error if executed.) try { node->accept(this); return true; } catch (C4AulParseError &e) { HandleError(e); return false; } } class StackGuard { // Ensures that the Aul value stack ends up at the expected height CodegenAstVisitor *parent; const int32_t target_stack_height; public: explicit StackGuard(CodegenAstVisitor *parent, int32_t offset = 0) : parent(parent), target_stack_height(parent->stack_height + offset) {} ~StackGuard() { assert(parent->stack_height == target_stack_height); if (parent->stack_height != target_stack_height) { parent->HandleError(Error(parent->target_host, parent->host, nullptr, parent->Fn, "internal error: value stack left unbalanced")); parent->AddBCC(nullptr, AB_STACK, target_stack_height - parent->stack_height); } } }; public: CodegenAstVisitor(C4ScriptHost *host, C4ScriptHost *source_host) : target_host(host), host(source_host) {} explicit CodegenAstVisitor(C4AulScriptFunc *func) : Fn(func), target_host(func->pOrgScript), host(target_host) {} virtual ~CodegenAstVisitor() {} using DefaultRecursiveVisitor::visit; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::Noop *) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::StringLit *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::IntLit *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::BoolLit *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::ArrayLit *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::ProplistLit *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::NilLit *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::ThisLit *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::VarExpr *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::UnOpExpr *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::BinOpExpr *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::AssignmentExpr *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::SubscriptExpr *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::SliceExpr *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::CallExpr *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::ParExpr *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::Block *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::Return *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::ForLoop *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::RangeLoop *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::DoLoop *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::WhileLoop *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::Break *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::Continue *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::If *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::VarDecl *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::FunctionDecl *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::FunctionExpr *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::Script *n) override; template void EmitFunctionCode(const T *n) { // This dynamic_cast resolves the problem where we have a Function* // and want to emit code to it. All classes derived from Function // are also ultimately derived from Node, so this call is fine // without any additional checking. EmitFunctionCode(n, dynamic_cast(n)); } private: void EmitFunctionCode(const ::aul::ast::Function *f, const ::aul::ast::Node *n); }; class C4AulCompiler::ConstexprEvaluator : public ::aul::AstVisitor { public: enum EvalFlag { // If this flag is set, ConstexprEvaluator will assume unset values // are nil. If it is not set, evaluation of unset values will send an // ExpressionNotConstant to the error handler. IgnoreUnset = 1<<0, // If this flag is set, ConstexprEvaluator will not send exceptions to // the error handler (so it doesn't report them twice: once from the // preparsing step, then again from the compile step). SuppressErrors = 1<<1 }; typedef int EvalFlags; // Evaluates constant AST subtrees and returns the final C4Value. // Flags ExpressionNotConstant if evaluation fails. static C4Value eval(C4ScriptHost *host, const ::aul::ast::Expr *e, EvalFlags flags = 0); static C4Value eval_static(C4ScriptHost *host, C4PropListStatic *parent, const std::string &parent_key, const ::aul::ast::Expr *e, EvalFlags flags = 0); private: C4ScriptHost *host = nullptr; C4Value v; bool ignore_unset_values = false; bool quiet = false; struct ProplistMagic { bool active = false; C4PropListStatic *parent = nullptr; std::string key; ProplistMagic() = default; ProplistMagic(bool active, C4PropListStatic *parent, const std::string &key) : active(active), parent(parent), key(key) {} } proplist_magic; explicit ConstexprEvaluator(C4ScriptHost *host) : host(host) {} NORETURN void nonconst(const ::aul::ast::Node *n) const { throw ExpressionNotConstant(host, n, nullptr, nullptr); } void AssertValueType(const C4Value &v, C4V_Type Type1, const char *opname, const ::aul::ast::Node *n) { // Typecheck parameter if (!v.CheckParConversion(Type1)) throw Error(host, host, n, nullptr, "operator \"%s\": got %s, but expected %s", opname, v.GetTypeName(), GetC4VName(Type1)); } public: class ExpressionNotConstant : public C4AulParseError { public: ExpressionNotConstant(const C4ScriptHost *host, const ::aul::ast::Node *n, C4AulScriptFunc *Fn, const char *expr) : C4AulParseError(Error(host, host, n, Fn, "expression not constant: %s", expr)) {} }; using AstVisitor::visit; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::StringLit *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::IntLit *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::BoolLit *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::ArrayLit *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::ProplistLit *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::NilLit *) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::ThisLit *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::VarExpr *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::UnOpExpr *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::BinOpExpr *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::AssignmentExpr *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::SubscriptExpr *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::SliceExpr *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::CallExpr *n) override; virtual void visit(const ::aul::ast::FunctionExpr *n) override; }; class C4AulCompiler::ConstantResolver : public ::aul::DefaultRecursiveVisitor { C4ScriptHost *host; bool quiet = false; explicit