/** Dark Mine Dark caves with narrow connections set the stage for this battle. Every player only has a single clonk and no relaunches, so caution is needed. @author Maikel */ // Game modes. static const GAMEMODE_Deathmatch = 0; static const GAMEMODE_LastManStanding = 1; static const GAMEMODE_KingOfTheHill = 2; protected func Initialize() { // Goals and rules. if (SCENPAR_GameMode == GAMEMODE_Deathmatch) { CreateObject(Goal_DeathMatch); } else if (SCENPAR_GameMode == GAMEMODE_LastManStanding) { CreateObject(Goal_LastManStanding); GetRelaunchRule()->SetDefaultRelaunchCount(Max(SCENPAR_NrRelaunchesKills, 0)); } else if (SCENPAR_GameMode == GAMEMODE_KingOfTheHill) { var goal = CreateObject(Goal_KingOfTheHill, LandscapeWidth() / 2, LandscapeHeight() / 2); goal->SetRadius(72); goal->SetPointLimit(Max(SCENPAR_NrRelaunchesKills, 1)); GetRelaunchRule()->SetDefaultRelaunchCount(nil); } CreateObject(Rule_KillLogs); CreateObject(Rule_Gravestones); GetRelaunchRule() ->SetLastWeaponUse(false) ->SetFreeCrew(true) ->SetRespawnDelay(4); // Rescale cave coordinates with map zoom and shuffle them. var mapzoom = GetScenarioVal("MapZoom", "Landscape"); for (var cave in cave_list) { cave[0] *= mapzoom; cave[1] *= mapzoom; } ShuffleArray(cave_list); // Then add a nil entry at position one as a separator. PushFront(cave_list, nil); // Initialize different parts of the scenario. // Amount of things depends on the map size. var plr_cnt = GetStartupPlayerCount(); var map_size = BoundBy(120 + plr_cnt * 10, 140, 240); InitVegetation(map_size); InitMaterials(map_size); InitEnvironment(map_size); InitLorries(); return; } // Callback from the last man standing goal. protected func KillsToRelaunch() { // No relaunches awarded for kills. return 0; } // Callback from the deathmatch goal. public func WinKillCount() { return Max(SCENPAR_NrRelaunchesKills, 1); } public func RelaunchPosition(int plr) { return FindStartCave(plr, GetRelaunchRule()->GetPlayerRelaunchCount(plr) != SCENPAR_NrRelaunchesKills); } public func OnClonkLeftRelaunch(object clonk, int plr) { // Players start in a random small cave, the cave depends on whether it is a relaunch. var cave = [clonk->GetX(), clonk->GetY()]; for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) BlastFree(cave[0], cave[1], 13); // Players start with a shovel, a pickaxe and two firestones. clonk->CreateContents(Shovel); clonk->CreateContents(Pickaxe); // Better weapons after relaunching. if (GetRelaunchRule()->GetPlayerRelaunchCount(plr) != SCENPAR_NrRelaunchesKills) { clonk->CreateContents(Torch); clonk->CreateContents(Firestone, 2); } else { clonk->CreateContents(Lantern); clonk->CreateContents(Javelin); clonk->CreateContents(IronBomb); } // Set the zoom range to be standard low, but allow for zooming out // such that light sources a bit further away can be spotted. SetPlayerZoomByViewRange(plr, 300, nil, PLRZOOM_Direct); SetPlayerZoomByViewRange(plr, 600, nil, PLRZOOM_LimitMax); SetPlayerViewLock(plr, true); return; } // Finds a start cave which is furthest away from the center and from other already used start caves. private func FindStartCave(int plr, bool is_relaunch) { var wdt = LandscapeWidth() / 2; var hgt = LandscapeHeight() / 2; // Find the already used caves. var used_caves = []; var index_av; for (index_av = 0; index_av < GetLength(cave_list); index_av++) { if (cave_list[index_av] == nil) break; PushBack(used_caves, cave_list[index_av]); } // Then iterate over all still available caves and find the one furthest away from all other caves. var best_index; var max_dist = 0; for (var index = index_av + 1; index < GetLength(cave_list); index++) { var cave = cave_list[index]; // Also furthest away from center cave. var dist = Distance(cave[0], cave[1], wdt, hgt); // For a normal cave take distance to used caves, for a relaunch to alive clonks. if (!is_relaunch) { for (var comp_cave in used_caves) dist = Min(dist, Distance(cave[0], cave[1], comp_cave[0], comp_cave[1])); } else { for (var clonk in FindObjects(Find_OCF(OCF_CrewMember), Find_Not(Find_Owner(plr)))) dist = Min(dist, Distance(cave[0], cave[1], clonk->GetX(), clonk->GetY())); } if (dist > max_dist) { best_index = index; max_dist = dist; } } // If no cave has found, spawn in the large cave. if (best_index == nil) return [wdt, hgt]; // Determine found cave and move it in front of the separator if it is not a relaunch. var found_cave = cave_list[best_index]; if (!is_relaunch) { RemoveArrayIndex(cave_list, best_index); PushFront(cave_list, found_cave); } // Return the location of the found cave. return found_cave; } /*-- Scenario Initiliaztion --*/ private func InitVegetation(int map_size) { // Place some cave mushrooms for cover. LargeCaveMushroom->Place(map_size - 20, nil, { terraform = false }); // Some mushrooms to regain health. Mushroom->Place(map_size / 2); Fern->Place(map_size / 3); // Place some branches and trunks around the map. Branch->Place(map_size / 2); Trunk->Place(map_size / 4, nil, { size = [60, 80] }); return; } private func InitMaterials(int map_size) { // Some objects in the earth or rock material. PlaceObjects(Loam, map_size / 3, "Earth"); PlaceObjects(Firestone, map_size / 3, "Earth"); PlaceObjects(Dynamite, map_size / 5, "Earth"); PlaceObjects(DynamiteBox, map_size / 6, "Rock"); PlaceObjects(PowderKeg, map_size / 10, "Rock"); // Some pickaxes, shovels in the tunnels. for (var i = 0; i < map_size / 5; i++) { var loc = FindLocation(Loc_Tunnel(), Loc_Wall(CNAT_Bottom)); if (!loc) continue; CreateObjectAbove([Shovel, Pickaxe, GoldBar][Random(3)], loc.x, loc.y)->SetR(Random(360)); } return; } private func InitEnvironment(int map_size) { var wdt = LandscapeWidth(); var hgt = LandscapeHeight(); // Some lights in the main cave as a strategic element. for (var side = -1; side <= 1; side += 2) { // Both sides of the cave are lighted for all players. var torch = CreateObjectAbove(Torch, wdt / 2 + side * 50, hgt / 2 + 32); torch->AttachToWall(true); } return; } private func InitLorries() { var wdt = LandscapeWidth(); var hgt = LandscapeHeight(); // Create lorries at random small caves, but only for 2/3 of them. for (var index = GetLength(cave_list) - 1; index >= 2 * GetLength(cave_list) / 3; index--) { var cave = cave_list[index]; var lorry = CreateObjectAbove(Lorry, cave[0], cave[1]); // Basic objects which are in every lorry. lorry->CreateContents(Firestone, RandomX(4, 7)); lorry->CreateContents(Dynamite, RandomX(2, 4)); lorry->CreateContents(Loam, RandomX(2, 4)); // Objects which are only in half of the lorries. if (!Random(2)) lorry->CreateContents(DynamiteBox, RandomX(1, 2)); if (!Random(2)) lorry->CreateContents(Shield); if (!Random(2)) lorry->CreateContents(Torch, 2); // Objects which are only in one third of the lorries. if (!Random(3)) lorry->CreateContents(GrappleBow, RandomX(1, 2)); if (!Random(3)) lorry->CreateContents(Bread, RandomX(1, 2)); if (!Random(3)) { lorry->CreateContents(Bow); lorry->CreateContents([Arrow, FireArrow, FireArrow][Random(3)], 2); } // Objects which are only in one fifth of the lorries. if (!Random(5)) lorry->CreateContents(Javelin, RandomX(1, 2)); if (!Random(5)) lorry->CreateContents(Club, RandomX(1, 2)); if (!Random(5)) { var barrel = lorry->CreateContents(Barrel); barrel->PutLiquid("Water", Barrel->GetLiquidContainerMaxFillLevel()); } // Objects which are only in one eighth of the lorries. if (!Random(8)) lorry->CreateContents(IronBomb, RandomX(1, 2)); if (!Random(8)) lorry->CreateContents(Lantern, RandomX(1, 2)); if (!Random(8)) lorry->CreateContents(SmokeBomb, RandomX(1, 2)); if (!Random(8)) lorry->CreateContents(WallKit, 1); if (!Random(8)) { lorry->CreateContents(Blunderbuss); lorry->CreateContents(LeadBullet); } } // Create two lorries at the main cave. for (var side = -1; side <= 1; side += 2) { // Create lorry with useful tools and weapons. var lorry = CreateObjectAbove(Lorry, wdt / 2 + side * 50, hgt / 2 + 44); lorry->CreateContents(Bow, 2); lorry->CreateContents(BombArrow, 4); lorry->CreateContents(Boompack, 2); lorry->CreateContents(PowderKeg, 2); lorry->CreateContents(TeleGlove, 1); lorry->CreateContents(WindBag, 1); lorry->CreateContents(GrenadeLauncher); lorry->CreateContents(IronBomb, 4); lorry->CreateContents(Lantern, 2); lorry->CreateContents(SmokeBomb, 2); } return; }