/*-- Creation.c Authors: Ringwaul, Tyron Creation of objects, particles or PSX. --*/ // Creates amount objects of type id inside the indicated rectangle(optional) in the indicated material. // Returns the number of iterations needed, or -1 when the placement failed. global func PlaceObjects(id id, int amount, string mat_str, int x, int y, int wdt, int hgt, bool onsf, bool nostuck) { var i, j; var rndx, rndy, obj; var mat; var objhgt = id->GetDefCoreVal("Height", "DefCore"); mat = Material(mat_str); // Some failsavety. if (mat == -1) if (mat_str != "GBackSolid" && mat_str != "GBackSemiSolid" && mat_str != "GBackLiquid" && mat_str != "GBackSky") return -1; // Optional parameters wdt and hgt. if (!wdt) wdt = LandscapeWidth() - x - GetX(); if (!hgt) hgt = LandscapeHeight() - y - GetY(); // Cycle-saving method. if (mat != -1) while (i < amount) { // If there's isn't any or not enough of the given material, break before it gets an endless loop. if (j++ > 20000) return -1; // Destinated rectangle. rndx = x + Random(wdt); rndy = y + Random(hgt); // Positioning. if (GetMaterial(rndx, rndy) == mat) { // On-surface option. if (onsf) while (GBackSemiSolid(rndx, rndy) && rndy >= y) rndy--; if (rndy < y) continue; // Create and verify stuckness. obj = CreateObjectAbove(id, rndx, rndy + objhgt / 2, NO_OWNER); obj->SetR(Random(360)); if (obj->Stuck() || nostuck) i++; else obj->RemoveObject(); } } if (mat == -1) while (i < amount) { // If there's isn't any or not enough of the given material, break before it gets an endless loop. if (j++ > 20000) return -1; // Destinated rectangle. rndx = x + Random(wdt); rndy = y + Random(hgt); // Positioning. if (eval(Format("%s(%d,%d)", mat_str, rndx, rndy))) { // On-surface Option. if (onsf) while (GBackSemiSolid(rndx, rndy) && rndy >= y) rndy--; if (rndy < y) continue; // Create and verify stuckness. obj = CreateObjectAbove(id, rndx, rndy + objhgt / 2, NO_OWNER); obj->SetR(Random(360)); if (obj->Stuck() || nostuck) i++; else obj->RemoveObject(); } } return j; } global func CastObjects(id def, int am, int lev, int x, int y, int angs, int angw) { var objects = []; var objects_index = 0; if (!angw) angw = 360; for (var i = 0; i < am; i++) { var obj = CreateObjectAbove(def, x, y); // Some objects might directly remove themselves on creation. if (!obj) continue; var ang = angs - 90 + RandomX(-angw / 2, angw / 2); var xdir = Cos(ang, lev) + RandomX(-3, 3); obj->SetR(Random(360)); obj->SetXDir(xdir); obj->SetYDir(Sin(ang, lev) + RandomX(-3, 3)); if(xdir != 0) obj->SetRDir((10 + Random(21)) * (xdir / Abs(xdir))); else obj->SetRDir(-10 + Random(21)); objects[objects_index++] = obj; } return objects; } global func CastPXS(string mat, int am, int lev, int x, int y, int angs, int angw) { if (!angw) angw = 360; for (var i = 0; i < am; i++) { var ang = angs - 90 + RandomX(-angw / 2, angw / 2); InsertMaterial(Material(mat), x, y, Cos(ang, lev) + RandomX(-3, 3), Sin(ang, lev) + RandomX(-3, 3)); } return; } global func DrawParticleLine(string particle, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int prtdist, xdir, ydir, lifetime, proplist properties) { // Right parameters? if (!properties) return 0; // Calculate required number of particles. var prtnum = Max(Distance(x0, y0, x1, y1) / prtdist, 2); var i = prtnum; // Create particles. while (i >= 0) { var i1, i2, b; i2 = i * 256 / prtnum; i1 = 256 - i2; CreateParticle(particle, x0 + (x1 - x0) * i / prtnum, y0 + (y1 - y0) * i-- / prtnum, xdir, ydir, lifetime, properties, 1); } // Succes, return number of created particles. return prtnum; } /** Place a nice shaped forest. If no area is given, the whole landscape is used (which is not recommended!). @param plants An array containing all plants that should be in the forest. plants[0] is the main plant, the others will be randomly scattered throughout the forest. @param x The starting X-coordinate of the forest. @param y The lowest line at which to start placing plants. Level ground is determined automatically, goind upwards. @param width The width of the forest @param foreground Will roughly make every third instance of plants[0] foreground */ global func PlaceForest(array plants, int x, int y, int width, bool foreground) { // Parameter check if (GetLength(plants) == 0) return; if (!x) x = 0; if (!y) y = LandscapeHeight(); if (!width) width = LandscapeWidth(); if (this) { x = AbsX(x); y = AbsY(y); } // Roughly 20% of the size (10% per side) are taken for 'forest ending zones'. Plants will be smaller there. var end_zone = width * 10 / 100; // The width of the standard plants will roughly be the measure for our plant size var plant_size = plants[0]->GetDefWidth()/2; var growth, y_pos, plant, x_variance, variance = 0, count, j, spot; for (var i = plant_size; i < width; i += plant_size) { growth = 100; y_pos = y; x_variance = RandomX(-plant_size/2, plant_size/2); // End zone check if (i < end_zone) growth = BoundBy(90 / ((end_zone * 100 / plant_size)/100) * (i/plant_size), 10, 90); else if (i > width - end_zone) growth = BoundBy(90 / ((end_zone * 100 / plant_size)/100) * ((width-i)/plant_size), 10, 90); else if (!Random(10) && GetLength(plants) > 1) { variance = Random(GetLength(plants)-1)+1; // Scatter some other plants count = RandomX(2, 4); for (j = 0; j < count; j++) { spot = (plant_size*2 / count) * j + RandomX(-5,5) - plant_size; y_pos = y; if (!GBackSolid(x + i + spot, y_pos)) continue; while (!GBackSky(x + i + spot, y_pos) && y_pos > 0) y_pos--; if (y_pos == 0) continue; plant = CreateObjectAbove(plants[variance], x + i + spot, y_pos+5, NO_OWNER); } continue; } // No ground at y_pos? if (!GBackSolid(x + i + x_variance, y_pos)) continue; // Get level ground while (!GBackSky(x + i + x_variance, y_pos) && y_pos > 0) y_pos--; if (y_pos == 0) continue; plant = CreateObjectAbove(plants[0], x + i + x_variance, y_pos+5, NO_OWNER); plant->SetCon(growth); if (foreground && !Random(3)) plant.Plane = 510; // Every ~7th plant: double plant! if (x_variance != 0 && !Random(7)) { y_pos = y; if (!GBackSolid(x + i - x_variance, y_pos)) continue; while (!GBackSky(x + i - x_variance, y_pos) && y_pos > 0) y_pos--; if (y_pos == 0) continue; plant = CreateObjectAbove(plants[0], x + i - x_variance, y_pos+5, NO_OWNER); plant->SetCon(growth); if (foreground && !Random(3)) plant.Plane = 510; } } }