ConstantResolver(C4ScriptHost *host) : host(host) {} public: static void resolve_quiet(C4ScriptHost *host, const ::aul::ast::Script *script) { // Does the same as resolve, but doesn't emit errors/warnings // (because we'll emit them again later). ConstantResolver r(host); r.quiet = true; r.visit(script); } static void resolve(C4ScriptHost *host, const ::aul::ast::Script *script) { // We resolve constants *twice*; this allows people to create circular // references in proplists or arrays. // Unfortunately it also results in unexpected behaviour in code like // this: // static const c1 = c2, c2 = c3, c3 = 1; // which will set c1 to nil, and both c2 and c3 to 1. // While this is unlikely to happen often, we should fix that so it // resolves all three constants to 1. ConstantResolver r(host); r.visit(script); } virtual ~ConstantResolver() {} using DefaultRecursiveVisitor::visit; void visit(const ::aul::ast::Script *n) override; void visit(const ::aul::ast::VarDecl *n) override; }; void C4AulCompiler::Preparse(C4ScriptHost *host, C4ScriptHost *source_host, const ::aul::ast::Script *script) { PreparseAstVisitor v(host, source_host); v.visit(script); ConstantResolver::resolve_quiet(host, script); } void C4AulCompiler::Compile(C4ScriptHost *host, C4ScriptHost *source_host, const ::aul::ast::Script *script) { ConstantResolver::resolve(host, script); CodegenAstVisitor v(host, source_host); v.visit(script); } void C4AulCompiler::Compile(C4AulScriptFunc *func, const ::aul::ast::Function *def) { { // Don't visit the whole definition here; that would create a new function // and we don't want that. PreparseAstVisitor v(func); def->body->accept(&v); } { CodegenAstVisitor v(func); v.EmitFunctionCode(def); } } #define ENSURE_COND(cond, failmsg) do { if (!(cond)) throw Error(target_host, host, n, Fn, failmsg); } while (0) void C4AulCompiler::PreparseAstVisitor::visit(const ::aul::ast::RangeLoop *n) { const char *cname = n->var.c_str(); if (n->scoped_var) { Fn->VarNamed.AddName(cname); } else { // Loop variable not explicitly declared here. Look it up in // the function and warn if it hasn't been declared at all. if (Fn->VarNamed.GetItemNr(cname) == -1) { Warn(target_host, host, n, Fn, "Implicit declaration of the loop variable in a for-in loop is deprecated: %s", cname); Fn->VarNamed.AddName(cname); } } DefaultRecursiveVisitor::visit(n); } void C4AulCompiler::PreparseAstVisitor::visit(const ::aul::ast::VarDecl *n) { if (n->constant && n->scope != ::aul::ast::VarDecl::Scope::Global) { Warn(target_host, host, n, Fn, "Non-global variables cannot be constant"); } for (const auto &var : n->decls) { const char *cname = var.name.c_str(); switch (n->scope) { case ::aul::ast::VarDecl::Scope::Func: { assert(Fn && "function-local var declaration outside of function"); if (!Fn) throw Error(target_host, host, n, Fn, "internal error: function-local var declaration outside of function"); if (target_host) { // if target_host is unset, we're parsing this func for direct execution, // in which case we don't want to warn about variable hiding. if (target_host->Engine->GlobalNamedNames.GetItemNr(cname) >= 0 || target_host->Engine->GlobalConstNames.GetItemNr(cname) >= 0) Warn(target_host, host, n, Fn, "function-local variable hides a global variable: %s", cname); C4String *s = ::Strings.FindString(cname); if (s && target_host->GetPropList()->HasProperty(s)) Warn(target_host, host, n, Fn, "function-local variable hides an object-local variable: %s", cname); } Fn->VarNamed.AddName(cname); break; } case ::aul::ast::VarDecl::Scope::Object: { if (host->Engine->GlobalNamedNames.GetItemNr(cname) >= 0 || host->Engine->GlobalConstNames.GetItemNr(cname) >= 0) Warn(target_host, host, n, Fn, "object-local variable hides a global variable: %s", cname); C4String *s = ::Strings.RegString(cname); if (target_host->GetPropList()->HasProperty(s)) Warn(target_host, host, n, Fn, "object-local variable declared multiple times: %s", cname); else target_host->GetPropList()->SetPropertyByS(s, C4VNull); break; } case ::aul::ast::VarDecl::Scope::Global: assert(!Fn && "global var declaration inside function"); if (Fn) throw Error(target_host, host, n, Fn, "internal error: global var declaration inside function"); if (host->Engine->GlobalNamedNames.GetItemNr(cname) >= 0 || host->Engine->GlobalConstNames.GetItemNr(cname) >= 0) Warn(target_host, host, n, Fn, "global variable declared multiple times: %s", cname); if (n->constant) host->Engine->GlobalConstNames.AddName(cname); else host->Engine->GlobalNamedNames.AddName(cname); break; } } if (n->scope == ::aul::ast::VarDecl::Scope::Func) { // only func-scoped variables can potentially have initializers we care // about in the pre-parsing stage: they may have calls that pass // unnamed parameters DefaultRecursiveVisitor::visit(n); } } void C4AulCompiler::PreparseAstVisitor::visit(const ::aul::ast::FunctionDecl *n) { // create script fn C4PropListStatic *Parent = n->is_global ? target_host->Engine->GetPropList() : target_host->GetPropList(); const char *cname = n->name.c_str(); assert(!Fn); // Look up the overloaded function before adding the overloading one C4AulFunc *parent_func = Parent->GetFunc(cname); Fn = new C4AulScriptFunc(Parent, target_host, cname, n->loc); host->ownedFunctions.push_back(C4VFunction(Fn)); for (const auto ¶m : n->params) { Fn->AddPar(param.name.c_str(), param.type); } if (n->has_unnamed_params) Fn->ParCount = C4AUL_MAX_Par; // Add function to def/engine Fn->SetOverloaded(parent_func); Parent->SetPropertyByS(Fn->Name, C4VFunction(Fn)); try { DefaultRecursiveVisitor::visit(n); Fn = nullptr; } catch (...) { Fn = nullptr; throw; } } void C4AulCompiler::PreparseAstVisitor::visit(const ::aul::ast::CallExpr *n) { if (n->append_unnamed_pars && Fn->ParCount != C4AUL_MAX_Par) { Fn->ParCount = C4AUL_MAX_Par; } DefaultRecursiveVisitor::visit(n); } void C4AulCompiler::PreparseAstVisitor::visit(const ::aul::ast::ParExpr *n) { if (Fn->ParCount != C4AUL_MAX_Par) { Warn(target_host, host, n, Fn, "using Par() inside a function forces it to take variable arguments"); Fn->ParCount = C4AUL_MAX_Par; } DefaultRecursiveVisitor::visit(n); } void C4AulCompiler::PreparseAstVisitor::visit(const ::aul::ast::AppendtoPragma *n) { if (n->what.empty()) host->Appends.emplace_back("*"); else host->Appends.emplace_back(n->what.c_str()); } void C4AulCompiler::PreparseAstVisitor::visit(const ::aul::ast::IncludePragma *n) { host->Includes.emplace_back(n->what.c_str()); } void C4AulCompiler::PreparseAstVisitor::visit(const::aul::ast::Script * n) { for (const auto &d : n->declarations) { try { d->accept(this); } catch (C4AulParseError &e) { target_host->Engine->GetErrorHandler()->OnError(e.what()); } } } int C4AulCompiler::CodegenAstVisitor::GetStackValue(C4AulBCCType eType, intptr_t X) { switch (eType) { case AB_INT: case AB_BOOL: case AB_STRING: case AB_CPROPLIST: case AB_CARRAY: case AB_CFUNCTION: case AB_NIL: case AB_LOCALN: case AB_GLOBALN: case AB_DUP: case AB_DUP_CONTEXT: case AB_THIS: return 1; case AB_Pow: case AB_Div: case AB_Mul: case AB_Mod: case AB_Sub: case AB_Sum: case AB_LeftShift: case AB_RightShift: case AB_LessThan: case AB_LessThanEqual: case AB_GreaterThan: case AB_GreaterThanEqual: case AB_Equal: case AB_NotEqual: case AB_BitAnd: case AB_BitXOr: case AB_BitOr: case AB_PROP_SET: case AB_ARRAYA: case AB_CONDN: case AB_COND: case AB_POP_TO: case AB_RETURN: // JUMPAND/JUMPOR/JUMPNNIL are special: They either jump over instructions adding one to the stack // or decrement the stack. Thus, for stack counting purposes, they decrement. case AB_JUMPAND: case AB_JUMPOR: case AB_JUMPNNIL: return -1; case AB_FUNC: return -reinterpret_cast(X)->GetParCount() + 1; case AB_CALL: case AB_CALLFS: return -C4AUL_MAX_Par; case AB_STACK_SET: case AB_LOCALN_SET: case AB_PROP: case AB_GLOBALN_SET: case AB_Inc: case AB_Dec: case AB_BitNot: case AB_Not: case AB_Neg: case AB_PAR: case AB_FOREACH_NEXT: case AB_ERR: case AB_EOFN: case AB_JUMP: case AB_DEBUG: return 0; case AB_STACK: return X; case AB_NEW_ARRAY: return -X + 1; case AB_NEW_PROPLIST: return -X * 2 + 1; case AB_ARRAYA_SET: case AB_ARRAY_SLICE: return -2; case AB_ARRAY_SLICE_SET: return -3; } assert(0 && "GetStackValue: unexpected bytecode not handled"); return 0; } int C4AulCompiler::CodegenAstVisitor::AddVarAccess(const char *TokenSPos, C4AulBCCType eType, intptr_t varnum) { return AddBCC(TokenSPos, eType, 1 + varnum - (stack_height + Fn->VarNamed.iSize)); } int C4AulCompiler::CodegenAstVisitor::AddBCC(const char *TokenSPos, C4AulBCCType eType, intptr_t X) { // Track stack size stack_height += GetStackValue(eType, X); // Use stack operation instead of 0-Any (enable optimization) if (eType == AB_NIL) { eType = AB_STACK; X = 1; } assert(eType != AB_STACK || X != 0); // Join checks only if it's not a jump target if (!at_jump_target && Fn->GetLastCode()) { C4AulBCC *pCPos1 = Fn->GetLastCode(); // Skip noop stack operation if (eType == AB_STACK && X == 0) { return Fn->GetCodePos() - 1; } // Join together stack operations if (eType == AB_STACK && pCPos1->bccType == AB_STACK && (X <= 0 || pCPos1->Par.i >= 0)) { pCPos1->Par.i += X; // Empty? Remove it. This relies on the parser not issuing // multiple negative stack operations consecutively, as // that could result in removing a jump target bytecode. if (!pCPos1->Par.i) Fn->RemoveLastBCC(); return Fn->GetCodePos() - 1; } // Prune unneeded Incs / Decs if (eType == AB_STACK && X < 0 && (pCPos1->bccType == AB_Inc || pCPos1->bccType == AB_Dec)) { if (!pCPos1->Par.X) { pCPos1->bccType = eType; pCPos1->Par.i = X; return Fn->GetCodePos() - 1; } else { // If it was a result modifier, we can safely remove it knowing that it was neither // the first chunk nor a jump target. We can therefore apply additional optimizations. Fn->RemoveLastBCC(); pCPos1--; } } // Join STACK_SET + STACK -1 to POP_TO (equivalent) if (eType == AB_STACK && X == -1 && pCPos1->bccType == AB_STACK_SET) { pCPos1->bccType = AB_POP_TO; return Fn->GetCodePos() - 1; } // Join POP_TO + DUP to AB_STACK_SET if both target the same slot if (eType == AB_DUP && pCPos1->bccType == AB_POP_TO && X == pCPos1->Par.i + 1) { pCPos1->bccType = AB_STACK_SET; return Fn->GetCodePos() - 1; } // Reduce some constructs like SUM + INT 1 to INC or DEC if ((eType == AB_Sum || eType == AB_Sub) && pCPos1->bccType == AB_INT && (pCPos1->Par.i == 1 || pCPos1->Par.i == -1)) { if ((pCPos1->Par.i > 0) == (eType == AB_Sum)) pCPos1->bccType = AB_Inc; else pCPos1->bccType = AB_Dec; pCPos1->Par.i = X; return Fn->GetCodePos() - 1; } // Reduce Not + CONDN to COND, Not + COND to CONDN if ((eType == AB_CONDN || eType == AB_COND) && pCPos1->bccType == AB_Not) { pCPos1->bccType = eType == AB_CONDN ? AB_COND : AB_CONDN; pCPos1->Par.i = X + 1; return Fn->GetCodePos() - 1; } // Join AB_STRING + AB_ARRAYA to AB_PROP if (eType == AB_ARRAYA && pCPos1->bccType == AB_STRING) { pCPos1->bccType = AB_PROP; return Fn->GetCodePos() - 1; } // Join AB_INT + AB_Neg to AB_INT if (eType == AB_Neg && pCPos1->bccType == AB_INT) { pCPos1->Par.i *= -1; return Fn->GetCodePos() - 1; } } // Add Fn->AddBCC(eType, X, TokenSPos); // Reset jump flag at_jump_target = false; return Fn->GetCodePos() - 1; } void C4AulCompiler::CodegenAstVisitor::RemoveLastBCC() { // Security: This is unsafe on anything that might get optimized away C4AulBCC *pBCC = Fn->GetLastCode(); assert(pBCC->bccType != AB_STACK && pBCC->bccType != AB_STACK_SET && pBCC->bccType != AB_POP_TO); // Correct stack stack_height -= GetStackValue(pBCC->bccType, pBCC->Par.X); // Remove Fn->RemoveLastBCC(); } int C4AulCompiler::CodegenAstVisitor::AddBCC(const char *SPos, const C4AulBCC &bcc) { return AddBCC(SPos, bcc.bccType, bcc.Par.X); } C4AulBCC C4AulCompiler::CodegenAstVisitor::MakeSetter(const char *SPos, bool fLeaveValue) { assert(Fn); C4AulBCC Value = *(Fn->GetLastCode()), Setter = Value; // Check type switch (Value.bccType) { case AB_ARRAYA: Setter.bccType = AB_ARRAYA_SET; break; case AB_ARRAY_SLICE: Setter.bccType = AB_ARRAY_SLICE_SET; break; case AB_DUP: Setter.bccType = AB_STACK_SET; // the setter additionally has the new value on the stack --Setter.Par.i; break; case AB_STACK_SET: Setter.bccType = AB_STACK_SET; break; case AB_LOCALN: Setter.bccType = AB_LOCALN_SET; break; case AB_PROP: Setter.bccType = AB_PROP_SET; break; case AB_GLOBALN: Setter.bccType = AB_GLOBALN_SET; break; default: throw Error(target_host, host, SPos, Fn, "assignment to a constant"); } // If the new value is produced using the old one, the parameters to get the old one need to be duplicated. // Otherwise, the setter can just use the parameters originally meant for the getter. // All getters push one value, so the parameter count is one more than the values they pop from the stack. int iParCount = 1 - GetStackValue(Value.bccType, Value.Par.X); if (Value.bccType == AB_STACK_SET) { // STACK_SET has a side effect, so it can't be simply removed. // Discard the unused value the usual way instead. if (!fLeaveValue) AddBCC(SPos, AB_STACK, -1); // The original parameter isn't needed anymore, since in contrast to the other getters // it does not indicate a position. iParCount = 0; } else if (!fLeaveValue || iParCount) { RemoveLastBCC(); at_jump_target = true; // In case the original BCC was a jump target } if (fLeaveValue && iParCount) { for (int i = 0; i < iParCount; i++) AddBCC(SPos, AB_DUP, 1 - iParCount); // Finally re-add original BCC AddBCC(SPos, Value.bccType, Value.Par.X); } // Done. The returned BCC should be added later once the value to be set was pushed on top. assert(iParCount == -GetStackValue(Setter.bccType, Setter.Par.X)); return Setter; } int C4AulCompiler::CodegenAstVisitor::AddJumpTarget() { assert(Fn && "Jump target outside of function"); if (!Fn) throw C4AulParseError(host, "internal error: jump target outside of function"); at_jump_target = true; return Fn->GetCodePos(); } void C4AulCompiler::CodegenAstVisitor::UpdateJump(int jump, int target) { C4AulBCC *code = Fn->GetCodeByPos(jump); assert(IsJump(code->bccType)); code->Par.i = target - jump; } void C4AulCompiler::CodegenAstVisitor::AddJumpTo(const char *loc, C4AulBCCType type, int target) { AddBCC(loc, type, target - Fn->GetCodePos()); } void C4AulCompiler::CodegenAstVisitor::PushLoop() { active_loops.emplace(stack_height); } void C4AulCompiler::CodegenAstVisitor::PopLoop(int continue_target) { assert(!active_loops.empty()); assert(stack_height == active_loops.top().stack_height); // Update all loop control jumps const auto &loop = active_loops.top(); for (auto &c : loop.continues) UpdateJump(c, continue_target); int loop_exit = AddJumpTarget(); for (auto &b : loop.breaks) UpdateJump(b, loop_exit); active_loops.pop(); } void C4AulCompiler::CodegenAstVisitor::AddLoopControl(const char *loc, Loop::Control c) { assert(!active_loops.empty()); if (active_loops.empty()) throw C4AulParseError(host, "internal error: loop control code emitted outside of loop"); // Clear stack assert(active_loops.top().stack_height == stack_height); if (active_loops.top().stack_height - stack_height > 0) AddBCC(loc, AB_STACK, active_loops.top().stack_height - stack_height); int jump = AddBCC(loc, AB_JUMP, 0); switch (c) { case Loop::Control::Continue: active_loops.top().continues.push_back(jump); break; case Loop::Control::Break: active_loops.top().breaks.push_back(jump); break; } } void C4AulCompiler::CodegenAstVisitor::visit(const ::aul::ast::Noop *) {} void C4AulCompiler::CodegenAstVisitor::visit(const ::aul::ast::StringLit *n) { StackGuard g(this, 1); AddBCC(n->loc, AB_STRING, (intptr_t)::Strings.RegString(n->value.c_str())); type_of_stack_top = C4V_String; } void C4AulCompiler::CodegenAstVisitor::visit(const ::aul::ast::IntLit *n) { StackGuard g(this, 1); AddBCC(n->loc, AB_INT, n->value); type_of_stack_top = C4V_Int; } void C4AulCompiler::CodegenAstVisitor::visit(const ::aul::ast::BoolLit *n) { StackGuard g(this, 1); AddBCC(n->loc, AB_BOOL, n->value); type_of_stack_top = C4V_Bool; } void C4AulCompiler::CodegenAstVisitor::visit(const ::aul::ast::ArrayLit *n) { StackGuard g(this, 1); for (const auto &e : n->values) { SafeVisit(e); } AddBCC(n->loc, AB_NEW_ARRAY, n->values.size()); type_of_stack_top = C4V_Array; } void C4AulCompiler::CodegenAstVisitor::visit(const ::aul::ast::ProplistLit *n) { StackGuard g(this, 1); for (const auto &e : n->values) { StackGuard g(this, 2); AddBCC(n->loc, AB_STRING, (intptr_t)::Strings.RegString(e.first.c_str())); SafeVisit(e.second); } AddBCC(n->loc, AB_NEW_PROPLIST, n->values.size()); type_of_stack_top = C4V_PropList; } void C4AulCompiler::CodegenAstVisitor::visit(const ::aul::ast::NilLit *n) { StackGuard g(this, 1); AddBCC(n->loc, AB_NIL); type_of_stack_top = C4V_Nil; } void C4AulCompiler::CodegenAstVisitor::visit(const ::aul::ast::ThisLit *n) { StackGuard g(this, 1); AddBCC(n->loc, AB_THIS); type_of_stack_top = C4V_PropList; } void C4AulCompiler::CodegenAstVisitor::visit(const ::aul::ast::VarExpr *n) { StackGuard g(this, 1); assert(Fn); C4Value dummy; const char *cname = n->identifier.c_str(); C4String *interned = ::Strings.FindString(cname); // Reset known type of top of value stack so we don't keep the old one around type_of_stack_top = C4V_Any; // Lookup order: Parameters > var > local > global > global const // Why parameters are considered before function-scoped variables // you ask? I've no idea, but that's how it was before I started // changing things. if (Fn->ParNamed.GetItemNr(cname) != -1) { int pos = Fn->ParNamed.GetItemNr(cname); AddVarAccess(n->loc, AB_DUP, -Fn->GetParCount() + pos); type_of_stack_top = Fn->GetParType()[pos]; } else if (Fn->VarNamed.GetItemNr(cname) != -1) { AddVarAccess(n->loc, AB_DUP, Fn->VarNamed.GetItemNr(cname)); } // Can't use Fn->Parent->HasProperty here because that only returns true // for immediate properties, while we also want to interrogate prototypes else if (Fn->Parent && interned && Fn->Parent->GetPropertyByS(interned, &dummy)) { AddBCC(n->loc, AB_LOCALN, (intptr_t)interned); } else if (ScriptEngine.GlobalNamedNames.GetItemNr(cname) != -1) { AddBCC(n->loc, AB_GLOBALN, ScriptEngine.GlobalNamedNames.GetItemNr(cname)); } else if (ScriptEngine.GlobalConstNames.GetItemNr(cname) != -1) { C4Value v; ENSURE_COND(ScriptEngine.GetGlobalConstant(cname, &v), "internal error: global constant not retrievable"); switch (v.GetType()) { case C4V_Nil: AddBCC(n->loc, AB_NIL); break; case C4V_Int: AddBCC(n->loc, AB_INT, v._getInt()); break; case C4V_Bool: AddBCC(n->loc, AB_BOOL, v._getBool()); break; case C4V_PropList: AddBCC(n->loc, AB_CPROPLIST, reinterpret_cast(v._getPropList())); break; case C4V_String: AddBCC(n->loc, AB_STRING, reinterpret_cast(v._getStr())); break; case C4V_Array: AddBCC(n->loc, AB_CARRAY, reinterpret_cast(v._getArray())); break; case C4V_Function: AddBCC(n->loc, AB_CFUNCTION, reinterpret_cast(v._getFunction())); default: AddBCC(n->loc, AB_NIL); throw Error(target_host, host, n, Fn, "internal error: global constant of unexpected type: %s (of type %s)", cname, v.GetTypeName()); } type_of_stack_top = v.GetType(); } else { AddBCC(n->loc, AB_NIL); throw Error(target_host, host, n, Fn, "symbol not found in any symbol table: %s", cname); } } void C4AulCompiler::CodegenAstVisitor::visit(const ::aul::ast::UnOpExpr *n) { StackGuard g(this, 1); n->operand->accept(this); const auto &op = C4ScriptOpMap[n->op]; if (op.Changer) { C4AulBCC setter = MakeSetter(n->loc, true); AddBCC(n->loc, op.Code, 0); AddBCC(n->loc, setter); // On postfix inc/dec, regenerate the previous value if (op.Postfix && (op.Code == AB_Inc || op.Code == AB_Dec)) { AddBCC(n->loc, op.Code == AB_Inc ? AB_Dec : AB_Inc, 1); } } else { AddBCC(n->loc, op.Code); } type_of_stack_top = op.RetType; } void C4AulCompiler::CodegenAstVisitor::visit(const ::aul::ast::BinOpExpr *n) { StackGuard g(this, 1); SafeVisit(n->lhs); const auto &op = C4ScriptOpMap[n->op]; if (op.Code == AB_JUMPAND || op.Code == AB_JUMPOR || op.Code == AB_JUMPNNIL) { // Short-circuiting operators. These are slightly more complex // because we don't want to evaluate their rhs operand when the // lhs one already decided the result int jump = AddBCC(n->loc, op.Code); SafeVisit(n->rhs); UpdateJump(jump, AddJumpTarget()); } else if (op.Changer) { try { C4AulBCC setter = MakeSetter(n->loc, true); SafeVisit(n->rhs); AddBCC(n->loc, op.Code); AddBCC(n->loc, setter); } catch (C4AulParseError &e) { HandleError(e); } } else { SafeVisit(n->rhs); AddBCC(n->loc, op.Code, 0); } type_of_stack_top = op.RetType; } void C4AulCompiler::CodegenAstVisitor::visit(const ::aul::ast::AssignmentExpr *n) { StackGuard g(this, 1); SafeVisit(n->lhs); try { C4AulBCC setter = MakeSetter(n->loc, false); SafeVisit(n->rhs); AddBCC(n->loc, setter); } catch (C4AulParseError &e) { HandleError(e); } // Assignment does not change the type of the variable } void C4AulCompiler::CodegenAstVisitor::visit(const ::aul::ast::SubscriptExpr *n) { StackGuard g(this, 1); SafeVisit(n->object); SafeVisit(n->index); AddBCC(n->loc, AB_ARRAYA); // FIXME: Check if the subscripted object is a literal and if so, retrieve type type_of_stack_top = C4V_Any; } void C4AulCompiler::CodegenAstVisitor::visit(const ::aul::ast::SliceExpr *n) { StackGuard g(this, 1); SafeVisit(n->object); SafeVisit(n->start); SafeVisit(n->end); AddBCC(n->loc, AB_ARRAY_SLICE); type_of_stack_top = C4V_Array; } void C4AulCompiler::CodegenAstVisitor::visit(const ::aul::ast::CallExpr *n) { const char *cname = n->callee.c_str(); if (n->callee == C4AUL_DebugBreak) { if (n->context) throw Error(target_host, host, n, Fn, "\"%s\" can't be called in a different context", cname); if (!n->args.empty()) throw Error(target_host, host, n, Fn, "\"%s\" must not have any arguments", cname); AddBCC(n->loc, AB_DEBUG); // Add a pseudo-nil to keep the stack balanced AddBCC(n->loc, AB_NIL); type_of_stack_top = C4V_Nil; return; } if (n->callee == C4AUL_Inherited || n->callee == C4AUL_SafeInherited) { // inherited can only be called within the same context if (n->context) { throw Error(target_host, host, n, Fn, "\"%s\" can't be called in a different context", cname); } } if (n->callee == C4AUL_Inherited && !Fn->OwnerOverloaded) { throw Error(target_host, host, n, Fn, "inherited function not found (use " C4AUL_SafeInherited " to disable this message)"); } const auto pre_call_stack = stack_height; if (n->context) SafeVisit(n->context); std::vector known_par_types; known_par_types.reserve(n->args.size()); for (const auto &arg : n->args) { SafeVisit(arg); known_par_types.push_back(type_of_stack_top); } C4AulFunc *callee = nullptr; // Special handling for the overload chain if (n->callee == C4AUL_Inherited || n->callee == C4AUL_SafeInherited) { callee = Fn->OwnerOverloaded; } size_t fn_argc = C4AUL_MAX_Par; if (!n->context) { // if this is a function without explicit context, we resolve it if (!callee) callee = Fn->Parent->GetFunc(cname); if (!callee && target_host) callee = target_host->Engine->GetFunc(cname); if (callee) { fn_argc = callee->GetParCount(); } else { // pop all args off the stack if (!n->args.empty()) AddBCC(n->loc, AB_STACK, -(intptr_t)n->args.size()); // and "return" nil AddBCC(n->loc, AB_NIL); type_of_stack_top = C4V_Nil; if (n->callee != C4AUL_SafeInherited) { HandleError(Error(target_host, host, n, Fn, "called function not found: %s", cname)); } return; } } if (n->args.size() > fn_argc) { // Pop off any args that are over the limit Warn(target_host, host, n->args[fn_argc].get(), Fn, "call to %s passes %zu parameters, of which only %zu are used", cname, n->args.size(), fn_argc); AddBCC(n->loc, AB_STACK, fn_argc - n->args.size()); } else if (n->args.size() < fn_argc) { if (n->append_unnamed_pars) { assert(Fn->GetParCount() == C4AUL_MAX_Par); int missing_par_count = fn_argc - n->args.size(); int available_par_count = Fn->GetParCount() - Fn->ParNamed.iSize; for (int i = 0; i < std::min(missing_par_count, available_par_count); ++i) { AddVarAccess(n->loc, AB_DUP, -Fn->GetParCount() + Fn->ParNamed.iSize + i); } // Fill up remaining, unsettable parameters with nil if (available_par_count < missing_par_count) AddBCC(n->loc, AB_STACK, missing_par_count - available_par_count); } else if (fn_argc > n->args.size()) { // Add nil for each missing parameter AddBCC(n->loc, AB_STACK, fn_argc - n->args.size()); } } // Check passed parameters for this call (as far as possible) std::vector expected_par_types; if (n->context) { AddBCC(n->loc, n->safe_call ? AB_CALLFS : AB_CALL, (intptr_t)::Strings.RegString(cname)); // Since we don't know the context in which this call will happen at // runtime, we'll check whether all available functions with the same // name agree on their parameters. const C4AulFunc *candidate = target_host ? target_host->Engine->GetFirstFunc(cname) : nullptr; if (candidate) { expected_par_types.assign(candidate->GetParType(), candidate->GetParType() + candidate->GetParCount()); while ((candidate = target_host->Engine->GetNextSNFunc(candidate)) != nullptr) { if (candidate->GetParCount() > expected_par_types.size()) { expected_par_types.resize(candidate->GetParCount(), C4V_Any); } for (size_t i = 0; i < expected_par_types.size(); ++i) { C4V_Type a = expected_par_types[i]; C4V_Type b = candidate->GetParType()[i]; // If we can convert one of the types into the other // without a warning, use the wider one bool implicit_a_to_b = !C4Value::WarnAboutConversion(a, b); bool implicit_b_to_a = !C4Value::WarnAboutConversion(b, a); if (implicit_a_to_b && !implicit_b_to_a) expected_par_types[i] = b; else if (implicit_b_to_a && !implicit_a_to_b) expected_par_types[i] = a; // but if we can convert neither of the types into the // other, give up and assume the user will do the right // thing else if (!implicit_a_to_b && !implicit_b_to_a) expected_par_types[i] = C4V_Any; } } } type_of_stack_top = C4V_Any; } else { assert(callee); AddBCC(n->loc, AB_FUNC, (intptr_t)callee); expected_par_types.assign(callee->GetParType(), callee->GetParType() + callee->GetParCount()); type_of_stack_top = callee->GetRetType(); } // Check parameters for (size_t i = 0; i < std::min(known_par_types.size(), expected_par_types.size()); ++i) { C4V_Type from = known_par_types[i]; C4V_Type to = expected_par_types[i]; if (C4Value::WarnAboutConversion(from, to)) { Warn(target_host, host, n->args[i].get(), Fn, "parameter %zu of %s is %s (%s expected)", i, cname, GetC4VName(from), GetC4VName(to)); } } // We leave one value (the return value) on the stack assert(pre_call_stack + 1 == stack_height); } void C4AulCompiler::CodegenAstVisitor::visit(const ::aul::ast::ParExpr *n) { StackGuard g(this, 1); SafeVisit(n->arg); AddBCC(n->loc, AB_PAR); type_of_stack_top = C4V_Any; } void C4AulCompiler::CodegenAstVisitor::visit(const ::aul::ast::Block *n) { for (const auto &s : n->children) { StackGuard g(this, 0); if (SafeVisit(s)) { // If the statement has left a stack value, pop it off MaybePopValueOf(s); } } } void C4AulCompiler::CodegenAstVisitor::visit(const ::aul::ast::Return *n) { StackGuard g(this, 0); SafeVisit(n->value); AddBCC(n->loc, AB_RETURN); } void C4AulCompiler::CodegenAstVisitor::visit(const ::aul::ast::ForLoop *n) { #if 0 // Bytecode arranged like this: // initializer // cond: condition // CONDN exit // body: body // incr: incrementor // JUMP cond // exit: // // continue jumps to incr // break jumps to exit if (n->init) { n->init->accept(this); MaybePopValueOf(n->init); } int cond = -1, condition_jump = -1; PushLoop(); if (n->cond) { cond = AddJumpTarget(); n->cond->accept(this); active_loops.top().breaks.push_back(AddBCC(n->cond->loc, AB_CONDN)); } int body = AddJumpTarget(); if (!n->cond) cond = body; n->body->accept(this); MaybePopValueOf(n->body); int incr = -1; if (n->incr) { incr = AddJumpTarget(); n->incr->accept(this); MaybePopValueOf(n->incr); } else { // If no incrementor exists, just jump straight to the condition incr = cond; } // start the next iteration of the loop AddJumpTo(AB_JUMP, cond); PopLoop(incr); #else // Bytecode arranged like this: // initializer // cond: condition // CONDN exit // JUMP body // incr: incrementor // JUMP cond // body: body // JUMP incr // exit: // // continue jumps to incr // break jumps to exit if (n->init) { if (SafeVisit(n->init)) MaybePopValueOf(n->init); } PushLoop(); int cond = AddJumpTarget(); if (n->cond) { SafeVisit(n->cond); active_loops.top().breaks.push_back(AddBCC(n->cond->loc, AB_CONDN)); } int incr = cond; if (n->incr) { int cond_jump = AddBCC(n->loc, AB_JUMP); incr = AddJumpTarget(); if (SafeVisit(n->incr)) MaybePopValueOf(n->incr); AddJumpTo(n->loc, AB_JUMP, cond); UpdateJump(cond_jump, AddJumpTarget()); } if (SafeVisit(n->body)) MaybePopValueOf(n->body); AddJumpTo(n->loc, AB_JUMP, incr); PopLoop(incr); #endif } void C4AulCompiler::CodegenAstVisitor::visit(const ::aul::ast::RangeLoop *n) { // Bytecode arranged like this: // condition (aka iterated array) // INT 0 (the loop index variable) // cond: FOREACH_NEXT // JUMP exit // body: body // JUMP cond // exit: STACK -2 (to clean the iteration variables) // // continue jumps to cond // break jumps to exit const char *cname = n->var.c_str(); int var_id = Fn->VarNamed.GetItemNr(cname); assert(var_id != -1 && "CodegenAstVisitor: unable to find variable in foreach"); if (var_id == -1) throw Error(target_host, host, n, Fn, "internal error: unable to find variable in foreach: %s", cname); // Emit code for array SafeVisit(n->cond); // Emit code for iteration AddBCC(n->loc, AB_INT, 0); int cond = AddJumpTarget(); PushLoop(); AddVarAccess(n->loc, AB_FOREACH_NEXT, var_id); AddLoopControl(n->loc, Loop::Control::Break); // Will be skipped by AB_FOREACH_NEXT as long as more entries exist // Emit body if (SafeVisit(n->body)) MaybePopValueOf(n->body); // continue starts the next iteration of the loop AddLoopControl(n->loc, Loop::Control::Continue); PopLoop(cond); // Pop off iterator and array AddBCC(n->loc, AB_STACK, -2); } void C4AulCompiler::CodegenAstVisitor::EmitFunctionCode(const ::aul::ast::Function *f, const ::aul::ast::Node *n) { assert(Fn != nullptr); Fn->ClearCode(); // Reserve var stack space if (Fn->VarNamed.iSize > 0) AddBCC(n->loc, AB_STACK, Fn->VarNamed.iSize); stack_height = 0; try { f->body->accept(this); } catch (C4AulParseError &e) { AddBCC(nullptr, AB_ERR, (intptr_t)::Strings.RegString(e.what())); throw; } if (f->body->children.empty() || !dynamic_cast<::aul::ast::Return*>(f->body->children.rbegin()->get())) { // If the last statement isn't a return, add one to the byte // code. We're not doing CFA because the worst thing that might // happen is we insert two instructions that never get executed. AddBCC(n->loc, AB_NIL); AddBCC(n->loc, AB_RETURN); } Fn->DumpByteCode(); // This instruction should never be reached but we'll add it just in // case. AddBCC(n->loc, AB_EOFN); assert(stack_height == 0); } void C4AulCompiler::CodegenAstVisitor::visit(const ::aul::ast::DoLoop *n) { int body = AddJumpTarget(); PushLoop(); if (SafeVisit(n->body)) MaybePopValueOf(n->body); int cond = AddJumpTarget(); SafeVisit(n->cond); AddJumpTo(n->loc, AB_COND, body); PopLoop(cond); } void C4AulCompiler::CodegenAstVisitor::visit(const ::aul::ast::WhileLoop *n) { int cond = AddJumpTarget(); PushLoop(); SafeVisit(n->cond); active_loops.top().breaks.push_back(AddBCC(n->cond->loc, AB_CONDN)); if (SafeVisit(n->body)) MaybePopValueOf(n->body); // continue starts the next iteration of the loop AddLoopControl(n->loc, Loop::Control::Continue); PopLoop(cond); } void C4AulCompiler::CodegenAstVisitor::visit(const ::aul::ast::Break *n) { ENSURE_COND(!active_loops.empty(), "'break' outside loop"); AddLoopControl(n->loc, Loop::Control::Break); } void C4AulCompiler::CodegenAstVisitor::visit(const ::aul::ast::Continue *n) { ENSURE_COND(!active_loops.empty(), "'continue' outside loop"); AddLoopControl(n->loc, Loop::Control::Continue); } void C4AulCompiler::CodegenAstVisitor::visit(const ::aul::ast::If *n) { SafeVisit(n->cond); int jump = AddBCC(n->loc, AB_CONDN); if (SafeVisit(n->iftrue)) MaybePopValueOf(n->iftrue); if (n->iffalse) { int jumpout = AddBCC(n->loc, AB_JUMP); UpdateJump(jump, AddJumpTarget()); jump = jumpout; if (SafeVisit(n->iffalse)) MaybePopValueOf(n->iffalse); } UpdateJump(jump, AddJumpTarget()); } void C4AulCompiler::CodegenAstVisitor::visit(const ::aul::ast::VarDecl *n) { for (const auto &dec : n->decls) { const char *cname = dec.name.c_str(); switch (n->scope) { case ::aul::ast::VarDecl::Scope::Func: if (dec.init) { // Emit code for the initializer SafeVisit(dec.init); int var_idx = Fn->VarNamed.GetItemNr(cname); assert(var_idx >= 0 && "CodegenAstVisitor: var not found in variable table"); if (var_idx < 0) { AddBCC(n->loc, AB_STACK, -1); throw Error(target_host, host, n, Fn, "internal error: var not found in variable table: %s", cname); } AddVarAccess(n->loc, AB_POP_TO, var_idx); } break; case ::aul::ast::VarDecl::Scope::Object: case ::aul::ast::VarDecl::Scope::Global: // Object-local and global constants are handled by ConstantResolver. break; } } } void C4AulCompiler::CodegenAstVisitor::visit(const ::aul::ast::FunctionDecl *n) { assert(!Fn && "CodegenAstVisitor: function declaration encountered within active function"); if (Fn) throw Error(target_host, host, n, Fn, "internal error: function declaration for '%s' encountered within active function", n->name.c_str()); C4PropListStatic *Parent = n->is_global ? target_host->Engine->GetPropList() : target_host->GetPropList(); C4String *name = ::Strings.FindString(n->name.c_str()); C4AulFunc *f = Parent->GetFunc(name); while (f) { if (f->SFunc() && f->SFunc()->pOrgScript == host && f->Parent == Parent) { if (Fn) Warn(target_host, host, n, Fn, "function declared multiple times"); Fn = f->SFunc(); } f = f->SFunc() ? f->SFunc()->OwnerOverloaded : 0; } if (!Fn && Parent->HasProperty(name)) { throw Error(target_host, host, n, Fn, "declaration of '%s': cannot override local variable via 'func %s'", n->name.c_str(), n->name.c_str()); } assert(Fn && "CodegenAstVisitor: unable to find function definition"); if (!Fn) throw Error(target_host, host, n, Fn, "internal error: unable to find function definition for %s", n->name.c_str()); // If this isn't a global function, but there is a global one with // the same name, and this function isn't overloading a different // one, add the global function to the overload chain if (!n->is_global && !Fn->OwnerOverloaded) { C4AulFunc *global_parent = target_host->Engine->GetFunc(Fn->GetName()); if (global_parent) Fn->SetOverloaded(global_parent); } try { EmitFunctionCode(n); Fn = nullptr; } catch (...) { Fn = nullptr; throw; } } void C4AulCompiler::CodegenAstVisitor::visit(const::aul::ast::FunctionExpr * n) { AddBCC(n->loc, AB_NIL); throw Error(target_host, host, n, Fn, "can't define a function in a function-scoped proplist"); } void C4AulCompiler::CodegenAstVisitor::visit(const::aul::ast::Script * n) { for (const auto &d : n->declarations) { SafeVisit(d); } } #undef ENSURE_COND #define ENSURE_COND(cond, failmsg) do { if (!(cond)) throw Error(host, host, n, nullptr, failmsg); } while (0) // Evaluates constant AST subtrees and returns the final C4Value. // Throws ExpressionNotConstant if evaluation fails. C4Value C4AulCompiler::ConstexprEvaluator::eval(C4ScriptHost *host, const ::aul::ast::Expr *e, EvalFlags flags) { ConstexprEvaluator ce(host); ce.ignore_unset_values = (flags & IgnoreUnset) == IgnoreUnset; try { e->accept(&ce); return ce.v; } catch (C4AulParseError &e) { if ((flags & SuppressErrors) == 0) host->Engine->ErrorHandler->OnError(e.what()); return C4VNull; } } C4Value C4AulCompiler::ConstexprEvaluator::eval_static(C4ScriptHost *host, C4PropListStatic *parent, const std::string &parent_key, const ::aul::ast::Expr *e, EvalFlags flags) { ConstexprEvaluator ce(host); ce.proplist_magic = ConstexprEvaluator::ProplistMagic{ true, parent, parent_key }; ce.ignore_unset_values = (flags & IgnoreUnset) == IgnoreUnset; try { e->accept(&ce); return ce.v; } catch (C4AulParseError &e) { if ((flags & SuppressErrors) == 0) host->Engine->ErrorHandler->OnError(e.what()); return C4VNull; } } void C4AulCompiler::ConstexprEvaluator::visit(const ::aul::ast::StringLit *n) { v = C4VString(n->value.c_str()); } void C4AulCompiler::ConstexprEvaluator::visit(const ::aul::ast::IntLit *n) { v = C4VInt(n->value); } void C4AulCompiler::ConstexprEvaluator::visit(const ::aul::ast::BoolLit *n) { v = C4VBool(n->value); } void C4AulCompiler::ConstexprEvaluator::visit(const ::aul::ast::ArrayLit *n) { auto a = std::make_unique(n->values.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < n->values.size(); ++i) { n->values[i]->accept(this); a->SetItem(i, v); } v = C4VArray(a.release()); } void C4AulCompiler::ConstexprEvaluator::visit(const ::aul::ast::ProplistLit *n) { std::unique_ptr new_proplist; C4PropList *p = nullptr; bool first_pass = true; if (proplist_magic.active) { // Check if there's already a proplist available C4String *key = ::Strings.RegString(proplist_magic.key.c_str()); C4Value old; if (proplist_magic.parent) { proplist_magic.parent->GetPropertyByS(key, &old); } else { // If proplist_magic.parent is nullptr, we're handling a global constant. host->Engine->GetGlobalConstant(key->GetCStr(), &old); } if (old.getPropList()) { p = old.getPropList(); first_pass = false; } else { p = C4PropList::NewStatic(nullptr, proplist_magic.parent, key); new_proplist.reset(p); } } else { p = C4PropList::New(); new_proplist.reset(p); } // Since the values may be functions that refer to other values in the // proplist, pre-populate the new proplist with dummy values until the // real ones are set if (first_pass) { for (const auto &kv : n->values) { p->SetPropertyByS(::Strings.RegString(kv.first.c_str()), C4VNull); } } auto saved_magic = std::move(proplist_magic); for (const auto &kv : n->values) { proplist_magic = ProplistMagic { saved_magic.active, p->IsStatic(), kv.first }; kv.second->accept(this); p->SetPropertyByS(::Strings.RegString(kv.first.c_str()), v); } proplist_magic = std::move(saved_magic); v = C4VPropList(p); new_proplist.release(); } void C4AulCompiler::ConstexprEvaluator::visit(const ::aul::ast::NilLit *) { v = C4VNull; } void C4AulCompiler::ConstexprEvaluator::visit(const ::aul::ast::ThisLit *n) { nonconst(n); } void C4AulCompiler::ConstexprEvaluator::visit(const ::aul::ast::VarExpr *n) { const char *cname = n->identifier.c_str(); C4String *interned = ::Strings.FindString(cname); if (interned && host->GetPropList()->GetPropertyByS(interned, &v)) return; if (host->Engine->GetGlobalConstant(cname, &v)) return; if (ignore_unset_values) { v = C4VNull; return; } nonconst(n); } void C4AulCompiler::ConstexprEvaluator::visit(const ::aul::ast::UnOpExpr *n) { n->operand->accept(this); assert(n->op > 0); const auto &op = C4ScriptOpMap[n->op]; if (op.Changer) nonconst(n); AssertValueType(v, op.Type1, op.Identifier, n); switch (op.Code) { case AB_BitNot: v.SetInt(~v._getInt()); break; case AB_Not: v.SetBool(!v.getBool()); break; case AB_Neg: v.SetInt(-v._getInt()); break; default: assert(!"ConstexprEvaluator: Unexpected unary operator"); throw Error(host, host, n, nullptr, "internal error: unary operator not found in operator table"); } } void C4AulCompiler::ConstexprEvaluator::visit(const ::aul::ast::BinOpExpr *n) { assert(n->op > 0); const auto &op = C4ScriptOpMap[n->op]; if (op.Changer) nonconst(n); n->lhs->accept(this); C4Value lhs = v; // Evaluate the short-circuiting operators here if ((op.Code == AB_JUMPAND && !lhs) || (op.Code == AB_JUMPOR && lhs) || (op.Code == AB_JUMPNNIL && lhs.GetType() != C4V_Nil)) { v = lhs; return; } n->rhs->accept(this); C4Value &rhs = v; AssertValueType(lhs, op.Type1, op.Identifier, n); AssertValueType(rhs, op.Type2, op.Identifier, n); switch (op.Code) { case AB_Pow: v.SetInt(Pow(lhs._getInt(), rhs._getInt())); break; case AB_Div: ENSURE_COND(rhs._getInt() != 0, "division by zero"); ENSURE_COND(lhs._getInt() != INT32_MIN || rhs._getInt() != -1, "division overflow"); v.SetInt(lhs._getInt() / rhs._getInt()); break; case AB_Mul: v.SetInt(lhs._getInt() * rhs._getInt()); break; case AB_Mod: ENSURE_COND(rhs._getInt() != 0, "division by zero"); ENSURE_COND(lhs._getInt() != INT32_MIN || rhs._getInt() != -1, "division overflow"); v.SetInt(lhs._getInt() / rhs._getInt()); break; #define INT_BINOP(code, op) case code: v.SetInt(lhs._getInt() op rhs._getInt()); break INT_BINOP(AB_Sum, +); INT_BINOP(AB_Sub, -); INT_BINOP(AB_LeftShift, << ); INT_BINOP(AB_RightShift, >> ); INT_BINOP(AB_BitAnd, &); INT_BINOP(AB_BitXOr, ^); INT_BINOP(AB_BitOr, | ); #undef INT_BINOP #define BOOL_BINOP(code, op) case code: v.SetBool(lhs._getInt() op rhs._getInt()); break BOOL_BINOP(AB_LessThan, <); BOOL_BINOP(AB_LessThanEqual, <= ); BOOL_BINOP(AB_GreaterThan, >); BOOL_BINOP(AB_GreaterThanEqual, >= ); #undef BOOL_BINOP case AB_Equal: v.SetBool(lhs.IsIdenticalTo(rhs)); break; case AB_NotEqual: v.SetBool(!lhs.IsIdenticalTo(rhs)); break; case AB_JUMPAND: case AB_JUMPOR: case AB_JUMPNNIL: // If we hit this, then the short-circuit above failed v = rhs; break; default: assert(!"ConstexprEvaluator: Unexpected binary operator"); throw Error(host, host, n, nullptr, "internal error: binary operator not found in operator table"); break; } } void C4AulCompiler::ConstexprEvaluator::visit(const ::aul::ast::AssignmentExpr *n) { nonconst(n); } void C4AulCompiler::ConstexprEvaluator::visit(const ::aul::ast::SubscriptExpr *n) { n->object->accept(this); C4Value obj = v; n->index->accept(this); C4Value &index = v; if (obj.CheckConversion(C4V_Array)) { ENSURE_COND(index.CheckConversion(C4V_Int), FormatString("array access: index of type %s, but expected int", index.GetTypeName()).getData()); v = obj.getArray()->GetItem(index.getInt()); } else if (obj.CheckConversion(C4V_PropList)) { ENSURE_COND(index.CheckConversion(C4V_String), FormatString("proplist access: index of type %s, but expected string", index.GetTypeName()).getData()); if (!obj.getPropList()->GetPropertyByS(index.getStr(), &v)) v.Set0(); } else { ENSURE_COND(false, FormatString("can't access %s as array or proplist", obj.GetTypeName()).getData()); } } void C4AulCompiler::ConstexprEvaluator::visit(const ::aul::ast::SliceExpr *n) { n->object->accept(this); C4Value obj = v; n->start->accept(this); C4Value start = v; n->end->accept(this); C4Value &end = v; ENSURE_COND(obj.CheckConversion(C4V_Array), FormatString("array slice: can't access %s as an array", obj.GetTypeName()).getData()); ENSURE_COND(start.CheckConversion(C4V_Int), FormatString("array slice: start index of type %s, int expected", start.GetTypeName()).getData()); ENSURE_COND(end.CheckConversion(C4V_Int), FormatString("array slice: end index of type %s, int expected", end.GetTypeName()).getData()); v.SetArray(obj.getArray()->GetSlice(start.getInt(), end.getInt())); } void C4AulCompiler::ConstexprEvaluator::visit(const ::aul::ast::CallExpr *n) { // TODO: allow side-effect-free calls here nonconst(n); } void C4AulCompiler::ConstexprEvaluator::visit(const ::aul::ast::FunctionExpr *n) { // Function expressions can only occur inside static proplists. ENSURE_COND(proplist_magic.active, "internal error: function expression outside of static proplist"); C4AulScriptFunc *sfunc = nullptr; bool first_pass = true; if (auto func = proplist_magic.parent->GetFunc(proplist_magic.key.c_str())) { sfunc = func->SFunc(); first_pass = false; } else { sfunc = new C4AulScriptFunc(proplist_magic.parent, host, proplist_magic.key.c_str(), n->loc); } ENSURE_COND(sfunc != nullptr, "internal error: function expression target resolved to non-function value"); if (first_pass) { for (const auto ¶m : n->params) { sfunc->AddPar(param.name.c_str()); } if (n->has_unnamed_params) sfunc->ParCount = C4AUL_MAX_Par; PreparseAstVisitor preparser(host, host, sfunc); preparser.visit(n->body.get()); } else { CodegenAstVisitor cg(sfunc); cg.EmitFunctionCode(n); } v.SetFunction(sfunc); } void C4AulCompiler::ConstantResolver::visit(const::aul::ast::Script *n) { for (const auto &d : n->declarations) { try { d->accept(this); } catch (C4AulParseError &e) { host->Engine->GetErrorHandler()->OnError(e.what()); } } } void C4AulCompiler::ConstantResolver::visit(const ::aul::ast::VarDecl *n) { const int quiet_flag = quiet ? ConstexprEvaluator::SuppressErrors : 0; for (const auto &dec : n->decls) { const char *cname = dec.name.c_str(); C4RefCntPointer name = ::Strings.RegString(cname); switch (n->scope) { case ::aul::ast::VarDecl::Scope::Func: // Function-scoped declarations and their initializers are handled by CodegenAstVisitor. break; case ::aul::ast::VarDecl::Scope::Object: if (!host->GetPropList()->HasProperty(name)) host->GetPropList()->SetPropertyByS(name, C4VNull); if (dec.init) { assert(host->GetPropList()->IsStatic()); try { C4Value v = ConstexprEvaluator::eval_static(host, host->GetPropList()->IsStatic(), dec.name, dec.init.get(), ConstexprEvaluator::IgnoreUnset | quiet_flag); host->GetPropList()->SetPropertyByS(name, v); } catch (C4AulParseError &e) { if (!quiet) host->Engine->ErrorHandler->OnError(e.what()); } } break; case ::aul::ast::VarDecl::Scope::Global: if ((dec.init != nullptr) != n->constant) { if (!quiet) host->Engine->ErrorHandler->OnError(Error(host, host, n->loc, nullptr, "global variable must be either constant or uninitialized: %s", cname).what()); } else if (dec.init) { try { assert(n->constant && "CodegenAstVisitor: initialized global variable isn't const"); C4Value *v = host->Engine->GlobalConsts.GetItem(cname); assert(v && "CodegenAstVisitor: global constant not found in variable table"); if (!v) throw Error(host, host, n->loc, nullptr, "internal error: global constant not found in variable table: %s", cname); *v = ConstexprEvaluator::eval_static(host, nullptr, dec.name, dec.init.get(), ConstexprEvaluator::IgnoreUnset | quiet_flag); } catch (C4AulParseError &e) { if (!quiet) host->Engine->ErrorHandler->OnError(e.what()); } } break; } } }